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Rodgers wants out of GB?


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I'm seeing breaking news reports that Aaron Rodgers is possibly wanting GB to trade him.  Things have been slowly devolving there concerning his contract past the 2021 season.  How crazy is this.  Per Adam Schefter that Rodgers is so disgruntled that he has told some members of the organization that he does not want to return to the team.  Curious what it would take.  Wouldn't the Packers have to take a huge cap hit to trade him?  I know his guaranteed money is all paid out after 2021 and they could even cut him (not that they would) next year with no hit.  

Holy crap what timing for that story to come out as the 2021 draft starts tonight.  

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It's certainly a crazy rumor.

I read on one site it was a completely false rumor and they discounted the rumor.

Yet I read on another San Francisco has inquired about the price to obtain Rodgers.

Interesting. I'd love to see Rodgers out of GB which means, (Murphy's Law) he'll retire a packer after 5 more MVP performances.

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36 minutes ago, Pixote said:

It's certainly a crazy rumor.

I read on one site it was a completely false rumor and they discounted the rumor.

Yet I read on another San Francisco has inquired about the price to obtain Rodgers.

Interesting. I'd love to see Rodgers out of GB which means, (Murphy's Law) he'll retire a packer after 5 more MVP performances.

Lol wouldn’t that be our luck. Maybe we should root for it to be false. A little reverse psychology of sorts.  Schefter is usually accurate. Packer nation would lose its collective mind. 

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20 minutes ago, BearFan2000 said:

Lol wouldn’t that be our luck. Maybe we should root for it to be false. A little reverse psychology of sorts.  Schefter is usually accurate. Packer nation would lose its collective mind. 

I'm watching NFL Network and there are several advancing the rumor.

One can only pray. 

The Packer Nation would be so pissed. LOL

Toasted Cheese!

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There’s som packer fans on YouTube reacting. It makes me want to grab some popcorn.  It would be therapeutic if Rodgers did leave and Love would suck, and they would be in QB hell for a decade or two. They’ve been super lucky to have back to back HOF QBs.  It’s made their fan base smug. 

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27 minutes ago, BearFan2000 said:

There’s som packer fans on YouTube reacting. It makes me want to grab some popcorn.  It would be therapeutic if Rodgers did leave and Love would suck, and they would be in QB hell for a decade or two. They’ve been super lucky to have back to back HOF QBs.  It’s made their fan base smug. 

yes it has

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6 minutes ago, Bill said:

Would make the draft weekend at least somewhat of a success no matter who the Bears pick.  But no. way they would him trade to an NFC team.  Especially the Niners.  Only to have him kick their asses the next few years in the playoffs.

But is GB a playoff team sans Rodgers?  

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2 hours ago, Pixote said:

It's certainly a crazy rumor.

I read on one site it was a completely false rumor and they discounted the rumor.

Yet I read on another San Francisco has inquired about the price to obtain Rodgers.

Interesting. I'd love to see Rodgers out of GB which means, (Murphy's Law) he'll retire a packer after 5 more MVP performances.

I don't think it's a rumor.  They are reporting that the brass flew to Rodgers a few times to patch things up, to no avail.  They even offered him a contract extension.  Also, this is a dude that doesn't even converse with his family.

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Yes, Since I wrote that post, I am hearing more and more about how Rodgers is unhappy with GB for not commiting to a multi-year contract extension with a big pay boost. He's earned it. They just want to rework his existing contract for cap purposes. 

Unfortunately, GB is saying no way they trade him. Could be smoke screen. I have to believe for the right price, they might say yes.

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Is this the draft that goes down in history where the Bears/Packers luck flipped. Bears draft franchise QB - Packers trade HOF QB elsewhere?  I saw a report where Schlerth (Broncos/ESPN Guy) indicated he was hearing Broncos making very aggressive push and deal was close.  I am sure Packers will get a haul - but man - Bears are due for some good QB luck...right.  

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6 hours ago, DABEARSDABOMB said:

Is this the draft that goes down in history where the Bears/Packers luck flipped. Bears draft franchise QB - Packers trade HOF QB elsewhere?  I saw a report where Schlerth (Broncos/ESPN Guy) indicated he was hearing Broncos making very aggressive push and deal was close.  I am sure Packers will get a haul - but man - Bears are due for some good QB luck...right.  

It would be about time our luck changed. I would love to see GB struggle in bad QB purgatory for at least a decade or two.  GB can say no publicly but what matters is how ugly things get. No one can dispute Rodgers talent on the field but at some point you value the culture of your team over the ego of one player.  If the situation continues to devolve and become toxic those offers start to sound enticing. 

Rodgers waning more money in a big contract extension which for his value to the team he’s not out of line.  But, to me, this is the difference between Rodgers and Brady. Brady knew he could command a high salary yet he understood if he was taking up a disproportionate amount of cap space it would limit his teams ability to surround him with talent that made the team better.  So, he chose to take less to make his team better.  Rodgers on the other hand lives in a world of one. It’s all about him.  The talking heads feed the ego by blaming his teammates or lack of supporting cast when things go bad and when it’s going well they act like it’s all because of Rodgers.  You win and lose as a team. No one is bigger than the team.  

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I have read everything I could about the Rodgers ordeal and he won't be there QB anymore.  There is a reason he announces he wants out on draft day.  He holds a grudge and he wants the GM gone or he ain't coming back.  One of his friends was asked about this and he said there's a 5% chance he will be back. 

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Rodgers' ego is huge. I can't see him backing off his stance. Either the GM goes or he goes. There is no way the team is going to set a precedence with a player vs GM like this. 

GB has lived off the franchise QB teet for 3 decades now. It is time for them to live like the rest of the league. That team immediately becomes a 6-7 win team without Rodgers. Even if Love is decent, Rodgers was top 5 of all-time. 

It's funny because Rodgers has masked their drafting, which has been worse than Pace's over the last few years. Last year was Love, Dillon, Deguara, 1, 2, 3. Funny that they drafted Deguara in the 3rd, a year after drafting Sternberger in the 3rd. Yet, a UDFA, Tonyan ends up being their best TE. Love is now in Year 2, can they really afford to go any deeper into his rookie deal without knowing what they got in him?

Rodgers cap hit: $37M in 2021 and $40M in 2022. The most cost savings is a post June 1 trade which would be $14M in dead money this year. 

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6 minutes ago, adam said:

Rodgers' ego is huge. I can't see him backing off his stance. Either the GM goes or he goes. There is no way the team is going to set a precedence with a player vs GM like this. 

Absolutely right about a horrible precedent.  I was trying to come up with a scenario involving a 50+ year old Brady vs the Bucs GM but it’s possible he’ll still be productively be playing then so never mind. .  

The ‘masking of the draft’ is also right on.  They’re team barely got by with only Rodgers heroics saving them.  And then their “wizard HC” calls the wrong call at the end of last year’s Championship game to seal their fate.  After that they immediately fire DC Pettine (who is now on the Bears staff) as a ‘fall guy’ for it all and to cover up the ineptitude. Yeah they’re destined for despair once Aaron leaves.  

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7 hours ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

Absolutely right about a horrible precedent.  I was trying to come up with a scenario involving a 50+ year old Brady vs the Bucs GM but it’s possible he’ll still be productively be playing then so never mind. .  

The ‘masking of the draft’ is also right on.  They’re team barely got by with only Rodgers heroics saving them.  And then their “wizard HC” calls the wrong call at the end of last year’s Championship game to seal their fate.  After that they immediately fire DC Pettine (who is now on the Bears staff) as a ‘fall guy’ for it all and to cover up the ineptitude. Yeah they’re destined for despair once Aaron leaves.  

This is where I see plenty of blame to go around,  Rodger's talent has been able to cover for bad drafting and roster management.  They got by with it when Favre was there too.  I can see it from Rodgers perspective that they haven't given him a lot of help through the draft/FA.  But that to me doesn't excuse his actions in creating this rift because he can't let go of any grudges, and thinks he should have GM powers as a player.  It was crappy that they didn't at least let him know they were planing on drafting a QB high last year, we did the same to Glennon which was crappy though those two players are apples to oranges. I was glad to hear that Dalton was aware prior to the draft that they were going go try and go after a QB high.  It's been a messy situation in GB that's been brewing for years.   They interviewed Brett Favre and his take was Rodgers won't budge once he has a grudge and feels he will sit out, hold out, or retire, till he gets his way.  

Letting Rodgers have his way would be a horrible precedent and would really make the Packers organization look weak.  I feel like for their part they are doing what they should be doing holding their ground. Let him retire, 14 mil is a lot of dead cap to eat to give him his way, if he retires he owes the Packers money.  Granted if they do trade him, they would command a pretty big haul that might make that 14 mil easier to swallow.  It's crazy how the tides have turned and if he does in fact not play in GB in 2021 and beyond that would greatly change the dynamics in the NFC North.  

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I would love Rodgers gone but think both sides of the argument have issues. Rodgers is a asshole with a big ego and the GM seems to be too. I think the top 3 QB wins and moves on.  I can't wait until the packer fans turn on Rodgers,  that will seal the fate. Something to think about,  what if Love is good? We have another Farve to Rodgers scenario? One thing at a time. 

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