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If You Had Doubts About the New Sheriff


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Those doubts are gone after this:


This is definitely not a Pace move but it does resemble a Jimmy Johnson, for those who remember him from decades ago.  There has to be something behind it that Poles found out about while Soup was on vacation and that was it.  There are no sacred cows in this organization.  Poles is the man and he's owning it.  I'm good with it now we'll wait to see the results.  

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Nagy used Soup to help him control the locker room. Especially around issues concerning race. The problem with that is that you have someone who has the players' trust who potentially could disagree with Poles. Poles and Flus (and their coaches) want to have direct control over relationships with the players. They arent scared like Nagy was. So Soup represented an extra layer of contact that this group didnt want and didnt need. It makes good sense to remove that layer from the organization. At best he was redundant, and at worst he represented a possible obstacle with the players' support.

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I agree with your opinion but would say something directly happened that caused this . If he was just installing his guys, he would have purged the room a long time ago. If he was the go between in the locker room to the new regime, maybe something as simple as telling everyone that Quinn would be here and then he didnt show up. Sometimes its just a personality clash. He was on the board that directly hired Poles, but maybe he was the only one that didnt want him our of the group. Greg Gabriel said this kind of stuff happens and the reason never comes out.

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Anything you guys said could be true.  If Soup says why, that ends his career and Poles doesn't need to justify anything.  My guess is that a little of the old scuttlebutt started and Poles and Flus thought it best to send a message by cutting the head off the snake.

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  On 7/3/2022 at 10:46 AM, Stinger226 said:

I agree with your opinion but would say something directly happened that caused this . If he was just installing his guys, he would have purged the room a long time ago. If he was the go between in the locker room to the new regime, maybe something as simple as telling everyone that Quinn would be here and then he didnt show up. Sometimes its just a personality clash. He was on the board that directly hired Poles, but maybe he was the only one that didnt want him our of the group. Greg Gabriel said this kind of stuff happens and the reason never comes out.


I agree there was a specific event that led to this.  What that is could range from bad-mouthing the decision to back out of the Ogunjobi deal.   Or leaking stuff to the media.   Given how Poles personally spoke with Ogunjobi when he made the decision to back out of the deal, firing a long time Bears employee via a phone call during his vacation doesn't seem to be in character unless something very significant happened.  On top of that he's made a lot of other personnel decisions and none of them went down like this one.  

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  On 7/3/2022 at 6:32 PM, AZ54 said:

firing a long time Bears employee via a phone call during his vacation doesn't seem to be in character unless something very significant happened.  On top of that he's made a lot of other personnel decisions and none of them went down like this one.  


The "on vacation" thing got me as well.  That's why I took it as sending a message.

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  On 7/3/2022 at 5:06 PM, Connorbear said:

It was obvious that George had a high amount of respect for Soup so I love this move because it shows they are letting Poles do his job. 



yes, there is a tidbit of actual information there. good analysis.

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  On 7/4/2022 at 1:55 AM, AZ54 said:

Good point, however I doubt he did this without first contacting George to let him know.  Which would also mean George was on board with the decision.  


didnt stand in his way at least. Poles is running the team now, for better or worse lol

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The firing via phone call while on vacation seems very odd, but also precise about what kind of message is being sent by both the GM and Coach.

A couple of players don't show up for OTAs and when one does, he's working with the second team. A highly drafted player with high expectations gets demoted to second team for whatever reason, leading me to believe it's a very new day.

The GM has made sweeping changes to the scouting staff and looks like he doesn't need a "Player Liaison" to make players talk to the coach or GM directly. IMO

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  On 7/6/2022 at 2:55 PM, lemonej said:

The GM has made sweeping changes to the scouting staff and looks like he doesn't need a "Player Liaison" to make players talk to the coach or GM directly. IMO


I watched "Americas Game", featuring the NYG.  There was a lot of direct commentary with Strahan and Coughlin on the documentary.  Strahan straight up stated that he hated Coughlin and was at a boiling point.  So they had a conversation and a transformation took place in Strahan.  Strahan gives Coughlin a ton of credit for his success on and off the field.  If they didn't have that man to man conversation, they never would have won that Superbowl.  In a nutshell, I really don't see a need for a liaison position.  You have trusted coaches and players that convey the plan and ease tensions.  After that, there's the man to man.  If that doesn't work a decision needs to be made.

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  On 7/6/2022 at 6:41 PM, Mongo3451 said:

I watched "Americas Game", featuring the NYG.  There was a lot of direct commentary with Strahan and Coughlin on the documentary.  Strahan straight up stated that he hated Coughlin and was at a boiling point.  So they had a conversation and a transformation took place in Strahan.  Strahan gives Coughlin a ton of credit for his success on and off the field.  If they didn't have that man to man conversation, they never would have won that Superbowl.  In a nutshell, I really don't see a need for a liaison position.  You have trusted coaches and players that convey the plan and ease tensions.  After that, there's the man to man.  If that doesn't work a decision needs to be made.


And I believe Coughlin also realized that sometimes you need to back off and not be a total hard ass all the time.

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