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Bears always looks bad in the press...


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I'm not blaming the media, like a desperate politician. However, is it me, or no matter what, the Bears (and I'm just talking ownership, management, and coaches)look like morons in the press. Much of it I believe is deserved, however there's some of it that just seems like it's prepetuating a non-existant myth.


The only good thing you hear about the organization is Hester. Much of it obviously deserved.


I think it does make a good story, especially when the team's record is what it was last season. As much as the media loves the Pat's, it seems like they bash teams like the Raiders, Lion, Caridnals, Bengals and Bears regardless.


I'm necessarily "tired of hearing it", etc... I mean, if you can't win big games, and haven't won a championship in 25+ years, you deserve to get thrashed a bit.


I guess my question is...is the organization that bad over the past 25 years? Seems to me they are either by bad luck or bad decisions.... And until we show consistently that we aren't a "flash in the pan" once in a while, we will continue to have that perception.

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Yep, the press has been very harsh and I feel unfair in their coverage of the Bears, but I could make a good argument that some posters on this forum make the press look like they are blowing kisses when you listen to how they perceive the Bears. I am sorry, I just do not see the reason some are so damn negative about everything the Bears do or do not do that is not exactly what THEY want them to do. There are days I think I could visit forums for our division rivals and find more positive statements about the Bears than I read here. The old adage about is the glass half full or half empty does not apply here to many, it is not just half empty, it is empty and dry as a bone.

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I hear ya.


I think the reason some are so harsh here is because we care too much! It's like how you're harder on your own kid, than someone else's!


I also think last season really left a bad taste in a lot of folks' mouth. After consecutive good and playoff seasons, the team really regressed. You can only blame injury so much...and maybe it was the SB loser curse. But, I think overall, that's why so many here are disillusioned at the moment. Thankfully, winning changes everything!


Yep, the press has been very harsh and I feel unfair in their coverage of the Bears, but I could make a good argument that some posters on this forum make the press look like they are blowing kisses when you listen to how they perceive the Bears. I am sorry, I just do not see the reason some are so damn negative about everything the Bears do or do not do that is not exactly what THEY want them to do. There are days I think I could visit forums for our division rivals and find more positive statements about the Bears than I read here. The old adage about is the glass half full or half empty does not apply here to many, it is not just half empty, it is empty and dry as a bone.
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I for one just keep looking at the real successful teams...the Colts, the Pats, the Eagles, the Steelers...hell even look at this year's top teams...the Cowboys, the Packers, the Chargers...how many big FA's are there across those teams? The Pats had a couple last year, the Eagles have one every few years, the Cowboys filled in an O-Line hole last year I believe...but for the most part, teams do not massively improve themselves in FA. They do so by drafting the guys they want and locking them up. The ones who hit FA are the ones people judge to be worth less to that team than they'd get on the open market.

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I hear ya.


I think the reason some are so harsh here is because we care too much! It's like how you're harder on your own kid, than someone else's!


I also think last season really left a bad taste in a lot of folks' mouth. After consecutive good and playoff seasons, the team really regressed. You can only blame injury so much...and maybe it was the SB loser curse. But, I think overall, that's why so many here are disillusioned at the moment. Thankfully, winning changes everything!

I could be wrong, however a huge reason why the bears are constantly ridiculed by the media and scrutinized by it's fans are for the obvious reasons. Look at the stupid decisions we've made. Benson for one, when drafted, was everyone thinking WTF!, then you have enis, then you have columbo, then you have salaam, haynes, then you have rex, then you have terrell, then you have the qb carousel with kordell, miller, mathews, krenzel, burris,greise,orton,rex,hutch, and I know I'm missing quite a few. Not only is this brought on by their own stupidity, but well deserved. For all the t. harris's and d. hesters we pluck from the football gods, it doesn't make a darn bit of good when you run into the most important position on the team blindfolded, deaf, with both fists swinging. The qb position this team has filled numerous times with pathetic players is down right sad. When you combine that with the fact that we continue to take our first rd draft picks and pick a bust (except for tommie and url.) you have to expect a lashing from the people who pay money to wear the team apparel and go to the games. It's human nature to feel like you've put so much into something ,and that something isn't even trying to give back to you. I for one hope that jerry either pulls his head from his butt when on the clock for the 14th pick and makes a good one, or just trades it away for a proven talent. Why select a benson when you could have gotten a vilma, or someone else who was on the trading block? Everyone wants to take a tackle with the 14th pick, screw that. Last time I checked robert gallery wasn't doing all that great for the raiders. I say we take a player that is a can't miss, and if there isn't a player still there at 14 who's a can't miss you make a trade for someone. I personally would like mendenhall. Benson was a risk because he was taken at 4 and technically we didn't need him. Mendenhall taken at 14 is a lot safer, not to mention if he becomes a bust we can say we were trying to fill a position of need unlike the benson situation. I for one would much rather sign proven o-line talent via fa like olivea and and starks than take a chance on a rook and end up with a columbo.

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I could be wrong, however a huge reason why the bears are constantly ridiculed by the media and scrutinized by it's fans are for the obvious reasons. Look at the stupid decisions we've made. Benson for one, when drafted, was everyone thinking WTF!, then you have enis, then you have columbo, then you have salaam, haynes, then you have rex, then you have terrell, then you have the qb carousel with kordell, miller, mathews, krenzel, burris,greise,orton,rex,hutch, and I know I'm missing quite a few. Not only is this brought on by their own stupidity, but well deserved. For all the t. harris's and d. hesters we pluck from the football gods, it doesn't make a darn bit of good when you run into the most important position on the team blindfolded, deaf, with both fists swinging. The qb position this team has filled numerous times with pathetic players is down right sad. When you combine that with the fact that we continue to take our first rd draft picks and pick a bust (except for tommie and url.) you have to expect a lashing from the people who pay money to wear the team apparel and go to the games. It's human nature to feel like you've put so much into something ,and that something isn't even trying to give back to you. I for one hope that jerry either pulls his head from his butt when on the clock for the 14th pick and makes a good one, or just trades it away for a proven talent. Why select a benson when you could have gotten a vilma, or someone else who was on the trading block? Everyone wants to take a tackle with the 14th pick, screw that. Last time I checked robert gallery wasn't doing all that great for the raiders. I say we take a player that is a can't miss, and if there isn't a player still there at 14 who's a can't miss you make a trade for someone. I personally would like mendenhall. Benson was a risk because he was taken at 4 and technically we didn't need him. Mendenhall taken at 14 is a lot safer, not to mention if he becomes a bust we can say we were trying to fill a position of need unlike the benson situation. I for one would much rather sign proven o-line talent via fa like olivea and and starks than take a chance on a rook and end up with a columbo.


Starks was franchised by Pitt, and Olevia ended up on the Charger bench and is only a RT. The only way I would think about Mendenhall is if we know we can get a potential OLT in the draft b/c there are no OLT availble in FA. Since this is a deep draft for RB's, I think we will wait until the 3 or 4 round. Before we invest in QB's, RB's, WR's, IMO we need to have a young strong Oline.

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The only good thing you hear about the organization is Hester. Much of it obviously deserved.


I think it does make a good story, especially when the team's record is what it was last season. As much as the media loves the Pat's, it seems like they bash teams like the Raiders, Lion, Caridnals, Bengals and Bears regardless.


I'm necessarily "tired of hearing it", etc... I mean, if you can't win big games, and haven't won a championship in 25+ years, you deserve to get thrashed a bit.


I guess my question is...is the organization that bad over the past 25 years? Seems to me they are either by bad luck or bad decisions.... And until we show consistently that we aren't a "flash in the pan" once in a while, we will continue to have that perception.

Get some Kool-Aid Madlith. We are one of 20 teams not to have won the SuperBowl since we last won it! We've also made our fare share of playoffs since then. I think what draws attention to us is that when we fall off, we land hard. Chicago loves it's Bears and Cubs so much, it becomes a huge hype when they are good. So, the media naturally feeds the story by playing devils advocate. Then comes the fall and the media goes devils advocate again playing the rise vs Fall and hope vs. misery. :drink :pray :cheers :bears

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Are you kidding? the media is hard on the Bears? Have you looked at some of the postings on this site since Free Agency started less than 48 hours ago? Jerry Angelo has dropped the Ball, we need to fire Angelo and Smith, this team has no direction, blah blah blah.


The media is nothing but a mouthpiece for the fans now, because they arent saying anything different from each other.

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Starks was franchised by Pitt, and Olevia ended up on the Charger bench and is only a RT.


Actually Starkes was Transition tagged, not franchised, so he can be had for no compensation to the Steelers with a poison pill deal that they can't match. Right now our starting tackles are Tait and St. Clair...I would take Starkes or Olevia in a heartbeat and STILL draft an OT at #14...

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I am beginning to think that next year we will see St. Clair as our LG and we will draft someone to play RT.


Disagree. Offensive line is all about timing, consistency, and working together as a unit. Not to mention, it's so damn importance to learn the tricks of the trade of defensive linemen. That's why so many offensive lineman peak when they're around 30. That experience is so damn critical.


We'll enter camp with St. Clair as our starting RT. Assuming we draft a tackle in round 1, that guy will be given the chance to beat St. Clair out, which likely won't happen.


I see us signing a guard in free agency. There are still several available.

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Actually Starkes was Transition tagged, not franchised, so he can be had for no compensation to the Steelers with a poison pill deal that they can't match. Right now our starting tackles are Tait and St. Clair...I would take Starkes or Olevia in a heartbeat and STILL draft an OT at #14...

That's what I thought. Steal starks the way we did tait, sign olivea(since he should come cheap since he wasn't even a starter) and convert him to gaurd and draft mendenhall/stewart with 14. THEN draft two o-lineman for future grooming with the next two picks.Sign big hands booker to replace moose as well. We can always find a good safety with our day two pick, not to mention we don't know what we have with payne yet. Do we still have arch or did we drop his sorry butt?

Let's face it fellas we're not going to drop big dime on a fa this offseason unless it's someone like starks who we can poison pill. These signings I can actually see us doing cause they aren't top tier fa, but very servicable in the right system. We'd shore up many of our holes and not break the bank. I'm keeping my fingers crossed this is how it'll play out.

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