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briggs= idiot,possibly jerk


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unlike urlacher's skank, this one for some reason doesn't strike me as that type that is trying to get rich quick.



Broken promise?

CHILD SUPPORT | Briggs makes $7.5M a year, his child's mother says she gets $250 a week


December 17, 2007

BY STEVE PATTERSON Staff Reporter/spatterson@suntimes.com


In the latest chapter of a soap opera-like saga, Chicago Bear Lance Briggs is facing a nasty legal battle that could soon turn nastier.


Brittini Tribbett, who has a 3-month-old baby with Briggs, says she's sharing a room with their baby at her mom's house, has turned to family for help buying diapers, and faces unpaid medical expenses and other bills -- despite Briggs' vows of support.

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Brittini Tribett, left, is filing a paternity case against Lance Briggs of the Chicago Bears.




Tribbett, 21, says she can't get Briggs to visit consistently with their child, and that she and the baby girl have both been hurt by his broken promises.


And, the college student says, their talk of building a solid family unit for their child was shattered when she learned of at least two other women now claiming to be pregnant by Briggs.


"I have had an open-door policy toward parenting," she said. "Lance has apparently had an open-pants policy toward paternity."


Briggs' attorney claims the linebacker "is a gentleman who has been doing the right thing" all along. "There's nothing he's not doing for [the baby]," Georgia-based attorney Randall Kessler said. "I assure you that Mr. Briggs has made very generous settlement offers, but apparently there is a desire for 'mother support,' in addition to child support."


Tribbett filed a paternity suit in October, and both sides said then it was an amicable legal maneuver meant to protect the interests of their child. At the time, Tribbett said, Briggs was providing her with a north suburban condo, a car and credit card for expenses.


But he later took away the car and credit card and has been painfully slow in providing them money for expenses, she said. He provided a car again and visited this weekend, after learning Tribbett had spoken with the Sun-Times, according to Tribbett's attorney, Enrico J. Mirabelli.


Mirabelli said despite Briggs' $7.5 million annual salary, he's provided an average of about $250 a week over the last six months, or "maybe the cost of a tire on his Lamborghini." He has offered, in the future, to provide "less than 10 percent of what he earns in one game," Mirabelli said.


"There are men who make 10 times less than Lance Briggs who pay three times more than he's offered," Mirabelli said. "We'd expect him to pay a reasonable sum to provide the child with a lifestyle commensurate with the father's earnings, as provided by law."


Kessler said Briggs wants to involve an unbiased mediator to help resolve the case. But nothing can take place yet, as court records show Briggs has yet to file a formal response to the lawsuit.


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Maybe, but there are always two sides to a story.


Briggs may very well be an A-hole. I have to wonder though. I mean, it says he provided her a car and a credit card. It also says he at some point took them away. Why? Was she being unreasonable in demands? Was she abusing the credit card?


Sorry, but too often you see women that hook up w/ pro players and feel they hit paydirt. They believe they are entitled to the same life as the player. Personally, I disagree. Frankly, I also disagree the child automatically has the right to the same wealth as well.


$250 a week is low, no question, but Briggs side also said she turned down a settlement offer and is looking for not only child support, but support for herself. It very well could be that she is trying to not only feed her child, but become rich herself in the process.

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I really don't care if he's a man whore who's a punk father... there are plenty of people like him and many more who are even worse. To be honest, unless these players are committing illegal activities, I really don't care about their private lives, because it's THEIR lives, not mine. All I need to know about Briggs is that he isn't a complete jackass and is a great football player. I want him in Chicago for a LONG time.

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I am not going to judge him on the basis of what she says without a lot more info. Sounds a bit fishy to me. I will give him the benefit of the doubt on something that quite honestly sounds like a personal matter that does not need to be aired in the public at this point. She is getting publicity to further her cause be making unsubstantiated statements.

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