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Gordon extension cost


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spotrac does a great job of tracking the salary cap and predicting market value.

They say 3 year deal worth $11M a year, so that's probably pretty close.

They give comps and justify their thoughts at this link too.


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I usually look at OTC Over the Cap, , I like their design better, but all of those sites have value. They rate his play last year as a 5 mil value but don't project his future values.  Ive never compared if they provide the same cap accuracy. Right now they have us 45, 489,070 but effective cap rate is minus rookie pool allowance (  11 mil) which gives us around 34.5 mil useable cap money. You also have to estimate the in year operating capital. Last year was 7 mil. So we basically have around 27.5  mil to spend. 

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31 minutes ago, BearFan PHX said:

spotrac does a great job of tracking the salary cap and predicting market value.

They say 3 year deal worth $11M a year, so that's probably pretty close.

They give comps and justify their thoughts at this link too.


Thanks for the information, Lenoir is a NCB so top money is 17 mil a year. That will change his price but those payments don't start until next year unless they throw some money on this year as a bonus. 

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