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Walsh gives Pats video to NFL


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This should be fun.


(Side note...I'm putting this thread here based on the discussion we had earlier, where people wanted NFL news all to be put in one thread and wanted non-NFL stuff consigned to another thread).

After brokering a deal to protect himself, former New England Patriots employee Matt Walsh has finally turned over his evidence in the videotaping controversy.


The New York Times reported and the NFL confirmed on Wednesday that Walsh sent eight tapes to the league that show the Patriots recording the play-calling signals of five opponents in six games between 2000 and 2002.


Taping the signals of opposing teams is prohibited by league rules, and the Patriots were already fined $750,000 and docked a first-round draft choice in September for taping the New York Jets. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell left open the possibility that more penalties could be levied.


A Patriots employee from 1997-2003, Walsh reached an agreement to turn over the tapes in exchange for being indemnified from all future legal fees.


The New York Times obtained a list of the Walsh tapes, and the league confirmed that list, which says that the Patriots taped offensive and defensive coaches in regular-season games against the Miami Dolphins, Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns and San Diego Chargers. The team also made video of the Pittsburgh Steelers in the 2002 AFC Championship Game.


Walsh's tapes do not include the video of the St. Louis Rams' walkthrough before the 2002 Super Bowl, as reported by the Boston Herald.

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Damn, that explains the AFC Championship as well. Pittsburgh was really good that year.


Kind of odd for them to film a 3-13 team (Buffalo). I guess they didn't want to play favorites. I bet they taped every team.


Now if this guy is producing 8 tapes, just think of how many more must be out there.


Talk about an asterisk.



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This is a huge problem for the Patriots because Belicik and company came forward and said there 6 tapes (or something like that) and that was all there was. I heard Goodell was really clear with them that they must come clean with everything and they said they had turned everything over to the league. If these tapes are just copies of those tapes then there's no issue but if they are totally different Goodell will know he was lied to.


If Goodell was lied to then what punishment will he dish out? Could we see Belicik expelled from the league? Will they forfeit their entire draft next year?

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This is a huge problem for the Patriots because Belicik and company came forward and said there 6 tapes (or something like that) and that was all there was. I heard Goodell was really clear with them that they must come clean with everything and they said they had turned everything over to the league. If these tapes are just copies of those tapes then there's no issue but if they are totally different Goodell will know he was lied to.


If Goodell was lied to then what punishment will he dish out? Could we see Belicik expelled from the league? Will they forfeit their entire draft next year?


I could see them hit really hard. If he only looks to the future, then probably a huge fine and loss of draft picks. If he looks to the past, then possible loss of SB title.

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I see none of that happening. I think the NFl wants this swept under the rug...

If they didn't want that, they wouldn't have destroyed the original tapes. Of course, destroying the original tapes was what got everyone's attention in the first place, because that looks like a cover up.

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Agreed. But I still think the NFL will shoo this away and say that there's nothing new. After all, with no "old tapes", who's to say they haven't seen it before?



If they didn't want that, they wouldn't have destroyed the original tapes. Of course, destroying the original tapes was what got everyone's attention in the first place, because that looks like a cover up.
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IMO, this is stupid. Who even cares? It takes a good team to make the passes, catch the ball, block well, run well, and do everything well, even if they know where defenders and whoever else will be.


Everyone tries to get an advantage, it's just this time they were caught.


If this was any other team besides New England, it'd be like "ehh whatever", but since it's NE and they almost went undefeated, everyone is all worked up about this and now they hate the team just for this.

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It is stupid...but people don't just dislike the Pat's because of this. This just makes it even easier to dislike them. People generally hate whoever is better than them, they hate arrogance, and they hate that particular fan base in Boston.




IMO, this is stupid. Who even cares? It takes a good team to make the passes, catch the ball, block well, run well, and do everything well, even if they know where defenders and whoever else will be.


Everyone tries to get an advantage, it's just this time they were caught.


If this was any other team besides New England, it'd be like "ehh whatever", but since it's NE and they almost went undefeated, everyone is all worked up about this and now they hate the team just for this.

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IMO, this is stupid. Who even cares? It takes a good team to make the passes, catch the ball, block well, run well, and do everything well, even if they know where defenders and whoever else will be.


Everyone tries to get an advantage, it's just this time they were caught.


If this was any other team besides New England, it'd be like "ehh whatever", but since it's NE and they almost went undefeated, everyone is all worked up about this and now they hate the team just for this.


sorry, but i totally disagree. if you know what types of defense or offense is called at a given time it is a HUGE difference maker that can and probably does change the entire outcome of a game.


it's no different if they listen in illegally on what signals are being sent in to the qb's headset than reading and KNOWING what hand signals come in off the sidelines because they have correographed their entire system weeks before.


yea, everyone tries to get an advantage but not everyone cheats to get it. if that were so then what is wrong with steroids and HGH? what is wrong with purposely injuring a key player? and on and on and on?


because it's the rules of the game. that is WHY their are rules so everyone has a level playing field and the competition is fair.


in my opinion they should have taken the game they were caught cheating last season in and forfeited the jets game. if it is determined they cheated in a playoff game, or if the games they cheated in during regular season led them to be in the playoffs then they should relinquish any and all superbowl winnings and it should default to the team they beat in the superbowl.

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Good strong point. I'm baswically in agreement. While I do thing it's stupid in the sense that I fear nothing will come of it...I still think it's wrong.


I fully agree that they should have had to forfeit that game last year. I'd have a hard time making them relinquish SB's...but not would I be opposed. I don't think you could fairly give it to the losing team...I would just deem those Super Bowls scratches. But I would make the Pats' give back their minning $ to the losing team, etc... Or at least go to charity.


sorry, but i totally disagree. if you know what types of defense or offense is called at a given time it is a HUGE difference maker that can and probably does change the entire outcome of a game.


it's no different if they listen in illegally on what signals are being sent in to the qb's headset than reading and KNOWING what hand signals come in off the sidelines because they have correographed their entire system weeks before.


yea, everyone tries to get an advantage but not everyone cheats to get it. if that were so then what is wrong with steroids and HGH? what is wrong with purposely injuring a key player? and on and on and on?


because it's the rules of the game. that is WHY their are rules so everyone has a level playing field and the competition is fair.


in my opinion they should have taken the game they were caught cheating last season in and forfeited the jets game. if it is determined they cheated in a playoff game, or if the games they cheated in during regular season led them to be in the playoffs then they should relinquish any and all superbowl winnings and it should default to the team they beat in the superbowl.

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IMO, this is stupid. Who even cares? It takes a good team to make the passes, catch the ball, block well, run well, and do everything well, even if they know where defenders and whoever else will be.


Everyone tries to get an advantage, it's just this time they were caught.


If this was any other team besides New England, it'd be like "ehh whatever", but since it's NE and they almost went undefeated, everyone is all worked up about this and now they hate the team just for this.

So you don't think that knowing what the defense is going to do gives you an advantage? Yes, you still have to execute the play, but the NFL is so competitive, that the slightest edge can make a huge difference.


If everyone was doing this, then more than likely more teams would've gotten caught. This is not just about NE, but it definitely gets more press because their success is now called into question. It is just like steroids. Barry Bonds takes steroids = big deal, some 4th outfielder for the Padres does = ehh whatever.

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Everything Ive heard about whats gonna happen whether it be on ESPN or on Sirius NFL says that nothing else is going to happen. These tapes were known about and arent what the league was looking for. The walk through of the Rams before the Super Bowl is what they were ultimately looking for. It sounds like the only thing that is left to find out is the source from the Boston Herald that CONTINUES to say they have more info even though it isnt being found. Since the Herald isnt going to give up its source there is no way to prove anything. This is what Ive heard guys like John Clayton and Bob Ryan say.

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Interesting comments from Bledsoe:


“I’ve followed it. I’ve talked to some people about it. To be honest with you, my take now is the same as it’s always been,” Bledsoe said. “Every team in the league is trying to do everything they can to get ahead. I’m sure most, if not all, are bending the rules in some way, shape or form. This just happened to be one that was very public, and the organization has been reprimanded for it.


“As a player here, I never did see anything other than what was already reported,” he said, later adding, “Was it a violation of the spirit of the rules? Absolutely, it was, but I think all of that has been readily acknowledged.”


While others like McGinest say they never saw a tape or things to that nature, Bledsoe seems to admit that they indeed used the tapes. He seems to rationalize their actions by saying everyone in the league is doing it. Also, from previous reports, the tapes were for the defensive signals, so McGinest wouldn't have a need for those. Makes sense.



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