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Cutler to IR


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I guess Fox was full of it again when he said Cutler was week to week. Is it just me, or does Fox take bu**sh$$ to the next level with press announcements?


I believe he did say they explored all options. Regardless, Cutler is done.


Peace :dabears


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Fox = politician


Assume when his mouth is moving, he's lying...


it's his job to misdirect the competition to try and help WIN games not to placate the media, it's fans or tank games for draft position. even if everyone knows what the score is it still instills some doubt no matter how small.


i also heard that this information could have been because cutler wanted to see if his shoulder would heal enough to at least showcase himself for the offseason for other teams as he probably will be cut loose. this would be a favor from the coaching staff to a guy who gave it all on the field.


i see no problem with this coaching staff doing this stuff. that cheating scum from new england does it all the time and yet everyone loves him for it. go figure.

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Meh. There's a difference between being slightly secretive for an advantage and being an outright liar and making your fan-base and local media feel like they are being treated like idiots...


Big big difference in NE...they won and are still winning. We have nothing but losing seasons to show for all of Fox's secrecy.


it's his job to misdirect the competition to try and help WIN games not to placate the media, it's fans or tank games for draft position. even if everyone knows what the score is it still instills some doubt no matter how small.


i also heard that this information could have been because cutler wanted to see if his shoulder would heal enough to at least showcase himself for the offseason for other teams as he probably will be cut loose. this would be a favor from the coaching staff to a guy who gave it all on the field.


i see no problem with this coaching staff doing this stuff. that cheating scum from new england does it all the time and yet everyone loves him for it. go figure.


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it's his job to misdirect the competition to try and help WIN games not to placate the media, it's fans or tank games for draft position. even if everyone knows what the score is it still instills some doubt no matter how small.


i also heard that this information could have been because cutler wanted to see if his shoulder would heal enough to at least showcase himself for the offseason for other teams as he probably will be cut loose. this would be a favor from the coaching staff to a guy who gave it all on the field.


i see no problem with this coaching staff doing this stuff. that cheating scum from new england does it all the time and yet everyone loves him for it. go figure.




I don't know about that; the news was all over the media Cutler was done for the year. Fox comes out and says otherwise, two weeks later Cutler is on IR.


Come on, we are not in the SB hunt...what difference does it make really. Cutler is not exactly Brady, so having him does not guarantee much better than Barkley IMO.


Maybe idiotic statements like Fox made is why the media reportedly don't like him much. As a fan, I think it is way over the line to make constant BS statements. For me, I don't believe anything he says anymore about injuries, and the only person he is fooling is himself IMO.

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I've never believed anything any coach says about injuries. In Minn Adrian Peterson was supposed to play a week or two after this year's knee injury, according to his coach. A couple days later he had surgery.


Fox said Fuller should return in a few weeks and it's December. Either way fans get upset he wasn't right. If I had to listen to the Monday Morning Doctor crap I'd say he's day to day or week to week as well. By medical accounts Trevathan should have stayed out at least two more weeks for his thumb surgery yet he suited up early. Who knew that was going to happen the day he had surgery?


I just watch who practices and if they make it through all 3 days then they are likely available on Sunday.


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Come on, we are not in the SB hunt...what difference does it make really. Cutler is not exactly Brady, so having him does not guarantee much better than Barkley IMO.


Maybe idiotic statements like Fox made is why the media reportedly don't like him much. As a fan, I think it is way over the line to make constant BS statements. For me, I don't believe anything he says anymore about injuries, and the only person he is fooling is himself IMO.


1. this is the way fox and MOST coaches in the nfl operate. it's not new, it's not unique.


should he come out and say... "Our season is over and we really suck. We only play every week because it's in our contract. I am hoping we lose the rest of the games to get better players in a higher spot in the draft to replace the chumps we now field anyway.


Cutler is garbage and we are dumping him at season end and I hope he never finds another job. oh, by the way Jay, thanks for taking a beating for us the last 8 years. Also, here is a list of all the players on our roster who have injuries and how severe they are along with each players physical and mental limitations on game day. Since we are obviously not going to the Superbowl and want better draft picks we hope you can use this information to confirm your game plan to scheme against us."

2. me personally? i couldn't care less whether the media likes fox, cutler, or anybody else. in fact if the media does dislike someone because they don't kiss their arses it's a plus in my book.


in many cases if there is not a story for these faux news outlets they will start one by themselves. many times it's not reporting the news, it's making up a story, reporting a 'rumour' or writing something obviously unknown to them and then reporting on it to gain the market share and put them on top of the 'news' cycle. so screw them and the horse they rode in on.


if anyone believes all they hear in the media any more than they believe all the the nonsense the coaches speak in press conferences i'd like to sell them a swamp.


and on a final note: SCREW the cheating thief tom brady!


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