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What the Bears need to do!


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We have talent....just enough to win a few games and make it back into the playoffs again. But the main thing I see wrong with this team is the coaching. Now the defense is ok and will do just what they do if we stay healthy, and with Brown/Dvoraecek/Payne back and with the additions of Harrison,Steltz,Bowman,Toeaina and a few others, but the offense is another story. The way I see it if it we up to me i would make alot of moves that will really work the Bears offense into one of the tops in the NFL.


1. First thing first I would throw out that old playbook and start fresh with a new one.

2. I would use the pl;ayers one the roster to crate mismatches that work for our team not the other team.

3. There are a few players that I would replace....like Lloyd, Metcalf,Manning Jr....Miller,Moose, Archuleta are gone already.


Now when it comes to the playbook, we need to use plays designed to get yards to the outside not the same play up the middle going nowhere. Last year Denver killed us with a little simple misdirection pitch to the RB.The Vikings killed us running Peterson to the outside with the cut back lanes up the middle. We have the speed to use screens, draws and sweeps. Hester, Wolfe and Forte and great for this. We have three good TE targets to throw to. The bootleg pass to the TE we used once last year when teams stacked up against the run. How can you not use TE Olsen and Davis in the red zone this year....oh and not to mention the 6'4' Monk to.That's a height nightmare for a team with 5'9' - 6'2' CB and LB.

We will kill teams in the passing game if we used Olsen & Monk as wideout with Bradley and bennet in the slots or Hester and Bradley out wide and olsen in the slot and Davis at TE. We have good starters and good depth with Booker,Bradley,Davis,Bennett, Monk, Hass Lloyd is a question mak and ....Hester in the Mix too and to add the TE'S Clark, Olsen and Davis.


Now the line has to block....yes this I know but Williams at LT,St.Clair at LG Krutez at C, Garza at RG and Tait at RT we stand a good chance of good blocking someone. Now we will have Beekman,Adams,Barton, Oakley,Balogh,Poles all fighting for a spot will be intersting to see who wins.

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Now that's just thinking logically!


The Bears' braintrust tend not to do that...


We have talent....just enough to win a few games and make it back into the playoffs again. But the main thing I see wrong with this team is the coaching. Now the defense is ok and will do just what they do if we stay healthy, and with Brown/Dvoraecek/Payne back and with the additions of Harrison,Steltz,Bowman,Toeaina and a few others, but the offense is another story. The way I see it if it we up to me i would make alot of moves that will really work the Bears offense into one of the tops in the NFL.


1. First thing first I would throw out that old playbook and start fresh with a new one.

2. I would use the pl;ayers one the roster to crate mismatches that work for our team not the other team.

3. There are a few players that I would replace....like Lloyd, Metcalf,Manning Jr....Miller,Moose, Archuleta are gone already.


Now when it comes to the playbook, we need to use plays designed to get yards to the outside not the same play up the middle going nowhere. Last year Denver killed us with a little simple misdirection pitch to the RB.The Vikings killed us running Peterson to the outside with the cut back lanes up the middle. We have the speed to use screens, draws and sweeps. Hester, Wolfe and Forte and great for this. We have three good TE targets to throw to. The bootleg pass to the TE we used once last year when teams stacked up against the run. How can you not use TE Olsen and Davis in the red zone this year....oh and not to mention the 6'4' Monk to.That's a height nightmare for a team with 5'9' - 6'2' CB and LB.

We will kill teams in the passing game if we used Olsen & Monk as wideout with Bradley and bennet in the slots or Hester and Bradley out wide and olsen in the slot and Davis at TE. We have good starters and good depth with Booker,Bradley,Davis,Bennett, Monk, Hass Lloyd is a question mak and ....Hester in the Mix too and to add the TE'S Clark, Olsen and Davis.


Now the line has to block....yes this I know but Williams at LT,St.Clair at LG Krutez at C, Garza at RG and Tait at RT we stand a good chance of good blocking someone. Now we will have Beekman,Adams,Barton, Oakley,Balogh,Poles all fighting for a spot will be intersting to see who wins.

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I agree with your thinking Wesson44 and concur with MadLithuanian on his accessment of the brain trust entrusted to screw up (I mean run) this team. We'll get an idea of how it plays out starting July 23rd.

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Now Im not saying I like our play book, because I dont, but its not a good idea to throw it out and start from scratch when we have had the same core of our defense running it for a few years and they understand it. Whenever a new system is implemented there are going to be growing pains and it will take a while to succeed. Offense, I dont care, we need a new offensive mentality.

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Now Im not saying I like our play book, because I dont, but its not a good idea to throw it out and start from scratch when we have had the same core of our defense running it for a few years and they understand it. Whenever a new system is implemented there are going to be growing pains and it will take a while to succeed. Offense, I dont care, we need a new offensive mentality.

Agreed. We do not need wholesale changes to the playbook on defense or special teams. Offense is another matter.


Peace :dabears

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All I really want is for the Bears to rededicate themselves to being a run first offense. I rather not have everything on offense depend on whether Rex or Ortman can be counted on to exploit match ups.


I say more running to setup the play action pass. Make it easier for which ever QB wins the starting job.

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Not sure the playbook is the issue so much as the plays we call in situations, and the personnel we choose to employ.


For example, can someone explain why Benson would run sweeps when he doesn't have the speed to turn the corner, while we run Wolfe up the gut?


Can someone explain why, when we would use a WR screen, we would throw the ball to Moose, our slowest WR on the team?


Can someone explain why we would use Moose and even Davis on deep patterns, when, again, those are far from our speed threats?


Can someone explain why, when in the red zone, we do not use our bigger WRs to better create mis-matches? It isn't that the play is bad, but the personnel we would use. I recall watching us try a fade route to the corner of the end zone w/ Davis as the target, as well as Berrian too. Would that not be a play to use some of our bigger receivers?


I am not saying we have a great playbook, but IMHO, it isn't the playbook that is the problem so much as the playcalling. Our playcalling was flat out predictable, and it showed in the results. Use the same plays, but at different times and w/ different personnel, and watch wholesale changes.

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I think the plays are there...it's just which ones and when they are being called is the issue. Also, like you mention...personnel as well.


Your 4 question have no logical answers.


I'm not sure in all honesty how that can be solved...other then by maybe a light bulb going off in Turner... I just don't expect it.


Not sure the playbook is the issue so much as the plays we call in situations, and the personnel we choose to employ.


For example, can someone explain why Benson would run sweeps when he doesn't have the speed to turn the corner, while we run Wolfe up the gut?


Can someone explain why, when we would use a WR screen, we would throw the ball to Moose, our slowest WR on the team?


Can someone explain why we would use Moose and even Davis on deep patterns, when, again, those are far from our speed threats?


Can someone explain why, when in the red zone, we do not use our bigger WRs to better create mis-matches? It isn't that the play is bad, but the personnel we would use. I recall watching us try a fade route to the corner of the end zone w/ Davis as the target, as well as Berrian too. Would that not be a play to use some of our bigger receivers?


I am not saying we have a great playbook, but IMHO, it isn't the playbook that is the problem so much as the playcalling. Our playcalling was flat out predictable, and it showed in the results. Use the same plays, but at different times and w/ different personnel, and watch wholesale changes.

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Honestly, more than personnel, it is the staff that has me as pessimistic as anything.


Turner - Thus far, he seems like yet another failed Chicago OC. We looked good for a short period a couple years ago, but the leagues seemed to figure out Rex and Turner, and I have not seen the changes necessary. Among my biggest issues w/ Turner, I just question his lack of adapting the offense to better hide our weaknesses. Last year, the OL was a key weakness, yet what did we do to hide that fact? Were we rolling out the QB to buy time? We were using more screens to try and freeze the LBs? We were using the personnel we had to create mismatches? It just seemed like Turner simply expected players to play better, rather than trying to do more to put them in better situations to play well.


Babich - Here is a HUGE reason why I am so negative right now. As weak as the offense is, we have seen that a dominant defense and special teams can compensate, but I have seen nothing from Babich to lead me to believe we will have a dominant defense. Yes, I know we suffered plenty of injuries, but I would still argue we had more talent healthy and on the field than many other defenses that played far better. Similar to offense, instead of trying to mask weaknesses, we allow them to be exploited. And frankly, I am simply not a cover 2 fan. I do not believe it was a good defense for Lovie in Stl, and still believe our players are held back by it today. IMHO, the reason our defense was so good in our SB year was Chico mixing it up more. The hope is Babich improves, but I simply have little confidence or faith.


Position coaches - What position coaches have stood out? What areas have we really seemed to develop players? WR? No. RB? No. OL? Hell no. DL? No. You can argue LB, but is it really development when elite players like Briggs and Urlacher develop? I would have more faith in the LB coach if Williams and/or Okwo showed more development. The only position/unit I think has developed in in the secondary, where numerous players have seemed to play above expectations, which to me is a sign of good coaching.

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I just dont like that the organization as a whole tries to keep the same mindset every year even if it doesnt fit our personnel. I also dont like a lot of situational play calls. Remember last year, I believe it was against Denver when we were in the red zone and they called a quarterback draw with Grossman on third and long and then had to settle for a field goal.


Or on third and short they would try to run a fly pattern with Berrian instead of letting Benson slam it up the middle.

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Oh, heck yeah! I fully agree!


I think you and I have on on the same page regarding our disappointment with the coaching staff.


Your assessment of Turner is correct I feel. To me, it really boils down to settling up a poor match-up and not adapting to what is given. It's like a very pig-headed mentality. He just doesn't appear to want to change his ways no matter what!


Don't even get me started on Babich! I really gave the guy the benefit of the doubt early on...but he has proven otherwise. I really miss Chico...


None of our position coaches stand out at all. Like you mention, LB is possible...but given the talent level of our particular LB's...it could just be raw skill. And I agree about the secondary...although I'm not so sure about safety. But that could be a AA and lack of Mike Brown issue. (Or have I made a case that it is just the talent of the players involved?)




Honestly, more than personnel, it is the staff that has me as pessimistic as anything.


Turner - Thus far, he seems like yet another failed Chicago OC. We looked good for a short period a couple years ago, but the leagues seemed to figure out Rex and Turner, and I have not seen the changes necessary. Among my biggest issues w/ Turner, I just question his lack of adapting the offense to better hide our weaknesses. Last year, the OL was a key weakness, yet what did we do to hide that fact? Were we rolling out the QB to buy time? We were using more screens to try and freeze the LBs? We were using the personnel we had to create mismatches? It just seemed like Turner simply expected players to play better, rather than trying to do more to put them in better situations to play well.


Babich - Here is a HUGE reason why I am so negative right now. As weak as the offense is, we have seen that a dominant defense and special teams can compensate, but I have seen nothing from Babich to lead me to believe we will have a dominant defense. Yes, I know we suffered plenty of injuries, but I would still argue we had more talent healthy and on the field than many other defenses that played far better. Similar to offense, instead of trying to mask weaknesses, we allow them to be exploited. And frankly, I am simply not a cover 2 fan. I do not believe it was a good defense for Lovie in Stl, and still believe our players are held back by it today. IMHO, the reason our defense was so good in our SB year was Chico mixing it up more. The hope is Babich improves, but I simply have little confidence or faith.


Position coaches - What position coaches have stood out? What areas have we really seemed to develop players? WR? No. RB? No. OL? Hell no. DL? No. You can argue LB, but is it really development when elite players like Briggs and Urlacher develop? I would have more faith in the LB coach if Williams and/or Okwo showed more development. The only position/unit I think has developed in in the secondary, where numerous players have seemed to play above expectations, which to me is a sign of good coaching.

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It truly is baffling...


I just dont like that the organization as a whole tries to keep the same mindset every year even if it doesnt fit our personnel. I also dont like a lot of situational play calls. Remember last year, I believe it was against Denver when we were in the red zone and they called a quarterback draw with Grossman on third and long and then had to settle for a field goal.


Or on third and short they would try to run a fly pattern with Berrian instead of letting Benson slam it up the middle.

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Regarding position coaches,


To me, sometimes you have a position of strength, and the position coach gets automatic credit, but I am not sure that is always justified. I believe Urlacher and Briggs would have developed regardless of coaching. On the other hand, I think Williams and Okwo are better players to watch and determine how good our coaching is. How about Leon Joe? That was pure raw talent, but never seemed to develop.


W/ regard to safety, I think our coaches have done a solid job. Ignore Brown, who was destined to play. Ignore Archuleta, who was past his prime. Rather, look at all the low round draft choices who has played pretty well. That isn't to say great, but beyond expectations. Mike Green was Mr. Irrelevant, and yet became a starter. I was never a fan of Harris, but he developed far more than expectations. Even look at McGowan, who few would consider more than a special teams potential player, but who has showed quite a bit promise as a S. IMHO, more than any other position, we have seen lesser players rise above expectations. Daniell Manning being a major exception.

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I dont think there could possibly be one above average coach on the offensive side of the ball. Our running backs dont know how to pick up blocks or follow blocking. Our wie receivers cant get open and have a lot of drops. Our offensive line looked like turnstyles and our qbs all have major flaws that might be able to be fixed with decent coaching.

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No arguement regarding the LB's...


Good analysis on the safeties. I wasn't putting as much credence there... I think I was focussing on the disappointment of Manning too much.




Regarding position coaches,


To me, sometimes you have a position of strength, and the position coach gets automatic credit, but I am not sure that is always justified. I believe Urlacher and Briggs would have developed regardless of coaching. On the other hand, I think Williams and Okwo are better players to watch and determine how good our coaching is. How about Leon Joe? That was pure raw talent, but never seemed to develop.


W/ regard to safety, I think our coaches have done a solid job. Ignore Brown, who was destined to play. Ignore Archuleta, who was past his prime. Rather, look at all the low round draft choices who has played pretty well. That isn't to say great, but beyond expectations. Mike Green was Mr. Irrelevant, and yet became a starter. I was never a fan of Harris, but he developed far more than expectations. Even look at McGowan, who few would consider more than a special teams potential player, but who has showed quite a bit promise as a S. IMHO, more than any other position, we have seen lesser players rise above expectations. Daniell Manning being a major exception.

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I think you're being too kind.




I dont think there could possibly be one above average coach on the offensive side of the ball. Our running backs dont know how to pick up blocks or follow blocking. Our wie receivers cant get open and have a lot of drops. Our offensive line looked like turnstyles and our qbs all have major flaws that might be able to be fixed with decent coaching.
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