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Jonathan Allen Surgeries


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For those who believe Pace will shy away from players with an injury history early in the draft, keep in mind that Jonathan Allen has had at least two shoulder surgeries and it's rumored there was a 3rd surgery that was not reported. Medical checks at the combine will be very key for his draft status and this is certainly a concern for a DT who is a little bit undersized.



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For those who believe Pace will shy away from players with an injury history early in the draft, keep in mind that Jonathan Allen has had at least two shoulder surgeries and it's rumored there was a 3rd surgery that was not reported. Medical checks at the combine will be very key for his draft status and this is certainly a concern for a DT who is a little bit undersized.



I dont think it is a major problem or you be hearing more about it. Maybe all comes out in the combine. Im more in favor of drafting one of the safeties.I think Adams is better, but maybe take Hooker with the idea of getting Cyphein or Jefferson in FAgency. On the outside Daniel Sorenson/SS/KC a young riser than may have upside at a very reasonable contract.

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For those who believe Pace will shy away from players with an injury history early in the draft, keep in mind that Jonathan Allen has had at least two shoulder surgeries and it's rumored there was a 3rd surgery that was not reported. Medical checks at the combine will be very key for his draft status and this is certainly a concern for a DT who is a little bit undersized.




I was not high on Jonathan Allen before this story broke.


This obviously only strengthens my opinion that we do not draft him Round #1 Pick #3


We cannot afford to gamble on any player with significant injury history with a top 5 pick.


If it becomes one of those head scratchers where he drops like a rock in the draft and all of a sudden is there in round 2, maybe.

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I was not high on Jonathan Allen before this story broke.


This obviously only strengthens my opinion that we do not draft him Round #1 Pick #3


We cannot afford to gamble on any player with significant injury history with a top 5 pick.

If it becomes one of those head scratchers where he drops like a rock in the draft and all of a sudden is there in round 2, maybe.


If he drops like a rock and he's there near the end of the 1st, you trade up and get him. There is no maybe to it. And to pass on him in the 2nd (maybe?) is a fireable offense for a GM. That would be crazy.

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For those who believe Pace will shy away from players with an injury history early in the draft, keep in mind that Jonathan Allen has had at least two shoulder surgeries and it's rumored there was a 3rd surgery that was not reported. Medical checks at the combine will be very key for his draft status and this is certainly a concern for a DT who is a little bit undersized.



I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't take dlineman that early in the draft who aren't projected to be pass rushing beasts.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't take dlineman that early in the draft who aren't projected to be pass rushing beasts.

I am on board with this. I have seen scouts say Leonard Williams who we missed out on a couple years ago would grade higher. I do think he is an upgrade over anyone else we have though. If he does grade bad because of the medical, that hurts the Bears because he could command a possible trade down offer.

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One analyst puts Thomas ahead of Allen.



I like Matt Miller but having Thomas and Allen one spot apart, I dont think that is significant.


The two things that bother me about him. He is 20 lbs less than Allen and not even close in production.

I always think it is hard for a Alabama player to shine because there are so many stars on the team, it takes away from everybody elses stats.

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I like Matt Miller but having Thomas and Allen one spot apart, I dont think that is significant.


The two things that bother me about him. He is 20 lbs less than Allen and not even close in production.

I always think it is hard for a Alabama player to shine because there are so many stars on the team, it takes away from everybody elses stats.


I'm answering your question that was posed in two threads....


Or those other stars on your team inflate your stats. It's a little easier to get coverage sacks when you have 1st and 2nd Rd CBs/S playing behind you. You see less double teams when there are other talented DT/DEs around you, or a top 10 pick at MLB right behind you.




The combine will be important for separating these two. Both of these players have very good feet I think Thomas is a little quicker than Allen. I do think they are a little bit different players. Allen more inside, Thomas more outside but both have the skills to move around the front.


Thomas at 280lbs moves very well and he can play LDE. From what I've seen he can do the same things on defense that McPhee does for us but probably be a bit better working inside as a DT. I think Thomas is quicker than Allen.


Allen can handle the inside work better, or for more snaps, than Thomas but has good enough movement to get some work outside.




In reference to a team trading up for Allen I don't see it happening because I don't think there's much of a dropoff from Allen to Thomas. That's if there is any drop off, which may also be scheme dependent for the teams drafting them. If you add in the shoulder surgeries then long term reliability is a concern for Allen and should drop him a bit.


Is that reliability risk someone a team trades up to #3 to get when they might very well wait and draft Thomas?



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