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let's talk about bill polian

Lucky Luciano

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here is a synopsis of how this organization is working toward a new GM and coach...

bill polian is hired in 2021 by curious george to advise the inept mccaskey family on how to proceed with running their franchise. according to rumor, polian was advising the bears back in november 2021. deciding, it appears, that nagy wasn't the man for the HC job. what that means is that ryan pace had become untenable to do this job as a GM. what does that mean? it means that at this time ryan pace is now going to be replaced also.

so, it appears bill polian has had the reins to how the football operations are going to proceed since november 2021. in approximately 2 months jim polian appears not to have any idea who the new gm should be thus setting up the process of adding every name in the nfl world as potential gm candidates to be interviewed AFTER the last game in the season has played out. this means that we are already BEHIND the competition to acquire a candidate for either position.

it appears he has had NO short list, has not sent out feelers to potential candidates prior to the season ending. this is how a genius football guru operates?? at the very LEAST he should have had a list of no more that 3-5 hard candidates for the GM job. these short list candidates should have been contacted immediately to interview in chicago. once that process was set into motion the new gm should have made his OWN list of head coaching jobs and use polian as a springboard to choose them for interview. polian has done nothing. moving on...

who are his main candidates now this process has been muddied up with the head coaching search prior to hiring a gm? it appears if you were were involved with teams he specifically had involvement in 15-30 years ago you have made the the grade as a top candidate.

in my opinion, however smart polian USED to be the times have moved on. general knowledge? yes. current knowledge on how the nfl operates and all potential candidates for key positions? VERY questionable.

why hasn't the list of gm's been acted on in a timely manner with due diligence? is he just plain lazy or is he struggling to catch up with today's nfl or else just doesn't really give a $h!t.

this mess we are in is flat out ludicrous. a football genius hire who apparently  has no clue into the fact that time is of the essence if you want the best candidates hired.

there is your 79 year old football genius in 2022.


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19 minutes ago, Lucky Luciano said:

there is your 79 year old football genius in 2022.

At the end of the day, he works for George.  Einstein also once worked for George, now look at his hair.

"God bestows upon one man genius without patience and upon another man patience without genius. The relative achievements of the two are often surprising." - Walter C Klein

In other words, "settle down Francis".

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1 hour ago, Pixote said:

I trust Bill Polian. :)

I'm not concerned that he is too old.

I'm 73, so I might be prejudiced. :lol:

Yes, he's long in the tooth, but I think he's still top shelf.

i just have to ask this.... why wasn't this all done prior to the season even ending? and by that i mean why weren't the candidates narrowed down to the best 1-3 and the bears were ready to interview a gm immediately and hire him near the same time.

this is why i question his credibility. this is common sense on how to run ANY business, company or franchise. you have a good idea who the top candidates are that you want to hire before they are even needed. you beat the competition by preparation. polian obviously has done no prep work for TWO MONTHS.

we are now going on three weeks out of the initial firing of our staff and we are just narrowing it down now? that is what amateur executives do.

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55 minutes ago, Lucky Luciano said:

i just have to ask this.... why wasn't this all done prior to the season even ending? and by that i mean why weren't the candidates narrowed down to the best 1-3 and the bears were ready to interview a gm immediately and hire him near the same time.

this is why i question his credibility. this is common sense on how to run ANY business, company or franchise. you have a good idea who the top candidates are that you want to hire before they are even needed. you beat the competition by preparation. polian obviously has done no prep work for TWO MONTHS.

we are now going on three weeks out of the initial firing of our staff and we are just narrowing it down now? that is what amateur executives do.

Nagy and Pace were fired two weeks ago today. I don't trust George or Ted but am waiting to see how this plays out. I am betting a GM and head coach are in place by the end of the week.

The only person hired so far is the new GM for the Giants. 


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7 minutes ago, Connorbear said:

The only person hired so far is the new GM for the Giants. 


that is true. but was this a gm candidate that we coveted? even if it was not, we are now behind the giants in regards to hiring a head coach. so in essence we at best are getting the 2nd choice candidate if the giants (or anybody else) hires a HC before we do that was on our list.

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A couple points:

His age is less the issue than the fact thqt he's been out of the loop for a while. It's not about being 73. If he was 48, and hadnt been in football since he was 35, that'd be a problem too.

On the flip side, it is possible that a lot of the interviews are for the purpose of gathering information; which coaches and GMs want to work together, what a GMs philosophies are (which can help in predicting their behavior in the draft in the coming years), what they each think of our roster, what to do with Mack or Fields. There are lots of good reasons to interview people that you dont intend to hire. Theres also doing favors for friends and contacts, giving them the extra hype of an interview, or in some cases, experience with these kind of interviews.

So I dont think we can assume based on their wide net that the Bears dont have a narrow short list theyve been holding the whole time.

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12 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

A couple points:

His age is less the issue than the fact thqt he's been out of the loop for a while. It's not about being 73. If he was 48, and hadnt been in football since he was 35, that'd be a problem too.

On the flip side, it is possible that a lot of the interviews are for the purpose of gathering information; which coaches and GMs want to work together, what a GMs philosophies are (which can help in predicting their behavior in the draft in the coming years), what they each think of our roster, what to do with Mack or Fields. There are lots of good reasons to interview people that you dont intend to hire. Theres also doing favors for friends and contacts, giving them the extra hype of an interview, or in some cases, experience with these kind of interviews.

So I dont think we can assume based on their wide net that the Bears dont have a narrow short list theyve been holding the whole time.

to a point his age does not matter but at 79 years old he is basically retired as observed. he is not a candidate to be a permanent fixture in this franchise. he has been out of the loop with key nfl personnel for a long enough period that it has to effect his evaluation performance. he is not rubbing elbows with his peers at this time in his life especially with younger up and coming nfl execs or even different owners. he has no accountability if he fails what he is being paid to do.

if polians candidate for gm is strictly to hire the top performer at this key position it should not matter what he thinks or doesn't of the current roster of players. the same holds true of who HE thinks would be the best coaches to hire under HIS regime. same goes for the draft. if this guy is the best he should know what is needed and proceed to find the players that fit what he is trying to accomplish.

otherwise it's the same old crap. hire the most important executive in your franchise based on what a previous regime has accumulated and handcuff him to it. fit a square peg into a round hole.

if he doesn't like the player personnel that's fine because it sure hasn't gotten us in any superbowls lately. let him decide because that is what we are hiring him to do. if he likes certain aspects of what is here all the better. if our scouting dept is top notch let him decide what to do with it. i don't want to fit another cog into this machine i want the whole machine rebuilt to run at maximum capability.

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23 minutes ago, Chitownhustla said:

I was initially really excited about Polian being brought in. Im starting to get worried, we don't need an Indianapolis GM and HC. Jim Caldwell will make me puke. I pray that with them interviewing so many guys someone blows their doors off and it is not "just a polian guy". 

this causes me concern also. are his top candidates related to the franchises he worked with in the past for serious consideration?

i want the best there is not just the best there is wearing blinders.

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7 hours ago, Lucky Luciano said:

i just have to ask this.... why wasn't this all done prior to the season even ending? and by that i mean why weren't the candidates narrowed down to the best 1-3 and the bears were ready to interview a gm immediately and hire him near the same time.

this is why i question his credibility. this is common sense on how to run ANY business, company or franchise. you have a good idea who the top candidates are that you want to hire before they are even needed. you beat the competition by preparation. polian obviously has done no prep work for TWO MONTHS.

we are now going on three weeks out of the initial firing of our staff and we are just narrowing it down now? that is what amateur executives do.

So if Polian was hired to consult back in November, then the leaked rumors that Nagy was getting fired were true. The Bears were busted, played stupid, and didn't know what to do .  Hence the many days it took for them to make a public. statement about Nagys job.  Nagy or Pace probably confronted George about this and they cowered and told them their jobs are safe and they will be evaluated at the end of the season.  So they held off contacting candidates because if they did the leaks would have blown the roof off and potentially harmed the process.

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9 hours ago, Mongo3451 said:

This topic is wearing me out.  This is greatest influence on the organization since Jim Finks and we want to shit on it.  Typical Bears fans.  Negativity much?

Some of the negativity is earned by the Bears FO who has had a pattern of botching things and displaying a lot of ignorance when it comes to running an NFL team, fostering a winning culture, and putting a quality product on the field.  I think a lot of us have grown weary of the coaching/gm turnover we've seen only to regularly hit the reset button, start a rebuild and realize we don't have the right GM/coaching staff combo for the Bears to be a winner. Yet it's the same incompetent people making the gm/coaching decisions.  You have George saying the final decision is his.  That doesn't inspire confidence.  By bringing in Polian in to consult on the process is showing they are aware that they are deficient in football knowledge. But at the same time we've seen this movie before as well as last time we cleaned house we had Ernie in there helping with the process, and here we are again.  I think we all ultimately want to see the Bears finally get this right and give the fans the winning team that we deserve to root for.  Experience has taught us to be cautiously optimistic, or in some cases completely pessimistic and sure that George and Ted will screw this up again.  

Bottom line is we all want this ship to get righted and hope this time around we find the combination of GM/Coaches/players that can return this team to the proud franchise it once was.  Whether it's a case of the blind squirrel finding a nut or with Polian's help we get this right through good consulting.  We've seen it go wrong for so long that it's hard to fully look at this with a glass half full outlook.  The other thing that plays in is we don't have all the info, we only see what's reported.  We don't know what's going on behind the scenes, how these interviews are going, etc.  So it's easy to speculate and think the worst given the team's history of making poor decisions like this.  I for one am trying to stay cautiously optimistic and hoping that we finally break that cycle of cleaning house, the excitement of a fresh start and the optimism that comes from change when things were bad, then watching it play out and ending up looking forward to the next house cleaning.  One positive that this restart has going for us vs the previous restart that removed Trestman and Emery is that when that change was made the locker room was downright toxic.  This team is much different, there is a good core of hungry players on the team that have been held back by poor coaching.  If we get the right GM and HC in place we could see things turn around sooner than some think.  

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14 hours ago, Mongo3451 said:

This topic is wearing me out.  This is greatest influence on the organization since Jim Finks and we want to shit on it.  Typical Bears fans.  Negativity much?

Like I said I was really excited about Polian. What worries me is this turning in to Polian recommending only his guys. The NFL is full of talented guys from each org. Sounds like Ryan Poles may be the guy. If after interviewing 100 different GM Candidates, this is the guy Polian says is the best I'll be excited to see what this guy does. If the Bears hired a Colts guy for GM and HC i would be worried. 

The good old boy network gave us Pace and Fox which led to Mitch over Deshaun and Patrick and then Nagy...... Ted's connection to Ernie and Mickey Loomis did not work out. 



I only want the BEST guy available. 



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Just now, Chitownhustla said:

reports Jim Caldwell is in the building today..... do you think he is the best Coach available? 

Caldwell is solid but not spectacular.  He got screwed in Indy when Manning hurt his neck. Then got screwed in Detroit after taking them to the playoffs.  If he has a solid coaching staff in tow, he should be ok.  He'll be a Dungy/Lovie type of coach.  I still want Daboll.  Looks unlikely though.

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6 minutes ago, DABEARSDABOMB said:

And for the record - Poles was hired and he did not come from the Bills or Colts, Polian was interested in finding best fit for Bears and it was pretty evident by how many people they interviewed that they took an exhaustive approach to things.  

This shows it wasn't "hire my guy". I like it. I also like who he learned from. John Dorsey knows talent. 

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32 minutes ago, Mongo3451 said:

Caldwell is solid but not spectacular.  He got screwed in Indy when Manning hurt his neck. Then got screwed in Detroit after taking them to the playoffs.  If he has a solid coaching staff in tow, he should be ok.  He'll be a Dungy/Lovie type of coach.  I still want Daboll.  Looks unlikely though.

Agree with all this.  And with a younger GM might not be so bad to go with a veteran HC.  Yes it sounds like a song we’ve heard before but this time the GM will have more say on who that guy is. Or so we hope. 

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49 minutes ago, Chitownhustla said:

This shows it wasn't "hire my guy". I like it. I also like who he learned from. John Dorsey knows talent. 

Yes and yes.  I never thought Polian would do that, as he is the consummate professional.  We also know now that Poles hired based on the contingency that he would hire HIS own coach.  In Polian I trust!

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1 minute ago, Mongo3451 said:

Yes and yes.  I never thought Polian would do that, as he is the consummate professional.  We also know now that Poles hired based on the contingency that he would hire HIS own coach.  In Polian I trust!

I love that that Poles demanded to hire his own HC. GET TED THE freak OUT OF THE ROOM. Im sorry I ever questioned Bill Polian. lololol 


Every tweet about Poles says he's a great hire. 

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3 minutes ago, Chitownhustla said:

. Im sorry I ever questioned Bill Polian. lololol 

I live just outside of Indy and have seen a lot of Polian.  He's brilliant.  The fact that he's been on the payroll since late October let me know that he has a lot of control.  Otherwise, he would have cut bait and left those clowns on the boat.

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Just now, Mongo3451 said:

I live just outside of Indy and have seen a lot of Polian.  He's brilliant.  The fact that he's been on the payroll since late October let me know that he has a lot of control.  Otherwise, he would have cut bait and left those clowns on the boat.

he's in the HOF for a reason. I pray he worked his magic here in Chicago. Now we need Poles to hire the right guy and start building a KC style Offense. Speed, speed and more speed. 

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29 minutes ago, Mongo3451 said:

I live just outside of Indy and have seen a lot of Polian.  He's brilliant.  The fact that he's been on the payroll since late October let me know that he has a lot of control.  Otherwise, he would have cut bait and left those clowns on the boat.

This was a huge reason I was very confident in Polian. Beyond his resume - the Bears quietly had him look under the cover(s) during the season - which gave him a much better perspective on the current state, how things operate etc, and I think better positioned him to be very different than Acorsi was.  I also think the extended time likely gave Polian a better perspective of George & Ted too - and likely helped inform insights he gave to George around the type of things the org needs to do different (probably all stuff the new GM would say - but w/George & Ted having heard it from Bill too - I think that extra push will put more weight behind them really putting Poles in a position to excel and built out a really talented team (which likely will retain many people that were in-house previously; it wasn't like the Bears drafts were bad, etc; they need different strategy on how to use resources and other things and maybe refine in areas and probably expand certian capabilities - but Poles isn't inheriting a dumpster fire either (which is what Pace techncially inherited from Emery/Trestman).  

That said - Poles certainly isn't inherting a ton of working capital to start - so one of his first orders of business has to be how he's going to handle the cap and create flexibility and whether he would entertain punting a year and moving some of the aging defensive players (take cap pain now - to create future flexibility and maybe get a few draft assets back along the way).  

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