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Gotta Run


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Here's a couple videos with some good thoughts about our running game with Braxton Jones and Darnell Wright.  Glynn Morgan explains how pulling either OT could make it really hard to stop our run game.  If he's right in Week 1 GB could be in for a surprise.  I like Schmitz's analysis on Braxton Jones and since he covers his run blocking you can see how he was utilized last year.  The assumption is we'll now be doing the same type of plays from left or right.  



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2 hours ago, Stinger226 said:

I seen that , never heard of Morgan before but  had some good talking points. The more you look around the more you find positive film on players on the team. Both Pickens and Dexter have a lot to see also.

Now I have a bit more time to type.   Last year we couldn't really do this due to our RTs limitations but this year if we can run our plays in a balanced fashion, meaning we can run same plays to the left or right, then defenders will have difficulty figuring out what to key on.  They can see an OG or OT pulling but as you saw in the Braxton video sometimes he pulls and hits an inside lane, other times it's outside.  Plus with Fields in the backfield a defender can't hedge their bet that the play is going to the strong side of the play action.  Take a step in the wrong direction and you'll likely never get back to where you need to be to stop Fields running the other way.     

Morgan also talked about the difficulty for a defender reading the play when we have 2 TEs on the field.  LBs also have to consider if either TE is run blocking or faking it before running a route.  On plays with 3 WRs the DBs have to contend with Moore, Mooney, and Claypool in addition to the possible run support.   Last year nobody worried about our passing game.  I expect the running game will be effective but if our pass protection is improved to just average we'll be good.  I think we'll see more broken plays by a defense where a defender gets caught out of position.  

I want to see a good passing offense but we're already built to run so let's do it.  If we run as well as last year we'll be forcing DBs to make tackles early.  Then take our deep shots off the play action fakes.  


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4 minutes ago, AZ54 said:

If we run as well as last year we'll be forcing DBs to make tackles early.  Then take our deep shots off the play action fakes. 

This is my favorite type of offense.  There is nothing better than to watch momentum build in a game that you are physically dominating.  I love winning the time of possession, no matter the outcome.  If we can average just two more first downs per game, that would equate to about three minutes of TOP.

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6 hours ago, Mongo3451 said:

This is my favorite type of offense.  There is nothing better than to watch momentum build in a game that you are physically dominating.  I love winning the time of possession, no matter the outcome.  If we can average just two more first downs per game, that would equate to about three minutes of TOP.

and as boring or grind-y as that may sound to some, it also means the passing game opens up which in turn just helps the run even more. Watching the LOS move forward is a beatiful thing, and if we can run to both sides now, it's gonna be really fun to watch.

Ive been saying for a long time, I dont want a team that stumbles and lucks into anything, i want a team that dominates. We had a taste of it in 1985, and ever since then, i want it again. This OL should be able to run block for sure, and you win a lot of games that way in blue collar style. Bear down!

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9 hours ago, BearFan PHX said:

This OL should be able to run block for sure, and you win a lot of games that way in blue collar style. Bear down!

Play action is an offensive linemans' best friend.  First, they get grind down the little speedy edge rushers.  Secondly, they get the added benefit of the element of uncertainty it places on the pass rush.

On the other side of the field, the added talent at DT and LB should prevent some of the gashing our D took in the play action game.  Baby steps...

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