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Ron Turner........To go or not to go........


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Is Turner that bad or is his failure also a by product of the poor OL play?


Personally, I think it is somewhat the OLs poor play, but am less than impressed with his play calling.


I posed this question in another thread but decided to start a new one hoping for some feedback.


QUESTION - If we were to fire Turner (maybe some college wants a new HC, LOL) then who would you want to come in as a new OC? There is going to be some good candidates cut loose when some HCget fired and their staffs are released. ANY IDEAS?

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I can't say I've been impressed with the play calling either, but the offspring of Charlie Weis and Albert Einstein couldn't make this offense look good with the way the O-Line has played this year. If you can't run the ball, then play action just gives the D-Line more time to be on your QB. Deep balls aren't useful for the same reason. If your QB is on his back, he can't exactly make a ton of throws.

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He's relied on trickery this year more than ability to get the job done. He's set no focus on execution and play design. His calls are often oddly dropped from out of nowhere and look like they have been drawn in the dirt on a sandlot field. He's an improvement over John Shoop, but I had a movement this morning that formed better complete sentences than that moron can.


Who can be had? Steve Mariucci knows the WCO (Greg Olson would astonish the world in a well-called WCO offense!) and has developed a guy named Favre into a HOF QB.


It's time the Bears gave the offense as much dedication as they have a defense in years past.

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Turned must be fired.


Remember when we were winning and questioning some of his descisions? He's not just on the hot seat becuase we are losing.


I personally believe he had a direct hand in 3 losses this season. From bone head 3rd down calls, abandoning the run game, failing to adjust and going away from what has worked in an effort to be unpredictable. I'm done with him.


At this point, I would love to see an OC with a running mentality come in and impose his will.(Russ Grimm?) A guy like this would also prove beneficial with the projected revamp of our OL.


Side note: Still in my pipe dream is Bill Cowher; he is the only availible coach I would fire Lovie for this season.

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i wonder if Angelo would have more of the decision of who would replace Turner over Lovie Smith. The last two coaching personnel decisions were made by Lovie and havent really worked out(Babich is somewhat debatable., Turner). And Lovie's two choices for OC were Shea and Turner, which isnt exactly a great track record. Does Angelo stay true and continue to let Lovie choose his guys, or does Angelo become proactive and choose someone he thinks would be a better fit?

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Well, I would guess that "IF" Turner were replaced (and I would guess it is 50/50 chance at this point) Lovie would make the choice BUT I am sure Angelo would take a more active role in the selection, vetoing any selection he did not agree with.

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Shame we couldn't get Charlie Weis to come to us from ND. He had early success there but ND had one of their worse years in decades this year. I am sure he will return again to get the program back on top but one could only hope that the directors of ND would pull a quick trigger and he would want to come back to the NFL.


Again, I know I am talking out of my ass, that the cances of Weis being our OC is about as good as Rex being inducted into the NFL HOF, but one can only dream.

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Shame we couldn't get Charlie Weis to come to us from ND. He had early success there but ND had one of their worse years in decades this year. I am sure he will return again to get the program back on top but one could only hope that the directors of ND would pull a quick trigger and he would want to come back to the NFL.


Again, I know I am talking out of my ass, that the cances of Weis being our OC is about as good as Rex being inducted into the NFL HOF, but one can only dream.

I dont know if I could handle seeing his belly tucked half way into his pants and halfway into a Bears shirt every Sunday.

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I would be a fan of Mooch but I think hes happy with the NFL network and he doesnt seem like a guy Lovie would pursue.

I really can't see Mooch, who got paid as much as he did as a head coach, coming back into the league as anything but a head coach. He'd be a hell of a pick up, but the Bears would have to dish out at like 1.5-2M to even have a chance at hiring him as an OC and that is if he could get past the fact he wouldn't be a head coach.


I still say it is too bad that the timing of the Martz thing didn't work out to him being available when the Bears were looking for an OC cause I'm pretty sure the Bears would have hired him.

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i wonder if Angelo would have more of the decision of who would replace Turner over Lovie Smith. The last two coaching personnel decisions were made by Lovie and havent really worked out(Babich is somewhat debatable., Turner). And Lovie's two choices for OC were Shea and Turner, which isnt exactly a great track record. Does Angelo stay true and continue to let Lovie choose his guys, or does Angelo become proactive and choose someone he thinks would be a better fit?

I would hope that the two of them both sit down and talk to candidates with Lovie ultimately having the final say since it is his coaching staff. Still, I'd expect heavy involvement from Angelo since he too is a good football mind. The thing I always liked about this front office is the relatively good communication that goes on between the coach and the GM. I think back to the Jauron days where you had Jauron doing his thing and Angelo doing his (which is a major problem when you have a GM not having his guy as a coach).


Bottom line, right when the season ends I want Angelo/Gabriel/Lovie all huddled up discussing what the options are and just looking back at everything that went wrong and also things that went right. From there they'll need to lay out a gameplan of what they all feel needs to be done to get the team back to the SuperBowl and than start going about that plan (I'm assuming that will involve working with Babich on altering some of the defensive approaches, as well as getting in legit safeties) and coming up with a new offensive coordinator (maybe an oline coach as well) and an offensive line.


I truly expect the Bears to bring in an offensive guy who comes from a Pittsburgh Steelers type of offensive approach. Anyone know what Mularcky is up to right now? I always like the system he ran in Pittsburgh and while he didn't make a good head coach he seemed to be a very accomplished OC.

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Mularcky is no longer calling plays in Miami so I don't know if anyone would want to take a chance or not, but the guy was awesome for 4 years as the OC in Pittsburgh. He was creative and really utilized guys like Hines Ward, Kordell, and Antwaan Randle El and I would love to see how he could be innovative to utilize Hester/Wolfe/Olsen.


He had one good season in Buffalo as a HC and the 2nd one wasn't so good but he was still widely regarded as a brilliant play caller. He than coached under Saban in Miami as the OC and injuries to Ronnie Brown and Cullpepper hurt his offense and than this year Cam Cameron came in and Mularcky is now the Tight Ends coach with Cameron running the offense.


Tony Sparano - Coybows (here's some quotes/info I've found on him):

Many, including myself, are curious to see how new offensive coordinator Jason Garrett fares in his first rodeo as the Dallas Cowboys play-caller, though you shouldn’t be surprised if tight end’s coach Tony Sparano, often confused with Tony Soprano, has a significant influence on the design of the offense. With four years of NFL experience, Sparano is no newcomer to the offensive intricacies of professional football, having served as an offensive assistant, offensive line and tight ends coach during his time in the NFL. He helped produce the team’s sound run game, molding the 1-2 punch of Julius Jones and Marion Barber, and even called plays for a successful, though erratic, passing game.

He came in as the Cowboys oline coach (Parcells hire) in 2004 and turned the Cowboys line from being amongst the league's worse to being one of the very best in just a short time. He also is heavily involved with the offensive direction, both in 06 where he called some plays, and in 07 where he really works closely with Jason Garrett. He has previous experience as a tight ends coach and was very influential working with Jason Witten (stud TE). He now has the title of Assistant head coach and is signed through 09 (but I'm assuming if you negotiate and get him this title you'd be able to potentially get him away from Dallas).


Of course, if Garret is hired away Dallas would than likely turn to Sparano as the OC. He also has 22 years of coaching experience.


I think if you want to go new OC, you give the money to this guy. You want to go older Mularkey or Fassel are good bets.

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I truly expect the Bears to bring in an offensive guy who comes from a Pittsburgh Steelers type of offensive approach. Anyone know what Mularcky is up to right now? I always like the system he ran in Pittsburgh and while he didn't make a good head coach he seemed to be a very accomplished OC.


I believe Mularcky is OC for the Dolphins and one would think that their HC is on thin ice. If he is ousted then Mularcky would be released.

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I believe Mularcky is OC for the Dolphins and one would think that their HC is on thin ice. If he is ousted then Mularcky would be released.

I did a little searching on the web and found out that Mularcky was the OC when Saban was the coach and when they hired Cam Cameron he was demoted to Tight Ends coach because Cameron wanted to call is own plays (so Cameron is the head coach and OC).

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Babich & Turner should be fired


That will not happen, but is what should happen. Specifically looking at Turner though, yes, he should be fired. I would give the following reasons:


(1) Talent development. Part of his job is to develop the talent he has, in particular, the QB. Who on offense could be said to have developed? Rex seemed to regress from last year, and continued to make many of the same mistakes as in the past. Berrian was expected to really take the next step, but he took regressed dramatically. Benson? OL? Not only did nearly the entire offense seem to lack development, but many/most seemed to regress.


(2) Hester. This should be as subpart of the above, but to me, Hester is a prime example. Maybe Hester is just that dumb, but just look at him when he plays offense. He usually has no clue where to even lineup. That is on the coaching.


(3) Maximizing strengths and hiding weaknesses. Let see. We run Wolfe inside? We have a 6'5 1st round pick TE, and forget him both in the red zone, as well as on hail mary plays. Huh? We all see that Benson does not run sweeps well, yet we continue to run those plays. Our OL is awful, yet we continue to ask Rex to hold the ball instead of using more 3 step drop plays. So often, it is like we continue to pound away w/ our weaknesses, while ignoring our strengths.


(4) Playcalling. I don't think I even need to provide examples, as we all can think of so many.


(5) How we have handled our RB position. Sorry Benson haters, but it was a joke. The way we rotated our backs, we made ourselves too predictable. Also, several times Benson started running well, only to be benched.


Turner deserves to be let go, w/o question in my mind. The question I do have though is our ability to find a competent replacement.

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Babich & Turner should be fired


Disagree on Babich. I think the D is on Lovie this year. Lovie wanted his guy that would run his D. That is the reason Rivera is gone. I think Lovie and Babich will be linked for The rest of Lovie's tenure; which may end next year.


Turner is a no brainer. Just to think I was backing Turner all last year.

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