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Bradley Hurts Knee


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I've said it before and I'll say it again, this guy is a complete and total pussy. Get "him" a box of maxipads! JESUS CHRIST! When are the Bears going to learn their lesson with him? He's never shown more than "potential" and that has been on such a limited basis, after this long... You've got to cut his ass.


I TOLD YOU SO! I was right, all of the softies out there, were wrong. All the "Gee CD, give the kid a break, it's just flukes." All the "Hey man, injuries happen. He's a tough kid."


BULLSHIT! Sorry man, if this kid needed to be scoped he should've had it done a month ago. Either the Bears training staff is full of complete morons or this guy hid from them, not wanting to be checked out. Based on his history of skirt wearing, I doubt it's the Bears trainers.


I hate to say it but we've got to look at Koren Robinson and/or any other WR still out there and available. We need someone who can get down the field besides Hester because Hester isn't a prototypical WR. He lacks the height we need at that position. If we head into the season with Booker and Hester at 1 and 2, we're dead. PERIOD! I could cover Booker and I'm 43 and 25 pounds overweight!


PS. Been a long time for me on one of these rants. That felt good!


I agree that the kid is soft. However, I also have seen enough that I hope he's not hurt this time and gets on the field a lot. I swear, every time this kid is on the field he looks bigger, stronger, and faster than anyone in the secondary. If he could just stay healthy he could be a huge contributor.

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I agree that the kid is soft. However, I also have seen enough that I hope he's not hurt this time and gets on the field a lot. I swear, every time this kid is on the field he looks bigger, stronger, and faster than anyone in the secondary. If he could just stay healthy he could be a huge contributor.

The main two things I remember about him was his chemistry with Orton his rookie season and his long touchdown against the Jets in 06. He has shown some flashes but Im curious why he never seems to played much unless his lingering injuries are worse than we think.

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WHAT! Oh yeah, wait a second, Grossman NEVER hit Berrian deep. I forgot. PUUUUUUUUHHHHHH LEAAAAAAASE!


How often? What I recall was a lot of Berrian running deep patterns, and before he ever turned his head, Rex kissing daisies. Point isn't that Rex can't throw deep, but that the opportunities were not there too often. IMHO, a WR that simply can get open would be a greater asset than simply replacing Berrian w/ another speed threat.


I agree. He's a good #2 if we have a solid #1 who can stretch the field. If not, the lanes will be jammed and he'll get little.


In an ideal world, I agree. But I simply do not believe a #1 (or #2) must be a speed threat. I do not believe your starter has to be a speed demon/field stretcher. There is PLENTY of field for two solid receivers to work. Sure, a speed threat is great, but until I see our OL sustain their block for more than a 2 count, it seems like speed is wasted and quick release/seperation is simply a greater asset.


Look, I don't know if Hester can play WR at all. I think he can but I'm not sure where exactly he fits in best. I think it's in the slot, put in motion. He can literally end up anywhere on the field using that formation and movement. But that isn't my point, he ain't a #1, so we agree. We need one!


Hey, I agree he is not a #1, and further agree we do not have a #1 on the team (though I would throw out Bennett "could" be in time. But if Hester can work out of the slot and get deep, how does that not give a similar effect?


If we don't stretch the field, TE, any TE not names Gates, is diminished. We need someone to play the spot. Once again, Bradley has proven himself unworthy of trust, over and over. We can't rely on him to be available and we've NEVER been able to. I've been saying this for a long time.


And when have I disagreed? But saying we need one doesn't automatically mean we can get one. I would rather have two solid, non-speed WRs, rather than one solid non-speed and one non-solid speed. That make sense. I don't recall many speed options available this year. But w/ that said, I still do not agree you have to start a speed demon in order to have a good passing attack. Your offense may not score fast, but that does not mean it can't move down the field and score just the same.


Lastly, to whoever scolded me above, I'm not really this big a peckerhead. It's just that I appreciate it when the Bears players play like MEN and not women. I've been talking til I'm blue in the face about this sissy Bradley for at least two years now. I really lost my patience with him last season. I pray I'm wrong or that at a minimum the Bears found somebody in the last two draft classes who can play the position. If not, it doesn't matter too much if GrossTon has improved, if the line has improved, if BenTe is a good 1/2 combo at RB, we're DEAD. We can't expect our D and ST to be that dominant this season. The O must contribute. With dog food at WR, we can't succeed.


Disagreed in a big way. A solid QB, OL and run game can make average, or even weak, WRs look pretty damn solid. Solid WRs do not often make a weak OL look good, but I would argue the opposite does show through more often.


JA, don't let me down, find someone to be our #1 WR!


Hey, I agree we need to find a #1 WR. Right now, our best WR is Booker, and I would argue by a long shot. No question we need a #1, though some might argue Bennett is. Me? I would simply tell you to plan to be let down.

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Look, I don't know if Hester can play WR at all. I think he can but I'm not sure where exactly he fits in best. I think it's in the slot, put in motion. He can literally end up anywhere on the field using that formation and movement. But that isn't my point, he ain't a #1, so we agree. We need one!


Hey, I agree he is not a #1, and further agree we do not have a #1 on the team (though I would throw out Bennett "could" be in time. But if Hester can work out of the slot and get deep, how does that not give a similar effect?


Because he's still unreliable and unproven. Of course, so was Bradley, she-devil WR of the Midwest.


If we don't stretch the field, TE, any TE not names Gates, is diminished. We need someone to play the spot. Once again, Bradley has proven himself unworthy of trust, over and over. We can't rely on him to be available and we've NEVER been able to. I've been saying this for a long time.


And when have I disagreed? But saying we need one doesn't automatically mean we can get one. I would rather have two solid, non-speed WRs, rather than one solid non-speed and one non-solid speed. That make sense. I don't recall many speed options available this year. But w/ that said, I still do not agree you have to start a speed demon in order to have a good passing attack. Your offense may not score fast, but that does not mean it can't move down the field and score just the same.


If we have someone coming up through the ranks who can get the job done, as you suggest, Bennett maybe, who knows? But my fear is we had Berrian and Moose last season and basically nothing else. Now they're gone and the one girlie-man we'd hung our hat on has sprained vaginal muscles.


If not, it doesn't matter too much if GrossTon has improved, if the line has improved, if BenTe is a good 1/2 combo at RB, we're DEAD. We can't expect our D and ST to be that dominant this season. The O must contribute. With dog food at WR, we can't succeed.


Disagreed in a big way. A solid QB, OL and run game can make average, or even weak, WRs look pretty damn solid. Solid WRs do not often make a weak OL look good, but I would argue the opposite does show through more often.


Actually, you aren't really disagreeing in a big way. You agree with me that great WR play can open up the ground game more than vis versa. You aren't as much fun to fight with anymore. Have you been eating the same cereal as Mark Bradley, wonder-pussy?


JA, don't let me down, find someone to be our #1 WR!


Hey, I agree we need to find a #1 WR. Right now, our best WR is Booker, and I would argue by a long shot. No question we need a #1, though some might argue Bennett is. Me? I would simply tell you to plan to be let down.


What else is new? Well, at least we have a Superbowl loss to be happy about...

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Re: Hester: Because he's still unreliable and unproven. Of course, so was Bradley, she-devil WR of the Midwest.


My point is not that Hester is proven. I have argued much the opposite. Point of the question was what is the difference whether your #1 or your slot receiver is your downfield threat? I do not see Hester as a #1, but I do believe he can play from the slot, which would seem to give you what you want. No, he isn't proven, but lets not pretend there was much by way of proven speed threads available this year.


If we have someone coming up through the ranks who can get the job done, as you suggest, Bennett maybe, who knows? But my fear is we had Berrian and Moose last season and basically nothing else. Now they're gone and the one girlie-man we'd hung our hat on has sprained vaginal muscles.


One, I would argue the loss of Moose is in itself a gain. And replacing him w/ Booker is only a greater gain.


Two, Berrian was good, but lets not make him out to be more than he was. We can talk day and night about how bad our offense was last year, but if Berrian would have learned how to run his routes, which freaking direction to turn, and how to catch the damn ball, might our offense not have been a touch better? Berrian was the best WR we had, but that is like my complimenting you as being the tallest man in a room full of midgets.


Berrian was NOT worth the money he got, and I have no issue w/ our letting him go. No, we did not bring in a player to replace him, but who should we have added. I do not recall many #1s w/ speed available on the market. This was not even a good draft for elite #1 WR prospects. Still, I would rather do w/o for a year and seek a #1 in a better (hopefully) market next year than settle on Berrian w/ an over-valued long term contract. Wasn't that the poor thinking that got us stuck w/ Moose?


Actually, you aren't really disagreeing in a big way. You agree with me that great WR play can open up the ground game more than vis versa. You aren't as much fun to fight with anymore. Have you been eating the same cereal as Mark Bradley, wonder-pussy?


I'm not disagreeing w/ you in a big way because you are finally seeing how weak of a GM Angela is. It took year for me to bring you to my side, but it appears the transition is near complete, thus why our argument is on technicalities (must our deep threat be from the #1 WR or can it be from the #3). Soon the transition will be complete.


What else is new? Well, at least we have a Superbowl loss to be happy about...


New? SB loss? Um, have you been asleep at the wheel for a year? The loss was about 15 months ago, and hardly new. Damn, when you take a nap, you really take a nap.

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I'm not disagreeing w/ you in a big way because you are finally seeing how weak of a GM Angela is. It took year for me to bring you to my side, but it appears the transition is near complete, thus why our argument is on technicalities (must our deep threat be from the #1 WR or can it be from the #3). Soon the transition will be complete.


OK Darth. Whatever you say, dad.

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