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Briggs still upset?


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From PFT, which uses as a source the Sun Times,




As if the Chicago Bears didn’t have enough to worry about with middle linebacker Brian Urlacher wanting more money, the linebacker who did get more money apparently still isn’t happy about his situation.


Brad Bigg of the Chicago Sun-Times reports that Lance Briggs has been skipping voluntary workouts. He reportedly has already missed enough of the sessions to miss out on his $250,000 workout bonus.


Last month, he signed a $36 million contract with the Bears, after it became obvious that there was no serious interest in him elsewhere.


It could be that Briggs is still upset that he wasn’t able to sign with the San Francisco 49ers, who very well might have been willing to pay more money to Briggs than what Briggs got from the Bears. But the Niners were, by all appearances, scared away from pursuing Briggs as a free agent due to the tampering charges that were filed by the Bears based on unauthorized contact with Briggs’ agent in conjunction with failed trade efforts during the 2007 regular season.




You have got to be freaking kidding me. I do not want to hear about how these are voluntary workouts, or how these are veterans who do not need these sessions. I think our defense playing like shit last year is evidence they need every practice they can get. This is unbelievable.

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Bloody hell...


As much as I' was releived to see him sign, there was always a part of me that wanted to see him traded... I hope this is just off-season BS. But, we've played our hand, now he needs to man up and play.


From PFT, which uses as a source the Sun Times,




As if the Chicago Bears didn’t have enough to worry about with middle linebacker Brian Urlacher wanting more money, the linebacker who did get more money apparently still isn’t happy about his situation.


Brad Bigg of the Chicago Sun-Times reports that Lance Briggs has been skipping voluntary workouts. He reportedly has already missed enough of the sessions to miss out on his $250,000 workout bonus.


Last month, he signed a $36 million contract with the Bears, after it became obvious that there was no serious interest in him elsewhere.


It could be that Briggs is still upset that he wasn’t able to sign with the San Francisco 49ers, who very well might have been willing to pay more money to Briggs than what Briggs got from the Bears. But the Niners were, by all appearances, scared away from pursuing Briggs as a free agent due to the tampering charges that were filed by the Bears based on unauthorized contact with Briggs’ agent in conjunction with failed trade efforts during the 2007 regular season.




You have got to be freaking kidding me. I do not want to hear about how these are voluntary workouts, or how these are veterans who do not need these sessions. I think our defense playing like shit last year is evidence they need every practice they can get. This is unbelievable.

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This garbage has gotten out of hand in the NFL. I think there needs to be much more severe punishments available to owners for these greedy ass, insubordinate players.


Miss a practice? 10K

Miss two? 100K

Miss three 500K


And so on...


Since they are so damn worried about the money, maybe if they started to take a hit in the wallet they would start showing up and shutting their mouths.


Speaking of that...


Bad mouth the organization or anyone in it? 10K

Twice: 100K



And don't give me this freedom of speech nonsense...if anyone in any other job constantly made public the fact that they were unhappy with their salary, intimating that the employers have underpaid them and/or are cheap, that person would get a pink slip.

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I'm all for it!


And it doesn not go against freedom of speech!


Bottom line, your employer can virtually stipulate anything (that's obviously not illegal). The key with the freedom of speech, is that Briggs (or anyone) has the right to speak his mind without fear of jail or governmental fines, but may have to pay the costs personally in terms of loss of job,etc.


So, I'm all for it!


This garbage has gotten out of hand in the NFL. I think there needs to be much more severe punishments available to owners for these greedy ass, insubordinate players.


Miss a practice? 10K

Miss two? 100K

Miss three 500K


And so on...


Since they are so damn worried about the money, maybe if they started to take a hit in the wallet they would start showing up and shutting their mouths.


Speaking of that...


Bad mouth the organization or anyone in it? 10K

Twice: 100K



And don't give me this freedom of speech nonsense...if anyone in any other job constantly made public the fact that they were unhappy with their salary, intimating that the employers have underpaid them and/or are cheap, that person would get a pink slip.

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Problem is, these workouts are technically "voluntary" and thus would not be subject to any fines or penalties. Technically, he has done nothing wrong by missing these workout sessions. But, IMHO, skipping these after the club gives you so much money is simply bad form. Further, after such a poor year, anyone who skips shows their level of committment to the teams future success.

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This garbage has gotten out of hand in the NFL. I think there needs to be much more severe punishments available to owners for these greedy ass, insubordinate players.


Miss a practice? 10K

Miss two? 100K

Miss three 500K


And so on...


Since they are so damn worried about the money, maybe if they started to take a hit in the wallet they would start showing up and shutting their mouths.


Speaking of that...


Bad mouth the organization or anyone in it? 10K

Twice: 100K



And don't give me this freedom of speech nonsense...if anyone in any other job constantly made public the fact that they were unhappy with their salary, intimating that the employers have underpaid them and/or are cheap, that person would get a pink slip.

The union would have to agree to this and they never will.


Peace :dabears

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It could be that Briggs is still upset that he wasn’t able to sign with the San Francisco 49ers, who very well might have been willing to pay more money to Briggs than what Briggs got from the Bears.



Yay!!! More stirring up the **** from the media with no solid proof whatsoever, without the "confidential sources" there's not even an article. I love glorified gossip pieces and idle speculation by the mediot dirt bags.

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