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Clips of Glennon's turnovers are showing up and after watching things he was even worse than I first thought. First thought was that he's terrible.






I've seen blame on the Oline for the sack fumble but in reality he has a hot read in Wright wide open. When they bring 6 you should throw into the coverage gap behind the blitz.


People talked about Massie giving up edge pressure but Noah Spence ran 10 yards upfield to get around Massie.


On the INT when throwing to Bellamy after the game Glennon said Bellamy had turned his defender around. Just watching the game live we all knew that was never truth. The DB sat on the route, an obvious read for any QB, and if you are throwing there it has to be high outside over the DB. Then you look at the film and see both Jordan Howard and Wright wide open across the middle with room to run. Neither was close to the 1st down marker but Bellamy was also 2 yards short of it. We got rid of Cutler because of reads like this, and the subsequent INT. I should give Jay more credit though because he would have at least tried to get the ball over the top of the defender instead of putting it into his chest.


The first INT we've already spoken about Shaheen being left alone 5 yards outside of Sims. The guy covering Shaheen leaves him immediately after the snap.


The Buccaneers were free to blitz however they wanted because they knew Glennon was only going to his first read. His first read never included the blitz even though it was obvious what was going on at the LOS before the snap.


The worst part of this is that I have to watch this guy again this Sunday.


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Like almost everyone else I am anxious to see Trubisky at QB.


However, I have been thinking about this.


Our OL has sucked in providing protection for our QB


Our WRs probably lead the league in dropped passes


We have no deep threat to stretch the field, teams are stacking the box and blitzing without worry


Do we really want to throw Trubisky into a situation like that?


Thinking about it, very few established QBs in this league would succeed under those circumstances.

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I was thinking the Bears were holding out until MIN in Week 5 on Monday Night to give Trubisky maximum time to prep with the #1s, but the more I think about it, I believe they will go for next week vs GB.


I don't care if it is a short week, it is a short week for GB and they would have very little time to prepare for Trubisky, so in a way, next week would be better. Surprise everyone and announce Trubisky the starter on Wednesday and let GB scramble with a new defensive game plan, because if they are expecting Glennon, they will not plan for contain/spy or for roll-outs or bootlegs.


So I say put Trubisky in Week 4 if Glennon has another sub-par performance against PIT. I don't really know how to assess PIT because they beat CLE and MIN w/ a backup QB.

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ya. got to build from the inside out. OLine and DLine need to be solid before we can take the next step imo


I saw a poll somewhere that asked what the Bears needed, and there were several choices. The choices were weird, however, in that they said "LT over WR" or "WR over LT." They gave a choice within the choice.


It was amazing how many wanted WR over LT.

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I saw a poll somewhere that asked what the Bears needed, and there were several choices. The choices were weird, however, in that they said "LT over WR" or "WR over LT." They gave a choice within the choice.


It was amazing how many wanted WR over LT.


Generally speaking, I'm one of those (of course you knew that). However, I'd qualify it by saying when it comes to drafting you should focus on skill players earlier in the draft. To me, players like good and established linemen can be found in FA.


That being said; with our current team and it's makeup (Trubisky), we need a great LT and RT. Right now the best option probably would be through the early rounds of the draft. Where I think getting one or two WRs through FA would be better.

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Two weeks in a row Glennon throws an INT on a short route to a TE. In each case the TE, last week Sims this week Miller, cuts out to the right and the ball is thrown behind him to the defender.

Trubisky time will be coming soon I hope. With our running game, he can do no worse. Is it bad that you hope Glennon doesn't get up after a sack?

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Trubisky time will be coming soon I hope. With our running game, he can do no worse. Is it bad that you hope Glennon doesn't get up after a sack?

Its a short week so they will have Glennon this week, but with 11 days off, our future will begin. If all we are doing is underneath routes and throwing to our RBs , it will be no problem for Trubisky. He will make some rookies mistakes but his ability to make some plays will make us better. Hopefully Sitton is back and our power game will take off.

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Today's game plan made it more clear than ever that Trubisky time is headed our way. They now know Glennon's limitations (severe limitations) and are flat out just staying away from exposing them as much as possible. When they do make a change it will be a surprise because you much prefer the opponent game plans for 8 in the box to stop the run all day. Since winning the division is what matters most for making the playoffs this will likely happen against either the Packers or Vikings. I'm not sure they'll rock the boat after a big win this week but if the Packers game isn't going well for Glennon I have to think Trubisky plays in the 2nd half. We can't lose that game big without pulling out all stops.

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Today's game plan made it more clear than ever that Trubisky time is headed our way. They now know Glennon's limitations (severe limitations) and are flat out just staying away from exposing them as much as possible. When they do make a change it will be a surprise because you much prefer the opponent game plans for 8 in the box to stop the run all day. Since winning the division is what matters most for making the playoffs this will likely happen against either the Packers or Vikings. I'm not sure they'll rock the boat after a big win this week but if the Packers game isn't going well for Glennon I have to think Trubisky plays in the 2nd half. We can't lose that game big without pulling out all stops.

Week 5

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Its a short week so they will have Glennon this week, but with 11 days off, our future will begin. If all we are doing is underneath routes and throwing to our RBs , it will be no problem for Trubisky. He will make some rookies mistakes but his ability to make some plays will make us better. Hopefully Sitton is back and our power game will take off.

Green Bay would be nice, but the 11 days to prepare would be better for him. Glennon does nothing but stall the team.

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Why not this week though? How does GB prepare? Make the announcement on Wednesday. They will prepare for Dink and Dunk Statue Glennon and will not be ready for Trubisky's mobility.


I was on the side letting the kid sit this year but have been moving towards wanting to see him start. Our offense (if you can call it that) is painful to watch. Did Glennon throw to a WR at all yesterday? Sure didn't seem like it. Not sure Glennon can throw beyond 5-10 yards and even then they are dirt throws. He doesn't look comfortable, can't move well, just looks insanely awkward back there. Never thought I'd see a QB make me miss Jay Cutler but it's happened. There is nothing fluid about Glennon, he's a sack, fumble, pick waiting to happen. I know we don't have much to throw to but if all he's gonna do is hand off or dump off to the backs out of the backfield the water boy could do that.


No defense will respect the throw they'll stack the box to defend the run, and let him dump off to the RB's all day and make the stops. I think it's time to look for an opportunity to work Trubisky into the lineup, I'd start now getting him first team reps you could split the practice reps 50/50 or even have Trubisky get the majority of the first team reps. Does Glennon really need all the 1st team reps to prepare to hand off or dump off, and throw picks, take sacks, and fumble? The fact that Howard and Cohen were as effective as the were is a testament to them and the line's run blocking because the defenses know what's going to happen. But if we keep doing what we're doing teams will take that away too. I'm sure the D gets tired of being expected to shut teams out for us to have a shot and constantly get put in a bad position because the offense dropped the ball (literally).

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