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NFL = All Star Wrestling?

Lucky Luciano

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well, here we go. if it turns out to be true...

if this scandal with ross (dolphins owner) and now the owner or high management personnel of the browns? (what other franchises are involved) comes to light that NFL teams were TANKING games per instructions from the owners/management this isn't just a tiny blip on the radar screen this is tracking a full out attack with ICBM's.

this means that a number of extremely important things come to mind and it opens up a gigantic can of worms for the owners and the hierarchy of the NFL corporation as a whole.

1. INTEGRITY: the integrity of a real and not contrived sport where the end results are predetermined are at stake. are we looking at this sport from this point on if there is no real investigation and penalties not only by the NFL corporation but the legal criminality consequences of law enforcement for perpetrated fraud, it plainly destroys this sports trust forever. this changes it from a sport to an exhibition.

2. GAMBLING: here it all comes crashing down. if ANY franchise is involved in conspiring to tank games, shave points or any other form of game or point manipulation it brings to light the serious problems involved with gambling cartels and organized crime. this is a criminal aspect no different than insider stock manipulation and needs to be seriously investigated by law enforcement. where owners and employee's could benefit from insider information to place bets on games it is a catastrophic breach of faith with the fans and public. it's illegal.

this also should bring up the manipulation of game results by referee's. the results of watching the poor officiating throughout a season is nearly indisputable. this also involves the NFL corporate and owners by making game rules so unenforceable and vague that there is never any call that is considered wrong or right. this leads to gambling interests or franchise personnel possible ability to bribe referee's a paramount concern.

3. THE DRAFT: if true, franchises tanking games to manipulate the order of the draft is again a breach of fan faith. any team purposely tanking games to garner a coveted spot in the NFL draft if not illegal should be enforced and penalized by the NFL corporate in it's most severe consequences. this effects every franchise in the NFL and the future of the health of each team and the money they will bring in. it effects the final win/loss results of every franchise for decades to come.

A TIP OF THE HAT TO BRIAN FLORES: this opens up the possible truth of how the corrupt side of the NFL works. not only that but the racial injustice that is being manipulated by certain franchises in regards to not only hiring minorities but chastising coaches or players that rock the boat on how these instances are being used by owners. the black balling and intimidation of these whistle blowers just shows how corrupt the NFL corporate and the owners really comes into play.


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I love a good conspiracy theory, so I am going to believe Flores' owner did bribe him to lose games. IE: tank for Tua.

What we know as fact, is that minorities are getting hosed, by the NFL owners, in regards to management and head coaching positions.  Is it racial or cultural?  Do the owners think the minority coaches have a lesser work ethic and acumen for higher positions?  It reminds me of the evolution of the black quarterback.

I'm thankful the Bears aren't part of this type of idiocy.

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I dont think the NFL is racist. I think they would hire ANYONE if it meant theyd win more games. And the disgusting idea of tanking games is to get a better draft pick to win more games. If true, it deserves the harshest response, but in the end, these guys will do ANYTHING to win games.

SO I dont believe that owners pass on coaches and general managers of color that they think would help them.

The problem here, as alleged, is that the Giants had already decided to hire Daboll, and interviewed Flores just to satisfy the Rooney rule. And whats wrong with that? The purpose of the Rooney rule was to get more candidates of color interview experience and exposure to clubs. It wasnt to force anyone to make a hire on anything other than the belief that they would be best for the job.

Im not against the Rooney rule per se, but it is the component of this that brings race into it. It is the corruption. Like I said, Im fine with it as long as clubs can still hire who they want. But lets not turn it on its head and call it disingenuous, and then blame the teams for that! Its the rule that creates the hypocritical issue.

I dont believe there is a team that thinks "coach X would bring us to a Super Bowl, but we dont want them because of race" - thats ridiculous.

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Started to post something about this yesterday but wanted to bask a little longer on the positive vibes of the new Bears organizational changes.  Alas, here we are. Yes this story is growing exponentially and exploding into a Pandora's Box of a mess.

When Flores was inexplicably let go I know many questioned it when it happened.  For all intents and purposes he had been successfully (and slowly) rebuilding a team to respectability against what seemed like difficult enough odds on the surface (the biggest being a shaky future Franchise QB that couldn't quite stay healthy or consistent to convince them they'd found their man).  Shortly after Flores' departure the Dolphins started labeling him as a 'difficult coach' to manage and other similar disparaging remarks. Then we find out (allegedly) a whole lotta things were happening that made Flores' job difficult if not impossible.  The localized issue with ownership demanding losses for compensation, to setting up interviews with a QB that Flores did not want in the building (allegedly Watson) to more widespread issues of potential racial inequality and hiring practices.  One of which is highlighted by an errant series of texts sent by Coach Belichek.  Yesterday the suit filed by Flores named three teams but has since grown to the include the whole NFL.  Its gonna be an interesting web to untangle for sure and yes you're right, will cast a not so favorable light on the NFL as a whole.  

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28 minutes ago, Mongo3451 said:

I'm thankful the Bears aren't part of this type of idiocy.

I was thinking this exact thing when I was listening to ESPN on my drive in to work.  For all his faults, McCaskey doesn't bring this type of messiness to the team.  Whether it be Jerry Jones and his interference in Dallas to the current allegations of Dophins' owner Ross at  I'm glad he's "just a fan".   

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