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Love the look on Jerry Jones face


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Yes, I saw him on the sideline and immediately wanted to see Dallas get beat. Never cared for them before Jones, liked them even less after Jones bought the team.


You are right, I loved the look on his face when McQ intercepted Romo with 9 seconds left.

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Yes, I saw him on the sideline and immediately wanted to see Dallas get beat. Never cared for them before Jones, liked them even less after Jones bought the team.


You are right, I loved the look on his face when McQ intercepted Romo with 9 seconds left.

I am in shock that RW is still in the league and contributing. Didn't we cut him after Lovie's first yr?????


Peace :bears

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SD comes out of Indy pretty beat up...but the season is a success for me just seeing the 'Boys lose like that. I'm so sick of hearing they're America's team. I'm sure the Boo-Ya network will still feature them all week long, but at least I only have to watch that crap while I'm on the treadmill...

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I dont think the Packers are a shoe in to win the NFC. The Giants have been on fire lately. It doesnt really matter, whichever team comes from the AFC is gonna win the Super Bowl. Yes, I know the Packers beat San Diego...

Not to mention, the Giants are now 9-1 on the road if you count the 2 playoff games.

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SD comes out of Indy pretty beat up...but the season is a success for me just seeing the 'Boys lose like that. I'm so sick of hearing they're America's team. I'm sure the Boo-Ya network will still feature them all week long, but at least I only have to watch that crap while I'm on the treadmill...


All I have to say is that besides the cyings falling back to reality combined with the sweep of the slackers the loss by the girls has made this year a little better

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The one thing I'm sick of fuckin hearing is the Romo/Simpson story. Let it go...Since when did sports reporters become tabloid news reporters. Everyone from Joe Buck, to ESPN to beat writers have made their comments. Let the Enquirer worry about that shit...stick to football. Short of her injuring him during a wild sexcapade, Romo dating Simpson has no effect on his football playing ability and every time I hear a "sports reporter" even mention her name it makes me sick.

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I am just damn glad that the Giants did go into Irving and beat the Boys on their field. Makes Jones look more and more like the idiot that he really is. Not sure who is going to be in Glendale on February 3rd however, I still think that NE is due for a let down and man I hate the cheeseheads. We'll know more in seven days.

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I live in Dallas, and let me tell you, as much as you may hear about it nationally, that is nothing compared to here.


Understand though. Part of it isn't "just" Simpson, but how Romo seems to have gone hollywood. Previously, he was w/ Carrie Underwood, and some other celeb chick (can't recall who). So he is hopping around w/ high profile chicks. You may well say, so what. For the most part, I agree. But a point made recently which I tend to agree w/ questions how he has been handling his success. He has become more and more defensive speaking w/ reporters. He seems to have hit the party circuit more then ever. And this past week, which Dallas had a 1st week bye, he went to Mexico for a vacation w/ Simpson (also w/ a couple other players and their wives).


I think most here could care less who he dates, but how hollywood he seems to have gotten, and how he seems to be handling the media and pressure these days, is something fans care about.

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I live in Dallas, and let me tell you, as much as you may hear about it nationally, that is nothing compared to here.


Understand though. Part of it isn't "just" Simpson, but how Romo seems to have gone hollywood. Previously, he was w/ Carrie Underwood, and some other celeb chick (can't recall who). So he is hopping around w/ high profile chicks. You may well say, so what. For the most part, I agree. But a point made recently which I tend to agree w/ questions how he has been handling his success. He has become more and more defensive speaking w/ reporters. He seems to have hit the party circuit more then ever. And this past week, which Dallas had a 1st week bye, he went to Mexico for a vacation w/ Simpson (also w/ a couple other players and their wives).


I think most here could care less who he dates, but how hollywood he seems to have gotten, and how he seems to be handling the media and pressure these days, is something fans care about.

And to me there is nothing wrong with any of it. He can date as many high profile chicks as he wants, go to Mexico if he wants, party like a rock star if he wants. As long as it doesn't affect his play so what. Now if he was showing up late for practices, or he's showing up hung over or tired or missing meetings or anything realted to the team...then I can understand, but he isn't doing anything to hurt the team. He has dated a few celebrities....so what?? As for him being more defensive with reporters, if they were digging into my personal life instead of my sport life I would as well.

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For the most part, I agree. One guy on the radio said, "since we were boys, we played football to get the girls. What is the point of playing if not for the girls." One guy responded by saying money. And the first guy came back by asking what was money for. Again, girls.


Romo was a very fast rising star. He hit the scene last year, not even at the start of the year, and showed tons of flash. Then this year, he looks all sorts of explosive. After about one year of PT, he gets a deal that makes him one of the highest paid players in the league. So the spotlight is 100% on him.


It isn't just how he deals w/ reporters asking tabloid questions, but how he deals w/ the limelight and success as a whole. So far, I think there has been enough scene to question how well he deals w/ it.


You can say that you don't care what he does off the field, or if he goes hollywood, he is creating a profile which the media are going nuts w/. And it does in fact appear to be affecting him. Many can say they don't care what the media or fans think, but I find it hard to believe. They care, and it can have an affect.


Reality is, if he wins, the profile becomes legend like Joe Namath or Jim McMahan, but thus far he is 0-2 in the playoffs (when the pressure is really on) and that profile is only adding to the attacks.

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I fully understand and have no real problem. But if you're Romo...why not just wait until the end of the season. Why set yourself and your teammates for questions they don't need to be fielding? I presona;;y think it doesn't mean jack...but if the media's going to run with it as you know they are..why give them something else to latch onto? Hold off a few weeks and then travel the world...instead of budget Cabo.




For the most part, I agree. One guy on the radio said, "since we were boys, we played football to get the girls. What is the point of playing if not for the girls." One guy responded by saying money. And the first guy came back by asking what was money for. Again, girls.


Romo was a very fast rising star. He hit the scene last year, not even at the start of the year, and showed tons of flash. Then this year, he looks all sorts of explosive. After about one year of PT, he gets a deal that makes him one of the highest paid players in the league. So the spotlight is 100% on him.


It isn't just how he deals w/ reporters asking tabloid questions, but how he deals w/ the limelight and success as a whole. So far, I think there has been enough scene to question how well he deals w/ it.


You can say that you don't care what he does off the field, or if he goes hollywood, he is creating a profile which the media are going nuts w/. And it does in fact appear to be affecting him. Many can say they don't care what the media or fans think, but I find it hard to believe. They care, and it can have an affect.


Reality is, if he wins, the profile becomes legend like Joe Namath or Jim McMahan, but thus far he is 0-2 in the playoffs (when the pressure is really on) and that profile is only adding to the attacks.

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For the most part, I agree. One guy on the radio said, "since we were boys, we played football to get the girls. What is the point of playing if not for the girls." One guy responded by saying money. And the first guy came back by asking what was money for. Again, girls.


Romo was a very fast rising star. He hit the scene last year, not even at the start of the year, and showed tons of flash. Then this year, he looks all sorts of explosive. After about one year of PT, he gets a deal that makes him one of the highest paid players in the league. So the spotlight is 100% on him.


It isn't just how he deals w/ reporters asking tabloid questions, but how he deals w/ the limelight and success as a whole. So far, I think there has been enough scene to question how well he deals w/ it.


You can say that you don't care what he does off the field, or if he goes hollywood, he is creating a profile which the media are going nuts w/. And it does in fact appear to be affecting him. Many can say they don't care what the media or fans think, but I find it hard to believe. They care, and it can have an affect.


Reality is, if he wins, the profile becomes legend like Joe Namath or Jim McMahan, but thus far he is 0-2 in the playoffs (when the pressure is really on) and that profile is only adding to the attacks.

yeah I can see if he had a terrible game or something, but he played well. He was pressured all day and made some great plays avoiding the rush and then scrambling for the first, making a nice pass or even pulling a Farve and shoveling the ball to Witten. He also had to deal with numerous drops and stupid penalities. He's hardly the reason for that loss. So he was personally successful, but it's a team game and that's why they lost. Going to Mexico the weak before has nothing to do with it. When he is on that field, I guarantee he is focused on the task at hand..and Mexico or Jessica in the stands or what the media is writing about are the furthest thing on his mind. That's why I think it's dumb for sports analysts to discuss it. Let Access Hollywood or ET or some other talk show discuss their vacation. The sports guys should be talking about sports, and I haven't heard anyone criticize how he played, but I've heard everyone mention him going on vacation.

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Well, consider me someone who thinks it matters. Not the whole Simpson thing. Frankly, I find all that comical. But going to Cabo? I mean, the season is about at an end (now it is for the cowgirls) and you can vacation all you want. I simply never understood why he would do that. And for the record, there were a couple other players who went as well.


Brady had a week off too. Did you read about him leaving the country to go on vacation. Frankly, I have never heard of this. The most I hear about is a player going out of town for a day to see his old school in a bowl game, but to go on a vacation out of the country?


I am not saying that was the difference, or that it had any meaning what-so-ever. Heck, Witten went w/ him and maybe they practiced that toss play. For me, it is more about intelligence. You are already under the spotlight. You have already been getting upset w/ how you are being portrayed in the media. Then you go and do this. All you are doing is providing more ammo.


As for your comment that once you get onto the field, nothing else matters, I have to disagree. Players talk all the time about Monday through Saturday distractions. They do have an effect.

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That was one of my biggest things too. Why do a vacation like this before the year is over. Before your goal is accomplished.


Two points I want to make others outside Dallas may not know/realize.


One. Three other players went too. I know Rivera (OG) and Witten were there w/ their wives, as was one other player w/ his wife as well. Just making this point so it is understood it was not JUST Romo.


Two. Wade Phillips supposedly told players to take some time off and forget about football for a while.


Frankly, here in Dallas, Phillips is catching far more grief, both for the Mexico vacation, as well as for the game. Phillips is the sort of coach that is friends w/ the players. He has been soft on them. For the most part, it appeared to have worked, but over the last month +, the team seems to have been slipping, and Phillips has not seemed able to turn the momentum back around.


There have been loads of articles here about how Billichek went through their bye week close to like a normal practice week. Players were in full pads, and lived in the film room. Phillips, by contrast, basically gave the team the week off.

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Well, consider me someone who thinks it matters. Not the whole Simpson thing. Frankly, I find all that comical. But going to Cabo? I mean, the season is about at an end (now it is for the cowgirls) and you can vacation all you want. I simply never understood why he would do that. And for the record, there were a couple other players who went as well.


Brady had a week off too. Did you read about him leaving the country to go on vacation. Frankly, I have never heard of this. The most I hear about is a player going out of town for a day to see his old school in a bowl game, but to go on a vacation out of the country?


I am not saying that was the difference, or that it had any meaning what-so-ever. Heck, Witten went w/ him and maybe they practiced that toss play. For me, it is more about intelligence. You are already under the spotlight. You have already been getting upset w/ how you are being portrayed in the media. Then you go and do this. All you are doing is providing more ammo.


As for your comment that once you get onto the field, nothing else matters, I have to disagree. Players talk all the time about Monday through Saturday distractions. They do have an effect.

You keep emphasizing "out of the country" like he flew to France for a weekend of Champaign and pounding vag. He went to fricken Cabo...It's a 2 1/2 hour flight. He could have just as easily flew here to Chitown for the weekend. Whats' the dif? If tabloids or entertainment people want to rag on him...that's fine...he's a celebrity...the thing I don't get is the sports media doing it.


We'll just agree to disagree on this affecting his play. I believe when Romo, or any other professional athelete for that matter is on the field, they are mentally focused on one thing and that's football.

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Thanks for sharing that local perspective!


I know Cowherd on ESPN nationally was giving Phillips a hard time this morning on my way in to work.


I guess it may explain why Billichik has a handful or rings and Phillips can only complain about the music city miracle!




That was one of my biggest things too. Why do a vacation like this before the year is over. Before your goal is accomplished.


Two points I want to make others outside Dallas may not know/realize.


One. Three other players went too. I know Rivera (OG) and Witten were there w/ their wives, as was one other player w/ his wife as well. Just making this point so it is understood it was not JUST Romo.


Two. Wade Phillips supposedly told players to take some time off and forget about football for a while.


Frankly, here in Dallas, Phillips is catching far more grief, both for the Mexico vacation, as well as for the game. Phillips is the sort of coach that is friends w/ the players. He has been soft on them. For the most part, it appeared to have worked, but over the last month +, the team seems to have been slipping, and Phillips has not seemed able to turn the momentum back around.


There have been loads of articles here about how Billichek went through their bye week close to like a normal practice week. Players were in full pads, and lived in the film room. Phillips, by contrast, basically gave the team the week off.

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For one thing, he thinks he can buy the Lombardi trophy.


If I were a Wash fan, I would like having an owner willing to spend, but that is off-set by having an owner who thinks he is an expert because he played fantasy football one year, and runs the team that way. If a big name FA is out there, Snyder goes after him, often to the near/future detriment of the team. As bad as Arch was for us, at least we didn't pay him 1/4 what Snyder did.


As a football fan, he ticks me off because he screws up the market. Every FA just mentions the name Snyder, and a bidding war begins. He pays a premium for average talent, which only makes it more difficult to sign other players because those other players agents will use the Wash contracts as a model. For example, watch Berrian's agent point to Randle El' deal signed last year, and say if he is woth Y, Berrian has to be worth Z.


It isn't limited to players either. There has been a relative model for coaching staffs in terms of structure and salary. Then Snyder begins signing assistant coaches to deals worth more than many head coaches are/were making. He started signing HC's to record breaking deals. You can say props to him, but in a system where every more made creates a market, one spoiled brat screws up the system for the rest.


Snyder may not be alone in this regard, but I would say he takes it to an extreme.


One sports owner I actually like is Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks). He gets ripped in the media for his antics, which can be ridiculous, but he is a fan who still shows the enthusiasm. What I really respect though is that, while he does know a bit about the sport, he is smart enough to backoff and let those who know far more make the decisions. He spends money like we breath air. Everything about the team and their facilities is luxury and advanced. But when it comes down to who the team needs to add, while he may have an opinion, he allows the "experts" he has hired to make the decisions.


Snyder treats an NFL team as if it were a fantasy football team, and IMHO, shows a level of disrespect to the sport. There are times I wish our org would spend more, but never do I wish we had an owner like Snyder.

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Jones, Romo, Snyder...I could care less. What I care about is the fact that Farv is winless at Dallas, and they posed the best chance at stopping the packers from making it to the Superbowl. I cheer for the Bears first, and for any team that will hinder the packers second.


I'm slightly upset that the Cowboys lost, because I really think that they would have handled the packers. Now, with the Giants playing well, there is still a chance that the packers lose (the snow doesn't matter to a team from NY). However, it would have made me feel much better to watch the packers lose early, and ugly.


Each game closer to the Super Bowl they get, is one more gut punch to me as a Bears fan.

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For one thing, he thinks he can buy the Lombardi trophy.


If I were a Wash fan, I would like having an owner willing to spend, but that is off-set by having an owner who thinks he is an expert because he played fantasy football one year, and runs the team that way. If a big name FA is out there, Snyder goes after him, often to the near/future detriment of the team. As bad as Arch was for us, at least we didn't pay him 1/4 what Snyder did.


As a football fan, he ticks me off because he screws up the market. Every FA just mentions the name Snyder, and a bidding war begins. He pays a premium for average talent, which only makes it more difficult to sign other players because those other players agents will use the Wash contracts as a model. For example, watch Berrian's agent point to Randle El' deal signed last year, and say if he is woth Y, Berrian has to be worth Z.


It isn't limited to players either. There has been a relative model for coaching staffs in terms of structure and salary. Then Snyder begins signing assistant coaches to deals worth more than many head coaches are/were making. He started signing HC's to record breaking deals. You can say props to him, but in a system where every more made creates a market, one spoiled brat screws up the system for the rest.


Snyder may not be alone in this regard, but I would say he takes it to an extreme.


One sports owner I actually like is Mark Cuban (Dallas Mavericks). He gets ripped in the media for his antics, which can be ridiculous, but he is a fan who still shows the enthusiasm. What I really respect though is that, while he does know a bit about the sport, he is smart enough to backoff and let those who know far more make the decisions. He spends money like we breath air. Everything about the team and their facilities is luxury and advanced. But when it comes down to who the team needs to add, while he may have an opinion, he allows the "experts" he has hired to make the decisions.


Snyder treats an NFL team as if it were a fantasy football team, and IMHO, shows a level of disrespect to the sport. There are times I wish our org would spend more, but never do I wish we had an owner like Snyder.

Ditto on everything you said. Snyder has f'ed it up for everyone. If I was an owner on another team, I would have him kneecapped.


Peace :bears

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