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angies offensive lineman scorecard

Lucky Luciano

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if anybody wonders why our offense sucks just look at what we have drafted over our GM's tenure.


2007 - 4th round - j. beekman - C/G; 7th round - a. grant - G

2006 - 6th round (2nd 6th round pick) - t. reed - G

2005 - NONE

2004 - NONE

2003 - 7th round - b. anderson - G

2002 - 1st round - m. columbo - T; 3rd round (2nd third round selection) - t. metcalf - G

2001 - angie not involved in draft - 3rd round - m. gandy - T; 5th round - b. robertson - T


2000 - NON-angie period - NONE


this is a pretty impressive list of offensive talent for a GM to draft and especially for one who touts the lines are where you build your team around. not a single offensive lineman drafted is a current starter in chicago since angie has been GM. not ONE!!


if he else thinks you can build an offensive line through FA he is totally inept and completely nuts.

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Another way of looking at it could be the only time he took a good OL was in the 1st round w/ Columbo. No, he did not work out here in Chicago, but that was injury related, and I think Columbo has since proven himself as a solid OT.


So maybe what this is, is an argument why we need to take an OL in the first, and not wait, as Angelo does not appear to hit on OL he takes later, as he does w/ some other positions.

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Another way of looking at it could be the only time he took a good OL was in the 1st round w/ Columbo. No, he did not work out here in Chicago, but that was injury related, and I think Columbo has since proven himself as a solid OT.


So maybe what this is, is an argument why we need to take an OL in the first, and not wait, as Angelo does not appear to hit on OL he takes later, as he does w/ some other positions.




lol I was thinking the same thing too. Draft an OL 1st round, then JA seems to do well with later round defensive players

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Another way of looking at it could be the only time he took a good OL was in the 1st round w/ Columbo. No, he did not work out here in Chicago, but that was injury related, and I think Columbo has since proven himself as a solid OT.


So maybe what this is, is an argument why we need to take an OL in the first, and not wait, as Angelo does not appear to hit on OL he takes later, as he does w/ some other positions.



The problem I had with this situation was he had that horrible knee injury, they held on to him until he was finally becoming healthy enough to possibly play and then we cut him loose. So we held on to him the whole time he was injured and then when we can finally see if he would be able to come back from this injury and contribute we let him go. :stick Low and behold he is a solid tackle.

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English would be good


But i totally believe in building thru Free Agency for the Oline.


ok..... is this english 'good' for you? "if he thinks you can build an offensive line through FA he is totally inept and completely nuts."


you CAN believe this... you will pay a primo price for every offensive line player you hire which...


1. limits the number of good offensive linemen you can field because of the cap. some will have to be mediocre or potential reaches.


2. you will spend more money to get these guys and the rest of your team will suffer monetarily and eventually your good players at other positions will leave.


3. you will never have continuity on your offensive line, which is very important, if primo aging vets are projected to only be on your team for 2-4 years.


4. and finally you will never have a primo LOT. they NEVER reach free agency and even if they did you would pay so much you would be in immediate cap trouble.

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Another way of looking at it could be the only time he took a good OL was in the 1st round w/ Columbo. No, he did not work out here in Chicago, but that was injury related, and I think Columbo has since proven himself as a solid OT.


So maybe what this is, is an argument why we need to take an OL in the first, and not wait, as Angelo does not appear to hit on OL he takes later, as he does w/ some other positions.


i look at it like this... we have had an aging offensive line for some time now and we have had almost no quality depth at ALL even for backup quality players.


angie has not drafted a single first day pick in FIVE years and only ONE (a 4th round pick) higher than the 6th or 7th round over that same period. can anyone wonder why we have such problems when we draft cannon fodder fullbacks and handsful of safeties (which we can't even get THEM right).


you normally use free agency as a stop gap to fill a position until you can draft a replacement to fill in that spot at a later time or to tweak a need for a superbowl run. not like the freakin redskins of the 70's to fill your roster.

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Guest TerraTor

All i wanna know is who will these super 1st round lineman be blocking for next season???




what does this mean by the way?


angie has not drafted a single first day pick in FIVE years and only ONE (a 4th round pick) higher than the 6th or 7th round over that same period. can anyone wonder why we have such problems when we draft cannon fodder fullbacks and handsful of safeties (which we can't even get THEM right).

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All i wanna know is who will these super 1st round lineman be blocking for next season???


here is the problem. we have had that same mentality not only for linemen over the last 25+ years but for qb's as well. we keep thinking that each player we draft has to be ROY or be destined for the hall of fame by playing every down his rookie season and that he contributes nothing if he isn't an instant starter.


you have to put people in place to fill your roster in the future as well as the present. offensive linemen and quarterbacks are the building blocks to your entire franchise and you have to take the possibility they won't start immediately into account.


if you don't believe this look at our history over the last 50 years.


what does this mean by the way?


angie has not drafted a single first day pick in FIVE years and only ONE (a 4th round pick) higher than the 6th or 7th round over that same period. can anyone wonder why we have such problems when we draft cannon fodder fullbacks and handsful of safeties (which we can't even get THEM right).


it means angelo has used the draft as an afterthought when it comes to drafting offensive linemen. you don't necessarily have to draft them in the first round every year but how about the 2nd or 3rd round if the player of quality is there? the players you draft in the 6th and 7th round are 'generally' camp fodder or special teams players. for angie to even have gone two years in a row without picking up a lineman when one is needed as much as it is in chicago is criminal.


he either is an idiot or he is so bad at determining offensive talent he just drafts defense so his weakness doesn't show. if not that then what?

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I pretty sure Angelo doesn't have much confidence in drafting either offensive linemen or quarterbacks high. Maybe partly because they get paid so much, but take so long to develop, and bust out so often...but also probably because he (and his crew) truly is better at drafting defense.

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I do not recall well, but often when a situation like what you say takes place, a team is trying to avoid getting hit by the league for releasing an injured player.


As I recall, few thought he would make any real sort of recovery. And while he has made it now, I don't think he was 100% right after we let him go. Frankly, before this year, I didn't think he was very good w/ Dallas.

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Other teams draft Olineman in the later rounds and they turn out just fine. I'm not saying you'll get a prime time OG or OT that way because, like other positions on the field, you need to have a couple high round talents to make it work. In between we should be able to fill in the gaps with later round picks.

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I pretty sure Angelo doesn't have much confidence in drafting either offensive linemen or quarterbacks high. Maybe partly because they get paid so much, but take so long to develop, and bust out so often...but also probably because he (and his crew) truly is better at drafting defense.

You have to draft offense to be truly bad at it. I simply think the philosophy they take is: Keep the pipeline fresh with young defensive talent. JA has simply ignored OL in the draft. You can't just hope to get lucky on picks in the later rounds year after year. Higher round picks need to be made, especially at OT. His lone pick under the 3rd round is a starter on a playoff caliber team. Stupid us for letting him walk.

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