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With all the bashing of the draft picks we got and the UDFA we signed our team just got better, for this year. I'll start off with the TE pick of Davis. If you look at the year we lost Gilmore who was nothing to write home about just a blocker and could catch sometimes. We got Davis who is taller and faster.. The thinking here is that he and Olsen could be on the field at the same time creating such a mismatch against small LB'S and DB'S(advantage Bears).We then turn to the WR spot. We lost Moose and Berrian and gained Bennet,Lloyd,Booker and Monk. How many time did you see Moose and Berrian drop passes and couldn't get awsy from defenders? IMHO Monk will be a steal, biggest WR we have 6'4' 222 and a big target to throw to. Booker/Bennet will catch most everything thrown their way. Lloyd IMHO is the weak link and might not do anything. So we are good with Davis,Bennet, Booker,Bradley,Hester & Monk. This line-up gives you Speed,Hands, route running, just what our QB'S need to throw to.


Next is the O-line. We lost Miller and Brown and gained Williams, Adams, Burton. with Willams being the LT moving Tait to RT we upgrade two spots and have ST.Clair as backup. We have Burton who IMHO will be moved to guard, we have Adams/Burton/Garza/Beekman/Oakley/Metcalf/Jones/Balogh/Reed all battling for two spots with ST.Clair as a back up.


The RB spot is Between Benson and Forte enough said about that, but Qakland cut Rhodes, Seahawks cut Alexander,and a few other teams have will do the same so we could pick up some one later in the year (maybe, propably not).


QB we have Grossman and Orton who will both perform better with better blocking and a running game. And we also got Hill & Haine and lost Greise


The Defense is what win champions right? We we got better there too. We lost who Walker/Garay/Kennedy at DT no major lost there and we gained Harrison who is compared to Harris. We have Toeaina, Dvoracek, Adams, Harris, Harrison, Idonije,Oshinowo, and Faaeteete in the hunt up front


At LB we lost Ayanbadejo and gained Larocque

We also gained DE'S Baldwin,Clermound,Osborn along with Bazuin back rom IR



CB position got better with the additions of Bowman,Brown, Majors and the cut of Jimoh. We can move McBride to nickel to maybe replace RMJWe also got Steltz at S in case Brown goes down again (which I pray doesn't happen). We are looking good.

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With all the bashing of the draft picks we got and the UDFA we signed our team just got better, for this year. I'll start off with the TE pick of Davis. If you look at the year we lost Gilmore who was nothing to write home about just a blocker and could catch sometimes. We got Davis who is taller and faster.. The thinking here is that he and Olsen could be on the field at the same time creating such a mismatch against small LB'S and DB'S(advantage Bears).We then turn to the WR spot. We lost Moose and Berrian and gained Bennet,Lloyd,Booker and Monk. How many time did you see Moose and Berrian drop passes and couldn't get awsy from defenders? IMHO Monk will be a steal, biggest WR we have 6'4' 222 and a big target to throw to. Booker/Bennet will catch most everything thrown their way. Lloyd IMHO is the weak link and might not do anything. So we are good with Davis,Bennet, Booker,Bradley,Hester & Monk. This line-up gives you Speed,Hands, route running, just what our QB'S need to throw to.


Next is the O-line. We lost Miller and Brown and gained Williams, Adams, Burton. with Willams being the LT moving Tait to RT we upgrade two spots and have ST.Clair as backup. We have Burton who IMHO will be moved to guard, we have Adams/Burton/Garza/Beekman/Oakley/Metcalf/Jones/Balogh/Reed all battling for two spots with ST.Clair as a back up.


The RB spot is Between Benson and Forte enough said about that, but Qakland cut Rhodes, Seahawks cut Alexander,and a few other teams have will do the same so we could pick up some one later in the year (maybe, propably not).


QB we have Grossman and Orton who will both perform better with better blocking and a running game. And we also got Hill & Haine and lost Greise


The Defense is what win champions right? We we got better there too. We lost who Walker/Garay/Kennedy at DT no major lost there and we gained Harrison who is compared to Harris. We have Toeaina, Dvoracek, Adams, Harris, Harrison, Idonije,Oshinowo, and Faaeteete in the hunt up front


At LB we lost Ayanbadejo and gained Larocque

We also gained DE'S Baldwin,Clermound,Osborn along with Bazuin back rom IR



CB position got better with the additions of Bowman,Brown, Majors and the cut of Jimoh. We can move McBride to nickel to maybe replace RMJWe also got Steltz at S in case Brown goes down again (which I pray doesn't happen). We are looking good.


WR: It could easily be argued that the Bears regressed. However, I'll give them a constant. They didn't get better or worse. Booker and MuhMuh are a wash. The loss of Berrian hurts because he was the only one that consistently stretched the opponents' D. The other guys are unknown and unpolished.


OL: They got better, but is it enough? I don't know that it is, and I think that there was a definite need at OG that wasn't addressed soon enough.


RB: I'm not sure about this one. This could easily be subtraction by addition. Forte is an unknown, and I'll be pessimistic until he shows otherwise. Benson is moody and this could easily spell the end of his sorry career. The Forte drafting could also spell the quick end to Wolfe, who will probably not see many carries while Forte and Benson battle it out for the #1. IMHO it's somewhat upsetting, considering the fact that the OL played so miserably last year. The year before, when the OL played well, Benson did well, and looked good in his opportunities. I really think that the only thing that needed to be fixed was the OL.


QB: Same every year...


Defense: This is where I think the Bears made huge strides, but it's not necessarily because of the draft. Sure, there was Harrison, but he's a huge risk. The real impact will be made by the lack of injuries. The Bears will be returning Harris, Urlacher, PNut, Brown, Vasher, Dusty, Bazuin, and Okwo to full health/strength. I fully expect the Bears to be a top 5 D/ST if there are relatively no injuries next year.

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Urlacher in 2006 had 0 Sacks and was a key man in the passing and running game. In 2007 they put him to go in more for the QB more than he did in 2006. Our defense had the middle open many times in 07, do we go back to Urlacher being the MLB and watching the pass/running game? Or continue to have him blitz and get to the QB once every couple of games.


I think that with the DLine healthy (now with Harrison/Tommie in the middle as mentioned above), there's no need for Urlacher to blitz anymore, and hopefully this can save the points on DEF and give our OFF a chance to score here and there.

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IMHO if you are going to blitz...you do it with the outside LB the weak side or the strong side backer, not the middle LB all the time. Urlacher got picked up alot during those blitz packages but if Briggs or Hillenmeyer came of the edge they would have a better chance to get there.

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WR: It could easily be argued that the Bears regressed. However, I'll give them a constant. They didn't get better or worse. Booker and MuhMuh are a wash. The loss of Berrian hurts because he was the only one that consistently stretched the opponents' D. The other guys are unknown and unpolished.


IMHO, Booker is an upgrade over Moose. Booker may not be any more explosive, but I think is a far more reliable WR for the QB. He has far better hands, runs great routes, and simply finds a way to get open. I think this is not only an upgrade, but a big one. Not one that equal more TDs, but one that should extend drives and give the QB a reliable option we have not had, well, since we traded Booker.


While I do believe we upgraded w/ Booker, I also agree it is offset by the loss of Berrian. In my book, Berrian was not a consistent WR, but he was our most consistent field stretcher. We may have field stretchers on the team, but they are unproven and unlikely to be consistent threats. W/ that said, I do believe we upgraded the overall group at WR.


Lloyd - I still believe this is an under-rated pickup. I compare Lloyd to Adams (DT). Adams was solid talent in a bad fit (he is a 4-3 DT who was in a 3-4 scheme). We added him, and IMHO, he was one of our more consistent linemen last year. In Lloyd, I see a similar outlook. He was a pretty good WR for SF, but was never a fit w/ Washington. He had 43 and 48 catches for SF, and was developing into a good looking WR, thus way Wash made the play for him. But then he went into a system he wasn't a good fit, and his production tanked. I think in Lloyd, we may not have a great WR, but an experienced WR that could prove more valuable than most expect.


Bradley - I think he can fill a similar role to Berrian, though not w/ the overall numbers. I think Bradley still has to develop. He was very raw coming out of college, and has not had much chance to develop since joining the team due to injuries. If he can stay healthy, I think he can provide us w/ a deep threat, but at the same time, will not be a very consistent WR this year.


Hester - Boom/bust player. He is not going to be anywhere near consistent, but when he makes the catch, it could go for big yards. I see Hester have low catch totals, but high yardage (relative) and even TD numbers. I can see hester having like 35 catches for 650 yards, which would be an 18.5 ypc avg., and maybe 6-8 scores. Not a player you can consistently rely on, but a homerun hitter who will make big plays when he does get the ball in his hands.


Bennett - Slow start but strong finish. The only problem I see w/ Bennett is, he seems to be similar to Booker in style, and I wonder when he sees the field. I think the staff would rather go w/ more speed from the slot, which could hurt Bennett. He likely backs up Booker, so how much playing time he gets is a question for me.


Davis - Frankly, I see Davis as pure depth in case of injury, and a special teams player. Unless Lloyd tanks, in which case Davis' experience will be needed, I just do not see him having much of a role.


I believe we are deeper than last year. I think Booker brings a far greater consistent game over Moose. I do not feel we have an equal replacement to Berrian, but we are deeper, and the QB could have more options and may not have to zero in on one WR.


OL: They got better, but is it enough? I don't know that it is, and I think that there was a definite need at OG that wasn't addressed soon enough.


Like you, I see the OL being better, but question how much. I think fans may be putting too much expectation on Williams this year. Few rookie LTs come out of the gate looking solid, much less great, which is what I fear fans expect. I see many struggled for Williams, and feel he is not helped by playing next to St. Clair, or Beekman, or whoever wins the job. Further, Williams is not viewed as a very good run blocker, which makes me question how much we improved for the run game. Finally, I am a believer than OLs take time to form chemistry, which I view as necessary for solid OL play. We will have three new faces at positions, compared to last years game one. I like the future of this OL, especially if we find an OG, but feel they will struggle this year.


RB: I'm not sure about this one. This could easily be subtraction by addition. Forte is an unknown, and I'll be pessimistic until he shows otherwise. Benson is moody and this could easily spell the end of his sorry career. The Forte drafting could also spell the quick end to Wolfe, who will probably not see many carries while Forte and Benson battle it out for the #1. IMHO it's somewhat upsetting, considering the fact that the OL played so miserably last year. The year before, when the OL played well, Benson did well, and looked good in his opportunities. I really think that the only thing that needed to be fixed was the OL.


I think we are better than last year. I think Forte is at least better than AP. I think he pushes Benson more than AP, and believe Benson responds. Like w/ OL, I question how much better we are, but none-the-less, feel we are in fact better.


QB: Same every year...


Still sick about this.


Defense: This is where I think the Bears made huge strides, but it's not necessarily because of the draft. Sure, there was Harrison, but he's a huge risk. The real impact will be made by the lack of injuries. The Bears will be returning Harris, Urlacher, PNut, Brown, Vasher, Dusty, Bazuin, and Okwo to full health/strength. I fully expect the Bears to be a top 5 D/ST if there are relatively no injuries next year.


For me, defense is far more about Babich than players. Health is always an issue. IMHO, even w/ the injuries, we had more talent on the field than many teams who did far better than us. Injuries may be a reason we were not top 5, but I do not believe injuries explain why we were bottom 5. DL - Dusty was gone, and Harris played through some injuries, but take a look at our DEs, who were healthy, and I believe our DL should have been better than they were. Urlacher played through injury, but Briggs and Hunter on the outside are more than solid, and this unit should not have looked so weak. More injuries and affect in the secondary, but if the front 7 played better, I question the effect on the secondary.


So while injuries no question played a part last year, I feel coaching was far more the reason we were bottom 5. Look at some of the defenses that gave up fewer yards than us last year. Cincy, NO, SF, Hou, Miami, Stl, Den, NYJ, AZ. Even w/ our injuries, I would argue we had more talent on the field than these teams, so why were we so much worse? While there may be more than one reason, I feel coaching tops the list. Babich is still the DC, so for me, defensive improvement starts w/ Babich improving.

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I read that TE we took might not even make the team.


What a wasted pick.


Where did you read that. It would really surprise me. He is a bit of a project, but w/ Olsen and Clark, we can afford a project TE. I was not happy w/ the pick myself, but see no reason he shouldn't make the team.

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I read that TE we took might not even make the team.


What a wasted pick.

Dude....I wasn't crazy about the pick...but how can anyone say that he might not make the team. It's like 5 days after the fuckin draft...and the peeps who decide if he makes the team or not are the ones who decided to draft him 5 days ago. I don't think anyone should be called a wasted pick yet.

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IMHO if you are going to blitz...you do it with the outside LB the weak side or the strong side backer, not the middle LB all the time. Urlacher got picked up alot during those blitz packages but if Briggs or Hillenmeyer came of the edge they would have a better chance to get there.


Couple points.


One, while it may be true you usually blitz from the outside, I think our situation is a bit different as we in many ways have an OLB playing MLB. Even in our system, the two positions responsibilities are basically swapped. Usually the MLB is key against the run, but that is the primary responsibility of Briggs. Also, the norm would be for the OLB to match up w/ RBs that go out in passing routes, but that role goes to Urlacher. So I think our system itself changes the roles of the LBs.


Two. I have seen Briggs blitz plenty, but he is simply not very good at it. He has 5.5 sacks for his career. We may not blitz him a ton, but he blitzes far more often than his sack totals would imply. He is simply not very good as a pass rusher. Ditto for Hunter, who simply does not have the speed or quickness to pressure the QB, much less finish the job.


Urlacher is our best pass rusher, w/o question. He had nearly as many sacks as a rookie (8) as Briggs and Hunter have combined for their careers (9). Urlacher has 37.5 sacks over 8 seasons, and is simply light years better in this area than our other two LBs. Regardless where a player plays, I think you want your better pass rushers rushing the passer.


Three. I think the DT play last year really hurt Urlacher. Urlacher is best when the DTs are getting it done up front. Early on, we used a couple wide bodies to eat up blockers. W/ Lovie, the style is different, but not the desire result. The expectations is our DTs are quicker and force the offense to use 3 blockers to stop our 2 DTs, thus creating an opening for Urlacher. Last year, our DTs were simply not good enough to force those consistent double teams, thus it was easier to block Urlacher. If our DTs are healthy, that could change this year, and urlacher could again have a free path to the QB.

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Dude....I wasn't crazy about the pick...but how can anyone say that he might not make the team. It's like 5 days after the fuckin draft...and the peeps who decide if he makes the team or not are the ones who decided to draft him 5 days ago. I don't think anyone should be called a wasted pick yet.

Dude, here's your proof.


Neither Monk nor 6-7 tight end Kellen Davis of Michigan State is assured of making the Bears' 53-man roster, but if they do, offensive coordinator Ron Turner could have two more options in the red zone.
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Well no draft pick is assured of anything outside of the 1st one. Your post seemed a little more matter of fact than that.


Here's the full article since you didn't post a link.




lol Actually that article is really complementary of the Bears draft and the outlook of the team. Compares Monk to Colston.


Guess I missed the part where it said Davis wont make the team and is a wasted pick.


Here is a brighter outlook on Davis: davis

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