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Holy Allen Robinson


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Did anyone watch the TNF game last night? Allen Robinson, the WR Savior for the Rams looked exactly like he did last year for the Bears. Running half speed on most of his routes, not blocking, and generally looking like he doesn't care. 

I saw a lot of people blaming Stafford for not targeting him. However, Robinson was getting zero separation. There was one play where Stafford scrambled instead of throwing it to ARob, but that's it. Playing like that ARob would've been cut with Dazz Newsome if he was on the Bears, he was that bad.

Ironically, his new number is 1, the total receptions he had last night. Hilarious. 

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This looks like as good a place as any to dissect the mauling the NFL champs took last night.  I saw ARob’s poor play.  And when I saw him wearing the #1 I thought “really?”.  But man, did you see their oline play?  Sheesh.  

Stafford was sacked 6 times and threw 3 INTs. To say he was pressured would be an understatement.  

Of course Von Miller played like a man on a mission and the Buffalo defense is no joke but…this is the NFL Champion Rams coached by McVay.  Somewhere I read that at no time has any QB coached by McVay been sacked more than three times in a game.  The wise words from  Mike Tyson have never been truer.  “Everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth.”  And punched they were.  

With the retirement of Whitworth at LT they resigned Noteboom to a $30 million (?) deal in the off-season to become the next starting LT.  Last season Noteboom played sparingly but played well.  Last night he did not.  Nor did any of the other oline for that matter.  Do you really think Braxton Jones will be that bad?  Or any of the rest of the oline?  First test is the front seven of SF and the younger Bosa.  


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2 hours ago, adam said:

Did anyone watch the TNF game last night? Allen Robinson, the WR Savior for the Rams looked exactly like he did last year for the Bears. Running half speed on most of his routes, not blocking, and generally looking like he doesn't care. 

I saw a lot of people blaming Stafford for not targeting him. However, Robinson was getting zero separation. There was one play where Stafford scrambled instead of throwing it to ARob, but that's it. Playing like that ARob would've been cut with Dazz Newsome if he was on the Bears, he was that bad.

Ironically, his new number is 1, the total receptions he had last night. Hilarious. 

Robinson never really good separation - which is why I never thought he was worth the money. Pace misread a lot of things and should have traded Robinson a year ago when they both realized the difference in value each side had.  They could have sold high on Arob.  With that said - I'm not jumping to conclusions over Arob just yet as I still think he is a solid receiver (who has always relied on his pure skill vs. elite or even good athleticism) - but with his lack of separation - you can't pay him $20M a year.  

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The Rams were still hungover from the Superbowl parties.  Their performance was really bad and this was in LA.  I focused on ARob on a few plays and I don't miss him one bit.  Guys like Nsimba Webster play with more heart.   

Both teams had plenty of execution mistakes, a sign of things to come across the league in week 1.  

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