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Will we win with Urlacher?

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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Urlacher's contract is up at the end of the 2011 season, and we all know with how his back problems are still there despite what he says, we can almost guarantee he retires after that season.


Now the question: Will the Bears win a Super Bowl with Urlacher?

Explain your reasoning, and give some predictions on who'll lead us in some statistical categories in the year you think they'll win, like tackles, rushing yards, receiving yards, TD's thrown, etc.

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despite what he says, we can almost guarantee he retires after this season.


He had his best year this season, and I don't see how you can guarantee that he will retire after the next one.


The conversation about trading him for the incredible value he would bring is a fair one, despite the fact that it seems like heresy to most around here. Just because I think the conversation is a fair one, by the way, doesn'teman that I support the idea, just that its OK to discuss ANYTHING, a good GM looks at every possibility.


That said, I think you are way out on a limb assuming that this is his last year.

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Urlacher's contract is up at the end of the 2011 season, and we all know with how his back problems are still there despite what he says, we can almost guarantee he retires after this season.


I also agree with others who have replied to your post, I do not see where it is guaranteed Urlacher retires after the end of his contract.


As far as asking for the predictions of who will be our statistical leaders when we return to the super bowl, I think the offensive leaders for the Bears next trip to the super bowl may yet to be wearing a Bears uniform. Kind of hard to make such a prediction when we are all expecting the Bears to add to the roster in areas of WR, RB, & QB.

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Hester! Lay down the pipe! ;)


There's no guarantee of him retiring at all. Where did you get that info?


The Bears can easily win with Urlacher. It's other positions and personnell that are hurting this club...like QB and WR.


Urlacher's contract is up at the end of the 2011 season, and we all know with how his back problems are still there despite what he says, we can almost guarantee he retires after this season.


Now the question: Will the Bears win a Super Bowl with Urlacher?

Explain your reasoning, and give some predictions on who'll lead us in some statistical categories in the year you think they'll win, like tackles, rushing yards, receiving yards, TD's thrown, etc.

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Wow, I'm sorry, guys. It was supposed to say "almost guarantee he retires after that season", not "this season"




No apology needed, as I do not see it almost guarantees he will retire after "that" season is over either. In fact, unless he has a major set back health wise, I would not be surprised to see his contract extended before the 2011 season so he can retire a Bear. Sure, he isn't getting any younger. He will not, in all likely hood, be at the top of his game by the time 2011 comes about, but will probably still be a top 10 MLB in the NFL at the end of his career.

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Urlacher's contract is up at the end of the 2011 season, and we all know with how his back problems are still there despite what he says, we can almost guarantee he retires after that season.


Now the question: Will the Bears win a Super Bowl with Urlacher?

Explain your reasoning, and give some predictions on who'll lead us in some statistical categories in the year you think they'll win, like tackles, rushing yards, receiving yards, TD's thrown, etc.





The question should be why not?

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