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Poles Continues to Amaze Me


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16 hours ago, Mongo3451 said:

The video I saw was Warren.

I won't dispute what you saw.  The video I saw was Poles and Ian going over it back and forth as picks were being made, plus Poles consulting with some of the scouts who are assigned opposition research for their assessment of who the teams ahead of us would draft.  In the end they all celebrated and I saw Warren say "it was just like we told you" or something like that.  Regardless of his statement I just can't believe Warren is doing opposition research for the draft.    

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2 hours ago, AZ54 said:

I won't dispute what you saw.  The video I saw was Poles and Ian going over it back and forth as picks were being made, plus Poles consulting with some of the scouts who are assigned opposition research for their assessment of who the teams ahead of us would draft.  In the end they all celebrated and I saw Warren say "it was just like we told you" or something like that.  Regardless of his statement I just can't believe Warren is doing opposition research for the draft.    

I think youre both right. I think Ian Cunningham was the one holding Poles back, and Warren saying later "it was just like we said" I took that to mean that Cunningham and Poles had guessed at what would happen and had briefed Warren. Warren probably told them to stand on their convictions, and it was Cunningham on the day that held Poles at bay, with Warren saying later "good job"

I also think Poles doesnt necessarily needs someone to hold him back either, but its a tense time and it was good for Cunningham to be there to encourage Poles to stay with his hand.

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Around the 24 minute mark of the 1920 football drive video, Poles and Warren are talking after Cunningham and Flus.  The conversation brought up patience, then Warren came back and said that the conversation of 1 and 9 happened days before.  Sounds like Warren was the sounding board.

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1 hour ago, Mongo3451 said:

Around the 24 minute mark of the 1920 football drive video, Poles and Warren are talking after Cunningham and Flus.  The conversation brought up patience, then Warren came back and said that the conversation of 1 and 9 happened days before.  Sounds like Warren was the sounding board.

I think they brief Warren on all the scenarios and what their plans are, including the likelihood that odunze is there at pick #9, and the less likely scenario where they should have traded up. Maybe they tell him, "our plan is to hold tight and let the draft fall" and Poles asks on draft day - in order to dot every I and cross every T, whether they should trade up. Not that he was getting nervous, but just saying "Ok we are at that decision point moment we discussed earlier, are we all still good on the plan?" Kind of like when each department of a rocket launch says "Ok to launch" not that it was really Poles thinking they should change their mind. Just marking that the moment is there, and reconfirming that everyone is on the same page. Good leadership, and poker playing it turns out.

And then, when it happens, they all pat each other on the back about having called it, and being steely enough not to trade up. Cunningham was Poles' confirming strength about the plan they both put together, and Warren was saying "right, just like we discussed it (when you guys briefed me)"

So I think Warren is in the loop, and says fatherly things like "Trust your gut" and "you've got this" and maybe if they had come to Warren with a horrible player to pick, like taking Penix #1, Warren could step in and question it, but otherwise I dont think he does the player evals or anything and isnt deep enough in those scenarios to have a valid opinion, not to mention that Poles is the GM, and deserves the choice to be his.

I think Warren tries to keep his eye on the very long term. He would be the one to fire Poles if that ever happened, so they are accountable to him in some overarching way, but not in player specifics.

I do think if they wanted to make a move to trade 3 first rounders for Pat Mahomes, and pay him $80M a year, Warren would definitely have to approve something of that magnitude. Even if just to get approval to spend that much money. But Warren should never say "I think you should take Joe Alt instead of Rome Odunze" or anything like that.

So, maybe more like briefing the boss, than using the boss as a sounding board. I only see player stuff moving up to Warren, and not down from him.

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1 hour ago, Mongo3451 said:

Around the 24 minute mark of the 1920 football drive video, Poles and Warren are talking after Cunningham and Flus.  The conversation brought up patience, then Warren came back and said that the conversation of 1 and 9 happened days before.  Sounds like Warren was the sounding board.

Okay, I will throw in my 2 cents, and an observation that may be totally off base.

I'm 99.99% sure it was Cunningham who urged Poles to be patient and not trade up. Somewhere in my age-shortened memory, I remember this being stated by Poles. Yes, Warren was seen in the video saying the old "we (I) told you so" but here is the twist I see.

Did anyone else notice this during the rain delay?

Michaels and Aikman were interviewing Warren and Poles. The first question was directed to Warren, who gave a lengthy answer. It seemed to me Michaels was anxious for him to finish so he could ask Poles a question about his rebuilding the roster.

When Warren finished, Michaels asked a question that was obviously directed to Poles, but Warren jumped in and answered it, leaving Poles & Michaels looking a bit surprised.

The next two questions, Aikman and Michaels, prefaced, making sure there was no doubt they were directed to Poles for an answer. While Poles answered the questions, I thought Warren looked pissed, like he was upset he was no longer getting the attention I think he thrives on.

I could be totally off base. His facial expression could be misread. God knows, I look like I am pissed off at the world, even when I am watching a show I think is hilarious. I would be deadly playing Texas Holdem' ?

I love Warren's hire. He will give us a showcase, a stadium to be proud of, and eventually a SB hosting offer. However, it appears to me he has a personality flaw. He wants to be the center of attention. And in this case, "AFTER" it was proven Cunningham's suggestion that Poles should be patient paid off, I think he jumped in to try to grab some of the spotlight/credit.


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12 minutes ago, Pixote said:

Okay, I will throw in my 2 cents, and an observation that may be totally off base.

I'm 99.99% sure it was Cunningham who urged Poles to be patient and not trade up. Somewhere in my age-shortened memory, I remember this being stated by Poles. Yes, Warren was seen in the video saying the old "we (I) told you so" but here is the twist I see.

Did anyone else notice this during the rain delay?

Michaels and Aikman were interviewing Warren and Poles. The first question was directed to Warren, who gave a lengthy answer. It seemed to me Michaels was anxious for him to finish so he could ask Poles a question about his rebuilding the roster.

When Warren finished, Michaels asked a question that was obviously directed to Poles, but Warren jumped in and answered it, leaving Poles & Michaels looking a bit surprised.

The next two questions, Aikman and Michaels, prefaced, making sure there was no doubt they were directed to Poles for an answer. While Poles answered the questions, I thought Warren looked pissed, like he was upset he was no longer getting the attention I think he thrives on.

I could be totally off base. His facial expression could be misread. God knows, I look like I am pissed off at the world, even when I am watching a show I think is hilarious. I would be deadly playing Texas Holdem' ?

I love Warren's hire. He will give us a showcase, a stadium to be proud of, and eventually a SB hosting offer. However, it appears to me he has a personality flaw. He wants to be the center of attention. And in this case, "AFTER" it was proven Cunningham's suggestion that Poles should be patient paid off, I think he jumped in to try to grab some of the spotlight/credit.


You're spot on Troy directed a quetion to Poles( saying his name) and Warren answered it. Everybody  (Media) said Warren came in to take over control of running the team. He was a former lawyer would run the finances part of the Vikings stadium. That's what he was hired to do. Eventually he will gain more control and become part of the decision makers. He has no experience in personal , coaches or players. For now, they run information by him to keep him in the loop, but leaves Ian and Poles to decide. Kinda hard for him to fire somebody if he is the final say. He would have to fire himself if part of decision making. 

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20 minutes ago, Pixote said:

Okay, I will throw in my 2 cents, and an observation that may be totally off base.

I'm 99.99% sure it was Cunningham who urged Poles to be patient and not trade up. Somewhere in my age-shortened memory, I remember this being stated by Poles. Yes, Warren was seen in the video saying the old "we (I) told you so" but here is the twist I see.

Did anyone else notice this during the rain delay?

Michaels and Aikman were interviewing Warren and Poles. The first question was directed to Warren, who gave a lengthy answer. It seemed to me Michaels was anxious for him to finish so he could ask Poles a question about his rebuilding the roster.

When Warren finished, Michaels asked a question that was obviously directed to Poles, but Warren jumped in and answered it, leaving Poles & Michaels looking a bit surprised.

The next two questions, Aikman and Michaels, prefaced, making sure there was no doubt they were directed to Poles for an answer. While Poles answered the questions, I thought Warren looked pissed, like he was upset he was no longer getting the attention I think he thrives on.

I could be totally off base. His facial expression could be misread. God knows, I look like I am pissed off at the world, even when I am watching a show I think is hilarious. I would be deadly playing Texas Holdem' ?

I love Warren's hire. He will give us a showcase, a stadium to be proud of, and eventually a SB hosting offer. However, it appears to me he has a personality flaw. He wants to be the center of attention. And in this case, "AFTER" it was proven Cunningham's suggestion that Poles should be patient paid off, I think he jumped in to try to grab some of the spotlight/credit.


Oh I totally see this and agree 100%. Warren LOVES attention.

And I think Poles knows to let his boss have his moment too. But hopefully, during his day, Poles feels his power as GM, and i think he does. He just has to deal with assuaging Warrens ego around the office now and again.

As for Cunningham having the central role as Poles sounding board, i fully agree. I think the two of them put all of this together.

I do think they briefed Warren, so he could reference the conversation theyd all had earlier, but yes, it is Poles and Cunningham's show, and Warren is being a ham.

I also think Warren would like to be the next NFL commissioner. So he may be milking camera time toward that end too.

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1 hour ago, Pixote said:

Okay, I will throw in my 2 cents, and an observation that may be totally off base.

I'm 99.99% sure it was Cunningham who urged Poles to be patient and not trade up. Somewhere in my age-shortened memory, I remember this being stated by Poles. Yes, Warren was seen in the video saying the old "we (I) told you so" but here is the twist I see.

Did anyone else notice this during the rain delay?

Michaels and Aikman were interviewing Warren and Poles. The first question was directed to Warren, who gave a lengthy answer. It seemed to me Michaels was anxious for him to finish so he could ask Poles a question about his rebuilding the roster.

When Warren finished, Michaels asked a question that was obviously directed to Poles, but Warren jumped in and answered it, leaving Poles & Michaels looking a bit surprised.

The next two questions, Aikman and Michaels, prefaced, making sure there was no doubt they were directed to Poles for an answer. While Poles answered the questions, I thought Warren looked pissed, like he was upset he was no longer getting the attention I think he thrives on.

I could be totally off base. His facial expression could be misread. God knows, I look like I am pissed off at the world, even when I am watching a show I think is hilarious. I would be deadly playing Texas Holdem' ?

I love Warren's hire. He will give us a showcase, a stadium to be proud of, and eventually a SB hosting offer. However, it appears to me he has a personality flaw. He wants to be the center of attention. And in this case, "AFTER" it was proven Cunningham's suggestion that Poles should be patient paid off, I think he jumped in to try to grab some of the spotlight/credit.


It's all very plausible.  Without a doubt Poles leans on Cunningham and Flus as his main sounding boards.  With the picture being painted of Warren wanting some love, I can view his interjection as a way to grab his share of the win.  

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