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Site Outage


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As an FYI, you'll notice some glitches. We had upgraded our servers to a new instance and it is causing some compatibility issues. You will see intermittent outages until we have this resolved (probably a week to 10 days) but ultimately we are going to be upgrading the software here to the latest software so you might see a few day window where the whole site is down.

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As an FYI, you'll notice some glitches. We had upgraded our servers to a new instance and it is causing some compatibility issues. You will see intermittent outages until we have this resolved (probably a week to 10 days) but ultimately we are going to be upgrading the software here to the latest software so you might see a few day window where the whole site is down.

Any chance of an upgrade of IP.Board?

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That is what we will be doing as part of the upgrade. Or at least that is the plan.

That's great news, thanks. The newer IP.Boards are awesome. If there is a need to donate to keep this site alive, please let me know where to do that.

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As an FYI, you'll notice some glitches. We had upgraded our servers to a new instance and it is causing some compatibility issues. You will see intermittent outages until we have this resolved (probably a week to 10 days) but ultimately we are going to be upgrading the software here to the latest software so you might see a few day window where the whole site is down.


I was wondering why I kept getting these error messages for ‘time Zones’. I know I’m in Alaska but geez. Lol


Thank you guys for keeping this thing going. I second what Adam says and if there are donations needed for anything, let me know. Do you guys have a way to get ahold of members if for some reason the site disappeared altogether?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Apologies for the long outage. Site is temporarily back up, but I’ll set up a temp forum for the next outage so there is no longer a delay in user. New software will be ready next week.


Just glad to be back. I've been reading other boards but none are family like this one.

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Apologies for the long outage. Site is temporarily back up, but I’ll set up a temp forum for the next outage so there is no longer a delay in user. New software will be ready next week.


Just glad to be back. I've been reading other boards but none are family like this one.

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I too would be willing to kick in some money to keep the site running. I very much enjoy visiting the site and occasionally chiming in.




I was wondering why I kept getting these error messages for ‘time Zones’. I know I’m in Alaska but geez. Lol


Thank you guys for keeping this thing going. I second what Adam says and if there are donations needed for anything, let me know. Do you guys have a way to get ahold of members if for some reason the site disappeared altogether?


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I too would be willing to kick in some money to keep the site running. I very much enjoy visiting the site and occasionally chiming in.

I just got back from Thailand for the last month and thought the problems were because I was in another country. I like the content of the people of this site and looked for it daily, thank God your back.

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Glad the site is back up, I felt lost without this forum to get my daily Bears fix. At first I thought it was my computer with the time zone error thinking maybe I need to update something. While this site was down I looked at other forums but non felt like this one both in quality and content. Some were hard to even follow as threads often devolved into flame wars of personal attacks. Its hard to find a forum that isn't overrun with snark. There are disagreements here but rarely reaches a level that goes too far. We're all passionate Bears fans, that's what makes this place great. It was one of those things that you take for granted till it's not there. Thank you all for the hard work in making this forum what it is. I too would be willing to kick in some money if needed.

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Glad the site is back up, I felt lost without this forum to get my daily Bears fix. At first I thought it was my computer with the time zone error thinking maybe I need to update something. While this site was down I looked at other forums but non felt like this one both in quality and content. Some were hard to even follow as threads often devolved into flame wars of personal attacks. Its hard to find a forum that isn't overrun with snark. There are disagreements here but rarely reaches a level that goes too far. We're all passionate Bears fans, that's what makes this place great. It was one of those things that you take for granted till it's not there. Thank you all for the hard work in making this forum what it is. I too would be willing to kick in some money if needed.


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One quick reminder, we will have one more outage for the final part of our upgrade, I'm expecting it will be today and last up to a day or two. This time our server still be online, so you will see a message with a link that will take you to a temporary forum (while the final part of the upgrade is being made). Thanks again for everyone's patience and again, apologies for how long the site was down (with no comments) the 1st time (not having access to the server for a period of time because of an issue that happened during routine maintenance by our server host) was not fun.


To answer a few questions, we do have email contact lists and backups, etc and once everything is fully done, I'll send out a note to our full userbase informing them the site is back-online. Oh how I've missed this place!!! Like others, I tried to read some other forums but man, the rest of them suck. They just aren't like the family we have here.

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Never realized for much y'all have grown on me. Having the career that I do I count on yall for at least entertainment. I don't get the opportunity to really talk sports with anyone except I can talk cubs with my fiance. I'm really sheltered lol. I love my job. Just a downfall.


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Wanted everyone to know that with the newer forum software, there are some nuances and the "pretty" design is going to have to get built back. I still have one more step to do, which I plan on doing tomorrow night (one step at a time) and after that, I'll get our logo back up and than will have to rebuild our color scheme, etc (since it doesn't carry over to the new software...unfortunately).


The nice thing is, embedding twitter posts, etc, is all feasible in this version (where previously a link would show up).

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Tomorrow is when I intend to do the last step of the upgrade. Will likely be down a good part of the day, but I'll have a link up to a temporary board for people to post. Once the new site is up, we'll get back to making this thing look pretty. I'm hoping to add some relevant twitter feeds when you first access the site (on the right hand side) so that there is a good news feed that people can pick up breaking news. If people have other things they'd like to see, let me know.

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