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Cedric Benson Arrested


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Bomber, you didn't move the thread, but at the same time, you are an admin and said to drop it and discuss in another forum if desired. So while not moving the thread, when you throw stuff out there as you did, as an admin, you have to understand who it can be taken.

yes there is another forum for off topic discussions, whether or not people use them is their choice but suggesting starting another thread in the water cooler isnt violating anyones rights or anything. The initial discussion about if Benson might be telling the truth about not doing anything wrong is related to the topic but where it went after that isnt. That specific thread was to talk about Benson getting arrested which is why I suggested a new thread if people wanted to keep discussing police corruption. Thats not moving an open thread, thats not telling anyone they cant discuss the topic or anything along those lines. Its simply trying to keep the forums organized which is kind of the point.

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The argument about police isnt even the topic of the thread. Lets just stick to the topic.


I won't sit idly by while people make comments that disparage cops - men and women who give more on a daily basis than probably any profession. If it's not the topic, it was introduced into the topic.

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Not exactly trying to make a connection, just trying to play devil's advocate by pointing out that just because they have a badge, doesn't mean we have to take them at their word 100% of the time. Legit questions have been raised int his particular incident with Benson and I'm willing to hear them out. For all the stuff we hate about Benson, no one has ever really called him a liar (as far as I know). In fact, many people hate how honest he's been when speaking publicly, even when it was to his detriment.


Yeah...wasn't sure if you were making the connection or not.



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You're right. You didn't move the thread. However, bringing it up as a possibility is like poking a scab. It goes back to the previous thing of an admin making a determination on the appropriate location for a thread. That's why we voted on it in a poll.


I really don't get how police corruption/abuse of power isn't precisely on topic when put in the context of the arrest by a rent-a-cop of a Chicago Bear.


Just for the record, why would you think that it belongs anywhere else?

I wasnt talking about moving this specific thread. I said if people want to discuss police corruption than we should start a new thread and I suggested it being in the water cooler forum. I had no intentions on moving the Benson thread and I never said anything about moving it. Talking about police corruption in terms of Bensons situation is one thing but it went way off of that and I said I was involved in the change and said it was wrong. There isnt anything wrong with saying if people wanted to discuss police corruption in general that we should open a new thread for it though. Whats the point of even having titles for the threads if people click on them and the name on it isnt even whats being discussed. I understood the outrage the last time people were mad about moving threads but thats not what I did or was suggesting.

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I won't sit idly by while people make comments that disparage cops - men and women who give more on a daily basis than probably any profession. If it's not the topic, it was introduced into the topic.

Like I just said in my other post. If anyone wants to have a discussion about police corruption in general we can very easily make a thread about it and I dont blame you for responding something you disagree with at all. I just think everyone involved in the discussion, myself included, took the topic off course and it isnt fair for someone who is clicking on the topic thinking we are talking about Benson. Im not singling you out either I know you were just responding to things you read.

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