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James Daniels First Game


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I completely missed that James Daniels was on the field for about half the offensive snaps.  Brad Biggs has a nice summary of it.  


That might be the first time I've ever seen an Oline rotate guards throughout a game.  It will be interesting to see where we go from here after the bye week. 

This draft class looks better each week:   Roquan starter, Daniels (soon to be starter?), Miller (starter),  Iggy (backup/special teams), Nichols (already in Dline rotation), Fitts (inactive), Wims  (will he take Kevin White's snaps soon?)   

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1 hour ago, AZ54 said:

I completely missed that James Daniels was on the field for about half the offensive snaps.  Brad Biggs has a nice summary of it.   

I saw him flash by in one play and commented on it during the game thread.  I think others thought I was talking about Chase Daniel but compared this Daniels to Kush and from what I saw, Daniels looked good.  Better than Kush for sure. He's hard to miss, a massive presence when in the lineup. 

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It seems like Daniels and Kush swapped drives starting in the 2nd quarter. Daniels came in at 10:45 in the 2nd quarter after the Mack strip sack and stayed in for the entire drive (Bellamy TD). Kush came back in for the next drive (Gabriel score). With 2:10 left in the 2nd, Daniels is back in for final FG drive. The first drive of the 3rd Quarter (Gabriel TD), Kush is back in. The 2nd drive in the 3rd Quarter, Daniels back in. In the 3rd drive, Kush was back in. Daniels also spelled Long on a few plays.

This essentially gives us 6 solid starter-caliber OLmen. If Coward continues to improve, that will make the OT rotation even stronger.

Overall, I am glad to see Daniels in there. He is way more athletic than Kush and seems to look for someone to block. I suspect he will get more reps in and out of the bye week. 

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