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Did the refs screw the Bears?


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Look, I know I'm a homer - like all of us - but it seems that the Bears constantly get screwed by the refs.


Case in point, the personal foul called at the end of the half that allowed the Vikings to get a field goal, and ultimately momentum. Also, let's not forget the horrible reversal of the MuhMuh TD, where it looked pretty clear in super slow mo that the tip of the ball was touching the goal line - and that's all that is required. Oh, let's not forget the "intentional grounding" call that went against Kyle Orton, and the fact that all three announcers basically said that it was horrible call. And I won't even talk about the constant holds on the Bears' DEs that never get called (like the one tonight when Adrian Peterson got a nice run while one of the Bears' DEs [Wale?] was being mugged).


There have been several plays this year that just don't make sense, and they always seem to go against the Bears. What's more, they are always huge plays, plays that change the game.


Bears v. Giants

Even the most obvious replay challenge, like the "TD catch" from Manning to Toomer that was SOMEHOW overturned without the indisputable evidence (nose of the ball anyone?) we so often hear about, the Bears end up on the short end of the stick.


Bears v. Redskins

Grossman's injury comes on a play that probably would have been called a personal foul against the Bears. And, anyone who wants to watch the film of the game on NFL.com can plainly see the huge play by the Redskins (dump off pass to Portis in the 3rd QTR - 1:23 of the video) was aided by not one (looks like Brandon McGowan getting blocked int the back at the 42yd line - 1:25 of the video), but TWO (Daniel Manning gets it at the Bears 37 - 1:29) blatant blocks in the back uncalled.


I could go on and on, and each game I'm amazed at the crucial, momentum-swinging plays that always seem to go against the Bears. I know it's conspiracy theory of me, but sooner or later the Bears have to catch a break, right?

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Officiating around the league has been a couple notches down this year. It is not just the Bears, but it seems like the Bears have been affected by the calls the most.


Last nights game was brutal. The refs were horrible. They catch little fouls like the hold on Wolfe during the Hester runback, and miss an obvious hold on the AP touchdown the play before. It is very frustrating.


I would just like to see it even. A hold is a hold.

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I don't believe in conspiracy theories, but after last nights game I'm starting to change my mind. Usually when one team gets away with something the refs make it up to the other team somehow. That never happened last night. I'm not blaming the refs for the loss, but they sure did not help.

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There were two calls and one non-call that I thought were absolutely horrible. The late hit on Tillman at the end of the first half was a weak call. I don't think there was any way for him to avoid the hit as he was making contact just as the player was going out of bounds, not a second or two after the player went out of bounds. The intentional grounding call on Orton was garbage too. He got hit as he threw, which caused the ball to die yards short of the intended target. The pass appeared to be on target for a Bears receiver who was a few yards beyond. I would think that the QB being hit as he throws combined with a receiver being in the general vicinity would mean that it's not intentional grounding. Finally, the non-call for holding on the Viking that grabbed the back of Desmond Clark's jersey was ridiculous. If that isn't holding, then they might as well never call a holding penalty again. I don't think the officiating caused us to lose by any means, but that doesn't excuse poor officiating either. It makes an already frustrating game to watch even worse.

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Yes and I think I'm the only one who saw Travaris Jackson stop at teh sideline and turn back toward the field just before he got mowed over by Harris and Tillman. If a QB wants the safety of running out of bounds they need to run straight out of bounds. Once the guy stops as if he's going to turn upfield or throw the ball he's fair game. I watched it several times on via the DVR and it's always the same, even as ESPN replayed it and the announcers called it a stupid foul you could still see both of his feet in bounds as he got hit. Ranks up the there with the BS call on Urlacher against the Seahawks.


IMO the entire thing about protecting the QB has gone way too far. A QB can throw but if a pass rusher reaches up for the ball as he throws and even slightly touches his head it's 15 yards.

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I think the officiating over the course of the first 14 games have evened themselves out. Refs blow it on occassion. It is tough for them to see everything. I think the Bears have been screwed by a few calls but have also been helped a few times when our opponent got screwed.


To blame anyone other than the Bears players and coaching is an act of denial IMHO.

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wasn't just the bad calls that killed us,if Lovie grew some balls most of those call would have be over turned...could you see some of the hard coach's in the league just let those bad calls go...freak me could you see Halas or Ditka saying freak all when the ref is giving the other team the game.....what I want to see next year is Lovie exploding on the sideline and giving ref a round of fucks..... :chair

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Just saw the replay of the penalty on Tillman (I was away from the TV when it happened). Horrible call. He was just going out of bounds. I can see the call if he was 2, 3 ft out. He had just touched the line. That penalty changed the game. What a load of crap.


Peace :bears

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