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I'll start the madness.......


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i'll go ahead and come out and say I want McNabb in the offseason. We can draft a qb in the 4th or 5th round. With the first pick, we have to get a skilled player, if that's wr or rb, but not a qb. Whoever is at the top of the board, we draft. We could address the o-line in free agency. This thread was started to get the "WE WANT MCNABB" campaign rolling. i will appoint myself the campaign manger....BTW.......I hate Benson

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Not me...I want Tony Romo. He's got mobility and an arm, and has shown he knows the game.


Al logic flies out the window when McNabb's name is brought up. Logic like:


-will the Eagles cut McNabb?

-what are they going to do with that giant cavern they created in their salary cap?

-what if Kevin Kolb isn't the guy they hoped he'd be? A lot of egg on their face, then.

-will the Bears trade for McNabb?

-who will the Bears trade for McNabb?

-what will the Bears trade for McNabb? Are you willing to give up the draft picks needed?

-do the Eagles want or need what the Bears can trade?

-can the Bears afford McNabb and his existing contract?

-do the Bears believe McNabb can return to his form from two years ago?



Am I full of it with my Tony Romo dreamin'? Probably. But no more full of it than anyone who wants a 31 year old player coming off knee reconstruction who presents the takers with contract numbers $9.6 M ($6.3 M base) in '08, $9.3 M base in '09, and $10 M base in 2010. Then he's a FA.


Romo, on the other hand is 27 yrs old, has no injuries to speak of and carries with him a 6-yr, $67 M salary. Break down the annual numbers and they're a lot kinder than McNabb's for the three years he has remaining, contractually.


Face it, if McNabb was born and raised in any other part of the country, you'd be saying "Donovan who?"

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I agree MBM.


I have always liked McNabb, followed him ever since being drafted by the Eagles, wanted to see him some way some how come over to the Bears. Wow, he would look great in a Bears Uni. Our entire offense would prosper from his talents.


Unfortunately, when he signed his last contract with the Eagles, I knew his playing in a Bears Uni would likely never take place. At some point reality has to come to the forefront. The only way McNabb will ever make it to the Bears, IMO, would be at the age of 33 or 34 when the Eagles could afford to trade or release him near the end of his contract.


Would we need him at that time, I hope not, hopefully we will not still be in need of a starting QB in 3 years (one would hope we would resolve that need much sooner).


So I can certainly understand those wanting to see him come to the Bears to start as our QB in 2008, but, again, IMHO, it is not going to happen.

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Not completely sold on bringing McNabb here. I like him as a QB and as a player. Our biggest need is OL. With a QB like McNabb he's almost like having a two running backs in the backfield and one that can throw. The injuries have made him take off and run less but you are talking about a QB who is very mobile and to compliment that you need an atheletic offensive line. What makes it tough on the line is the pocket is moving. That said with our offensive line his mobility would be his best asset since he'd be able to elude rushers better than our current drop back passers. We've tried the mobile/running QB before Kordella didn't work out too well. Before you jump on me I'm not comparing tallent but rather style of QB play. A mobile/running QB requires your line to sustain blocks longer they have a hard enough time sustaining blocks for a 3 step drop. I just don't think it's a good fit personel wise unless we really upgrade the line to suit that type of QB. There is only so much salary cap to go around. Can we afford to bring in McNabb AND overhaul the offensive line? I rather doubt it unless we get lucky and stumble onto some studs in the draft and.


I know we've heard reports that it's likely Donavan will be somewhere else besides Philly next season, but I kind of doubt he'll be here. I honestly don't see that happening.


To be completely honest I was hoping to see some of our younger offensive linemen in the game Sunday and I'm hoping that they play this coming Sunday. We need to find out what we have in them. I don't see the logic in knowing your Oline needs to be improved in the offseason and with 4 games left in the season you are out of the playoffs that at that point you don't start filtering in your younger players to see if these young guys show promise. We had 4 games to evaluate what we currently have to see what we actually will need come FA and the Draft. Yet here we are 1 game left and of the four games we've maintained the same offensive line that we've used most of the season. Once again we'll enter the offseason with no clue if guy's like Beakman will pan out. Why do we have such a hard time building an OL? I've seen other teams virtually start groups of rookies, let them play together for a while and gel and they do fine. The thing with offensive lines is that it takes time for a line to gel they have to work together for a while. Trying a different guy one game and then shelving him makes no sense unless he shows complete lack of potential. I'm so sick of all these freakin false start penalties. We kill our own drives with stupidity. Blame coaching but the personel on the field needs to be disciplined enough to know the snap count. And the personel needs to execute. It's hard to call a game when your players can't execute. That doesn't completely obsolve the coaching it's the coaches job to prepare the players and we've seen sloppy play this year. Both players and coaches are to blame.

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Not me...I want Tony Romo. He's got mobility and an arm, and has shown he knows the game.


Al logic flies out the window when McNabb's name is brought up. Logic like:


-will the Eagles cut McNabb?

-what are they going to do with that giant cavern they created in their salary cap?

-what if Kevin Kolb isn't the guy they hoped he'd be? A lot of egg on their face, then.

-will the Bears trade for McNabb?

-who will the Bears trade for McNabb?

-what will the Bears trade for McNabb? Are you willing to give up the draft picks needed?

-do the Eagles want or need what the Bears can trade?

-can the Bears afford McNabb and his existing contract?

-do the Bears believe McNabb can return to his form from two years ago?



Am I full of it with my Tony Romo dreamin'? Probably. But no more full of it than anyone who wants a 31 year old player coming off knee reconstruction who presents the takers with contract numbers $9.6 M ($6.3 M base) in '08, $9.3 M base in '09, and $10 M base in 2010. Then he's a FA.


Romo, on the other hand is 27 yrs old, has no injuries to speak of and carries with him a 6-yr, $67 M salary. Break down the annual numbers and they're a lot kinder than McNabb's for the three years he has remaining, contractually.


Face it, if McNabb was born and raised in any other part of the country, you'd be saying "Donovan who?"

Tony Romo, wtf are you talking about? No team besides the Cowboys will have Tony Romo.

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-will the Eagles cut McNabb? Probably not

-what are they going to do with that giant cavern they created in their salary cap? trade him... also, even if they do cut him, there won't be a big cap hit as he got a rather small signing bonus

-what if Kevin Kolb isn't the guy they hoped he'd be? A lot of egg on their face, then. Only one way to find out, and that is to let Kolb play.

-will the Bears trade for McNabb? maybe, I don't see the future, I just predict it.

-who will the Bears trade for McNabb? 2nd round pick maybe

-what will the Bears trade for McNabb? Are you willing to give up the draft picks needed? Yes

-do the Eagles want or need what the Bears can trade? draft picks

-can the Bears afford McNabb and his existing contract? He isn't going to play anywhere if he refuses to take a pay cut.

-do the Bears believe McNabb can return to his form from two years ago? Even if he can't, he will still be a top QB, just look at his stats this season.

Bold are my answers...


Also, the two biggest question marks about McNabb are 1.) Can he stay healthy and 2.) Our personal is not that good for the WCO (maybe the second one is more of a statement)

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Not me...I want Tony Romo. He's got mobility and an arm, and has shown he knows the game.


Al logic flies out the window when McNabb's name is brought up. Logic like:


-will the Eagles cut McNabb?

-what are they going to do with that giant cavern they created in their salary cap?

-what if Kevin Kolb isn't the guy they hoped he'd be? A lot of egg on their face, then.

-will the Bears trade for McNabb?

-who will the Bears trade for McNabb?

-what will the Bears trade for McNabb? Are you willing to give up the draft picks needed?

-do the Eagles want or need what the Bears can trade?

-can the Bears afford McNabb and his existing contract?

-do the Bears believe McNabb can return to his form from two years ago?

Am I full of it with my Tony Romo dreamin'? Probably. But no more full of it than anyone who wants a 31 year old player coming off knee reconstruction who presents the takers with contract numbers $9.6 M ($6.3 M base) in '08, $9.3 M base in '09, and $10 M base in 2010. Then he's a FA.


Romo, on the other hand is 27 yrs old, has no injuries to speak of and carries with him a 6-yr, $67 M salary. Break down the annual numbers and they're a lot kinder than McNabb's for the three years he has remaining, contractually.


Face it, if McNabb was born and raised in any other part of the country, you'd be saying "Donovan who?"

Thanks, you saved me a lot of typing

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Tony Romo, wtf are you talking about? No team besides the Cowboys will have Tony Romo.

And likewise, the Bears should not mess with McNabb. Even though you don't get my sarcastic response, you prove my point. Keep in mind, though, I AM talking about the more VALUABLE of the two due to age, physical condition, and contract status.


PS In your second response, you say the Bears will have to trade for McNabb. I'd agree. A 2nd rounder!? You are a White Sox fan! Keep believing that the world will bend over for your LAME trade scenarios. REAL talent will be sought for DM. Please join the rest of us in realityville if you're interested in trading for a perrennial Pro Bowler.

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-what are they going to do with that giant cavern they created in their salary cap? trade him... also, even if they do cut him, there won't be a big cap hit as he got a rather small signing bonus


The total cap hit of about $6M falls on the '08 budget by trading him. They could designate DM as a June 1 cut and spread it $2M in '08 and $4M in '09, which is much more manageable. That's why the Eagles will be demanding a high trade value to offset what will be that big of a hit.



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And likewise, the Bears should not mess with McNabb. Even though you don't get my sarcastic response, you prove my point. Keep in mind, though, I AM talking about the more VALUABLE of the two due to age, physical condition, and contract status.


PS In your second response, you say the Bears will have to trade for McNabb. I'd agree. A 2nd rounder!? You are a White Sox fan! Keep believing that the world will bend over for your LAME trade scenarios. REAL talent will be sought for DM. Please join the rest of us in realityville if you're interested in trading for a perrennial Pro Bowler.

no team is giving up a 1st rounder for McNabb, period. He is 31 and has injury concerns, I guarantee no team gives up their first for McNabb unless they receive something else in return.

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no team is giving up a 1st rounder for McNabb, period. He is 31 and has injury concerns, I guarantee no team gives up their first for McNabb unless they receive something else in return.

It's not what some team wants to give up, it's what the Eagles want in return that makes this thing tick. They have him under contract already! No one offers up something good? So what? They keep him, Kolb gets more learning time, their cap hit goes down.


You actually believe a team is going to:

-trade their perrennial Pro Bowl QB

-sit and eat a $6M cap hit

-explain this away to their fan base. Have you seen Philly fans? Thay really ain't quite right!


All this for a mere 2nd round selection! WOW! You're quite deluded. It's thinking like yours that gets me irked about this whole McNabb thing. A LOT of things have to work out PERFECTLY for him to end up in a Bears uniform! And I'm the crazy one for wanting the guy who signed a deal 2 months ago.

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It's not what some team wants to give up, it's what the Eagles want in return that makes this thing tick. They have him under contract already! No one offers up something good? So what? They keep him, Kolb gets more learning time, their cap hit goes down.


You actually believe a team is going to:

-trade their perrennial Pro Bowl QB

-sit and eat a $6M cap hit

-explain this away to their fan base. Have you seen Philly fans? Thay really ain't quite right!


All this for a mere 2nd round selection! WOW! You're quite deluded. It's thinking like yours that gets me irked about this whole McNabb thing. A LOT of things have to work out PERFECTLY for him to end up in a Bears uniform! And I'm the crazy one for wanting the guy who signed a deal 2 months ago.

Crazier things have happened. I am still thinking that the Bears pick up someone no one is thinking about.

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It's not what some team wants to give up, it's what the Eagles want in return that makes this thing tick. They have him under contract already! No one offers up something good? So what? They keep him, Kolb gets more learning time, their cap hit goes down.


You actually believe a team is going to:

-trade their perrennial Pro Bowl QB

-sit and eat a $6M cap hit

-explain this away to their fan base. Have you seen Philly fans? Thay really ain't quite right!


All this for a mere 2nd round selection! WOW! You're quite deluded. It's thinking like yours that gets me irked about this whole McNabb thing. A LOT of things have to work out PERFECTLY for him to end up in a Bears uniform! And I'm the crazy one for wanting the guy who signed a deal 2 months ago.

A lot of people want him, but why bring him up when it's not going to happen?


Hell, for all we know, the Eagles will just plain out cut McNabb. A lot of teams will be balking at his contract.

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A lot of people want him, but why bring him up when it's not going to happen?


Hell, for all we know, the Eagles will just plain out cut McNabb. A lot of teams will be balking at his contract.

That's just silly. Why would the Eagles just cut him when there is already a market for him? There have been rumors of him to Chicago - which we all know - but it'also been rumored that the Vikes are interested too. I'm sorry, but expecting him to released outright is just silly.


As for the Eagles cap hit, I wouldn't concentrate on that as an issue too much. Sure, they'll have a dead cap space hit of about $6 million, but when you subtract his $6.3 million salary from their 2008 cap, they actually end up with an extra $300k in cap space next year with zero dead space the following year.


As for teams balking at his contract, that's ridiculous. There are currently more teams already under the cap for the coming year than there have been (I think) ever: 31. There is also an unprecedented amount of cap space available around the league too with teams that range from $5 million to $41 million in available space. There are 18 teams with $20 million or more available in cap space. His contract isn't that unreasonable going into the future considering the future cap increases.


Also, there is no reason for teams to balk at his contract since he'll probably sign a new one. His new team will probably tear up his current one, and give him a new one that fits THEIR cap structure.


I don't know if they will trade McNabb if they don't get enough value, but I AM sure they won't just release him. Their posturing says that they won't. It was floated out there that they would want 3 #1 picks for him. THAT's luducrious obviously. But a 1st and 3rd (even if they are in 2009 if it happens after the draft) isn't out of the realm of possibility.

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That's just silly. Why would the Eagles just cut him when there is already a market for him? There have been rumors of him to Chicago - which we all know - but it'also been rumored that the Vikes are interested too. I'm sorry, but expecting him to released outright is just silly.


As for the Eagles cap hit, I wouldn't concentrate on that as an issue too much. Sure, they'll have a dead cap space hit of about $6 million, but when you subtract his $6.3 million salary from their 2008 cap, they actually end up with an extra $300k in cap space next year with zero dead space the following year.


As for teams balking at his contract, that's ridiculous. There are currently more teams already under the cap for the coming year than there have been (I think) ever: 31. There is also an unprecedented amount of cap space available around the league too with teams that range from $5 million to $41 million in available space. There are 18 teams with $20 million or more available in cap space. His contract isn't that unreasonable going into the future considering the future cap increases.


Also, there is no reason for teams to balk at his contract since he'll probably sign a new one. His new team will probably tear up his current one, and give him a new one that fits THEIR cap structure.

I don't know if they will trade McNabb if they don't get enough value, but I AM sure they won't just release him. Their posturing says that they won't. It was floated out there that they would want 3 #1 picks for him. THAT's luducrious obviously. But a 1st and 3rd (even if they are in 2009 if it happens after the draft) isn't out of the realm of possibility.

when did that report come out?

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also, I should add what I think will happen... the Eagles keep McNabb as they see with a few more pieces they can still compete. Kolb isn't ready yet and the Eagles will just wait until McNabb is at his option year (after 08 I believe) on to whether they will keep him or not.

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when did that report come out?


One team admitted it called the Eagles before the trade deadline to inquire about McNabb only to be told that Philadelphia wanted three first-round picks in return for its veteran quarterback.


When teams inquire about McNabb this off-season -– and there will be, at the very least, a small line of them with all the organizations in need of a quarterback -- the Eagles' asking price will determine whether or not the face of their franchise returns.


Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie is enamored with draft picks like few in the league, and an attractive enough package of them could be enough to pry loose McNabb and make the blockbuster happen.




Since I obviously have nothing better to do with my time than this, any more research you want me to do for you while I'm at it? :chair

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also, I should add what I think will happen... the Eagles keep McNabb as they see with a few more pieces they can still compete. Kolb isn't ready yet and the Eagles will just wait until McNabb is at his option year (after 08 I believe) on to whether they will keep him or not.


What do you mean by "option year"? According to the NFLPA, he's under contract until 2013. Here's his reported paragraph 5 salaries:


2008 6300000.00

2009 9200000.00

2010 10000000.00

2011 12070000.00

2012 14140000.00

2013 16210000.00


Did you mean that he has another option bonus coming due at some point?

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What do you mean by "option year"? According to the NFLPA, he's under contract until 2013. Here's his reported paragraph 5 salaries:


2008 6300000.00

2009 9200000.00

2010 10000000.00

2011 12070000.00

2012 14140000.00

2013 16210000.00


Did you mean that he has another option bonus coming due at some point?

they have an option on him after 08... at least according to rotoworld.

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It's not what some team wants to give up, it's what the Eagles want in return that makes this thing tick. They have him under contract already! No one offers up something good? So what? They keep him, Kolb gets more learning time, their cap hit goes down.


You actually believe a team is going to:

-trade their perrennial Pro Bowl QB

-sit and eat a $6M cap hit

-explain this away to their fan base. Have you seen Philly fans? Thay really ain't quite right!


All this for a mere 2nd round selection! WOW! You're quite deluded. It's thinking like yours that gets me irked about this whole McNabb thing. A LOT of things have to work out PERFECTLY for him to end up in a Bears uniform! And I'm the crazy one for wanting the guy who signed a deal 2 months ago.

If you really think the odds of getting Romo are comparable to the odds of getting McNabb, then yes, you are the crazy one.


I'm not saying it'll happen -- I think it's unlikely -- but it's ridiculous to just write it off. You talk about explaining it to Philly fans...who are famous for hating McNabb. Go to an Eagles message board -- there are plenty of people who want him gone yesterday, and more who are expecting him to be gone, whether they like it or not. It's not pure fantasy.


And I've always like McNabb, but shouldn't a perennial Pro Bowl qb, I dunno...consistently make the Pro Bowl? Or maybe just make the Pro Bowl? You'd think that would be one way of defining a perennial Pro Bowler, but maybe I'm wrong...


Yeah, he'll probably stay. But comparing his situation to Romo's is ludicrous.

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If you really think the odds of getting Romo are comparable to the odds of getting McNabb, then yes, you are the crazy one.


I'm not saying it'll happen -- I think it's unlikely -- but it's ridiculous to just write it off. You talk about explaining it to Philly fans...who are famous for hating McNabb. Go to an Eagles message board -- there are plenty of people who want him gone yesterday, and more who are expecting him to be gone, whether they like it or not. It's not pure fantasy.


And I've always like McNabb, but shouldn't a perennial Pro Bowl qb, I dunno...consistently make the Pro Bowl? Or maybe just make the Pro Bowl? You'd think that would be one way of defining a perennial Pro Bowler, but maybe I'm wrong...


Yeah, he'll probably stay. But comparing his situation to Romo's is ludicrous.


I also thought the shot about being a sox fan was unwarranted(and uninformed) in this conversation.

You are a White Sox fan! Keep believing that the world will bend over for your LAME trade scenarios.
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