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Irrelevant to his point...


Cutler made his bed here, he's got to sleep in it. If it were McMahon, no one would mind and it'd have been entertaining. Winning allows for that... Look at what Brady and Rodgers can "get away with" as being emotional leaders when they throw their hissy fits...


a comparison to mcmahon and winning? shirley you jest.


continuity WITH very good talent goes a long, long way. comparing the two QB's is like comparing peas to watermelons even if they are both green on the outside.


mcmahon drafted in 82: a very good quarterback in his own right but... jim finks/vanesi prior to and after his arrival procured an EXCELLENT group of talent for the offensive line. dick stanfel the offensive line coach at that time was very good plus ed hughes their offensive coordinator molded a group of talent into a historically good unit that ran up to and past the superbowl year. (yet more continuity here with our offensive coaches).


with the exception of thayer (becker was the RG that worked with that unit until 85 when thayer was drafted and took over) they had all played together three + years since 1983. there was also depth behind these linemen who were aging starters or at least decent backups.


let's add to that offensive line the best running back in the history of the NFL who was a EXCELLENT blocking running back, mat suhey who was an EXCELLENT blocking FB who could also run the ball very well, a very good blocking TE in moorhead who could also catch. all of which had played together since before mcmahon showed up.


the bears record during this time of mcmahon's tenure:

82 his rookie season - 3 and 6 - with an offense ranked in the 20's - ranked 9th in league for INT's

83 - 8-8 - ranked overall 12th in points and 5th in yards - ranked 11th in league for INT's

84 - 10-6 a top 10 offense - ranked 4th in league for INT's

85 - 15-1 - the number one offense - ranked 6th in league for INT's


that's 3 years with very good talent around mcmahon before he had a winning record and three years before he broke into the top 10 offenses. why you ask? talent and continuity. all of this with one of the best run offenses in the league ranked in the top five each of those 3 years who ALSO became much better due to their offensive line compared to years past along with the fact the qb was light years better than what we previously had.


NOTE: having the BEST defense in the history of the NFL goes a long way also and can NOT be discounted when comparing these offenses.


cutler: a good to good + QB


i'm certainly not going to go into the entire cutler menagerie. the information, records and stats are out there to find if you want to spend the time to do it.


we knew what he was before we traded for him, or at least we SHOULD have. the faults along with the good.


we essentially destroyed what career he had, if any, by incompetence... poor management, coaching and very poor talent surrounding him. so to compare him to mcmahon is not even in the ballpark of reality. in my opinion we did to him what the texans did to carr. they beat him to a pulp so bad that he never recovered from it and never will.


is it time for him to be replaced? the answer is absolutely yes. find that rookie or free agent and groom them behind cutler till they are ready next season.



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a comparison to mcmahon and winning? shirley you jest.


continuity WITH very good talent goes a long, long way. comparing the two QB's is like comparing peas to watermelons even if they are both green on the outside.


mcmahon drafted in 82: a very good quarterback in his own right but... jim finks/vanesi prior to and after his arrival procured an EXCELLENT group of talent for the offensive line. dick stanfel the offensive line coach at that time was very good plus ed hughes their offensive coordinator molded a group of talent into a historically good unit that ran up to and past the superbowl year. (yet more continuity here with our offensive coaches).


with the exception of thayer (becker was the RG that worked with that unit until 85 when thayer was drafted and took over) they had all played together three + years since 1983. there was also depth behind these linemen who were aging starters or at least decent backups.


let's add to that offensive line the best running back in the history of the NFL who was a EXCELLENT blocking running back, mat suhey who was an EXCELLENT blocking FB who could also run the ball very well, a very good blocking TE in moorhead who could also catch. all of which had played together since before mcmahon showed up.


the bears record during this time of mcmahon's tenure:

82 his rookie season - 3 and 6 - with an offense ranked in the 20's - ranked 9th in league for INT's

83 - 8-8 - ranked overall 12th in points and 5th in yards - ranked 11th in league for INT's

84 - 10-6 a top 10 offense - ranked 4th in league for INT's

85 - 15-1 - the number one offense - ranked 6th in league for INT's


that's 3 years with very good talent around mcmahon before he had a winning record and three years before he broke into the top 10 offenses. why you ask? talent and continuity. all of this with one of the best run offenses in the league ranked in the top five each of those 3 years who ALSO became much better due to their offensive line compared to years past along with the fact the qb was light years better than what we previously had.


NOTE: having the BEST defense in the history of the NFL goes a long way also and can NOT be discounted when comparing these offenses.


cutler: a good to good + QB


i'm certainly not going to go into the entire cutler menagerie. the information, records and stats are out there to find if you want to spend the time to do it.


we knew what he was before we traded for him, or at least we SHOULD have. the faults along with the good.


we essentially destroyed what career he had, if any, by incompetence... poor management, coaching and very poor talent surrounding him. so to compare him to mcmahon is not even in the ballpark of reality. in my opinion we did to him what the texans did to carr. they beat him to a pulp so bad that he never recovered from it and never will.


is it time for him to be replaced? the answer is absolutely yes. find that rookie or free agent and groom them behind cutler till they are ready next season.

Well said!

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No argument w/ your argument...


FYI - My comparison to McMahon was simply perception and fan/media bias related. Not actual talent level. The crux was that regardless of how or why, winning masks just about any potential "dislike" of a player.


a comparison to mcmahon and winning? shirley you jest.


continuity WITH very good talent goes a long, long way. comparing the two QB's is like comparing peas to watermelons even if they are both green on the outside.


mcmahon drafted in 82: a very good quarterback in his own right but... jim finks/vanesi prior to and after his arrival procured an EXCELLENT group of talent for the offensive line. dick stanfel the offensive line coach at that time was very good plus ed hughes their offensive coordinator molded a group of talent into a historically good unit that ran up to and past the superbowl year. (yet more continuity here with our offensive coaches).


with the exception of thayer (becker was the RG that worked with that unit until 85 when thayer was drafted and took over) they had all played together three + years since 1983. there was also depth behind these linemen who were aging starters or at least decent backups.


let's add to that offensive line the best running back in the history of the NFL who was a EXCELLENT blocking running back, mat suhey who was an EXCELLENT blocking FB who could also run the ball very well, a very good blocking TE in moorhead who could also catch. all of which had played together since before mcmahon showed up.


the bears record during this time of mcmahon's tenure:

82 his rookie season - 3 and 6 - with an offense ranked in the 20's - ranked 9th in league for INT's

83 - 8-8 - ranked overall 12th in points and 5th in yards - ranked 11th in league for INT's

84 - 10-6 a top 10 offense - ranked 4th in league for INT's

85 - 15-1 - the number one offense - ranked 6th in league for INT's


that's 3 years with very good talent around mcmahon before he had a winning record and three years before he broke into the top 10 offenses. why you ask? talent and continuity. all of this with one of the best run offenses in the league ranked in the top five each of those 3 years who ALSO became much better due to their offensive line compared to years past along with the fact the qb was light years better than what we previously had.


NOTE: having the BEST defense in the history of the NFL goes a long way also and can NOT be discounted when comparing these offenses.


cutler: a good to good + QB


i'm certainly not going to go into the entire cutler menagerie. the information, records and stats are out there to find if you want to spend the time to do it.


we knew what he was before we traded for him, or at least we SHOULD have. the faults along with the good.


we essentially destroyed what career he had, if any, by incompetence... poor management, coaching and very poor talent surrounding him. so to compare him to mcmahon is not even in the ballpark of reality. in my opinion we did to him what the texans did to carr. they beat him to a pulp so bad that he never recovered from it and never will.


is it time for him to be replaced? the answer is absolutely yes. find that rookie or free agent and groom them behind cutler till they are ready next season.


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