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Trubisky Moving Up?


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As always with Fox you have to read between the lines but without the resolute denial we've had in the past it seems clear Trubisky is moving up the depth chart. I still don't think Trubisky is ready to be our starter week 1 he's definitely ready to see better competition and have better players on his side. If he wants a glimpse of the rookie with the 1's it has to be now. Then we'll take it from there.



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I think he needs to move up and get more reps with better players. That said, I don't think he's ready to start and I like the fact that we have Glennon to at the very least take a few games away from Trubisky so he is in a better position to start later in the year. I don't want to send Trubisky to the wolves, so Glennon is a needed piece right now, imo. If we play Trubisky too early, I think you do more harm then good. Maybe he overcomes it, maybe he doesn't. I'd much rather let Glennon go out and play mediocre (I hope he does well, but I think he can be mediocre) for a while until we aren't in contention. Trubisky has had more time to get reps, etc, and then turn things over to him (with lower expectations, etc and more prepared to play and read defenses). Putting someone out too soon could actually mean they regress because they aren't yet ready to learn.


Trubisky isn't perfect, that said, he's shown a lot of skills that make you excited. We just need to calm that excited. I do think he needs to get more reps though (he got a ton in that 1st game...not enough in the 2nd). My presumption is he will get more reps in the 3rd game (probably play most of the 2nd half) and then get tons in the 4th game.


And if Glennon is bad, then at least we've given Trubisky a few weeks on the sideline (and lowered expectations due to Glennon's poor play). And in the unlikely scenario that Glennon is really good...well I'll deal with that problem. I should point out that we should expect struggles...new system..new offense, minimal playmakers at the wide receiving position (somehow I hope White becomes good but I'm not holding my breath).

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Traditionally the number 2 pick is looked at to make an immediate impact but, Trubisky's limited playing time in college is something to consider currently listening to AM1000 ESPN Waddle and Sylvy and they named several current starters that didn't start on game one and several that did start game one. Checkout some of the sit list:Brady,Rogers,Brees,Rivers,E.Manning and Rothlesberger.These guys had either an established veteran or a future HOF in front of them! At least 3 on this list are HOF.


The play right away list:

Alex Smith,Andy Dalton, Matthew Stafford, Marcus Mariotta,Matt Ryan,Derek Carr,J.Winston, Andrew Luck,Russell Wilson,Carson Palmer, Carson Wentz and Cam Newton. I'm being lazy and not checking but I think Tannehill is a day 1 starter also.

Again I add that the amount of games played in college should be taken into consideration but a lot of these players didn't take snaps under center Like "Biscuit" and Glennon hasn't taken many snaps for 2 years and is learning a new offense so what big advantage does he really have in terms of experience? This team is a solid LT away from being as equipped as the Cowboys were for Dak Prescott.

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Traditionally the number 2 pick is looked at to make an immediate impact but, Trubisky's limited playing time in college is something to consider currently listening to AM1000 ESPN Waddle and Sylvy and they named several current starters that didn't start on game one and several that did start game one. Checkout some of the sit list:Brady,Rogers,Brees,Rivers,E.Manning and Rothlesberger.These guys had either an established veteran or a future HOF in front of them! At least 3 on this list are HOF.


The play right away list:

Alex Smith,Andy Dalton, Matthew Stafford, Marcus Mariotta,Matt Ryan,Derek Carr,J.Winston, Andrew Luck,Russell Wilson,Carson Palmer, Carson Wentz and Cam Newton. I'm being lazy and not checking but I think Tannehill is a day 1 starter also.

Again I add that the amount of games played in college should be taken into consideration but a lot of these players didn't take snaps under center Like "Biscuit" and Glennon hasn't taken many snaps for 2 years and is learning a new offense so what big advantage does he really have in terms of experience? This team is a solid LT away from being as equipped as the Cowboys were for Dak Prescott.

Adding to your post, I read a list somewhere indicating very few QB's who get benched ever go on to be good players. The moral behind that point is that if you don't think a player is ready, putting him to the wolves too soon can be extremely detrimental. You could argue well, the great players just swim to start, but if Aaron Rodgers sucked for a season and got benched, would he have lost his mojo and just started developing bad habits, etc....because you are just weak at everything, you really can't rely on anything and over press, etc.



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Traditionally the number 2 pick is looked at to make an immediate impact but, Trubisky's limited playing time in college is something to consider currently listening to AM1000 ESPN Waddle and Sylvy and they named several current starters that didn't start on game one and several that did start game one. Checkout some of the sit list:Brady,Rogers,Brees,Rivers,E.Manning and Rothlesberger.These guys had either an established veteran or a future HOF in front of them! At least 3 on this list are HOF.


The play right away list:

Alex Smith,Andy Dalton, Matthew Stafford, Marcus Mariotta,Matt Ryan,Derek Carr,J.Winston, Andrew Luck,Russell Wilson,Carson Palmer, Carson Wentz and Cam Newton. I'm being lazy and not checking but I think Tannehill is a day 1 starter also.

Again I add that the amount of games played in college should be taken into consideration but a lot of these players didn't take snaps under center Like "Biscuit" and Glennon hasn't taken many snaps for 2 years and is learning a new offense so what big advantage does he really have in terms of experience? This team is a solid LT away from being as equipped as the Cowboys were for Dak Prescott.

I think a big difference is the Cowboys were forced to make Dak the guy and even then, it wasn't as if they invested the 2nd overall pick in him (so you weren't as concerned with "protecting" the investment). In the Bears case, they put security blankets in place for a reason.

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Traditionally the number 2 pick is looked at to make an immediate impact but, Trubisky's limited playing time in college is something to consider currently listening to AM1000 ESPN Waddle and Sylvy and they named several current starters that didn't start on game one and several that did start game one. Checkout some of the sit list:Brady,Rogers,Brees,Rivers,E.Manning and Rothlesberger.These guys had either an established veteran or a future HOF in front of them! At least 3 on this list are HOF.


The play right away list:

Alex Smith,Andy Dalton, Matthew Stafford, Marcus Mariotta,Matt Ryan,Derek Carr,J.Winston, Andrew Luck,Russell Wilson,Carson Palmer, Carson Wentz and Cam Newton. I'm being lazy and not checking but I think Tannehill is a day 1 starter also.

Again I add that the amount of games played in college should be taken into consideration but a lot of these players didn't take snaps under center Like "Biscuit" and Glennon hasn't taken many snaps for 2 years and is learning a new offense so what big advantage does he really have in terms of experience? This team is a solid LT away from being as equipped as the Cowboys were for Dak Prescott.

Well done sir!

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Remember when people were saying they would be okay if Mitch sat for a year or two. I wonder what those people are saying now. I think he should sit at least 4 games. Prepare him as the #2 and let him get a few snaps each game so he can get a feel. It may not be nice to Glennon, but if be can step up his game he can prolong his starting career.

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All else being equal I agree from what we've seen so far.


Let's give Glennon enough rope... Odds are he won't cut it. Then, you bring in Tru game 5 or later depending. If he's doing OK, then just make Tru the #2.


If we see even greater separation betw Tru and the other 2 at QB over the next 2 games, then I think you start contemplating a change. But, let's get there first.


Remember when people were saying they would be okay if Mitch sat for a year or two. I wonder what those people are saying now. I think he should sit at least 4 games. Prepare him as the #2 and let him get a few snaps each game so he can get a feel. It may not be nice to Glennon, but if be can step up his game he can prolong his starting career.


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My hope before the preseason started was that Glennon would be a top tier QB and shine for us, making it easy to groom / red-shirt Tru for 2017, then have the luxury of possibly trading Glennon for a substantial draft pick and allow Tru to start in 2018, drafting a QB on day 2 in the next draft to groom behind him.


Now that being said, Glennon so far has looked nothing like a potential top tier QB so far.


Let's hope this is not indicative of his true abilities. It is garbage time, preseason football. Time will tell all too soon.



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My hope before the preseason started was that Glennon would be a top tier QB and shine for us, making it easy to groom / red-shirt Tru for 2017, then have the luxury of possibly trading Glennon for a substantial draft pick and allow Tru to start in 2018, drafting a QB on day 2 in the next draft to groom behind him.


Now that being said, Glennon so far has looked nothing like a potential top tier QB so far.


Let's hope this is not indicative of his true abilities. It is garbage time, preseason football. Time will tell all too soon.


Agree 100% Pix. I was hoping to move Glennon next year too.

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Chris Emma‏Verified account @CEmma670 45s46 seconds ago

Bears rookie quarterback Mitchell Trubisky took reps with the first-team offense on Wednesday, his first time leading the starting unit.

Got reps with 1st team offense and is supposedly going to get a shot with them on Sunday as well.


Rich Campbell‏Verified account @Rich_Campbell 3m3 minutes ago

Fox: Mike Glennon will start the Titans game and play the first half. Trubisky will start the second half, hopefully against Titans starters

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Glennon's reaction to this whole thing has been relatively salty (vs. Trubisky who has seemed to handle everything with a lot of class). You see it on the sidelines...its as if Glennon is actively rooting against Trubisky.


ChicagoSports @ChicagoSports


RT @Rich_Campbell: Bears QB Mike Glennon: "I have to control what I can control." ...says he can't worry about Trubisky getting "one series."

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Glennon's reaction to this whole thing has been relatively salty (vs. Trubisky who has seemed to handle everything with a lot of class). You see it on the sidelines...its as if Glennon is actively rooting against Trubisky.


This is the first time I have heard anyone say anything negative in regards to the relationship between the quarterbacks. I have always heard, from day one after the draft, that everything was great and no problems existed.

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This is the first time I have heard anyone say anything negative in regards to the relationship between the quarterbacks. I have always heard, from day one after the draft, that everything was great and no problems existed.


Agreed and Trubisky himself has said Glennon has been great to him.

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My hope before the preseason started was that Glennon would be a top tier QB and shine for us, making it easy to groom / red-shirt Tru for 2017, then have the luxury of possibly trading Glennon for a substantial draft pick and allow Tru to start in 2018, drafting a QB on day 2 in the next draft to groom behind him.


Now that being said, Glennon so far has looked nothing like a potential top tier QB so far.


Let's hope this is not indicative of his true abilities. It is garbage time, preseason football. Time will tell all too soon.


I think that was everyone's hope.


I didn't like the idea overall, since it was betting on Glennon being much better than he previously showed. Hopefully he is MUCH better in the regular season. Otherwise the move by the Bears front office looks as bad as many have said it looked/looks.


Imagine we have two more preseason games of Glennon looking like garbage and Trubisky looking like a stud. That will not sit well, and it will create a QB controversy. The longer that extends into the season the worse it will be. Also, imagine they went all-in on the "sign Eric Berry"-campaign (or Bouye) with some of the money Glennon got. With the way the front seven is looking, all that will be needed is one major star in the defensive backfield. It's what I've argued all along.


Look for Glennon to shit the bed in 6-8 games, lose the team, lose the hopes of a winning season, and Trubisky to take over for him in the second half when the fervor gets too loud.

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This is the first time I have heard anyone say anything negative in regards to the relationship between the quarterbacks. I have always heard, from day one after the draft, that everything was great and no problems existed.


When Trubisky got that TD on the 2min drive to close out the 1st half of the first preseason game all you had to do was look at Glennon's face to know he's not bought into having Trubisky succeed this year. He was probably the only one on the sideline not cheering that we scored a TD. He may have accepted a QB competition for next year but he sure doesn't want one this year. After what I saw in the AZ game I don't think Glennon's mentally up to the task. His physical skills are not in the same class as Trubisky but he should at least be far more comfortable with the mental aspects of the game (as Brian Hoyer is). That just doesn't show up and it's a serious red flag. More notably because as we see things in the games more and more information trickles out that these type of issues have been occurring in practice as well.


On his side, it appears Trubisky has never forgotten when he was benched his sophomore year despite showing better passing skills. He's all-in now and he ain't going down without a fight.

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I have really soured on Glennon. I understand you are upset at how everything transpired, from the draft day invite, etc, however, he has had every chance as the "anointed" starter to "win" the job. All he had to do was be average and he couldn't do that. He has looked up and down in practice and at TC, and looked down right horrible in the preseason. Now that he is feeling the heat at the position, his attitude/personality is coming out. He has never been good at competitions, which is odd based on him playing a sport for a living, but he threatened to quit at NC State, got beat out by Winston in TB, and is now getting beat out by Trubisky here.


Hindsight being better now. It seems that the Bears did not have the draft plan in place when they signed Glennon on March 10th, they met with Trubisky after that. I believe that is when they came up with the plan to draft him if Trubisky was not selected by CLE at #1. The Glennon deal, especially the money, indicated that the Bears had a starter and didn't need one in the 1st. This set the Bears up to take Trubisky and shock the world (they shocked me).


Also, I don't envision the Bears thought Glennon would be this bad and for Trubisky to be this good/confident so early.


My vote is for Trubisky, and if Glennon has a hissy fit, you trade him and retain a bunch of salary for this year. You go with Trubsiky/Sanchez/Shaw.

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If he is worthless then why start him? Why even have him on the team? If he has no value, then cut him and take the salary hit this year.


It's way too early to say he's worthless. If he ends up being worthless, I am sure they will consider it. I'm just noting if he is a bust, they will not be able to trade him as you suggested.


Peace :dabears


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If he is worthless then why start him? Why even have him on the team? If he has no value, then cut him and take the salary hit this year.

It is worth the experiment to find out if he can progress. The writing on the wall looks like he won't, but it is early. Give him the first quarter of the season, get some of the tough teams out of the way and find out what be is. Trubisky should be accumulated by then and the schedule will start lightening up


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Interestingly, we actually have somewhat of a light defensive schedule this year with not too many top defenses outside of the division. BAL and PIT are the only defenses we face that ranked in the top 12 in yards last year (PIT was 12th).


If we solely went off defenses, Week 7, at home against CAR seems like a good place to bring in Trubisky, if he doesn't start earlier. The obvious logical place is after the Week 9 Bye, at home, against GB in Week 10 where we go 7-1 and Trubisy leads us to a SB victory over Cutler's Dolphins as Cutler throws a Pick-6 to Fuller.


1 - ATL - 25th

2 - @TB - 23rd

3 - PIT - 12th

4 - @GB - 22nd

5 - MIN - 3rd

6 - @BAL - 7th

7 - CAR - 21st

8 - @NO - 27th

9 - BYE -

10 - GB - 22nd

11 - DET - 18th

12 - @PHI - 13th

13 - SF - 32nd

14 - @CIN - 17th

15 - @DET - 18th

16 - CLE - 31st

17 - MIN - 3rd

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