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Which FA RB will Angelo target?


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Angelo basically said he was pissed about our running game. He said you expect your featured back to break off a couple 20+ yard runs per game, and we didn't do that. He didn't blame the coaches or the o-line, he put it on the running backs. Considering since Angelo has been with the Bears, he's had pretty good luck with FA running backs (Thomas Jones), and pretty bad luck with FA draft picks (Cedric Benson, and probably Garrett Wolfe).


Here's a list of some of the running backs available (as per the Peoria Journal Star). I was just wondering who you guys want or think JA will target.


#1. Michael Turner, San Diego--(I know he's a favorite here, but I don't think I've ever seen him play.)

#2. Marion Barner, Dallas: Restricted--(If Jerry Jones wants him, we won't get him.)

#3. Jamal Lewis, Cleveland--(As explosive as Cleveland was this year, I could have produce for them. No thanks.)

#4. Julius Jones, Dallas--(The only thing down-side would be listing to Cedric cry about how Thomas's brother snaps him with a towel in the locker room.)

#5. Justin Fargas, Oakland--(Not much talent, but he'd run head first into a brick wall. He made the worst o-line in the league look decent. I'd take him.)

#6. Derrick Ward, Giants: Restricted--(The Giants had FOUR different running backs who looked awesome. Bad.)

#7. Vernard Morency, Packers: Restricted--(If you lose your job to a full-back . . . )

#8. Chris Brown, Tennessee: Restricted--(The object is to bring in competition for Cedric, not collect bad running-backs.)

#9. Mike Simoneau, New Orleans: Who???

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Chris Brown isn't restricted and he isn't bad... he's just injury prone. We almost signed him last offseason and since he will be cheap and would provide competition, I could really see him brought in again. He could be a real steal if he stays healthy, as there is no denying he is good when healthy, but that is a big if. In a reduced role getting around 5-10 carries a game, I could see him playing in 10-12 games next season granted that he will probably miss a game here or there due to being dinged up.

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Out of that list...the only guy I'm absolutely certain would be an upgrade over Benson is Barber. The others that have put up decent numbers have done so behind very good O-Lines or haven't been the top performer on their team or both. Turner, Lewis Ward all seemed to be playing behind O-Lines that were performing well, Jones didn't seem to do that well behind a solid O-Line, and aside from Brown the rest aren't really useful.


I think Brown actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

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There isnt a chance in hell MB3 hits the market. Julious Jones will Im sure though. I would like to see us go after Fargas and Lewis the hardest and then look at Jones. I think Turner is gonna cost too much for an unproven change of pace back. Chris Brown is intriguing, especially because hes from around here but he isnt really an upgrade.

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Brown is a big upgrade over Peterson, no doubt. I see Fargas returning to Oakland, and I want no part of that piece of trash Jamaal Lewis.

Ya but I dont think a back that is sandwiched between AP and Benson talent wise is even needed. We need someone that compliments Benson and could even challenge to be the starter. What are the Raiders planning on doing with Jordan and Rhodes then?

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Ya but I dont think a back that is sandwiched between AP and Benson talent wise is even needed. We need someone that compliments Benson and could even challenge to be the starter. What are the Raiders planning on doing with Jordan and Rhodes then?

Jordan wants out and is asking for and getting his release. He will be FA.

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He probably won't spend money there in FA. JA will probably draft a mid round RB.


i think considering how quickly even mid-round running backs can come in and perform, how expensive free agents are, and how the career of a pro football running back is so short, it's a good policy to get your running backs in the middle rounds of the draft, rather than in free agency.


also, julius jones is horrible. i cannot imagine why anyone would want him.

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Brown is a big upgrade over Peterson, no doubt. I see Fargas returning to Oakland, and I want no part of that piece of trash Jamaal Lewis.

We don't need a flipping backup. We need a bonafide #1. Turner has proven he can be that, as had Barber and Lewis. Your man love of Chris Brown is flabbergasting to me.


With that said, Barber isn't hitting FA, so it'd be between Turner/Lewis/Jones...and I'd be happy with any of the 3 because Benson is terrible and equals the Tyrus Thomas of the Bears. Don't give me the O-Line crap, he couldn't break tackles for shit and has zero big play ability.


Sign me up for bringing in Michael Turner.

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Brown is a big upgrade over Peterson, no doubt. I see Fargas returning to Oakland, and I want no part of that piece of trash Jamaal Lewis.

If the Bears want a for sure starter, take Julius Jones. Otherwise I go for Justin Fargas (open competition) or Chris Brown (good when healthy and solid competion). I won't touch Turner because it is too much money to give up to a guy who has never been a feature back.


I should point out that Fargas is a guy I love. He has all kinds of ability and speed and the Raiders at one point had totally fallen in love with him but something happened and he fell out of order (I don't know if it was an injury or what) and he kind of dissapeared for a year or two before finally bursting out this season. He had a great time with limited weapons and should have success in Chicago, plus I think he will want out of Oakland (just to get on a better team and the Bears could offer that). Basically Fargas and Brown are capable starters and either of them when 100% can easily be an average starter in the NFL. Julius Jones has shown he is an average starter and I think he has the ability to be even better, although Barber is just one of the top 7 or 8 backs in the league so he took a beating. If the money is right go Jones, otherwise settle on Fargas/Brown knowing you would have a couple that could start and as long as the oline is upgraded that should be good enough.

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From this list, I think it would/will be Brown


#1. Michael Turner, San Diego--(I know he's a favorite here, but I don't think I've ever seen him play.)

First, I still question how great he is if he isn't on a good offense, running behind a great OL. Second, he will command more money than I see us willing to spend on a RB. We have too many needs, and upgrading RB w/o upgrading the OL seems pointless. Third, I see us looking to bring in a player to compete w/ Benson, not replace him, which is what we would be doing if we went after Turner.


#2. Marion Barner, Dallas: Restricted--(If Jerry Jones wants him, we won't get him.)

No chance he hits the market. He will either sign a large deal, or will cost a 1st and 3rd to steal. Also, see points 2 and 3 from Turner.


#3. Jamal Lewis, Cleveland--(As explosive as Cleveland was this year, I could have produce for them. No thanks.)

He was average, at best, behind a great OL and w/ a great passing attack. Speaking as someone who had both Edwards and Winslow on his FF roster, I can tell him many of his TDs were from the freaking 1 yardline, which ticked me off. Also, Cle has said they plan to keep him.


#4. Julius Jones, Dallas--(The only thing down-side would be listing to Cedric cry about how Thomas's brother snaps him with a towel in the locker room.)

I can not see Jones signed w/ us. I think TJ will have some advice for his brother, and I don't think it would be in our favor.


#5. Justin Fargas, Oakland--(Not much talent, but he'd run head first into a brick wall. He made the worst o-line in the league look decent. I'd take him.)

I would love to sign him. I think he would be a great compliment to Benson, but at the same time, I do not see Oakland letting him go.


#6. Derrick Ward, Giants: Restricted--(The Giants had FOUR different running backs who looked awesome. Bad.)

He will likely be given a high tag, and is not worth the compensation.


#7. Vernard Morency, Packers: Restricted--(If you lose your job to a full-back . . . )

No thanks.


#8. Chris Brown, Tennessee: Restricted--(The object is to bring in competition for Cedric, not collect bad running-backs.)

We wanted him prior to the year. Injury prone, but not bad at all when healthy. He seems like just the sort of player we would target. He will not be too expensive. He would be competition for Benson, can block and catch the ball, and would be a solid upgrade to our RB corp.

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We don't need a flipping backup. We need a bonafide #1. Turner has proven he can be that, as had Barber and Lewis. Your man love of Chris Brown is flabbergasting to me.


With that said, Barber isn't hitting FA, so it'd be between Turner/Lewis/Jones...and I'd be happy with any of the 3 because Benson is terrible and equals the Tyrus Thomas of the Bears. Don't give me the O-Line crap, he couldn't break tackles for shit and has zero big play ability.


Sign me up for bringing in Michael Turner.


Ced is by far a bigger bust than Thomas...at least Tyrus shows some life on the court.....Ced mopes around and appears lifeless as if he could give a shit about the job at hand....


I hear Curtis Enis is available.


From the last i herd in an article a few years back when Ced was holding out...Enis is working in a factory 3rd shift somewhere....

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I've been trying to figure this out as well, and I'm having trouble. I don't think he'll spend big money on a #1 (Turner, Jones). Theoretically, we have a bruisher (Benson), a shifty back (Wolfe) and a all-around runner (Peterson). So, if you look at the most ineffective of those runners (Benson, in my opinion), it makes the most sense to go after a bruiser who can actually break tackles. My guess?


T.J. Duckett.


Not a sexy name, but Angelo probably wants to bring someone in who COULD win the starting job, but who he won't catch too much heat for if he doesn't work out. He's had injury problems, but I thinke could still be an effective back (he did average 5.2 YPC this year in limted duty).

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i think considering how quickly even mid-round running backs can come in and perform, how expensive free agents are, and how the career of a pro football running back is so short, it's a good policy to get your running backs in the middle rounds of the draft, rather than in free agency.


also, julius jones is horrible. i cannot imagine why anyone would want him.


What you say about drafting a mid-round running back makes sense, and a lot of teams do it, but I can't imagine this coaching would want any part of that. One thing that's not been talked about enough is we do not like to play rookies. Running-backs alone, Cedric was a 3rd year player and we STILL don't trust him with blocking schemes. Our season was damn near over with before Garrett Wolfe saw any meaningful action. Olsen didn't see as much time as he should have and we didn't insert Trumaine McBride into the line-up until we had to.


Angelo was adament about bring in competition, and I can't believe that ANY rookie would have a realistic chance.

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I've been trying to figure this out as well, and I'm having trouble. I don't think he'll spend big money on a #1 (Turner, Jones). Theoretically, we have a bruisher (Benson), a shifty back (Wolfe) and a all-around runner (Peterson). So, if you look at the most ineffective of those runners (Benson, in my opinion), it makes the most sense to go after a bruiser who can actually break tackles. My guess?


T.J. Duckett.


Not a sexy name, but Angelo probably wants to bring someone in who COULD win the starting job, but who he won't catch too much heat for if he doesn't work out. He's had injury problems, but I thinke could still be an effective back (he did average 5.2 YPC this year in limted duty).


I was going to add that I'd inadvertantly left Duckett off the list. My response? Blech. I'd rather stick with Adrian Peterson. The idea should be to bring in an upgrade, not just a body.

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I think Wolfe already squats around 400lbs, how much more strength does he need? Bottom line is he loses out because of physics, 170lbs (180 with pads on) just won't win many battles when a 300lb lineman gets his arm on you. Wolfe could reduce those problems going through the line if he'd just take a lower stance, instead he seems to always be upright when he hits the hole. At his size he ought to be able to dive through the tiniest holes for at least a couple yards. Hopefully the coaches work with him on that this year and hopefully Ron Turner works on his play calling when Wolfe is on the field and uses him more in space.

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a 400 lb. squat isn't very strong, esp. for an NFL player who isn't a kicker. I guess I should've said "mass," instead of strength, because you are right, that really is the obstacle. But I was thinking along the lines of: "strength to break tackles." And I've seen Wolfe knocked down by arm tackles from 200 lb. safeties...

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