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Norm Chow anyone?


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Im not too sure about his track record. That offense regressed horribly this year and he didnt do anything to bring VY along.


Agreed. What track record??? Norm Chow is known for his work at USC, but what's he done at the NFL level? The two don't often translate.


Granted I will give him credit for making Justin Gage look like a #1 receiver for a couple of games.


I still don't get where all the hate for Turner comes from. Two of his 3 years here have been good. When your 0-line sucks, your running-backs consist of a confused rookie, a nice #2, and a guy who will be out of the league in 3 years (I won't miss you Cedric) . . . oh, and your damn WR's can't hang onto the damn ball. Meanwhile, your #1 offensive weapon is too damn stupid to remember what he's doing.


I almost forget his quarterbacks are color blind.


I give Turner a pass on the 2007 season.

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I follow regarding Chow.


But regarding Turner, you're a generous guy!


How can you not see where the hate is coming from? You may not agree with it, but it's there out in the great wide open. I wish I could recall all his errors, but a few come to mind like running mighty mouse Wolfe up the gut on our own virtual goal line, passing when we should run, running when we should pass, not utilizing our only good receiver Olsen....I'm just at a loss for more at this hour. I'm sure if you give me enough time I can come up with more as I'm sure many other posters could as well.




Agreed. What track record??? Norm Chow is known for his work at USC, but what's he done at the NFL level? The two don't often translate.


Granted I will give him credit for making Justin Gage look like a #1 receiver for a couple of games.


I still don't get where all the hate for Turner comes from. Two of his 3 years here have been good. When your 0-line sucks, your running-backs consist of a confused rookie, a nice #2, and a guy who will be out of the league in 3 years (I won't miss you Cedric) . . . oh, and your damn WR's can't hang onto the damn ball. Meanwhile, your #1 offensive weapon is too damn stupid to remember what he's doing.


I almost forget his quarterbacks are color blind.


I give Turner a pass on the 2007 season.

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I havent been too happy with Turners play calling and even his offensive packages but at the same time he has jack shit to work with. I wouldnt mind a new coordinator but if we can bring in some talent we would benefit from running the same offense as opposed to everyone having to learn a new system.


Are you kidding me......not having sh** to work with? Berrian, Bradley Davis,Olsen,Clark, Hester. The proplem with Turner is his play calling. In the red zone he rarely used his Big fast TE Olsen. He hardly used the screen passes which would have been good since the Oline couldn't hold their blocks. He ran plays that were doomed from the start(if you can't run up the middle do something else....not keep trying to run the same play)of the play. He called running plays when we should have thrown the ball, and passing plays when we should have run the ball. Why didn't he line Hester up in the backfield and run to the outside? Why didn't he run misdirection plays to catch the defense flowing the wrong way? What happened to the QB bootleg pass to the TE? What happened to the formation that had Hester & Berrian on the outside, Davis/Moose in one slot and Bradley in the other and olsen at TE.......who could stop our guys from being open? That would have spread the defense and left open our WR or TE. One play that I have seen teams used is three WR to one side of the field and throw the quick screen, or the inside WR underneath the other two in the flat. Turner is a run guy and does not know how to use spread offense properly

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First, I would just like to point out that I have ripped Turner all year, and would love for him to be let go. IMHO, there are better options out there, far better, and I would love to add Chow. With that said, I would have to agree that he had little to work w/. Understand, I do not like what he did w/ that little he had to work w/, but at the same time, please do not pretend the players we have on offense are better than they actually are.


Berrian is a good WR, but it took a while for him to get focuses for some reason, and his constant drops hurt us as much as playcalling at times. Moose is so far removed from being a pro bowler, it is now questionable whether he is a legit starter. He does not get separation and shows questionable hands, at best. Bradley? You list him like he is something. Why? Davis is a nice enough #4 WR/slot guy, but not someone I would list in trying to make a case that we have talent. Hester has talent, and I wanted him used much more, but that talent is very raw, and I think it potentially unrealistic to believe he was ready to make a huge impact on offense this past year.


And as weak as we are/were at WR, it is nothing compared to OL and QB.


Further, I want to address a few plays you throw out there.


Olsen in the red zone - No argument what-so-ever. I will never understand Davis playing in the red zone, as well as on hail mary plays, over Olsen.


Screen pass - We did try it some this year, but it simply doesn't work w/ our players. DBs crowd the LOS due to a total lack of respect, both not only our WRs, but for our QB and ability to protect him. It is near impossible to be successful on screen passes when the DB lines up w/in spitting distance of the WR. Further, I would add that Rex was not very good at getting the pass the the WR quickly, which buys the DB more time to close. Further still, I would argue that I saw little by way of moves and broken tackles from our WRs when we did make these plays. So while I agree in theory that the WR screen is a play that can do many positive things for an offense, I would argue our personnel has not proven very capable of running it.


A similar argument can be made for the RB screen. While it worked a couple times, most often we ran this play, it did not. When we tried, I often saw one of several things happen. (1) The pass would be batted down, likely due to a short QB (2) Undisciplined OL would be called for an illegal block being illegally downfield (3) RB would be immediately dropped or (4) RB would drop the pass. I personally think the RB screen is one of the best plays to counter an aggressive pass rush, but our players have simply never seemed capable of running this play.


I agree in general that there was FAR more Turner could have done, and that Turner's playcalling was poor. At the same time, I simply do not agree we have much talent on offense, and further argue that a weak OL makes pretty much everything difficult. So we had the double whammy on offense of poor personnel and poorer still playcalling.

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Are you kidding me......not having sh** to work with? Berrian, Bradley Davis,Olsen,Clark, Hester. The proplem with Turner is his play calling. In the red zone he rarely used his Big fast TE Olsen. He hardly used the screen passes which would have been good since the Oline couldn't hold their blocks. He ran plays that were doomed from the start(if you can't run up the middle do something else....not keep trying to run the same play)of the play. He called running plays when we should have thrown the ball, and passing plays when we should have run the ball. Why didn't he line Hester up in the backfield and run to the outside? Why didn't he run misdirection plays to catch the defense flowing the wrong way? What happened to the QB bootleg pass to the TE? What happened to the formation that had Hester & Berrian on the outside, Davis/Moose in one slot and Bradley in the other and olsen at TE.......who could stop our guys from being open? That would have spread the defense and left open our WR or TE. One play that I have seen teams used is three WR to one side of the field and throw the quick screen, or the inside WR underneath the other two in the flat. Turner is a run guy and does not know how to use spread offense properly

I said I dint like his playcalling but that list of players isnt very impressive. The Bears have an absolute terrible offensive line. Tons of drops from the WRs. Three different qbs. Not one legitimate number one running back. Their best offensive weapon is Dez Clark, what do you expect. I love that you added Davis and Bradley like they are supposed to make some kind of difference.

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Maybe, but on the other hand, take a look at what he had to work w/. They have been dumping veteran talent on offense due to the cap, and hvae not been adding great players. I mean, seriously. Justin Gage was maybe their best WR. They have a young QB who, whole athletic, all expected would need time to develop.


IMHO, he did a pretty good job w/ the minimal amount he was given to work w/. I personally would have loved to add him. I never got too caught up in the discussion as I knew we were not dumping Turner, so there was simply no point, but I do not believe Chow should be written off too easily as one of those college coaches who can not translate into the NFL.

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