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Everyone has COVID


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So apparently Lazor, Desai, and Tabor have all been placed in the C19 protocol.

You almost can't make this up:

I am not saying these are inaccurate, but for how bad Robinson, Jackson, and Goldman have played, they will barely be missed. However, this looks pretty ugly. So Fields gets Jenkins and Simmons as his bookend tackles against MIN who leads the league in sacks. Lovely. 

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There's a lot of immunology science behind why the COVID stuff is happening in this manner but that's boring stuff.  The positive here, if it's the Omicron variant, is that it's usually a mild 2 day course of sickness with an extremely low risk of serious issues.  The negative is it spreads far easier and the team likely isn't done with it.   

While sickness might be mild for a couple days I don't know how long the viral load will remain in the sinus and can be detected via PCR tests.  For those who got it early in the week some could be back before the game on Mon.   That's a bit tight since I think the NFL requires they test negative twice within 48hrs.   If that means Sun/Mon tests are negative then we might see a few people back in action but of course we could also lose others.  

This is going to be a brutally ugly game but, as long as we can field a team, I'll be watching because it's what I do.  It'll also give me an excuse to drink some Scotch Whiskey with my son.  Bear down!  

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5 hours ago, AZ54 said:

There's a lot of immunology science behind why the COVID stuff is happening in this manner but that's boring stuff.  The positive here, if it's the Omicron variant, is that it's usually a mild 2 day course of sickness with an extremely low risk of serious issues.  The negative is it spreads far easier and the team likely isn't done with it.   

While sickness might be mild for a couple days I don't know how long the viral load will remain in the sinus and can be detected via PCR tests.  For those who got it early in the week some could be back before the game on Mon.   That's a bit tight since I think the NFL requires they test negative twice within 48hrs.   If that means Sun/Mon tests are negative then we might see a few people back in action but of course we could also lose others.  

This is going to be a brutally ugly game but, as long as we can field a team, I'll be watching because it's what I do.  It'll also give me an excuse to drink some Scotch Whiskey with my son.  Bear down!  

but I thought the vaccine prevents COVID? *kidding*

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The first problem is the tests their using is only 50% effective according to the FDA . after the first of the year they are going to a different test. So that screws stuff up. Then whether vaccinated (93%) in NFL, or not you can still catch it. The death rate is 1/10th of 1% if under 50. This is never going away. We have to treat it like the common flu and live with it. Before covid , we never treated flus like this. It is more contiguous before no different in deaths than the flu. So once big pharma quits pushing this fear narrative for profit, we can get back to normal. it will take another year before we get back to close to normal. 

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12 hours ago, Bill said:

More importantly I have a win and I'm in the playoffs FF game.  How am I suppose to figure out my roster.

I know, my luck, several players potentially impacted by C19, don't have bench players on the same team to replace and since they will be the latest games, have to bench better players for ones that are guaranteed to play. Not fun.

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4 hours ago, AZ54 said:

1 UP:  Wilkinson returns from COVID. this helps a depleted OT situation but isn't really enough.  

2 down: Dalton and Shelley out.   neither were expected to play FWIW

I heard Ifedi might be back too, or at least he is practicing. There were high hopes for him in the offseason. With Borom out we need someone better than Simmons on that side. 

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On 12/18/2021 at 5:44 AM, Stinger226 said:

This is going to be a mess, several teams have the same problem. I wouldn't doubt if the NFL quickly changes the policy. Maybe just one negative test. Its rare anyone gets sick let alone severe conditions. Its a testing problem. 

Policy already changed but only for vaccinated even though it's so obvious they are the ones getting sick and spreading it.  At the risk of getting banished into the ether I'm going to call out the elephant that is standing in the middle of the locker room:

If the league is 94.3% vaccinated and staff nearly 100% https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/resources/press-releases/nfl-covid-19-testing-results-and-vaccination-rates-oct-31-nov-13-2021

then we're talking about ~2 players on a team that are not vaccinated.  Odds are one of the two players has already had COVID which means they have much better immunity than vaccinated people.  The NFL continues to single out the unvaxxed players for this issue as seen in the rules disparity.   If that unvaxxed player isn't sick or testing positive how is it his fault others got sick?  Even if he did infect others how is it his fault their choice to get vaccinated didn't protect them?  The player didn't produce, market, nor mandate ineffective vaccines.  Booster shots don't help either against Omicron yet the NFL seemingly doesn't know that.  Worse they don't know why that is despite mandating a very specifically targeted vaccine that was never designed to provide full immunity against all future variants.  Nor do they know why some vaccinated people can carry a higher viral load even when asymptomatic (not sick but making it easier for them to spread the disease) vs. unvaccinated who are asymptomatic (including those who never had COVID).  If they did, they wouldn't be allowing vaccinated players who test positive just once to come to work until such time as they get a second positive test.  Everyone knows there is no way they allowed obviously sick people to be in meeting rooms or workout with others.   Where is the investigation into how this was being spread?   Are they blaming Cole Beasley and Aaron Rodgers who both played today?   

Simply put the data is out there and the NFL needs to do a better job taking care of the players and staff personnel.  The union should be fighting for the players rights as other unions like the UAW have successfully done.  

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7 hours ago, AZ54 said:

Policy already changed but only for vaccinated even though it's so obvious they are the ones getting sick and spreading it.  At the risk of getting banished into the ether I'm going to call out the elephant that is standing in the middle of the locker room:

If the league is 94.3% vaccinated and staff nearly 100% https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/resources/press-releases/nfl-covid-19-testing-results-and-vaccination-rates-oct-31-nov-13-2021

then we're talking about ~2 players on a team that are not vaccinated.  Odds are one of the two players has already had COVID which means they have much better immunity than vaccinated people.  The NFL continues to single out the unvaxxed players for this issue as seen in the rules disparity.   If that unvaxxed player isn't sick or testing positive how is it his fault others got sick?  Even if he did infect others how is it his fault their choice to get vaccinated didn't protect them?  The player didn't produce, market, nor mandate ineffective vaccines.  Booster shots don't help either against Omicron yet the NFL seemingly doesn't know that.  Worse they don't know why that is despite mandating a very specifically targeted vaccine that was never designed to provide full immunity against all future variants.  Nor do they know why some vaccinated people can carry a higher viral load even when asymptomatic (not sick but making it easier for them to spread the disease) vs. unvaccinated who are asymptomatic (including those who never had COVID).  If they did, they wouldn't be allowing vaccinated players who test positive just once to come to work until such time as they get a second positive test.  Everyone knows there is no way they allowed obviously sick people to be in meeting rooms or workout with others.   Where is the investigation into how this was being spread?   Are they blaming Cole Beasley and Aaron Rodgers who both played today?   

Simply put the data is out there and the NFL needs to do a better job taking care of the players and staff personnel.  The union should be fighting for the players rights as other unions like the UAW have successfully done.  

This is what you get when you try to play a physical sport during a pandemic. The only way to prevent spread is by separation/isolation, which is not going to happen. If I was a team, I would seriously consider that for the playoffs, or at least thru the Conference Championship Game. 6 weeks is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. 

I still can't believe we are dealing with this 2 years later and the cases are higher now than they were for most of 2020. 


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8 hours ago, AZ54 said:

Policy already changed but only for vaccinated even though it's so obvious they are the ones getting sick and spreading it.  At the risk of getting banished into the ether I'm going to call out the elephant that is standing in the middle of the locker room:

I always adhered to a belief one should never discuss politics or religion with friend or foe

I think in todays climate, this should now include everything Covid-19

I totally disagree with your points of view on Covid-19, vaccines, and boosters but I will not muddy the waters by discussing it with you on a forum that was established for discussing all things 'Chicago Bears'

We do have an 'Off Topic' forum available (The Water Cooler) where you can post your POV on anything you so desire.



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6 hours ago, Pixote said:

I always adhered to a belief one should never discuss politics or religion with friend or foe

I think in todays climate, this should now include everything Covid-19

I totally disagree with your points of view on Covid-19, vaccines, and boosters but I will not muddy the waters by discussing it with you on a forum that was established for discussing all things 'Chicago Bears'

We do have an 'Off Topic' forum available (The Water Cooler) where you can post your POV on anything you so desire.



Since football is the key factor for this discussion, I believe it belongs in this thread.  The knowledge we share can potentially help someone.  I've asked many healthcare professionals about close contact sports and the dangers of covid19 and they can offer no objective evidence to add to what is happening in the NFL.  When you are talking about men in the prime of their lives and in peak physical condition, the risk of death is so minute that is renders unvaxed vs vaxed a moot point.  Now that they have almost two years of data, they should have sufficient evidence of their own to form their own protocol outside of the normal scope.  IE: is there even a need for protocol in the NFL?(No protocol in place for my son's HS football team, except a gov't mandated bus ride with a mask requirement)  Do vaccines actually help prevent the spread or do they create an asymptomatic Trojan Horse to the vulnerable?  I think the pro sports leagues are a perfect beta site for real data.

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On 12/19/2021 at 11:15 PM, AZ54 said:

Policy already changed but only for vaccinated even though it's so obvious they are the ones getting sick and spreading it.  At the risk of getting banished into the ether I'm going to call out the elephant that is standing in the middle of the locker room:

If the league is 94.3% vaccinated and staff nearly 100% https://www.nfl.com/playerhealthandsafety/resources/press-releases/nfl-covid-19-testing-results-and-vaccination-rates-oct-31-nov-13-2021

then we're talking about ~2 players on a team that are not vaccinated.  Odds are one of the two players has already had COVID which means they have much better immunity than vaccinated people.  The NFL continues to single out the unvaxxed players for this issue as seen in the rules disparity.   If that unvaxxed player isn't sick or testing positive how is it his fault others got sick?  Even if he did infect others how is it his fault their choice to get vaccinated didn't protect them?  The player didn't produce, market, nor mandate ineffective vaccines.  Booster shots don't help either against Omicron yet the NFL seemingly doesn't know that.  Worse they don't know why that is despite mandating a very specifically targeted vaccine that was never designed to provide full immunity against all future variants.  Nor do they know why some vaccinated people can carry a higher viral load even when asymptomatic (not sick but making it easier for them to spread the disease) vs. unvaccinated who are asymptomatic (including those who never had COVID).  If they did, they wouldn't be allowing vaccinated players who test positive just once to come to work until such time as they get a second positive test.  Everyone knows there is no way they allowed obviously sick people to be in meeting rooms or workout with others.   Where is the investigation into how this was being spread?   Are they blaming Cole Beasley and Aaron Rodgers who both played today?   

Simply put the data is out there and the NFL needs to do a better job taking care of the players and staff personnel.  The union should be fighting for the players rights as other unions like the UAW have successfully done.  

Unvaxxed players have to follow rigid rules where jabbed players dont. 0 people have been hospitalized or gotten ill. This is a testing problem. They need to just move forward and stop with this policy of constant testing. No one is dying or even getting sick. This is just another flu that ended up getting political and now all of this insanity. Unvaxxed players have gotten all of the attention but they are not the problem. I have watched several doctors explain the PCR test and it doesnt even distinguish between viral particles. So how are they discovering the new variant unless everyone is getting blood tests? (that's not happening). The FDA has pulled their approval of the PCR test starting the first quarter of 2022. It is inaccurate and not effective. All these policies are being based on PCR testing, this is ridiculous. Covid is a flu stain and it is never going away. We need to just go back to normal and treat it for what it is. If vaccines dont protect you from covid, then they are just flu booster shots. 

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4 hours ago, Pixote said:

I really do not want to delete this thread.

I really do not want to move this thread.

If I do either I will just upset people.

So I guess I will just leave.

I'm sick and tired of this crap.


Nobody wants you to leave.  But, please look inward because you seem to be the only one upset about it.  If you move it to the other thread, I won't mind.

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8 hours ago, Mongo3451 said:

Nobody wants you to leave.  But, please look inward because you seem to be the only one upset about it.  If you move it to the other thread, I won't mind.

Mongo, I will now answer your reply now that someone was kind enough to move this thread. (No, I didn't move it)

Look inward?

Okay. When I look inward:

I see my oldest daughter, one of 5 kids I adopted back in the early 80's and raised as a single parent

I see my best friend from high school who graduated with me back in '68

I see a coworker from a job I had just before I decided to retire who became a good friend

What do they all have in common?

They all died after being infected with Covid-19 before vaccines became available

During the past two years approximately 100,000 people in the US died of the flu

During the past two years over 800,000 people in the US died of Covid-19

But people want to say, no big deal! It's just a simple cold, no more than the common flu.

Does it upset me? Yes.

But that is not the only reason I objected to this discussion on the main forum.

If you wanted to discuss NFL protocols & procedures for handling the pandemic, fine.

But that can be done without posting personal opinions about Covid-19/vaccines/boosters  

Especially when some of those opinions directly contradict those of the CDC, NIH, WHO, and every infectious disease specialist.

I will not debate those contradicting opinions, only state I strongly disagree and believe advancing false information is harmful

Like I said earlier, to argue religion, politics, and now Covid-19 is a foolish endeavor.

(Thanks to whoever moved this thread. Since some posters seemed to think I was the only one who found it inappropriate, I decided not to move it myself.)



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1 hour ago, Pixote said:

Mongo, I will now answer your reply now that someone was kind enough to move this thread. (No, I didn't move it)

Look inward?

Okay. When I look inward:

I see my oldest daughter, one of 5 kids I adopted back in the early 80's and raised as a single parent

I see my best friend from high school who graduated with me back in '68

I see a coworker from a job I had just before I decided to retire who became a good friend

What do they all have in common?

They all died after being infected with Covid-19 before vaccines became available

During the past two years approximately 100,000 people in the US died of the flu

During the past two years over 800,000 people in the US died of Covid-19

But people want to say, no big deal! It's just a simple cold, no more than the common flu.

Does it upset me? Yes.

But that is not the only reason I objected to this discussion on the main forum.

If you wanted to discuss NFL protocols & procedures for handling the pandemic, fine.

But that can be done without posting personal opinions about Covid-19/vaccines/boosters  

Especially when some of those opinions directly contradict those of the CDC, NIH, WHO, and every infectious disease specialist.

I will not debate those contradicting opinions, only state I strongly disagree and believe advancing false information is harmful

Like I said earlier, to argue religion, politics, and now Covid-19 is a foolish endeavor.

(Thanks to whoever moved this thread. Since some posters seemed to think I was the only one who found it inappropriate, I decided not to move it myself.)



Thank you for sharing.  I have my own covid19 experience.  I fought in Oct of 2020 and it was a bitch.  It took me 6 months to get the myalgiaa is out of my legs and still need albuterol for my lungs.  My mother almost died from the first vaccine and was unable to recieve the second.  Loss is definitely a part of this pandemic, but is definitely not a virus of the young and healthy.  As stated before, we can learn much from the data the NFL is hopefully acquiring.

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