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Out of far left field...


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After watching the Pats win yet again, it made me think there there might be a silver lining to our last 10 years of sucking...


Granted, we had lightning in a bottle for 2006. But our lack of QB really doomed us...along w/ losing Mike Brown and Tommie Harris for the most important game.


But in a broad brush stroke, from 2007-2016...the Pats really have dominated. And they probably will continue to until Brady/Billichick retire in 3-5 years. Sure, some other teams have won in the meantime. But the landscape has been really owned by the Pats to the like we'll probably never see again.


We never want to suck...but given that we did and do, it might have not been a bad time to do so... Look at some great players like Brees, Rodgers, etc...they've only won 1. It's like the NBA greats that couldn't win while Jordan was playing. Why hope to be stocked to "win" when you're doomed for ultimate failure?


So, after a sip of whisky...maybe sucking this past decade doesn't suck all that bad.


Our window I think opens in about 2 years. Right when the Pat's one would more than likely be coming to close.


Here's hoping...



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