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Jordan Howard


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I wouldn't expect less from Howard in terms of work ethic.  A player in such a physically demanding position as starting RB doesn't stay on the field like Howard has in 2 years without the training effort behind the scenes.  Last year he worked on improving his receiving ability and this year he's even more focused on it.  He doesn't need to be elite as a receiver, just effective enough that he drags coverage with him early on the route.  With that he'll have a big impact on the offense's ability to disguise plays and get some chunk plays, including those where Howard catches the ball and makes the  first defender miss.  

What I especially like is the RB coach taking him all the way back to the fundamentals of where to place your hands to receive the ball from different angles.   That takes a ton of patience from the coach, and then perseverance from Howard to break old habits and learn new ones.  As someone who thought we might move on from Howard via draft day trade, I'd love to see him improve enough as a WR to earn that second contract with the Bears.   



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8 hours ago, Stinger226 said:

I think the key is the desire to be better and is hard working. He will get to a at least average PC and this will never be mentioned again.

I think you're right. I really like hm as a player. Always did.


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