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Ryan Pace revisited


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Pace has taken a lot of flack for his first round picks since he has been here but I still think he has did a good job of developing a core of good players going forward.

I heard one interview from a former GM talk about Pace and that the draft is only one part of the over all picture in building a franchise and he thinks he as did a good job.


This years draft could have potentially brought us our Franchise QB that is still yet to be determined but the arrow is pointing up.

The jury is still out on Shaheen but I think his upside is tremendous, you can't teach size.

Jackson is looking like a future all pro type with a third round slot.

Cohen is a gem, and as long as not overused will be a valuable asset for this offense going forward.

Morgan has the upside to take over for Sitton as the first to go in the middle of the OL.


Also added was Demps(an injury casualty) , Cooper, Prince, , Sims, Cunningham, and Jenkins. You can't plan for injuries sometimes that is just bad luck. On the downside Glennon was a sham, and the WRs he signed doesnt look to amount to much but at least he addressed our needs. No GM makes all moves that work out.


Last year he drafted Floyd that is looking like a solid and potentially spectacular pass rusher.

Whitehair who isnt having a good year but looks like a 10 year starter.

Bullard who is starting to log in some quality minutes.

Nick K is a solid addition to this football team and will transition well when Freeman ends up leaving.

The jury is still out on Bush and Hall but still have upside.

Howard is the gem of the 2016 draft a franchise RB in the fifth rouind.


He also brought in Hicks, Trevathan, Freeman and Sitton, all core players and great additions.

He also signed Kush (injury casuality) and Roy Robenson-Harris a potential core player.


In 2015 he drafted White which is turning out to be a bust but you can't figure in injuries when acquiring talent.

Amos and Goldman are core players and Langford had his moments that no longer matter.

He also added McPhee (injury issue) Callahan, Timu, and Unrien all solid rostered players.


Over all he has established our core players but have made some mistakes along the way. We are in an excellent cap situation so the mistakes have at least not handcuffed us going forward.


Core additions:










Nick K





solid additions:










Jury still out but upside:




Roy R-Harris




Jordan Morgan



He has made some big mistakes along the way


Glennon (ouch)

McPhee injury issues

White injury issues but not his fault


Do not look at money spent because we are in excellent cap space going forward or draft position and his core group look great going forward.

I think he gets a B for his job so far and if Trubisky works out a A.







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