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What are you looking forward to more?


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Just curious. FA is very near, w/ the draft not long after. Which aspect of the offseason are you all looking forward to more?


Personally, I am looking more forward to FA. OL is our greatest need (not counting QB, where I see little major change), and is the position I think Angelo has seen more quality FAs added, while also being among his weakest positions in the draft. So much hinges on our upgrading the OL, and I think that will begin w/ FA. I am so interested to see how we attack the OL in FA, and believe it will have a major impact on the draft.

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Just curious. FA is very near, w/ the draft not long after. Which aspect of the offseason are you all looking forward to more?


Personally, I am looking more forward to FA. OL is our greatest need (not counting QB, where I see little major change), and is the position I think Angelo has seen more quality FAs added, while also being among his weakest positions in the draft. So much hinges on our upgrading the OL, and I think that will begin w/ FA. I am so interested to see how we attack the OL in FA, and believe it will have a major impact on the draft.


Nfo I too am looking forward to the FA period because there have been some interesting names being released in the last couple of days and with LJ Shelton being one of them I like the increase of the talent pool on just the O-line.The thing that JA must take into account is that Parcells will also be a big player in this area and if there is someone he covets he will go after them very aggressively especially if they are big.Parcells tends to go after large O-linemen and D-linemen.

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FA as well! There seems to be enough out there that the Bears should be interested in. Also...potential trade for McNabb. All that will dictate the draft basically...


Just curious. FA is very near, w/ the draft not long after. Which aspect of the offseason are you all looking forward to more?


Personally, I am looking more forward to FA. OL is our greatest need (not counting QB, where I see little major change), and is the position I think Angelo has seen more quality FAs added, while also being among his weakest positions in the draft. So much hinges on our upgrading the OL, and I think that will begin w/ FA. I am so interested to see how we attack the OL in FA, and believe it will have a major impact on the draft.

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FA. I'd love, on March 1, if I woke up and I heard we signed a bigtime OL man, like Jacob Bell or Faneca. Hell, maybe JA is making 1 final push for a championship, and he's going to go over the cap and sign them both. If we do that, we can do my predicted trade of our 1st and 5th for a team's 2nd and 3rd, and then draft Flacco, Doucet, Hills, Schuening, and so on.


:dabears :bears

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Just curious. FA is very near, w/ the draft not long after. Which aspect of the offseason are you all looking forward to more?


Personally, I am looking more forward to FA. OL is our greatest need (not counting QB, where I see little major change), and is the position I think Angelo has seen more quality FAs added, while also being among his weakest positions in the draft. So much hinges on our upgrading the OL, and I think that will begin w/ FA. I am so interested to see how we attack the OL in FA, and believe it will have a major impact on the draft.


FA as well. Signing a FA like Faneca can change a lot of things and would only enhance our growth via the draft. Berrian, Rex and a potential safety will also be points of interest. And then there's the Turk....

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But in all honesty, I enjoy the draft far more! It's just that I can't seem to focus on the draft until I know what's went down in FA...


FA as well! There seems to be enough out there that the Bears should be interested in. Also...potential trade for McNabb. All that will dictate the draft basically...
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I love the new format also, just like Prophet said. I love the 2 p.m. start instead of the noon or whatever it used to be start. Also, I like the new time limit between picks- what is it now, like 10 for the 1st round and 5 for the 2nd for somethin'?


How do the rounds go, though? I forget. Is it the 1st 2 rounds are the first day, and the rest are the 2nd.

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If it were up to me, I'd have the 1st round on friday night starting at 7 or 8 eastern with either 10 or 15 minutes in between selections. Then I'd have rounds 2-4 on saturady lasting from 2 to whatever. And then have rounds 5-7 on sunday from 12 to whatever.

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Its hard to say what youre more looking forward to. The draft is all in two days so thats always going to be more exciting but for a lot of teams, the whole FA timeframe can wind up being more exciting. this year for the Bears its pretty even. It will be interesting to see what we do with a lot of our own FA and to see what route we go in the draft.

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Not sure if this is from the Bears fan perspective or NFL fan perspective. Bears fan perspective it's draft this year because beyond one or two Oline FA I don't see much exciting opportunity out there for us. Not that adding Julius Jones wouldn't be a good thing but I don't see that as a major acquisition.


My NFL football fan perspective, it's far and away the draft. Free Agency might be key for the Bears this year but it takes place over several weeks. It's exciting to see who makes the big acquisitions and talk about the implications. Yet because of the salary cap and other factors not every team makes a big splash in FA so league-wide impact isn't as great as the draft. For the draft there is far more buildup to the big day, the drama of the surprise early picks and the drama of who drops drastically. It happens every year.


On top of that the draft typically affects every single team in a significant way. Debate after the draft is fun too. Talking about what a FA can do to help a team is ok but post-draft chat is better.

How many posts went back and forth on drafting Hester in the 2nd Rd? What were we going to do with a guy who has no position other than returner?


I'll take the emotional highs and lows of the draft over FA any year.

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I love the draft because it so unpredicatble and exciting! my opinion the NFL draft really sets this league apart from the other pro leagues because every year there is that rookie who makes a huge impact (not necesarily on the Bears) and infuses life into a team!


I really enjoy the arm chair GM FA & draft banter as well.

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Agreed the draft/rookie process in the NFL is the best.


In baseball, you have a million rounds (or so it seems) and even your top pick will start out in the minors. Most often, those draft picks will spend the next several years in the minors. While I dislike the aspect of baseball that puts no draft picks in the bigs, at the same time, I do like the idea of a minor league. The practice squad is the closest thing we currently have. I had always hoped to make NFL Europe a NFL minor league, but it just didn't happen.


Basketball is more similar to the NFL in that you often have a rookie play and even shine. But basketball has a much smaller draft. Its what, two rounds, and that 2nd round is often talked about as a write off. You get some players from it, but their 2nd round is more like the NFL's 6th and/or 7th. I also hate that basketball has no timelimits, thus "kids" can enter the league raw. I just do not see how this is good for the league.


Anyway, while there are things I like about baseball and basketball w/ regard to the draft, I agree that football is far and above above those two.

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I agree w/ everyone the draft is more exciting. You have so much packed into 48 hours.


But for me, if you ask me right now which I am looking more forward to, I would have to admit it is FA. Maybe that is partially because FA is simply sooner. Maybe it is because there are a few FAs out there I am very high on. But I think a huge reason is also this. Angelo has had far better success in FA than the draft when it comes to the OL. I believe that is the A#1 area we need to address, and believe that w/ Angelo, it starts in FA.


Do we go into FA and just spend on a guy like Faneca. Several times in the past he went heavy in FA to attack a top need. OT was a top need, and he signed Tait to a very large offer sheet. When DE was a top need, he made a trade for Wale, who was also going to command a very large new deal. While it never happened, he also went heavy after Kearse, offering a deal I believe greater than Urlachers. WR was looking ugly, and he we quick for Moose.


In each of these situations, we had a glaring need, and he addressed it quick and w/ money. While TJ was not nearly as expensive, he too was a very fast addition.


For me, it is hard to get too excited about the draft when our FA moves can affect our draft needs so greatly. For example,


I want Faneca, or at least one of the other very high end (talent) OGs, but what if Angelo went out and signed an OT? W/ Tait on the other side, I am not sure OT is still such a lock 1st round pick.


I really would like to sign Ken Hamlin. I don't think it will happen, but if we do, does that drop Phillips on our need list.


I would kill to trade (reasonable deal) for McNabb. If we do that, forget about Brohm, and take a pick off our board.


I don't think adding Booker would change plans if there was a WR we liked, but if we sign Bryant Johnson, who is also a young WR, that well could.


That's my thing. Our needs are not going to change before the start of FA, yet can change dramatically before the draft.

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I agree w/ everyone the draft is more exciting. You have so much packed into 48 hours.


But for me, if you ask me right now which I am looking more forward to, I would have to admit it is FA. Maybe that is partially because FA is simply sooner. Maybe it is because there are a few FAs out there I am very high on. But I think a huge reason is also this. Angelo has had far better success in FA than the draft when it comes to the OL. I believe that is the A#1 area we need to address, and believe that w/ Angelo, it starts in FA.


Do we go into FA and just spend on a guy like Faneca. Several times in the past he went heavy in FA to attack a top need. OT was a top need, and he signed Tait to a very large offer sheet. When DE was a top need, he made a trade for Wale, who was also going to command a very large new deal. While it never happened, he also went heavy after Kearse, offering a deal I believe greater than Urlachers. WR was looking ugly, and he we quick for Moose.


In each of these situations, we had a glaring need, and he addressed it quick and w/ money. While TJ was not nearly as expensive, he too was a very fast addition.


For me, it is hard to get too excited about the draft when our FA moves can affect our draft needs so greatly. For example,


I want Faneca, or at least one of the other very high end (talent) OGs, but what if Angelo went out and signed an OT? W/ Tait on the other side, I am not sure OT is still such a lock 1st round pick.


I really would like to sign Ken Hamlin. I don't think it will happen, but if we do, does that drop Phillips on our need list.


I would kill to trade (reasonable deal) for McNabb. If we do that, forget about Brohm, and take a pick off our board.


I don't think adding Booker would change plans if there was a WR we liked, but if we sign Bryant Johnson, who is also a young WR, that well could.


That's my thing. Our needs are not going to change before the start of FA, yet can change dramatically before the draft.

I would agree. FA will set up what we will do in the draft. I can't wait for the fun to start.



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I agree w/ everyone the draft is more exciting. You have so much packed into 48 hours.


But for me, if you ask me right now which I am looking more forward to, I would have to admit it is FA. Maybe that is partially because FA is simply sooner. Maybe it is because there are a few FAs out there I am very high on. But I think a huge reason is also this. Angelo has had far better success in FA than the draft when it comes to the OL. I believe that is the A#1 area we need to address, and believe that w/ Angelo, it starts in FA.


Do we go into FA and just spend on a guy like Faneca. Several times in the past he went heavy in FA to attack a top need. OT was a top need, and he signed Tait to a very large offer sheet. When DE was a top need, he made a trade for Wale, who was also going to command a very large new deal. While it never happened, he also went heavy after Kearse, offering a deal I believe greater than Urlachers. WR was looking ugly, and he we quick for Moose.


In each of these situations, we had a glaring need, and he addressed it quick and w/ money. While TJ was not nearly as expensive, he too was a very fast addition.


For me, it is hard to get too excited about the draft when our FA moves can affect our draft needs so greatly. For example,


I want Faneca, or at least one of the other very high end (talent) OGs, but what if Angelo went out and signed an OT? W/ Tait on the other side, I am not sure OT is still such a lock 1st round pick.


I really would like to sign Ken Hamlin. I don't think it will happen, but if we do, does that drop Phillips on our need list.


I would kill to trade (reasonable deal) for McNabb. If we do that, forget about Brohm, and take a pick off our board.


I don't think adding Booker would change plans if there was a WR we liked, but if we sign Bryant Johnson, who is also a young WR, that well could.


That's my thing. Our needs are not going to change before the start of FA, yet can change dramatically before the draft.

All that is very true, nice post. However, while FA might be more important, the draft is so much more exciting.


Also, I like the idea of picking up Hamlin. A lot of people think Eugene Wilson would be a better signing, but Hamlin had 5 INT's last year to Wilson's 1, and Hamlin had almost 3x as many tackles as Wilson did. Now, obviously, Wilson missed 5-6 games, but that comes in affect, too. I want a S who will stay healthy, and obviously out of these 2, Hamlin is our guy.


Also, if money comes into affect, I wouldn't mind signing Chris Crocker from Atlanta. He isn't awesome, or even great, but he's a solid starter who can get the job done.

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I love the new format also, just like Prophet said. I love the 2 p.m. start instead of the noon or whatever it used to be start. Also, I like the new time limit between picks- what is it now, like 10 for the 1st round and 5 for the 2nd for somethin'?


How do the rounds go, though? I forget. Is it the 1st 2 rounds are the first day, and the rest are the 2nd.

Yep, the 1st 2 rounds are on Day 1, and the rest are on Day 2.


Round 1 is now 10 minutes per pick (previously 15)

Round 2 is now 7 minutes per pick (previously 10)

Rounds 3-7 are 5 minutes per pick.


The first day will go by so much faster. I remember watching the marathon last year thinking that they were purposely delaying picks to get the commercials in. It seemed like every pick used the max amount of time. Now Day 1 will be much quicker, so less Berman and Kiper.

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The thing I hate now is that that there isn't a good way of separating the values of picks. Before you have 1st day picks which were rounds 1-3 and 2nd day picks which were rounds 4-7. It was a good way to tell how good of a prospect was. Now, a 2nd day pick, usually considered lesser picks (and rightfully so) include the 3rd round.

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Yep, the 1st 2 rounds are on Day 1, and the rest are on Day 2.


Round 1 is now 10 minutes per pick (previously 15)

Round 2 is now 7 minutes per pick (previously 10)

Rounds 3-7 are 5 minutes per pick.


The first day will go by so much faster. I remember watching the marathon last year thinking that they were purposely delaying picks to get the commercials in. It seemed like every pick used the max amount of time. Now Day 1 will be much quicker, so less Berman and Kiper.

:lol: Last year the first round took like 7 hours

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Just curious. FA is very near, w/ the draft not long after. Which aspect of the offseason are you all looking forward to more?


Personally, I am looking more forward to FA. OL is our greatest need (not counting QB, where I see little major change), and is the position I think Angelo has seen more quality FAs added, while also being among his weakest positions in the draft. So much hinges on our upgrading the OL, and I think that will begin w/ FA. I am so interested to see how we attack the OL in FA, and believe it will have a major impact on the draft.


As of right now I'm looking forward to free agency. I have a real tough time speculating on the draft, when so many things may or may not be answered by draft day. For instance, I think we'll sign Julious Jones, Michael Turner, or some other top RB. If we don't, there will be speculation the Bears might take Mendenhall at #14. In other words, so much might change between now & then, what's the point in predicting this early?


That being said, FA is often just waiting & waiting. For all the time we spend speculating on free agents, the majority are never, ever mentioned on Bearstalk. For instance:

2007: Adam Archuletta, Darwin Walker, & Athony Adams: There was some talk about Arch, but zero about the other two.

2006: Brian Griese & Ricky Manning Jr: There was some Griese talk (although he didn't sign until April) but ZERO Manning talk until he came to Chicago for a visit.

2005: Reben Brown, Fred Miller, & Roberto Garza: Seriously, I don't remember ANYONE mentioning any of these 3.


In other words, speculating on who we might sign is probably counter-productive. For all our speculation, more often then not, we miss.

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As of right now I'm looking forward to free agency. I have a real tough time speculating on the draft, when so many things may or may not be answered by draft day. For instance, I think we'll sign Julious Jones, Michael Turner, or some other top RB. If we don't, there will be speculation the Bears might take Mendenhall at #14. In other words, so much might change between now & then, what's the point in predicting this early?


That being said, FA is often just waiting & waiting. For all the time we spend speculating on free agents, the majority are never, ever mentioned on Bearstalk. For instance:

2007: Adam Archuletta, Darwin Walker, & Athony Adams: There was some talk about Arch, but zero about the other two.

2006: Brian Griese & Ricky Manning Jr: There was some Griese talk (although he didn't sign until April) but ZERO Manning talk until he came to Chicago for a visit.

2005: Reben Brown, Fred Miller, & Roberto Garza: Seriously, I don't remember ANYONE mentioning any of these 3.


In other words, speculating on who we might sign is probably counter-productive. For all our speculation, more often then not, we miss.

I seriously wouldn't doubt we take Mendenhall, as much as I hate to say it. If we do and don't make any trades, I doubt we get Flacco, b/c then with our 2nd rounder, we probably take Cherilus or Nicks.

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