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O Breakdown at Titans


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Here's the latest offensive breakdown.  I wish I had time to do this weekly.  Note: When I say a run is R2, that equals right (2 hole or A gap).

Play  Actual Play Player Comments
1 Pass   Swing pass left to Patterson for 8
2 Pass   Play action pass to Graham for 24
3 Run middle Arob and Mooney No holes.  LB and CB run blitz leaving Mooney and Arob alone.  If they come down a chip there would be a huge gain.  1 yard
4 Quick pass rt   Pass to Miller 4 yards
5 Pass rt   Five yards to Arob.  4th and half a yard
6 Run R4 Nagy Nagy gets cute and calls a fake to Patterson, then handoff to Monty.  Takes way too long for the down, distance and defensive alignment.  Stupid call.  If you are doing play Monty should have lead block with Foles rolling behind him.  Turnover downs.
1 Pass rt   Play action naked QB option rt to Patterson for 5
2 Run L4   Counter pitch to Patterson.  Well blocked.  Too many playing the box 2 yards.
3 Pass rt Mooney quick rollout, bunch formation.  Mooney takes to long to hit route, messing up the play.
1 Run rt outside   Miller motions left, nobody goes with him.  Handoff to Monty.  Too many people to block.  Foles misses chance to audible out of play.  Loss 1
2 Run middle Monty Draw to Monty.  Perfect call on blitz.  Monty inexplicably cuts when he already had a lane and turns potential 15 yards into 5.
3 Pass middle Foles Pass to Miller.  Foles step up in pocket.  Bad footwork and inaccurate to Miller
1 Run left Foles Play action pass.  Foles fails to see Mooney cut to the middle for 15+
2 Pass Ifedi Ifedi gets beat on the inside.  Foles takes forever to set.  Throws away
3 Pass Foles Inaccurate to Arob to the right.  Foles does not like pressure
1 Pass rt   Pass to Graham.  Should have had Kmet in for that.  4 yards could've been 8
2 Pass middle Foles Rushes throw to Arob.  Better option was Graham who had his guy beat.  Nothing
3 pass left Foles Has Mooney open on 6 man blitz, waits too long wanting more.  Goes to Mooney off back foot and   needs to trust the system.  
4 Fake punt Mingo Ist down.  Nagy dials up a needed play
5 Run middle Monty Up the middle for 1 yard.  Monty misses a gaping hole at R4.  Terrible vision
6 Toss left   Patterson for 7.  good job Leno
7 Run middle Nagy Terrible call.  Handoff timing doesn’t match the OL push.  Play would work with Foles under center.   Too much time from the gun.
1 Pass rt   Nice clear out play to Graham for 13.  Again, this should be dialed up for Kmet who is more athletic.
2 sack Foles Foles hits his plant foot and fails to throw to Mooney over the middle.  Then Coward gets beat for the sack.  Kmet also got turned around in pass pro.  I don't what Foles saw.
3 Run Hambright delay handoff to Monty.  Loss 2.  The rookie gets thrown off his block.  That was a missed opportunity
4 Pass rt Monty Delay slant to Patterson.  WR's make nice wall to the left.   Monty misses his seal block and defender is able to turn the play in.  Missed opportunity for a big play
1 penalty Leno false start
2 Penalty Coward Hands to face.  1st and 25
3 pass left   Mooney for 7
4 pass left Foles Monty for 6.  Foles doesn't see Mooney wide open to the left
5 pass left   Incomplete.  Halftime
1 Run rt outside Foles Foles drops snap.  Patterson loses 3
2 Pass deep left   Miller for 34.  Perfect throw
3 Pass deep right Coward Ball way underthrown.  Looks to be tipped.  Coward fails to see delayed blitz
4 run L4 Hambright  Monty for 3.  Hambright literally falls down while whiffing on double team with Bars.  Play should've went for 10
5 pass middle Foles Foles fails to step in pocket.  Scrambles left and throws right to patterson for 6 yards.  If he steps up, he Patterson isolated as the release for a first down.  Note next play
6 penalty Hambright false start
7 penalty Graham false start
1 pass rt   5 yards to Mooney on rollout
2 pass rt   7 yards to Arob on quick out 
3 pass deep right   Play action to Mooney for 22 yards.  Smart throw by Foles
4 run L2   Monty for 3.  Sometimes I wonder about Monty cutting too often instead just going.
5 sack Graham, Coward Graham and Coward both whiffed on their blocks.  Titans sent 5 plus 2 on delay.  Foles fails to recognize.
6 pass deep rt   Nice pass to Ridley for 18.  Foles moved in pocket
7 sack and grounding Foles, Monty Terrible execution between Foles and Monty to sell the fake for the bootleg.  OLB blows up the play
8 penalty   offsides defense
9 pass short rt   bubble screen to Graham for 3
10 pass short rt Monty Monty fumbles for defensive TD.  Monty jukes for no damn reason.
1 Run middle   4yds
2 pass deep rt   Great throw and catch for 23.  Arob
3 pass left   Arob for 4 
4 Run rt outside   Patterson for 5 
5 pass   batted down
6 Run L4   Monty for 4
7 Run L4   Monty for 5
8 pass deep rt   Missed Mooney in the endzone
9 pass rt   Miller for 5 
10 pass rt   Ridley for 6
11 pass rt    Mooney for 6
12 run Coward Fake pitch to Patterson.  Arob gets blown up a can't follow with Jet sweep or shuttle pass.  Coward is 3 yards deep, idoit.
13 Run L6 Monty Monty is developing a really bad habit of stopping and juking as soon as he gets the ball
14 Pass   Tipped at LOS
15 FG    
1 pass left   5 for Arob
2 pass deep left   Arob for 27 yards
3 pass middle   Monty for 13
4 pass rt   Mooney for 1
5 run L2   Monty for 4
6 pass left  Hambright Hambright gets used a turnstile, Foles has no chance
7 pass middle   Miller for 12
8 pass middle   deflected high
9 pass rt   TD Nall
1 Pass middle Miller 6 yards to Miller.  Fumble
1 pass middle    Nall for 11
2 pass rt   loss of one.  Roughing the passer
3 pass left   Graham for 3 
4 pass left Foles  Throw away.  Nall wide open underneath
5 pass middle   defenseless receiver penalty.  Bad call
6 pass deep left   Mooney catches out of bounds
7 pass left    Nall for 12
8 pass left   Arob for 11
9 Pass middle   TD for Graham
To summarize:  The two fumbles killed us.  We dominated almost every offensive statistic.  Foles had an up and down game.  It seems like he goes through half of each game not as engaged as he should be.  Hambright and Coward had 4 mistakes apeice to lead the OL.  That's too many plays ruined by two players.  Montgomery needs to get his head out of his ass.  He had 6 mistakes.  Hopefully the beating he is taking isn't affecting his psyche.  Foles led the way with 11 mistakes, mostly due to pressure.  Foles is not off the hook with me because he left several first downs on the field when we needed them.  Since big dick Nick had his cocky press conference, we are 0-3 and he has left a lot to be desired.   Foles 2-4 and needs to be more consistent.  Overall, I was happy with Nagy and the OL despite all the heat they have been taking.  The WR corps shined.  I definitely want to see more Kmet and Nall And of course the D did enough.
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Let me add that Hambright looked good as a run blocker, while Bars was terrible at run blocking.  Our OL is talentless without Daniels and Whitehair.  Ifedi can run block but not pass block. Coward can't recognize anything in a zone block.  Leno is average at pass and slightly below at run. Maddie is average at run and below at pass. 

Our interior must be above average at both run and pass.  Right and left tackle need to be prototypical.  It would be my greatest day as a Bears fan to see our first 3 picks bolstering both lines with 2 OT and a DT.

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I love these, thanks for doing these Mongo.

There are a couple of plays that stood out to me, obviously the Monty fumble ends up being the difference in the game, but how about the 15 play FG drive. What the hell was Nagy thinking on the Philly Special to ARob. Our O-Line is decimated and there was no need for any trickery there, after you had 9 positive plays out of 11 to that point. The Bears were moving the ball and had the Titans on their heels. Just keep doing what you are doing. 

Here is another crazy sequence:

4    pass rt -  Mooney for 1
5    run L2 - Monty for 4
6    pass left - Hambright gets used a turnstile, Foles has no chance

That 3 play sequence took almost 2 minutes off the clock and gained 5 yards. This is when they were down by 3 scores in the 4th quarter. Again, WTF is Nagy doing? He has zero game awareness and that is why they have scored only 7 points in the 3rd quarter all season. He doesn't know why things are not working, so how does he adjust? So apparently, he doesn't.

They had a great special teams play (Mingo with longest run of the game for the Bears), then you immediately call a timeout on the next play? All the main offensive players are on the sideline. How are they not ready to come in with the next play in hand? Piss poor coaching. After that fake, they should've quickly ran their guys to the line and waited for TEN to make their substitutions, then ran the next play. This is not rocket science. 

I also wouldn't get too encouraged by the late scores as TEN went into prevent defense and almost lost because of it.

Montgomery is great at getting the extra yard and breaking tackles, but man Mongo, you are right. He has to stop the jiggle on every play. Just hit the hole or cutback, don't dance in place. On the screen, if he just followed the ball to the outside he would've been going away from the pursuit, but his spin brought him right back to the defender who popped the ball out. It's sad and comical to watch all the O-Line on that play as it is hard to determine what they are trying to do. 

In the end, this comes right back to Nagy, you changed out the other coaches, you brought in your QB, and it is still not working. The O-Line is part of the problem, the QB is part of the problem, but now it seems that coaching is the biggest problem. 



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With the two of these breakdowns I've done, it's obvious what is working.

Anything to a TE, rollouts, and up tempo.  Our most effective running back is Patterson right now and he doesn't cut.  I would also like to see Foles under center more to help Monty with some quick hitting run plays.  When in the shotgun, the back has no momentum at the snap, forcing them to trust the hole and go.  There were holes all game, they just weren't there long.

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