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Justin Fields revealed epilepsy battle


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One tough son of a bitch young man to reveal that.  I can't believe how hard that must of been.  He must have great control  and medical protocols to  keep under control.  To have never been publicly reveled before.  I have no idea how humans respond to or control such a thing.  We have a dog that suffers from the same condition.  We're happy to go a month and a half with out a seizure.  First one came a week after we picked her up from the rescue group.  Thought she was dying and we had some how poisoned her.  It's a daily battle to try and prevent the next one.  But as my wife says she is our forever dog.  I only hope for the best for him but his draft stock seems tough to not go down. 

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Heard about it this morning on NFL's XM station.  They did say that the hope is he grows out of it as he has family members who also dealt with it and have grown out of it.  I'm not familiar with Epilepsy personally either myself or family, but it's no doubt a serious thing.  Props to Fields for being open about it prior to the draft.  I know it's was not an easy thing to reveal especially as you said it's never publicly been revealed so he's managed it and stayed on top of it.  It takes discipline for sure but the kid has performed at a high level with this medical issue.  His being open about it will help NFL teams decide and prepare whoever  drafts him but will also stand as an encouragement to young athletes around the country that something like this shouldn't stand in the way of their dreams of being a pro athlete.    

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Fields has always been my favorite prospect for QB in this years draft. I honestly would not mind giving up two number ones to trade up for him. However, I think SF will grab him. So my wish will go for naught. Maybe a 2nd rd QB option will be available that is good enough to take a flyer on.

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Epilepsy in today's world isn't nearly as debilitating as it once was.  I think like with most anything meds and close oversight it can be managed within reason.  I'd equate it to learning about Cutler having diabetes a couple years into his career.  He was able to successfully manage his performance even though diabetes can be a real bitch if not managed properly.  

I agree that its commendable of Fields to come forward about it, especially this close to the draft. But it speaks more to his character that he's willing to do that knowing it could affect his draft value. And to me that's a pretty cool thing.   Props to him.

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