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Cedric Benson Arrested


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Yeah, I had read what he responded to and agree it was wayyyy extreme. I was just making a statement in general since the "walk in their shoes" thing got me thinking as to how many people just take police at their word (not meaning you Grouchy) while never stopping to think that maybe those cops are not being honest. I guess if you've never personally been exposed to police abuse, it'd be harder to believe it exists. Most police I've personally encountered have been honest, but I've ran into enough of the bad ones to know the problem is bigger than most realize. The stories my cousin tells me about some of his coworkers makes me cringe.

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Have you read this. This is a quote from the arresting officer,


"I touched his body in an attempt to direct him and he presented himself in a very hostile way," Snyder wrote.


"Benson is a very muscular person and easily capable of overpowering me," Snyder wrote in the affidavit. "As I had exhausted all attempts to gain control of Benson had been met with resistance and what I perceived as a threat, I administered pepper spray to regain control."


So Benson presented himself in a hostile way? Huh? Read his comments. Sure sounds to be like a smaller cop got scared and over-reacted.


Not saying Benson is innocent, but when I read the officers owns statements, its sounds a bit fishy. I have no doubt Benson was drinking and may well have been drunk. At the same time, it just seems "off".


Or maybe, just maybe, Benson was presenting himself in a hostile manner, and deserved to get a face full of pepper spray from an officer who didn't want to get into a physical altercation.


Pepper spray is a non-lethal alternative to what otherwise could have been a nightstick to the head, and a cracked open skull or broken leg.


Personally, I take a police officer's word over Benson's. I don't know the cop, but I know Benson has pretty much been a selfish, greedy, ignorant turd the entire time he's been with the Bears. We may never find out what actually happened, but there's a pretty safe bet in siding with an officer who risks his life daily over friggin' Benson.

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Are you mad? or just stupid? That statement is toaly uncalled for. You stand in thier shoes for 1 day and see what they go through. I can not believe for one minute you would not support a Police officer for what he does daily that you run from in your life. Absolutely obsurd.

I didnt say theyre all like that. However, there are enough corrupt ones to give the group a bad name. I personally have seen off duty cops driving drunk, rear end someone, kick the shit out of him and then have other cops come and arrest him for resisting arrest. Theres the story about the cop who beat up that tiny bartender in Chicago and then had other cops go in their and threaten her. There was that video that surfaced less than a year ago where a kid actually put a camera in his car because he was getting harassed by cops and then he actually got the cop on camera threatening him. Giving people the kind of power police officers have is very dangerous and when there are so many examples of the power being abused it is very easy to lose sympathy for the group as a whole and thats the point I am at. I know theyre not all like that but until something is done to try and clean it up thats how I choose to perceive it.

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We may never find out what actually happened, but there's a pretty safe bet in siding with an officer who risks his life daily over friggin' Benson.


LMAO - How often do you think a "river police" risk their lives? I don't know about other places, but here in Illinois, I'd put them on a par with the forest preserve police. I'm not even sure they are allowed to carry guns.

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In Grouchy's defense, did you read the comment he was responding too? I don't think he is saying all police are perfect, but he was replying to the comment, "As a whole they are the most corrupt people in the world.", said in reference to police. I bet he would agree many cops are bad apples, and that too often those bad apples spoil the look of the bunch, yet at the same time to catagorically say police are the most corrupt people is in the world is a bit extreme, to say the least.


I would put politicians well ahead of the police :)


Regarding our very own boating incident, I too tend to believe/dis-believe both sides. I have a hard time believing Benson was soooo polite after getting pepper sprayed and abused (his allegation). At the same time, the officers version seems riddled w/ holes/question marks that just beg for further review.


For me, one of the biggest things I come back to is Benson's family and even mother were on the boat. My initial thoughts were of Leinart, partying w/ a bunch of minors near his old stomping ground. In that situation, I think a person is simply more likely to act far more irresponsible and immature. Basically, back to college mentality days. On the other hand, you are on a boat w/ some friends and family, including your mother, and it is to me simply different. While some would not see the difference, I have a difficult time seeing him just getting trashed and out of control w/ his mom there, not to mention other family.


For the record, I have met his mother. I sat next to her during a Bear/Texas pre-season game last year. She was extremely friendly. Not saying I "know" her, but she did not seem like the type that would be getting drunk w/ her boy.

Leinart was at his own house and as far as I know I havent heard anything saying those girls were definitely minors. This is such a different situation. As far as the Cop discussion goes lets just drop it. Its not the point of the thread and doesnt have any relevance in the conversation. If need be we can make a thread about it in the water cooler but I dont think that is a good idea either.

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LMAO - How often do you think a "river police" risk their lives? I don't know about other places, but here in Illinois, I'd put them on a par with the forest preserve police. I'm not even sure they are allowed to carry guns.


I was generalizing with the concept of police in general. As a whole, their opinions, morals, ethics, and word are far superior to what we have seen from Cedric Benson.

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Hey, I understand what you are saying. To be honest, when I first heard the story, I automatically assumed he was drunk and hauling A on his boat. But the more I read the more I questioned.


His boat was at anchor, and not moving. There is no evidence Benson was driving drunk, or intending to drive drunk. He owned the boat, but that does not mean he is the only one that could drive it.


While it was first reported about how he was partying w/ friends, you then begin to read he was w/ family and friends, including his mother. Sorry, but maybe this is w/o reason, but to me that makes a difference. If he were just out at his old college stomping grounds w/ a bunch of friends, I would be more prone to disbelieve him, but out w/ a bunch of family and his mother? I just have a hard time seeing him getting shit-faced w/ his mom and all. Maybe. But I think this does put the story a bit more in question.


Also, I wonder about the statement that he has been boarded every time he has taken his boat out. Thousands of boats go out, and a small percentage actually get boarded. To get boarded every time out (if that is true) again, just raises questions.


I do not fully believe Benson. At the same time, there simply a lot about this story that makes me feel like there is more to it.


Back to the "presented himself in an aggressive manner" I believe the cop when he said he gently touched Benson to steer him in a direction about as much as I believe Benson when he said he continued to be polite through out the incident. I have a feeling, just my own, that Benson was likely drunk and not extremely cooperative, which is not good, yet at the same time also believe the cop was likely considerably over-aggressive in his actions dealing w/ Benson.

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I didnt say theyre all like that. However, there are enough corrupt ones to give the group a bad name. I personally have seen off duty cops driving drunk, rear end someone, kick the shit out of him and then have other cops come and arrest him for resisting arrest. Theres the story about the cop who beat up that tiny bartender in Chicago and then had other cops go in their and threaten her. There was that video that surfaced less than a year ago where a kid actually put a camera in his car because he was getting harassed by cops and then he actually got the cop on camera threatening him. Giving people the kind of power police officers have is very dangerous and when there are so many examples of the power being abused it is very easy to lose sympathy for the group as a whole and thats the point I am at. I know theyre not all like that but until something is done to try and clean it up thats how I choose to perceive it.


Doesn't seem like so many to me. When you consider the fact that there are literally thousands of cops and the best anyone can do is provide a handful of them who are corrupt...seems like pretty good odds of finding a good one.


As for Benson, he's yet another troubled athlete in professional sports. It sure does seem like many more of them get in trouble percentage-wise, than any collection of cops, or for that matter the general population.

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Back to the "presented himself in an aggressive manner" I believe the cop when he said he gently touched Benson to steer him in a direction about as much as I believe Benson when he said he continued to be polite through out the incident. I have a feeling, just my own, that Benson was likely drunk and not extremely cooperative, which is not good, yet at the same time also believe the cop was likely considerably over-aggressive in his actions dealing w/ Benson.


So the cop's supposed to wait until Benson acts on those aggressive, non-cooperative actions in a confined area? I've seen enough videos of massive guys who are the size of professional athletes, but probably with less dexterity, speed, and strength, just mercilessly beating a cop. Benson is a pro football player, and until more information is let out proving otherwise, I think the cop had every right to blast Benson with spray if he was acting hostile. I've been cuffed before, and it's a 2-second process if complicit. There would be no inclination whatsoever to spray someone unless the someone was acting stupid. Until we find out otherwise, and since his past lines up nicely with the idea, I tend to believe that Benson was asking for it.

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The question is what was aggressive? Was Benson shoved in the back (to direct him of coarse) and Benson turned around, thus was aggressive? I wasn't there, I have no problem w/ you simply believing the cop. That's fine. I simply am not as quick to believe either.


I want to read more facts. Frankly, even if the facts come out against Benson, I am not totally sure it will matter. I do not see anything happening for a while. He has a hear date set in a couple weeks, but that I assume is a simple trial setting, or the like. I doubt anything like a trial will happen for a while. Guilty until proven innocent, right? Yea, right.


For me, I still look at it this way. At worst, the Cop is 100% truthful, and Benson is hit w/ 2 class B misdemeanors. We have let players ride for wose, and while you can say we are trying to change, I do not agree that we are. At the same time, if it is deemed Benson is not just lying about everything, this could be all about nothing.


I still think he goes to camp and competes. Either he does well and has a spot on the roster, or he doesn't and is gone. Pretty much that simple, and IMHO, the way it should be.

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Doesn't seem like so many to me. When you consider the fact that there are literally thousands of cops and the best anyone can do is provide a handful of them who are corrupt...seems like pretty good odds of finding a good one.


As for Benson, he's yet another troubled athlete in professional sports. It sure does seem like many more of them get in trouble percentage-wise, than any collection of cops, or for that matter the general population.

Those were just a few examples. If you like Im sure I can type "police officer corruption" into google and give you a few thousand examples very easily.

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Those were just a few examples. If you like Im sure I can type "police officer corruption" into google and give you a few thousand examples very easily.


Even then, MOST abuses of power by the police do not go reported. Someone mentioned cops driving drunk, I was told that at the academy, once the instructors are comfortable with the new cadets, they tell them if they stop another cop, they should let them go or try to find a driver for them. How many of us have seen cops go down the emergency lane seemingly just to avoid traffic?


Then there is the abuse to citizens. I will share a personal story. I can't drive my Lexus with my windows down because I will get pulled over for not looking like a typical Lexus owner (fade haircut, tattoos, earings, etc). It has happened to me countless times. They pull me over, ask me for license and registration, and immediately ask what I do for a living. The implication is that either the car is stolen or I'm dealing drugs. I am polite and always comply. Once they find out where I work and run my license and see I have no criminal history, they let me go and never say why they pulled me over to begin with. I don't get into anything with them because it will be a losing battle, I thank them for letting me go and I leave. Those types of things happen to people everyday and don't get reported. It may not be MAJOR abuse, but it is harrassment and it has made me late to work and other events before.


When I tell my cop friends about this, they say hell yeah they'd pull me over too because 7 out of 10 times, they'd be right about the car being stolen or the driver selling drugs. I can understand where they are coming from to a certain extent and that is exactly why I don't blindly trust the police. Some of them may be good people who do questionable things because they believe they are doing good in the grand scheme of things.

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Even then, MOST abuses of power by the police do not go reported. Someone mentioned cops driving drunk, I was told that at the academy, once the instructors are comfortable with the new cadets, they tell them if they stop another cop, they should let them go or try to find a driver for them. How many of us have seen cops go down the emergency lane seemingly just to avoid traffic?


Then there is the abuse to citizens. I will share a personal story. I can't drive my Lexus with my windows down because I will get pulled over for not looking like a typical Lexus owner (fade haircut, tattoos, earings, etc). It has happened to me countless times. They pull me over, ask me for license and registration, and immediately ask what I do for a living. The implication is that either the car is stolen or I'm dealing drugs. I am polite and always comply. Once they find out where I work and run my license and see I have no criminal history, they let me go and never say why they pulled me over to begin with. I don't get into anything with them because it will be a losing battle, I thank them for letting me go and I leave. Those types of things happen to people everyday and don't get reported. It may not be MAJOR abuse, but it is harrassment and it has made me late to work and other events before.


When I tell my cop friends about this, they say hell yeah they'd pull me over too because 7 out of 10 times, they'd be right about the car being stolen or the driver selling drugs. I can understand where they are coming from to a certain extent and that is exactly why I don't blindly trust the police. Some of them may be good people who do questionable things because they believe they are doing good in the grand scheme of things.



Thats one thought that has crossed my mind also about the incident. I'm not familiar with with Lake Travis, but I'll bet there are not many African-Americans on that lake that own a nice "big" boat. Just for the heck of it, I googled lake travis and all the images were nice bikini photos of young white Americans. Cedric says that he has been stopped/checked about 10 times (kind of harassing IMO). I really do not believe Cedric would get himself silly drunk, maybe enough were he would question himself whether or not to take a breathalyzer. Heck, if I had 2-3 drinks and got pulled over, your damn right I would refuse too, especially if I passed a field test. With the resisting arrest, I'll give Cedric the benefit of the doubt b/c first off it sure seems that they do not want him on their waters (10 stops for inspections) and by Cedric statements, he seemed to be scared. The cops may have been annoyed of his pleas, and used forced to shut him up and wrote him a citiation for resisting the arrest. Right now, we've heard Cedrics story and the cops story, both are pretty far apart. If Cedric was warned a couple of times like Tank, then yes I can see Angelo out right cutting him, but this is his first offense so Angelo won't do squat. Plus we would have to shell out 5.5 million to cover the accelerated bonuses and spend more money to sign another RB.


For all the wishful thinkers, you'll have to keep on wishing b/c Cedric Benson will still be a Bear.

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Those were just a few examples. If you like Im sure I can type "police officer corruption" into google and give you a few thousand examples very easily.


And I would counter that I could find more articles showing bravery and self-sacrifice. Not only that, I'm willing to bet that the majority of "police officer corruption" found online will be people acting stupid and then blaming police, shaky video not showing the entire picture, lopsided editorials, and an overall slanted point of view from an age group from 18-26 or so.


I'm simply amazed at how many here are so willing to take the word of Cedric Benson, by nearly all accounts a complete turd, over a police officer. I can see why someone would be hesitant to believe either side fully, since they are so far apart, but it's simply baffling to me.


Miami BEAR

I don't necessarily think that your example fits the case with Benson (if you were even trying to make that connection). The topic of racial profiling aside, I'm quite sure that there weren't too many black guys with massive party boats out on the water that day. There's a pretty good chance that the cops went directly to the guy for whom they were searching.

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And I would counter that I could find more articles showing bravery and self-sacrifice. Not only that, I'm willing to bet that the majority of "police officer corruption" found online will be people acting stupid and then blaming police, shaky video not showing the entire picture, lopsided editorials, and an overall slanted point of view from an age group from 18-26 or so.


I'm simply amazed at how many here are so willing to take the word of Cedric Benson, by nearly all accounts a complete turd, over a police officer. I can see why someone would be hesitant to believe either side fully, since they are so far apart, but it's simply baffling to me.


Miami BEAR

I don't necessarily think that your example fits the case with Benson (if you were even trying to make that connection). The topic of racial profiling aside, I'm quite sure that there weren't too many black guys with massive party boats out on the water that day. There's a pretty good chance that the cops went directly to the guy for whom they were searching.

The argument about police isnt even the topic of the thread. Lets just stick to the topic.

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And I would counter that I could find more articles showing bravery and self-sacrifice.


Doubt it. While most every incident of police corruption, abuse, or the like, gets top billing on the news, police bravery (an everyday event) gets little media. Far too great of a search project for me, but I would bet the negative stories in the media far outweigh the positive. That doesn't mean there are more negative than positive in real life, only showing what the media chooses to reflect.


I'm simply amazed at how many here are so willing to take the word of Cedric Benson, by nearly all accounts a complete turd, over a police officer. I can see why someone would be hesitant to believe either side fully, since they are so far apart, but it's simply baffling to me.


Complete turd? Have to say, I think that is a bit much. Not the player we all wanted? No argument. Has issues? Fine. But complete turd? Since joining the team, has he ever been in trouble w/ the law? Does he do what the staff tell him? Does he attend voluntary workouts and the like?


Whether true or not, he felt when he joined the team as the hated guy there to take the job away from a popular veteran. Instead of going out of his way to make friends, he closed himself off, and that only made the situation worse. Many/most of his stupid comments go back to that, IMHO. But I also would argue we have seen his maturity grow. When he was on the sidelines in games last year, I saw him jumping around like a cheer leader. I have heard him defend the OL, when he at one time would have not. I have read stories of his doing things w/ players, social, he never would have before.


Complete turd? Sorry, but on a team w/ plenty of turds, I do not agree Benson is one. Bad w/ the media. Sure. But a complete turd? No. IMHO, the team has plenty of "popular" players who are far closer to the complete turd definition than Benson.


As to your point though about who fans believe. First, I would argue few I have read simply believe Benson's story 100%. Not even close IMHO. I think there are a group defending Benson who feel the police officers comments/actions raise some questions, and thus are taking a wait and see approach. Others are not willing to allow time to sort things out. It is a police officer v Benson, a bust, and Benson should be released immediately.


I do not believe everything Benson has said, but nor do I buy the officers version 100% either. I absolutely put more weight in the officers word, at least initially, but upon reading all the reports, I simply begin to question some things.


So I do not simply take Benson's word over an officers. On the other hand, I have questions regarding the officers actions/words as well, which has me simply wanting to see what further info comes out.

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Gotta call out Drunkbomber on this one.


You pulled this yesterday too, and I have to kind of call you out on it.


Yesterday at 3:56, you said to me,


Leinart was at his own house and as far as I know I havent heard anything saying those girls were definitely minors. This is such a different situation. As far as the Cop discussion goes lets just drop it. Its not the point of the thread and doesnt have any relevance in the conversation. If need be we can make a thread about it in the water cooler but I dont think that is a good idea either.


I really was never part of the good cop v bad cop issue, so I had no problem leaving it alone. I thought it odd that you seemed to be among the main antagonists in the subject, and are telling me to drop it, but as I said, I didn't care much. But then I noticed that while you are telling me to "drop it", you then continue to debate the very same issue, one you really got going.


I believe this whole discussion began when you said,


Thats true but cops like that idiot who beat up that girl in the bar give a lot of them a bad name. Honestly, despite them risking their lives at work, with all the corruption Ive seen personally and all the stories that come out every day about cops abusing their power i really could give a shit. As a whole they are the most corrupt people in the world.


and then continued later,


I didnt say theyre all like that. However, there are enough corrupt ones to give the group a bad name. I personally have seen off duty cops driving drunk, rear end someone, kick the shit out of him and then have other cops come and arrest him for resisting arrest. Theres the story about the cop who beat up that tiny bartender in Chicago and then had other cops go in their and threaten her. There was that video that surfaced less than a year ago where a kid actually put a camera in his car because he was getting harassed by cops and then he actually got the cop on camera threatening him. Giving people the kind of power police officers have is very dangerous and when there are so many examples of the power being abused it is very easy to lose sympathy for the group as a whole and thats the point I am at. I know theyre not all like that but until something is done to try and clean it up thats how I choose to perceive it.


At 4:55 yesterday, an hour after telling me to drop the subject, you said,


Those were just a few examples. If you like Im sure I can type "police officer corruption" into google and give you a few thousand examples very easily.


Not exactly words of a poster looking to drop a topic.


Then after basically starting the topic, telling me to drop it, then talking about it again, you go back to telling a poster to drop it,


The argument about police isnt even the topic of the thread. Lets just stick to the topic.


Sorry, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either drop the topic and just leave it alone, or stop telling posters to drop the topic.

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Gotta call out Drunkbomber on this one.


You pulled this yesterday too, and I have to kind of call you out on it.


Yesterday at 3:56, you said to me,


Leinart was at his own house and as far as I know I havent heard anything saying those girls were definitely minors. This is such a different situation. As far as the Cop discussion goes lets just drop it. Its not the point of the thread and doesnt have any relevance in the conversation. If need be we can make a thread about it in the water cooler but I dont think that is a good idea either.


I really was never part of the good cop v bad cop issue, so I had no problem leaving it alone. I thought it odd that you seemed to be among the main antagonists in the subject, and are telling me to drop it, but as I said, I didn't care much. But then I noticed that while you are telling me to "drop it", you then continue to debate the very same issue, one you really got going.


I believe this whole discussion began when you said,


Thats true but cops like that idiot who beat up that girl in the bar give a lot of them a bad name. Honestly, despite them risking their lives at work, with all the corruption Ive seen personally and all the stories that come out every day about cops abusing their power i really could give a shit. As a whole they are the most corrupt people in the world.


and then continued later,


I didnt say theyre all like that. However, there are enough corrupt ones to give the group a bad name. I personally have seen off duty cops driving drunk, rear end someone, kick the shit out of him and then have other cops come and arrest him for resisting arrest. Theres the story about the cop who beat up that tiny bartender in Chicago and then had other cops go in their and threaten her. There was that video that surfaced less than a year ago where a kid actually put a camera in his car because he was getting harassed by cops and then he actually got the cop on camera threatening him. Giving people the kind of power police officers have is very dangerous and when there are so many examples of the power being abused it is very easy to lose sympathy for the group as a whole and thats the point I am at. I know theyre not all like that but until something is done to try and clean it up thats how I choose to perceive it.


At 4:55 yesterday, an hour after telling me to drop the subject, you said,


Those were just a few examples. If you like Im sure I can type "police officer corruption" into google and give you a few thousand examples very easily.


Not exactly words of a poster looking to drop a topic.


Then after basically starting the topic, telling me to drop it, then talking about it again, you go back to telling a poster to drop it,


The argument about police isnt even the topic of the thread. Lets just stick to the topic.


Sorry, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either drop the topic and just leave it alone, or stop telling posters to drop the topic.


Excellent point Nfo. I would also add that the potential of corrupt cops in this scenario make it completely on topic.


Now, not to offend actual cops anywhere, we are discussing the behavior of the Lower Colorado River Authority officers and not actual cops.


If anyone is interested in more about them, here's a link to their site...............



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Miami BEAR

I don't necessarily think that your example fits the case with Benson (if you were even trying to make that connection). The topic of racial profiling aside, I'm quite sure that there weren't too many black guys with massive party boats out on the water that day. There's a pretty good chance that the cops went directly to the guy for whom they were searching.


Not exactly trying to make a connection, just trying to play devil's advocate by pointing out that just because they have a badge, doesn't mean we have to take them at their word 100% of the time. Legit questions have been raised int his particular incident with Benson and I'm willing to hear them out. For all the stuff we hate about Benson, no one has ever really called him a liar (as far as I know). In fact, many people hate how honest he's been when speaking publicly, even when it was to his detriment.

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Gotta call out Drunkbomber on this one.


You pulled this yesterday too, and I have to kind of call you out on it.


Yesterday at 3:56, you said to me,


Leinart was at his own house and as far as I know I havent heard anything saying those girls were definitely minors. This is such a different situation. As far as the Cop discussion goes lets just drop it. Its not the point of the thread and doesnt have any relevance in the conversation. If need be we can make a thread about it in the water cooler but I dont think that is a good idea either.


I really was never part of the good cop v bad cop issue, so I had no problem leaving it alone. I thought it odd that you seemed to be among the main antagonists in the subject, and are telling me to drop it, but as I said, I didn't care much. But then I noticed that while you are telling me to "drop it", you then continue to debate the very same issue, one you really got going.


I believe this whole discussion began when you said,


Thats true but cops like that idiot who beat up that girl in the bar give a lot of them a bad name. Honestly, despite them risking their lives at work, with all the corruption Ive seen personally and all the stories that come out every day about cops abusing their power i really could give a shit. As a whole they are the most corrupt people in the world.


and then continued later,


I didnt say theyre all like that. However, there are enough corrupt ones to give the group a bad name. I personally have seen off duty cops driving drunk, rear end someone, kick the shit out of him and then have other cops come and arrest him for resisting arrest. Theres the story about the cop who beat up that tiny bartender in Chicago and then had other cops go in their and threaten her. There was that video that surfaced less than a year ago where a kid actually put a camera in his car because he was getting harassed by cops and then he actually got the cop on camera threatening him. Giving people the kind of power police officers have is very dangerous and when there are so many examples of the power being abused it is very easy to lose sympathy for the group as a whole and thats the point I am at. I know theyre not all like that but until something is done to try and clean it up thats how I choose to perceive it.


At 4:55 yesterday, an hour after telling me to drop the subject, you said,


Those were just a few examples. If you like Im sure I can type "police officer corruption" into google and give you a few thousand examples very easily.


Not exactly words of a poster looking to drop a topic.


Then after basically starting the topic, telling me to drop it, then talking about it again, you go back to telling a poster to drop it,


The argument about police isnt even the topic of the thread. Lets just stick to the topic.


Sorry, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. Either drop the topic and just leave it alone, or stop telling posters to drop the topic.

Ya Im aware of that. As I was typing the post about dropping it someone else responded to one of my post and I responded to it. That was my mistake. I just dont think the NFL forum is a place to discuss police corruption which is why I suggested moving it to the water cooler even though I thought it was a bad idea and since then I have tried to steer the topic back on track.

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Ya Im aware of that. As I was typing the post about dropping it someone else responded to one of my post and I responded to it. That was my mistake. I just dont think the NFL forum is a place to discuss police corruption which is why I suggested moving it to the water cooler even though I thought it was a bad idea and since then I have tried to steer the topic back on track.


You guys are "move the thread" happy around here. It's on topic completely. As far as I'm concerned, there are no other forums. If it's remotely football related, freakin leave it here already.

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You guys are "move the thread" happy around here. It's on topic completely. As far as I'm concerned, there are no other forums. If it's remotely football related, freakin leave it here already.

Did I move the thread? What the hell are you talking about? Ive never moved a thread so quit bitching for the sake of bitching. Also how is police corruption remotely related to football? There is more than one forum, you dont have to use them all but dont get all pissed off if others do, thats what theyre for.


"Freaking leave it here already" Where is that coming from? Maybe make sure what youre whining about took place. I didnt move the thread nor have I ever. If you have a problem with someone else moving threads than maybe gear it at them.

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You guys are "move the thread" happy around here. It's on topic completely. As far as I'm concerned, there are no other forums. If it's remotely football related, freakin leave it here already.




One. There have not been but a handful of posts all day, so a little off-topic isn't the end of the world.


Two. Police corruption can easily be considered relavent. Some have already condemned Benson on the word of the arresting officer. They believe that an officer should never be questioned, end of story. Others are not as trusting of officers, and are making their case, which in turn can support a case of "wait and see" w/ Benson. Thus, police corruption can easily be tied.


Three. I recall we had a poll, and while I do not really recall the final judgment being given, it was my belief the poll shows the vast majority of posters wanted to either be very liberal in allowing posts to remain in this threat, or simply leave it totally open.


So unless that poll was for nothing, or my understanding of the polls results are incorrect, I don't see the need to continually talk about moving discussions.

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Bomber, you didn't move the thread, but at the same time, you are an admin and said to drop it and discuss in another forum if desired. So while not moving the thread, when you throw stuff out there as you did, as an admin, you have to understand who it can be taken.

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Did I move the thread? What the hell are you talking about? Ive never moved a thread so quit bitching for the sake of bitching. Also how is police corruption remotely related to football? There is more than one forum, you dont have to use them all but dont get all pissed off if others do, thats what theyre for.


"Freaking leave it here already" Where is that coming from? Maybe make sure what youre whining about took place. I didnt move the thread nor have I ever. If you have a problem with someone else moving threads than maybe gear it at them.


You're right. You didn't move the thread. However, bringing it up as a possibility is like poking a scab. It goes back to the previous thing of an admin making a determination on the appropriate location for a thread. That's why we voted on it in a poll.


I really don't get how police corruption/abuse of power isn't precisely on topic when put in the context of the arrest by a rent-a-cop of a Chicago Bear.


Just for the record, why would you think that it belongs anywhere else?

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