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Watching the Year-End College games, I cannot help but list my takes.

First, the College system for games tied at end of regulation is awesome. BOTH teams have a chance to win in overtime, not just the team who is lucky enough to win a coin toss and get a TD, leaving the loser of the coin toss frustrated. Why in the hell doesn't the NFL wake up and make changes?

Second, Colleges are basically the NFL's minor league system. Our developmental league. So why in the hell do they have different rules? Wouldn't it make sense for these college players to be acclimated to the rules they are going to be asked to play by if drafted? (Example 1: In college football, there only needs to be one foot down for it to be considered a completed pass while the NFL requires two feet down. Example 2: Contact is necessary to be ruled down in the NFL, but not in college football) Even penalties are different.

Finally, and this goes for NFL games as well as the FCS, why the hell is a HC who is trying to do his job required to stop to talk to some bimbo wearing spike heals on the sideline to answer dumb ass questions?

Okay, I step down from my soap box. (Hope I didn't offend any bimbos ?)


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1 hour ago, Pixote said:

Watching the Year-End College games, I cannot help but list my takes.

First, the College system for games tied at end of regulation is awesome. BOTH teams have a chance to win in overtime, not just the team who is lucky enough to win a coin toss and get a TD, leaving the loser of the coin toss frustrated. Why in the hell doesn't the NFL wake up and make changes?

Second, Colleges are basically the NFL's minor league system. Our developmental league. So why in the hell do they have different rules? Wouldn't it make sense for these college players to be acclimated to the rules they are going to be asked to play by if drafted? (Example 1: In college football, there only needs to be one foot down for it to be considered a completed pass while the NFL requires two feet down. Example 2: Contact is necessary to be ruled down in the NFL, but not in college football) Even penalties are different.

Finally, and this goes for NFL games as well as the FCS, why the hell is a HC who is trying to do his job required to stop to talk to some bimbo wearing spike heals on the sideline to answer dumb ass questions?

Okay, I step down from my soap box. (Hope I didn't offend any bimbos ?)


Man, you nailed everything.

So they did change them for the playoffs to make sure both teams possess the ball. They need to change regular season to that as well. The game should not be decided by a coin flip. I always thought the ball should go to the team that got the opening kickoff, because the other team got the 2nd half kickoff, so it should just go back to the 1st team. That way if you win the coin toss you have to decide between (2nd half receive or 1st half and OT receive). 

They really need to make the rules the same. Not only for the players, but for the officials. That way the NFL would also have a pipeline for new refs from the college ranks.

OMG yes, besides for some nice eye candy, no one wants to hear from the head coach DURING the game about some random question. Vrabel was so irritated and just gave canned answers. Waste of time. Show some advanced stats or something.


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I think the NFL is so interested in making a spectacle of the game that they forget the game. Witness the Nikelodeon slime graphic nonsense.

Coaches need halftime to prepare.

Worse, they are always zoomed in on some guys face, or someone on the sidelines, and we miss the formation and motion on a lot of plays. When I yell at the TV about it I call it "winning emmys" as in "Stop winning emmys and show me the g-damned play!"

If turning the NFL into WWE would make them more $ theyd do it. THe problem is, they dont understnad what an amazing thing they already have, and they might expand viewership short term, but it is the integrity of the game that has brought it to the level it is it, not more mascots, closeups and personal stories from the players while the game is going on.

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3 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:


I think the NFL is so interested in making a spectacle of the game that they forget the game. Witness the Nikelodeon slime graphic nonsense.


I watched some of the Broncos/Rams game last weekend on Nickelodeon with my 18 year old daughter.  She’s just recently taken some interest in watching football with me.  She said she really liked watching the game with “slime-time”.   Made it more entertaining for her.  I say if it works to draw in younger viewers, why not?  It’s always just an option from the “normal” broadcast.

I’ll have to ask her what she thinks about the female reporters.  




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28 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

I watched some of the Broncos/Rams game last weekend on Nickelodeon with my 18 year old daughter.  She’s just recently taken some interest in watching football with me.  She said she really liked watching the game with “slime-time”.   Made it more entertaining for her.  I say if it works to draw in younger viewers, why not?  It’s always just an option from the “normal” broadcast.

I’ll have to ask her what she thinks about the female reporters.  




for sure, if it's an alternate broadcast, fine. I was just using it as an example of where the NFL is putting its priorities, and that's why coaches have to stop and talk to sideline reporters when they only have 12 minutes to make adjustments. It's also why we cant see the offense break the huddle and approach the LOS.

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1 hour ago, Mongo3451 said:

I was just talking to a buddy about some of the bowl names.  Big daddy bowl, mayo bowl and Tony the Tiger Bowl.  WTH...?

No Joke. I remember "in the good old days" ?when it was the Rose Bowl, Orange, Cotton, Sugar, Gator, etc... Bowl

Money talks. Now I watch Notre Dame in the TaxSlayer (Gator) Bowl.

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57 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

Speaking of (alternatives) you can always continue to watch Joe (blowhard) Buck and SVP exchange barbs post game on ESPN.  Now THATS entertainment.

LOL did you ever see Artie Lange destroy Joe Buck's talk show on the first episode so bad that they cancelled Buck's show the next day? It's an epic media beat down like none other. Buck did not have the skills to stand toe to toe with comedians. If you dont like Joe Buck, you will love this.

and Michael Irvin with the perfect comment LOL


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27 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

LOL did you ever see Artie Lange destroy Joe Buck's talk show on the first episode so bad that they cancelled Buck's show the next day? It's an epic media beat down like none other. Buck did not have the skills to stand toe to toe with comedians. If you dont like Joe Buck, you will love this.

and Michael Irvin with the perfect comment LOL


Yeah never really been a fan of Bucks but yeah that was pretty epic. Never did see that before, thanks for sharing.  Never been a fan of Langes either.  He’s always been ‘cringy’.  

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24 minutes ago, Alaskan Grizzly said:

Yeah never really been a fan of Bucks but yeah that was pretty epic. Never did see that before, thanks for sharing.  Never been a fan of Langes either.  He’s always been ‘cringy’.  

Oh I agree. Artie Lange is an awful human being. But if that had been David Letterman, he would have destroyed Lange, and instead Lange showed what a hollow suit Buck is, and damn if it wasnt hilarious and shocking LOL

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55 minutes ago, Stinger226 said:

Its quite simple, A lot of it is because TV pays big money for the NFL and the league caters to them . The NFL is king but college football is not far behind , they both have big egos and do what they want. Them getting together on game changes are unlikely.

of course this is correct. too bad, but reality.

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1 hour ago, BearFan PHX said:

Oh I agree. Artie Lange is an awful human being. But if that had been David Letterman, he would have destroyed Lange, and instead Lange showed what a hollow suit Buck is, and damn if it wasnt hilarious and shocking LOL

Funny you say that. I was getting Letterman vibes (very briefly) with some of Bucks replies.  But then he flamed out.  Yeah Letterman would have lit him up. 

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6 hours ago, BearFan PHX said:

I think the NFL is so interested in making a spectacle of the game that they forget the game. Witness the Nikelodeon slime graphic nonsense.

Coaches need halftime to prepare.

Worse, they are always zoomed in on some guys face, or someone on the sidelines, and we miss the formation and motion on a lot of plays. When I yell at the TV about it I call it "winning emmys" as in "Stop winning emmys and show me the g-damned play!"

If turning the NFL into WWE would make them more $ theyd do it. THe problem is, they dont understnad what an amazing thing they already have, and they might expand viewership short term, but it is the integrity of the game that has brought it to the level it is it, not more mascots, closeups and personal stories from the players while the game is going on.

Yeah the zoom stuff is silly. If they want to do that, make it picture in picture or something.

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37 minutes ago, adam said:

Yeah the zoom stuff is silly. If they want to do that, make it picture in picture or something.

Id even settle for having the breaking of the huddle be PIP, just so i could see it!

Then again, I often watch with the sound off. Living in NYC for years, I used to go to sports bars to see the games in the 90s and 00s, and they always had the sound from some other game on the PA, and I learned to watch it without announcers. Now, with the sound off, the whole thing is so much easier to watch. Occasionally, I will miss and injury piece of info or something, but then again, i dont need to hear the announcer repeat some national press troupe that isnt true and makes no sense.

Truthfully, you can predict everything the announcers are going to say. If I watch a game with a woman, I will almost always be saying some stupid cliche to her (probably showing off I guess lol) about 10 seconds before the announcer says it. I dont think that means im smart. I think it means me and the announcers are both cheesy cliches hahaha

"You know honey, the ground cant cause a fumble" or "one knee equals two feet" etc etc lol

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Quite honestly the fans here on this message board are all way above the TV broadcast crews in game knowledge or at least in how they present the game.  There are some exceptions and guys like Romo add context I enjoy, the same goes for Eli and Peyton on MNF.   Those guys are always watching the play from the moment the huddle breaks and you can see it in their eyes about 1s into a play they already know what should happen.  

The internet has definitely changed things and we can scout players somewhat and watch All-22 film post game plus DVRs are everywhere.   Slowly networks will realize this and you'll see more of the Romo/Manning style commentary.  Hopefully there will be much less of the Captain Obvious Kirk Herbstreit style commentary.  "He's 6'5" and here you can see he uses his length to stretch out for the first down.  That's really good football."   

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12 hours ago, AZ54 said:

Quite honestly the fans here on this message board are all way above the TV broadcast crews in game knowledge or at least in how they present the game.  There are some exceptions and guys like Romo add context I enjoy,

Agreed.  For some reason I’ve always favored former Dallas players as commentators.  Romo, Aikman and Johnston.  They all approach it with a players’ perspective.  Can’t say I’ve watched the Mannings too much bit could imagine they’ll being similar.

My favorite non-player announcer is Gus Johnson.  Can’t get enough of his enthusiasm.  


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