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Goldman is an unexcused absence

BearFan PHX

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Sounds like Goldman might be out of shape or retiring or something, he didnt show for mandatory minicamp after sitting out the year last year. It doesnt sound like a contract dispute the way Nagy talked about it.

People were very forgiving that he chose to sit out the season last year - I always thought it showed a lack of heart for the game and the team.

Also, if he's pulling this crap, it would have been decent of him to give us a heads up before the draft.

He is currently on my crap list.


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Sounds like Nagy knew he would miss and expects him to show at TC.

"Nagy said that he spoke with Goldman a day earlier on Monday.

“Obviously, I’m going to keep that [discussion] between us,” Nagy said. “But we do expect him to be at training camp rocking and rolling.”"

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I had read last year when he opted out , he had a premature baby and was worried that the covid my endanger his newborn. Also , I think he wife had a health problem that made him more venerable to the virus. Im not sure of his dedication to the game about being there this year, but maybe he is waiting for his vaccine shots,, Nagy said they talked to him 2 days ago but wasnt definite about anything.

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34 minutes ago, lemonej said:

Any comments that we can make are speculative and we should wait and see what he has to say if/when he shows up until then what has khyris got?

I agree with that mewntality from Khyris' point of view for sure. And I hope that Goldman comes back with a fire in his belly. But I think this isnt a good sign overall, and puts replacing him on to Pace's radar for next year. Not that GOldman cant play himself out of that position, he can, and i hope he does. But this is not a good look for a guy who held out for COVID last year.

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Adam, thank you for that. that makes his absence even more perplexing then. I assumed he was out of shape because it was the most benign explanation and fit a former pattern. If that wasnt it, I wonder what the heck it was. And then they signed Mike Pennell today, so they must have wanted insurance too after knowing what's up. Hmmmm.

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