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My Letter to Geroge McCaskey....


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Season Ticket Waiting List (ID# xxxxxxxx)


Mr. George McCaskey

Chicago Bears

Halas Hall

1920 Football Dr.

Lake Forest, IL 60045


September 28, 2021


Dear Mr. George McCaskey,


This is my second time writing to you regarding the poor results of the Chicago Bears’ current GM and Head Coach.  I have included my first letter that I sent at the end of last season.  I am also including the response that you so kindly sent.  I first want to thank you for your letter.  I truly appreciate that you took time out of your busy day to address my concerns.  It is a strong sign that you care what us fans think about the team. 


I have watched a lot of good and a lot of bad from the Bears over my 51 years on this earth.  Last weekend, against the Browns might have been the absolute worst I’ve ever seen.  Defensively, the team held up their end of the bargain.  However, the offense was truly ineffective.  In fact, they looked so out of place, so unprepared, so unwilling to adapt, and so mistake prone that it looked anything but professional.  The young and talented Justin Fields (who is our future) was literally set out to be a tackling dummy for the Browns aggressive defense.  Coach Nagy did him no favors. 


Numerous local and national sports reporters have publicly called out the atrociously poor job Mr. Nagy did.  It’s not just the media in Chicago.  Now, the world is watching.  And if Mr. Nagy continues to be the head coaching, your fan base might stop watching.   


Additionally, GM Ryan Pace, while obtaining some good players, has leveraged the future by giving away money to pricy free agents and future draft picks to get higher draft picks.  The results have been hit and miss.  But, continually doing this without much to show for it is financial malfeasance.  He keeps spending money he will need in the future.  At some point, you have to pay up.  And the Bears will be in a serious cap issue when the team desperately needs young talent and lots of it to make up for lack of depth.  These actions by Mr. Pace sadly set us up to fail in the next few years right as Justin Fields will hopefully be ascending. 


As I mentioned in my previous letter, I have not paid for Direct Ticket this season.  I got to see games 1 and 3 on national TV and was extremely disappointed.  Until Mr. Pace and Mr. Nagy are relieved of their duties, I am left with no choice but to continue to vote with my dollar.  I will not purchase any Bears item until those gentlemen are relieved of their duties.  I simply cannot support the direction that this team is going.  There is a difference between backing into the playoffs (and getting bounced out each time) with expanded playoffs (with a non-winning record) and being a legitimate contender.  One winning season out of three is not acceptable.  While I am certain both men are very nice people, they simply aren’t good at their jobs.  I am not alone in this thinking. 


I wish you and your family the best.  I thank you for your acknowledgment of my concerns.  It pains me to feel this way about my team.  It’s just painful to invest one’s heart and soul into something so mismanaged.  I just can’t sit back and watch this without saying something.  Bear down.






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9 hours ago, Chitownhustla said:

Can I ask why you didnt include Ted Phillips in your request? 




I personally have no issue with Ted Phillips managing the business aspect of the organization as long as I only hear from him when he is talking about the stadium or introducing the new president in charge of football operations. He should never, ever be involved in football operations. 

Get the new stadium built, Ted, and then stay the F out of football operations. 


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Here's my original letter:

Mr. George McCaskey

Chicago Bears

Halas Hall

1920 Football Dr.

Lake Forest, IL 60045


January 13, 2021


Dear Mr. George McCaskey,


I am a longtime fan of the Chicago Bears and currently am on the waiting list for season tickets (ID# xxxxxxx).  I am currently 50 years old and have been a fan for as long as I can remember.  My father passed his love of the team down to me.  My father even went to college with the great Dick Butkus.  My dad sat me down at a very young age in the mid 70’s and asked that I watch Walter Payton run.  I did.  And my life was forever changed.  I watched some very bad years.  I also watched some great ones.  Including the best of all time, 1985.  I’ve read countless books on the great Papa Bear and others throughout Bears history to gain a greater appreciation of the team.


All my years as a fan, I’ve never written the club.  After today’s press conference, I am compelled to do so.  I have watched this team regress over the period of three years.  I watched GM, Ryan Pace, draft poorly in the first round.  I watched Mr. Pace give up a tremendous amount of draft capital for players who aren’t performing.  I watched Mr. Pace promise me that he’d draft a quarterback every season.  He has not.  I watched Coach Matt Nagy not groom a young quarterback.  I watched Coach Nagy tell me the team should run more, when he is the one making the call on how often to run.  This is the Bears.  We run the ball.  I watched coach Nagy give up play-calling and see some success with Coach Bill Lazor.  Then, I watched coach Nagy take the play-calling back, which resulted in some less than stellar performances against our most bitter rivals, the Packers and the Saints. 


I was truly hoping your press conference today would allow the fan-base to get a fresh start.  Instead, we are getting more of the same.  A trajectory that seems more regressive than progressive.  To say I am disappointed is an under statement.  While I respect what Mr. Pace and Mr. Nagy have done, they simply have not done enough.  One winning season out of three is not what this team should be striving for.  Sadly, watching more of the same from these two men is leading me down a path of apathy.  My passion has simply been put on hold.  I simply do not trust these men to lead the team.  They need to regain my trust to gain my passion.  I just do not see that happening after what I’ve seen for three years with Coach Nagy and longer with Mr. Pace.   


I currently live near Los Angeles, so I have to subscribe to the Direct Ticket in order to watch all the Bears games.  I’ve been doing this since about 2004.  This season, I am planning on cancelling that as I feel the cost of the Ticket will not be worth the product on the field.  I will still watch what I can from the national games for the Bears and still root the players on.  But, the questionable leadership from Mr. Pace and Mr. Nagy leave me with no other choice.


I am hoping the Bears can again become a team to be reckoned within the next few years.  But, I feel this coming season at minimum will not be worth expending much energy on.  I will someday be a season ticket holder, and will take that responsibility to heart.  I will attend games and root my team on.  The Bears are in my blood.  The Bears feel s like family.  But, like family, sometimes tough love is needed.  Now is that time.  My parents and fellow Bears fans that I am in communication with feel the same way. 


Please consider a large chunk of your fan-base as unhappy with the lack of accountability from the head coach and GM, and we eagerly await candidates to fill those roles that are better suited for the job.  Thank you very much for your time.  My best wishes to your wonderful mother and matriarch of the Bears.  Stay safe and healthy.  Bear down.







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With your letter vs the thousands to continuously show up, he is humoring you because as you stated others continue to show up and with the news that they were able to secure a bid for the Arlington Park property, should tell us all that they have the money plus the backing of the NFL to get that done but are not keeping an eye on the bread winner!

Mad L thanks for your passion


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2 hours ago, lemonej said:

With your letter vs the thousands to continuously show up, he is humoring you because as you stated others continue to show up and with the news that they were able to secure a bid for the Arlington Park property, should tell us all that they have the money plus the backing of the NFL to get that done but are not keeping an eye on the bread winner!

Mad L thanks for your passion




Much thanks!

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I watched Coach Matt Nagy not groom a young quarterback.  - Scary that we are back in the same place, he is considering going with Dalton over grooming Fields. 

I watched Coach Nagy tell me the team should run more, when he is the one making the call on how often to run.  This is the Bears.  We run the ball.  - Monty had 10 carries against Cleveland, 10, while they watched Fields get sacked 9 times.

I watched coach Nagy give up play-calling and see some success with Coach Bill Lazor.  Then, I watched coach Nagy take the play-calling back, which resulted in some less than stellar performances against our most bitter rivals, the Packers and the Saints. - If this happens again, fans need to boycott the next home game, just don't show up, that is the only thing that will get their attention. 


It is crazy that you wrote that in January and it is still accurate in October AFTER they drafted another QB and Pace handed out some more stupid contracts. 

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17 hours ago, adam said:

I watched Coach Matt Nagy not groom a young quarterback.  - Scary that we are back in the same place, he is considering going with Dalton over grooming Fields. 

I watched Coach Nagy tell me the team should run more, when he is the one making the call on how often to run.  This is the Bears.  We run the ball.  - Monty had 10 carries against Cleveland, 10, while they watched Fields get sacked 9 times.

I watched coach Nagy give up play-calling and see some success with Coach Bill Lazor.  Then, I watched coach Nagy take the play-calling back, which resulted in some less than stellar performances against our most bitter rivals, the Packers and the Saints. - If this happens again, fans need to boycott the next home game, just don't show up, that is the only thing that will get their attention. 


It is crazy that you wrote that in January and it is still accurate in October AFTER they drafted another QB and Pace handed out some more stupid contracts. 

Feels like deja vu all over again!

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