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A couple of things that pissed me off


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Jaws, Trico, Cornd$ck showed nothing but love to the Vikings the whole game, they talked like the Vikings were some great team which clearly they are not.


To bad the coaching staff didnt put 8 in the box the first time around.



Flase starts, our line is old and beat up but with age you would think comes wisdom and stupid false starts should not be a reaccuring theme. The Fred Miller penalty was uncalled for.


INT should have been a TD, granted i didnt expect much from Orton. When he threw the ball his mechanics were horrible he was almost falling to the left which is where the ball ended up going if he would have planted and stepped into the throw he could have lead Berrain.


On a positive note Vasher played and the defense really played well even with a Dline that is singing guys off the street to fill in.


It was good to see Urlacher making plays.

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I agree. I also think the officiating was brutal. That was one of the worst called games in a long time. The Viqueens had sooo many holds on the line, yet were never called for one. On the AP TD, Brown was completely held, then on the kickoff, Wolfe holds a guy for a split second and he gets a flag. Also, the Desmond Clark hold was so blatant, yet, no call again.


It was nice to see the defense show up, but now with us officially eliminated, we need to rest our stars. There is no point in getting someone hurt because you are playing for pride. You don't play to lose, but you definitely can get some new faces in the game to see what they can do.


Vasher looked good, and Toeaina stuffed AP twice near the goalline. I would like to see more of him.


Urlacher was funny, 2 sacks, 1 Fumble Recovery, 1 Pass Defended, and 1 Interception.

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You asked. I'll answer........


Why is it that the Bears get at least three false starts every game?


One, because our team lacks discipline, which goes back to the coaches.

Two, because our OL is not good, and was playing a very good DL. You often seen penalties when lines are outmatched.


Why is it that Tommie Harris gets one offsides every game?


Like it or not, this is something bear fans will have to live w/. A huge aspect of Tommie's "game" is timing the snap. Often when he blows up the DL, it isn't purely based on ability, but also because he timed the snap and came off the ball at the same time as the OL, which gives him an advantage. If you force him to be more conservative and avoid the penalties, you will also likely see a reduction in the playmaking.


Why is it that a safety misses a huge tackle at least once every game?


One, this team in general has weak, very weak, tackling discipline. We don't practice tackling in our soft practices, and this leads to weak technique. It isn't just the safeties, as I saw plenty of missed tackles by the LBs too.

Two, because our coaching staff tells the players to go for the strip so much that they tend to miss tackles. We have seen it all year w/ DM.

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Jaws, Trico, Cornd$ck showed nothing but love to the Vikings the whole game, they talked like the Vikings were some great team which clearly they are not.


To bad the coaching staff didnt put 8 in the box the first time around.

Flase starts, our line is old and beat up but with age you would think comes wisdom and stupid false starts should not be a reaccuring theme. The Fred Miller penalty was uncalled for.


INT should have been a TD, granted i didnt expect much from Orton. When he threw the ball his mechanics were horrible he was almost falling to the left which is where the ball ended up going if he would have planted and stepped into the throw he could have lead Berrain.


On a positive note Vasher played and the defense really played well even with a Dline that is singing guys off the street to fill in.


It was good to see Urlacher making plays.

With regards to the INT...It wasn't a good pass, but Berrian does this too dam much to be considered the top 10 WR he wants to be. You cannot expect to catch the ball down by your waist...like it's gonna to just fall all nicely into your bread basket. You need to jump and catch the ball at it's highest point. He does the same thing over and over and a safety usually leaps in front of him and either picks it or knocks it down. There is almost always a safety around on these plays. Unless you have man coverage and just blow past your guy...you have to assume there is a guy there and try to catch the ball at it's highest point.


INT Picture

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The thing that pissed me off more than anything is failing to call timeout at the end of the game. I believe the Vikings took a knee for the last time on third down with about 15 seconds left. Rather than use our timeout and force them to punt, we let the clock run out. We quit. Yeah, they'd probably punt it out of bounds. Who cares? We get the ball back with one more chance. Would it have been successful? Probably not. But to not even try is inexcusable. You never know what can happen, and to not give ourselves that chance is infuriating.


Another thing that pissed me off is putting Garrett Wolfe in the game when we have the ball on our own two yard line and running him right up the middle at two Pro Bowl DTs. Even my sister, who hardly ever watches football, couldn't believe that. This coaching staff must decide before the game when they're going to put in the 2nd RB and do it even if the situation makes no sense (we've seen this with them taking Benson out when he started out hot against Seattle, for instance, and now it happened again). They need to adjust to the game situation and not stick with what was planned.


Overall, the defense played a decent game. They generated a lot of turnovers, but two plays where the missed tackles that have haunted us all year made an appearance became the big difference in the game (the 35 missed tackles on Ferguson on that long pass play that ended up on the 1 yard line and McGowan's total miss on Peterson's second TD run). It boggles my mind how a defense that had so much pride could be so poor at a basic fundamental.

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