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Time to liquidate some assets to address the big issues.


1. Let Briggs go. He is good...but not as good as he thinks...the D was bad this year with him here IMO that means he isnt a difference maker. Besides Chicago area uteruses could use a break.


2. Trade Dez Clark...use him to move up in the draft if need be.


3. Trade Alex Brown. Same scenario.


The points of 2 and 3 are to clear out where there is depth...and use some of that to obtain additional picks or pick value.


4. Dump Miller, do not re-sign Reuben.


Rationale is not a good one...I am getting the vibe that Lovie and Co value veterans over talent in key areas...


4b. If necessary in this vein you have to cut Rashied Davis...who SHOULD by all rights be the 4th receiver on this team since he is a decent ST guy. But if he is #3 or higher he needs to go - to prevent the coaches from being retards.


5. Trade Kruetz. Yes. He is aging and declining...and still has value. Time to make the move is now. He also gets his butt whooped by beefy DTs...which is a problem for us at least 4 times a year with Detroit and Minny. Perhaps he could go into MMA...he does have a killer jaw breaker move.


Between Kruetz, Alex and Dez you clearly should find some benefits in draftpicks, prospects and cap room. THe O is crap and needs to total retooling.


6. at WR - dump Moose - let Berrian walk. Keep either Bradley or Davis. I prefer Bradley. Hester is a guaranteed start in my world.


7. Be open to bidding for Berrian and Turner the Burner. Play if the market is not as hyper for their services as those players would hope.


8. Take the winnings from the trades to draft no less than 3 O-Linemen.


9. Sign one FA lineman...nobody over 27/28 years of age.


Other needs are clearly safety and WR...havent looked to closely yet at where I would draft or pick them up...but 1-9 allows for more than the usual number of picks and the potential to draft or sign as needed.


At QB I would consider keeping the guys we have now around. I would draft a QB if Rex isnt back...open competition in camp next year.

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Time to liquidate some assets to address the big issues.


1. Let Briggs go. He is good...but not as good as he thinks...the D was bad this year with him here IMO that means he isnt a difference maker. Besides Chicago area uteruses could use a break.


2. Trade Dez Clark...use him to move up in the draft if need be.


3. Trade Alex Brown. Same scenario.


The points of 2 and 3 are to clear out where there is depth...and use some of that to obtain additional picks or pick value.


4. Dump Miller, do not re-sign Reuben.


Rationale is not a good one...I am getting the vibe that Lovie and Co value veterans over talent in key areas...


4b. If necessary in this vein you have to cut Rashied Davis...who SHOULD by all rights be the 4th receiver on this team since he is a decent ST guy. But if he is #3 or higher he needs to go - to prevent the coaches from being retards.


5. Trade Kruetz. Yes. He is aging and declining...and still has value. Time to make the move is now. He also gets his butt whooped by beefy DTs...which is a problem for us at least 4 times a year with Detroit and Minny. Perhaps he could go into MMA...he does have a killer jaw breaker move.


Between Kruetz, Alex and Dez you clearly should find some benefits in draftpicks, prospects and cap room. THe O is crap and needs to total retooling.


6. at WR - dump Moose - let Berrian walk. Keep either Bradley or Davis. I prefer Bradley. Hester is a guaranteed start in my world.


7. Be open to bidding for Berrian and Turner the Burner. Play if the market is not as hyper for their services as those players would hope.


8. Take the winnings from the trades to draft no less than 3 O-Linemen.


9. Sign one FA lineman...nobody over 27/28 years of age.


Other needs are clearly safety and WR...havent looked to closely yet at where I would draft or pick them up...but 1-9 allows for more than the usual number of picks and the potential to draft or sign as needed.


At QB I would consider keeping the guys we have now around. I would draft a QB if Rex isnt back...open competition in camp next year.


1. Agreed

2. Agreed

3. Disagree...I think Brown gives us some solid depth at DE. Anderson is too streaky.

4. AGREED! The turnstile OL guys need to go! ...hold onto Davis. We may need the WR depth. And as you mention, good ST player...

5. Ooh tough. OK, I'll give you it. I'm torn, but he seems to have too many snap issues.

6. 1/2 and 1/2. I think we should let Berrian go as I think he'll ask for too much loot. I think we can hold onto Moose if he's willing to re-srtucture a bit. If not, I have no problem letting him go. But if we let him go, I think we need to find a vet like Patten. I'd like to keep both Bradley and Davis.

7. Agreed. I'd like to keep Berrian, but if he's too pricey,goodbye. Same with Turner. He's a bit unproven to bet the farm. At a good price, I'm all for it.

8. Maybe. If we get extra picks, I'm all for drating more OL. But I want a new QB, RB, and LM on the team.

9. Sounds good to me.


Qb need to be drafted if we don't land McNabb. The guys we have are putrid. I'm all for keeping Rex, but only to play the year while our newly drafted QB learns from the sidelines. Rex isn't the future. He's a stop gap.

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Time to liquidate some assets to address the big issues.


1. Let Briggs go. He is good...but not as good as he thinks...the D was bad this year with him here IMO that means he isnt a difference maker. Besides Chicago area uteruses could use a break.

2. Trade Dez Clark...use him to move up in the draft if need be.

3. Trade Alex Brown. Same scenario.

The points of 2 and 3 are to clear out where there is depth...and use some of that to obtain additional picks or pick value.

4. Dump Miller, do not re-sign Reuben.

Rationale is not a good one...I am getting the vibe that Lovie and Co value veterans over talent in key areas...

4b. If necessary in this vein you have to cut Rashied Davis...who SHOULD by all rights be the 4th receiver on this team since he is a decent ST guy. But if he is #3 or higher he needs to go - to prevent the coaches from being retards.

5. Trade Kruetz. Yes. He is aging and declining...and still has value. Time to make the move is now. He also gets his butt whooped by beefy DTs...which is a problem for us at least 4 times a year with Detroit and Minny. Perhaps he could go into MMA...he does have a killer jaw breaker move.

Between Kruetz, Alex and Dez you clearly should find some benefits in draftpicks, prospects and cap room. THe O is crap and needs to total retooling.

6. at WR - dump Moose - let Berrian walk. Keep either Bradley or Davis. I prefer Bradley. Hester is a guaranteed start in my world.

7. Be open to bidding for Berrian and Turner the Burner. Play if the market is not as hyper for their services as those players would hope.

8. Take the winnings from the trades to draft no less than 3 O-Linemen.

9. Sign one FA lineman...nobody over 27/28 years of age.

Other needs are clearly safety and WR...havent looked to closely yet at where I would draft or pick them up...but 1-9 allows for more than the usual number of picks and the potential to draft or sign as needed.

At QB I would consider keeping the guys we have now around. I would draft a QB if Rex isnt back...open competition in camp next year.

I like some of these ideas and am not a fan of others.

1. I agree, let Briggs go. We've drafted 2 LB's in the last 2 years, we may as well use them.

2. I just don't see how trading Dez Clark gets us back anything in terms of draft position that is more valuable than what Dez Clark provides. He's solid, but he's not one of those guys that the rest of the league drools over because he doesn't put up huge numbers or make a big deal out of himself like some of the other tight ends. Dangle him fine, but make sure you get a surprising amount for him if you deal him.

3. I could certainly see how moving Brown or Ogun would provide much more draft value than Clark. And I continue to say that the only way to win in the NFL is to win with your draft picks, and we've drafted 2 D Linemen in the last 2 drafts. Whether we like Bazuin doesn't matter...to win in the NFL you have to win with guys you drafted, and so Bazuin needs to play next year.

4. I am ok with those O-Line moves.

5. If you trade Kreutz, I want to get a large haul for him, like a lower first round pick, which I'm not sure anyone would give up He may be declining, but if we're in the process of rebuilding that line, he's a key guy in the middle, he's still about as good as we'll get at those positions, and he'd probably be vastly better alongside a couple of younger people.

On the WR's...I would be happy with anything. I'll take whatever we can get right now as long as the O-Line is fixed.


In terms of signing a FA lineman, I would take a veteran if he was good enough Faneca's age might actually push his cost down, that's one reason why I might be interested in him. And if we sign 1, I could deal with only drafting 2.

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Time to liquidate some assets to address the big issues.


1. Let Briggs go. He is good...but not as good as he thinks...the D was bad this year with him here IMO that means he isnt a difference maker. Besides Chicago area uteruses could use a break.


Uh, Briggs is a damn good player. You want Jamar Williams to replace an All Pro LB? :shakehead

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#1 - Agreed - Briggs way too expensive.

#2 - Keep Clark; you will not get equal value for him in a trade. Besides, Gilmore is as good as gone and you don't want to have replace 2 TE.

#3 - Keep Brown; we have no idea what we have in Bazuin. He still has 2 yrs left on his contract.

#4 - Agreed - Miller and Reuben gone

#5 - Disagree. Kruetz was just extended last yr. Not sure of the cap hit but we have too many other o-line parts to fix.

#6 - Either Moose or Berrian stays. If not, you will need to sign another FA WR. Tender Davis. Bradley can compete for a spot next yr. Not sure if Hester will be ready to start (he can't ever line up on his own)

#7 - Berrian bidding depends on Moose. Would rather have Faneca than Turner.

#8 - Trade Griese for a pick (probably no better than 5th round). Will also open up cap room to resign Rex. That gives us #1, #2, 2 #3, no 4 (Walker), 3 #5, #6, #7. Use one of the #5s to move up into the 4th round. Draft OL or skill offensive position in 1st and 2nd; rest of draft in no order OL, LB, S, WR, QB.


Peace :bears

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Not a big fan of your moves,


Time to liquidate some assets to address the big issues.


Problem is, the more you "liquidate", the more holes you create which will need to be addressed.


1. Let Briggs go. He is good...but not as good as he thinks...the D was bad this year with him here IMO that means he isnt a difference maker. Besides Chicago area uteruses could use a break.


Agreed. While I like Briggs and feel he is a big part of this defense, at the same time, I simply do not believe we can afford to keep him and feel we need to use that money elsewhere.


2. Trade Dez Clark...use him to move up in the draft if need be.


Disagree. I would rather we create an offenses more focused on the TEs we have. WR is a big problem, but if we traded away Clark, we would create an even greater need at WR. If we keep Clark, we might lessen the WR problem by utilizing our two pass catching TEs better.


3. Trade Alex Brown. Same scenario.


Hell no. Anderson proved little by way of capability as a starter. As a starter, he was abused on run downs and lost his explosion on passing downs. Not only do I not trade Brown, but I return him to the starting role. Also, if you trade him, you take one of our few areas of strength and create a weakness.


The points of 2 and 3 are to clear out where there is depth...and use some of that to obtain additional picks or pick value.


Nice idea, but in reality, you would only be creating more holes. If we traded Brown, you can bet Angelo would be looking to draft another DE.


4. Dump Miller, do not re-sign Reuben.


No question.


5. Trade Kruetz. Yes. He is aging and declining...and still has value. Time to make the move is now. He also gets his butt whooped by beefy DTs...which is a problem for us at least 4 times a year with Detroit and Minny. Perhaps he could go into MMA...he does have a killer jaw breaker move.


Hell no. While I will not argue that Kreutz is not playing as well as he has, he is still better than most. Once again, by trading him you create yet another hole and weakness. We have serious issue on the OL, and you would only make them worse by trading away Kreutz.


Between Kruetz, Alex and Dez you clearly should find some benefits in draftpicks, prospects and cap room. THe O is crap and needs to total retooling.


Even if you do trade them, I think you may be over-valuing them. No clue what the return would be, but I doubt it would be great, particularly as none of coming off great seasons and their value is down.


6. at WR - dump Moose - let Berrian walk. Keep either Bradley or Davis. I prefer Bradley. Hester is a guaranteed start in my world.


While I like the idea, WR is a current weak area, and are only making it worse. Likely we let Berrian walk and keep Moose one more year.


7. Be open to bidding for Berrian and Turner the Burner. Play if the market is not as hyper for their services as those players would hope.


Absolutely we will be open to re-signing Berrian, but I doubt the price will be right. Turner is a nice idea, but while few are sold on Benson, I think the OL is more important to spend the money on. Turner may well be great, but behind our OL, I doubt he would do much. We need to address the OL, then see what Benson can do behind a new OL.


8. Take the winnings from the trades to draft no less than 3 O-Linemen.


Agree we need to draft OL, but I think it optimistic to believe we will find three starters in the draft. Further, I doubt we get much by way of 1st day picks for the players you are trading, and I doubt we find many starters for the OL day two.


9. Sign one FA lineman...nobody over 27/28 years of age.


The OL I want more is older (Fanaca). While age is a factor, I think you simply have to look at the player as a hole. Miller was not simply old, but well known to be on the decline when we signed him. Similar w/ Brown, who still could play but not at the same level. Fanaca is older, but has shown no signs of beginning a decline.

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I like some of your ideas....



1. I agree let him go. Personally I think he is overrated. He misses a ton of tackles. He is constantly late into coverage. He is prone to stupidity. (penalties, off the field stuff). Urlacher should have made the Pro Bowl over him this year.

Simply put, he is not worth the money.



2. I agree with nfo here. Dez is a solid blocker and we need those desperately. Plus he adds to the pass game as an above average pass catcher. And he is priced right. I think if we get someone to call the offense that has some originality we could have both Dez and Olsen in there creating havoc on unsuspecting LB's.


3. I agree with nfo here too. Brown is a good run player. I would like to see a Brown/ Anderson platoon more. I think that would help both of them.


4. YES YES and more YES. The oline needs a complete retooling. COMPLETE. I would add garza in here too. Flip Tait to RT and move on with new peeps at the rest of the positions.



5. I would do this in a heartbeat. However, I think that due to contract issues, we couldn't get good value for him. Kruetz gets a free pass from some for bad play IMO. He hasn't been a top center in three years. Bullrush DT's murder him. He sucks at pulling and hitting anyone. And this guy is in the NFL and can't snap a shotgun snap to the chest of a quarterback on a consistant basis. Everyone always said that we never went shotgun before because of him and that is ridiculous.


6. I agree let Moose go. I haven't liked him since he threw Orton under the bus when Moose led the league in drops. Berrian doesn't have good enough hands for top dollars IMO. If you drop it into his hands, he's great. If not, he doesn't fight for position, runs half azz routes sometimes. For me, Bradley and Hester are both better at the short catch and run(although Hester is clearly not very smart). Bring Hass in for the posession guy and I think Bradley, Hester, and Hass are good enough. Some will say that they an not experienced enough and we are thin but we do not need a ton more if we use Dez and Olsen better. Plus Olsen can split out as a slot (which he needs to do more of).


7. To me, I think if the line doesn't get fixed then its worthless to throw money at offensive players. I'd rather us fix the defense. Next year I'd like to see a Benson/Wolfe combo behind a good oline. Thunder and lightning with screens and dumps to Wolfe. I dont think AP has much offensive value. Special teams he is great but he needs to go back to the #3 back.


8. and 9.


The whole line needs to be fixed BEFORE any other offensive positions are looked at. You just cant evaluate what you've got.



I'll add a 10th.


We need a better o-coordinator who takes advantage of the players we do have.

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I agree with most of your suggestions:



1) Briggs, cost too high for what we'd get in return and for what we'd lose in opportunity cost. Williams made some mistakes in the last game but I still think with a bit more experience he'll be fine replacing Briggs. We have Okwo too. Better to keep Briggs money and spend elsewhere, lose a little at LB to gain a lot elsewhere like Oline.


2) No way do we trade Dez Clark. If we had an OC with both sides of his brain operating we'd be using more 2 TE sets and creating mismatches on the field. Despite Turner's shortcomings TE is the most injured position in the league and it makes sense to have two very good players at this position. We won't get much in return for Clark, maybe a 4th rd pick at best and the player we pickup to replace him won't be as good, at least not in his first year on the team.


3) Alex Brown should have been starting back in the middle of the season. He stays and Anderson competes with him to start next year. Nobody knows what Bazuin can do but regardless we need a solid 4-man crew at DE or the cover 2 concept breaksdown bigtime.



4) Miller gone makes too much sense but depending on what Ruben does in his rehab and depending on what we do in FA I'm open to resigning him. I don't think he'll cost much but with his experience having him come off the bench is better than Metcalf. CUT METCALF The position I'd most like to draft with our first round pick is LT assuming the guy is worthy. Draft him to be a starter (we have two good TEs to help block), move Tait back to RT, sign Faneca LG his experience can help the rookie at LT, keep Kreutz, let Beekman compete with Garza at RG with. Then we can either draft another OG in Rd 3 or an OT to groom to replace Tait depending on best available.


5) Kreutz is not that bad, this isn't his best year but I think he'll work hard this offseason and return to form. He's certainly not bad enough to cut or even trade as the net loss would be too much. Getting rid of him just opens another hole on the Oline.


6) Moose has to restructure if he wants to stay around. For all his faults I strongly prefer to keep Berrian as I think he'll continue to get better but if he proves too expensive we might have to move on. He's really all we've got at the position right now and losing him puts too much focus on Moose and a bunch of unproven WRs like Bradley. Hester is not going to be a full time starter at WR but he should be better next year. Like it or not we need Berrian more than he needs us. I expect Hester to be our #3 WR.


RB...I wouldn't go after Turner, too much money but we need to get some competition in camp. Benson I think is back no matter what and I think mighty mouse Wolfe is too that puts Adrian Peterson on the bubble. He's a good special teams player but just an average back IMO and we need someone to really compete for the starting job with Benson. Another option I'll throw out there is to find a FB type who can really run with the ball and can catch coming out of the backfield. This is a FB who is capable of making the first guy miss a tackle. The added versatility (If Ron Turner knows how to use it) would make the current RBs more productive, along with improved Oline play.


QB...there's no way I'm sitting pat with the same 3 QBs. I'd like Rex back to compete for the starting role, give him a 2 or 3 year deal with good incentives. Orton or Griese will be gone but unless Orton totally flops I'm leaning toward Griese so I can free up more cash. I'm most interested in getting McNabb but that might prove too costly so I expect we keep our picks and go to the draft. Since my first round pick went to LT the second Rd is where I look for my QB and I'm targeting Brennan or Ryan. I expect Brennan will be more of a late 2nd Rd pick so ideally I can trade down in Rd 2 and pick up 4th Rd pick. I like Brennan for his quick release and his accuracy and he has good mobility. Sidearm release will be a question mark but like in basketball nobody cares how you shoot if it goes in.


On Defense we need to cut RMJ to free up some cash. McBride moves into the nickel role, his quickness in covering guys makes him a good fit here. Graham needs to see the field at CB in the next two games but he's our #4 CB next year (he needs Berrian's weightlifting program).


I'm cutting Mike Brown and Arch and I'm using the cash to get Bob Sanders for SS. I think Indy will put their cap space toward Dallas Clark. Danieal Manning stays at FS for us. I think he's improving in the second half of the season in run support but I'd still like to see more INTs and pass breakups from him. Kevin Payne becomes our #3 safety and I let him compete with Manning at FS. McGowan stays #4.


That's 3 FAs signed... Berrian, Faneca, Sanders.


Cuts include Metcalf, Ruben Brown, RMJ, Mike Brown, Arch, Fred Miller, Griese. Maybe LT2 can give us an idea how much cap space but it's should be 10-15mil.


Draft Lt, QB, OG, RB, DB in that order.

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Me too.

1) Briggs, Keep Briggs money and spend elsewhere.


2) Keep Dez and dump Gilmore.

3) Alex Brown should be part of the mix next season. He wanted more $, but came back and excelled. He's a team guy.

4) Miller has to go.

5) Kreutz is going to stay, he's been the rock too long. Maybe next season he gets his snaps right.


6) Definitely let Moose go. Take a long look at what it takes to sign Berrian and work on getting Hester ready for WR.



RB.... Benson WILL be back, but I still don't like him. And it's a waste of time even saying replace him next season. He'll be it and then gone when he can't carry the load again.


QB...What a friggin mess, as usual.Let's see what's available in the offseason and get some new arm (s) in camp.


Most important, though, DUMP RON TURNER!

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1. I agree. The money vs production could be used elsewhere. The only way the Bears keep Briggs is if Urlacher's back is worse than expected - or he signs a cap friendly deal.


2. I agree. Olsen needs to see majority of the action, Dez has been solid, but the money could be used elsewhere.


3. 50/50 on this one. Brown is more consistent than Anderson, and the way the DL was decimated this year, quality depth is hard to come by.


4. Agree, save money, and bring in some younger bodies.


4b. Davis' situation would hinge on what happens with Berrian and Moose.


5. Without a viable replacement, this would be a bad idea - but if there is a legitimate replacement, then go for it.


6. At WR, the Bears would need to bring someone in via FA if Berrian and Moose are gone.


7. Getting Turner would be huge. Should be a top 3 priority.


8. For the O-Line, we need quality, not quantity. I would draft only ones that would contribute (first few rounds), then pick up others via FA.


9. I would look at 2 via FA, as long as the contracts worked, otherwise, one at a minimum


QB - I would look at every option, keep what we got, draft, FA, or trade - and go with the best solution for this team



Also, we need a new Offensive Coordinator.

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Continuing thoughts....


My post was a bit rushed...Im uber busy...but let me throw a few things around.


1. Ron Turner is gone. No question.

2. Youve got to spend money to make money. This team has some pieces that can be moved...NOT without some pain in the other direction. Alex Brown wants out...he does have good value IMO. I would also be open to moving Ogun to RE and using Idonije to LE. We have a decent investment in 71 and he plays well IMO. I think Ogun has arguably been our best overall defender this year (add Tillman to that conversation).


I move Kreutz as well for the following reasons..


a. His reputation is probably better than his play at this point. To me that means trade value.

b. He has issues with the snap and false starts.

c. He has temper issues - which leads to dumbass penalties and injured teammates.

d. I dont think the dropoff of a move is greater than the potential rewards.


3. I feel compelled to remove veterans from an offense that is flat broken. That includes Moose, Miller, Kruetz, and yes even Clark. I really like Clark...but his value to me is peaked...and I move him if it helps draft position or the acquisition of prospects. I will concede I dont look to DUMP him...I make it clear in my world he is available. Im not interested in giving Clark away...since we could very well indeed run and pass out of 2 TE sets...which I really kind of like.


4. Under no circumstances is Hester not on the field 100% of the time for me. I know he needs to learn to block. He needs to get a copy of the playbook and learn it...but you can see he is clearly capable of dominating...he needs the PT. Im no fan of problem guys...but I would look into acquiring Chad Johnson with some of my expendable pieces to put on the other side with Hester. On the other board I indicated I would hire whoever it takes to teach Devin how to be great. Jerry Rice - overpaid personal coach. Pay Hester (who isnt making huge coin right now) to stay and workout with Steve Smith. I would leave no option off the table to improve the kid.


5. With regards to resigning Berrian or pursuing Turner I approach this like I approach moving Clark. I do this if it makes sense...NOT if we do it at a premium. If the market is ripe for a deal - I look at it.


Thats all for now....

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Continuing thoughts....


My post was a bit rushed...Im uber busy...but let me throw a few things around.


1. Ron Turner is gone. No question.

2. Youve got to spend money to make money. This team has some pieces that can be moved...NOT without some pain in the other direction. Alex Brown wants out...he does have good value IMO. I would also be open to moving Ogun to RE and using Idonije to LE. We have a decent investment in 71 and he plays well IMO. I think Ogun has arguably been our best overall defender this year (add Tillman to that conversation).


I move Kreutz as well for the following reasons..


a. His reputation is probably better than his play at this point. To me that means trade value.

b. He has issues with the snap and false starts.

c. He has temper issues - which leads to dumbass penalties and injured teammates.

d. I dont think the dropoff of a move is greater than the potential rewards.


3. I feel compelled to remove veterans from an offense that is flat broken. That includes Moose, Miller, Kruetz, and yes even Clark. I really like Clark...but his value to me is peaked...and I move him if it helps draft position or the acquisition of prospects. I will concede I dont look to DUMP him...I make it clear in my world he is available. Im not interested in giving Clark away...since we could very well indeed run and pass out of 2 TE sets...which I really kind of like.


4. Under no circumstances is Hester not on the field 100% of the time for me. I know he needs to learn to block. He needs to get a copy of the playbook and learn it...but you can see he is clearly capable of dominating...he needs the PT. Im no fan of problem guys...but I would look into acquiring Chad Johnson with some of my expendable pieces to put on the other side with Hester. On the other board I indicated I would hire whoever it takes to teach Devin how to be great. Jerry Rice - overpaid personal coach. Pay Hester (who isnt making huge coin right now) to stay and workout with Steve Smith. I would leave no option off the table to improve the kid.


5. With regards to resigning Berrian or pursuing Turner I approach this like I approach moving Clark. I do this if it makes sense...NOT if we do it at a premium. If the market is ripe for a deal - I look at it.


Thats all for now....





Even though I might not do some of those things, its hard to argue with the thought process.


Good post

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You want to trade Kreutz? Then, who the hell is our center? :huh:


Yeah, lets trade an All Pro center. Good idea. :rolleyes:


If you entertain his thoughts...Garza could be moved to center. I'm not necessarily saying I'm in agreement, but I think that would be the replacement barring a free agent pull.

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Continuing thoughts....


My post was a bit rushed...Im uber busy...but let me throw a few things around.


1. Ron Turner is gone. No question.

2. Youve got to spend money to make money. This team has some pieces that can be moved...NOT without some pain in the other direction. Alex Brown wants out...he does have good value IMO. I would also be open to moving Ogun to RE and using Idonije to LE. We have a decent investment in 71 and he plays well IMO. I think Ogun has arguably been our best overall defender this year (add Tillman to that conversation).


I move Kreutz as well for the following reasons..


a. His reputation is probably better than his play at this point. To me that means trade value.

b. He has issues with the snap and false starts.

c. He has temper issues - which leads to dumbass penalties and injured teammates.

d. I dont think the dropoff of a move is greater than the potential rewards.


3. I feel compelled to remove veterans from an offense that is flat broken. That includes Moose, Miller, Kruetz, and yes even Clark. I really like Clark...but his value to me is peaked...and I move him if it helps draft position or the acquisition of prospects. I will concede I dont look to DUMP him...I make it clear in my world he is available. Im not interested in giving Clark away...since we could very well indeed run and pass out of 2 TE sets...which I really kind of like.


4. Under no circumstances is Hester not on the field 100% of the time for me. I know he needs to learn to block. He needs to get a copy of the playbook and learn it...but you can see he is clearly capable of dominating...he needs the PT. Im no fan of problem guys...but I would look into acquiring Chad Johnson with some of my expendable pieces to put on the other side with Hester. On the other board I indicated I would hire whoever it takes to teach Devin how to be great. Jerry Rice - overpaid personal coach. Pay Hester (who isnt making huge coin right now) to stay and workout with Steve Smith. I would leave no option off the table to improve the kid.


5. With regards to resigning Berrian or pursuing Turner I approach this like I approach moving Clark. I do this if it makes sense...NOT if we do it at a premium. If the market is ripe for a deal - I look at it.


Thats all for now....


1. I'm with you! Even though the Trib's Haugh is not... Turner must go.

2. OK...but I'd still like to hold onto Brown. He has heart. Something sorely lacking in a lot of other Bears... And I would entertain a trade fo Kruetz. Not sure I'd do it, but I'd see what's out there in exchange.

3. No issues there...we need a changing of the guard. I'd hold onto Clark as I don't think we'd get much.

4. Dang, we get Ocho Cinco and I'm happy. I like your Hester grooming ideas...

5 Agreed...

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Out of curiosity what do you think the value of Kruetz in a trade? You realize you wont get anything near what he brings to the team. Hes a leader, the team looks up to him and he plays hard. Is that worth whatever second day draft pick youd get for him? Theres no way a team gives up anything better than MAYBE a 4th rounder.

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I personally dont see him being a team leader.


Reuben is a leader on the line...and he is gone. The value is there...for the same reason some refuse to consider moving him. I dont expect you all to agree...


This team's leaders are Mike Brown, Tommie Harris, Moose and Reuben IMO. These are the best combination of mentors, motivators and leaders on this team. I think there is a difference between a long time good player...and a leader. I think Urlacher is lacking in the leadership department...and Kreutz as well.

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