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Points of View, May 22, 2008


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The Bears


Brad Biggs blogs that Mark Bradley had arthroscopic surgery earlier this month. He's questionable for the start of training camp. This makes Brandon Lloyd's acquisition all the more important. He was running with the first team.



Biggs also reports that Dan Bazuin is not at Halas Hall. No word on why yet. In other news:



John Tait is lining up at right tackle



Danieal Manning is back at saftey. Manning also is lining up at nickel back (not good news for Ricky Manning).



Terrance Metcalf is lining up with the starters at left guard


Finally, Biggs reports some great news about Cedric Benson. Though Benson claimed he wasn't out of shape last year he says he is 10 pound lighter this year and he looks faster. Recall that Benson chose not to participate in strength and conditioning coach, Rusty Jones' program last year. It appears to have helped him this year. So its only May but it all good.



Unfortunately, David Haugh reports that Benson still doesn't understand that he did anything wrong. He and Jerry Angelo obviously need to get together for a discussion. Benson doesn't appear to me to be th brightest bulb in the box and messages sent through the media are unlkely to arrive in his brain without some striaght talk.



The Travis County Prosecutors Office has chosen to with hold an audio tape of the Benson arrest from the media. I'm surprised the media hasn't made a bigger deal of this tape. It could go a long way toward showing Benson's guilt or innocence.






Packers defensive tackle Justin Harrell is still having back trouble. He'll miss OTAs and hopes to be ready for training camp. He'll be a big loss to them if this turns out to be chronic.



Tackle Bryant McKinney is probably looking at a suspension of a game or two for charges resulting from a fight outside a Miami bar. I don't care how good the other members of your line are, losing you left tackle hurts.



The Seakawks are moving Rob Simms from left to right guard. Again, I'm idly wondering if the Bears should switch Roberto Garza to the left to stabilize Chris Williams.



Vinnie Iyer of The Sporting News thinks the substitution of a 17th game for the last preseason game is a bad idea. I'm not so sure. Any extra revenues benefits both sides and the extra TV revenue should come in handy. I'd say getting a team in LA should be a higher priority now as well.



Kevin Mawae and Broncos safety John Lynch are speaking out about the super-sized rookie deals. Mawae is president of the player's union.


“As a guy who has been in the league for 14 now going on 15 years and being around other veteran guys, for a young guy to get paid that kind of money and never steps foot on an NFL football field, it’s a little disheartening to think of,” Mawae said. “It makes it tough for a guy who’s proven himself to say ‘I want that kind of money’ when the owners, all they’re going to say is, ‘Well, you weren’t a first-round pick.’


“And I know there is sentiment around the league amongst the players like, ‘Let’s do something to control these salaries and control these signing bonuses’ and things like that, and I know that’s something that the owners are talking about and I’m sure that’s going to play in to this round of negotiations for this collective bargaining agreement."


This is not good for the players. They might, in fact, feel this way and that's fine but the topic is still a negotiating point where you let the negotiators do the talking.


Most people don't remember the last time labor trouble loomed in the NFL but history is repeating itself. While the owners for the most part kept their mouths shut and let the people negotiators speak for them both at the negotiating table and in the press (there is a huge fine for speaking out), the players are much harder to control and much more apt to speak their minds. The act that in this case its the


president of the union makes this situation all the worse.




As I said yesterday, comments from the Bengals through a prepared statement by Marvin Lewis shortly after the release of Odell Thurman didn't do much to dispel rumors that the Bengals released him because he was missing OTAs after his grand mother died. His comments yesterday were consistent with that as well.


“His grandmother’s been buried for quite a while,” Lewis said. “Don’t get into his whole family structure. He has not played football in two years. And we have people who will be better for our football team.”


“We’ve been patient enough with Odell, and he’s no longer here. No big deal."


As I said, though they won't do it immediately, it will be interesting to see if Thurman's representatives file a grievance if no one picks him up.


One Final Thought


Once again, Steve Rosenbloom supplies a final thought, in this case much in line with my own:


Some observers claim that Gilligan Benson's absence is no big deal, even in light of his arrest for drunken boating and resisting, because the OTAs are listed as voluntary. Nope. Sorry. Wrong. Nothing in the NFL is voluntary anymore. Listen, these OTAs are as mandatory as Miranda rights.

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The Bears



Some observers claim that Gilligan Benson's absence is no big deal, even in light of his arrest for drunken boating and resisting, because the OTAs are listed as voluntary. Nope. Sorry. Wrong. Nothing in the NFL is voluntary anymore. Listen, these OTAs are as mandatory as Miranda rights.



Tom, what about the list of other who were not at practice. Devin Hester, Brian Urlacher, Alex Brown, Jamar Williams, Charles Tillman and Tommie Harris. How come those guys dont get the brow beating?

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Tom, what about the list of other who were not at practice. Devin Hester, Brian Urlacher, Alex Brown, Jamar Williams, Charles Tillman and Tommie Harris. How come those guys dont get the brow beating?


I think part of the reason is some have been talked about, while Bazuin seems like new news.


Hester - Already known contract issue. Personally, I have a BIG issue w/ his missing camp. While he is proven (understatement alert) as a returner, he is VERY raw as a WR, and if he wants to be paid like an elite WR, he needs to prove himself in that regard. Skipping workouts and practices which give him an opportunity to develop in this regard is a mistake IMHO.


Urlacher - Known, discussed, and brow beaten.


Alex Brown - Not sure why he is missing, but while you want 100% participation, his absense is less felt than others.


Jamar Williams - I would like to know why he is not there. While not a starter, another young player who needs every snap and opportunity to develop.


Tillman - I would assume his absence is injury/rehab related.


Harris - See Urlacher

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Brad Biggs blogs that Mark Bradley had arthroscopic surgery earlier this month. He's questionable for the start of training camp. This makes Brandon Lloyd's acquisition all the more important. He was running with the first team.


Personally, I felt all along he would start over Bradley due to experience.


Biggs also reports that Dan Bazuin is not at Halas Hall. No word on why yet. In other news:


I would really like to know why, as he seems to have a lot to prove, and w/ A.Brown missing, Bazuin would have greater opportunity to play.


Danieal Manning is back at saftey. Manning also is lining up at nickel back (not good news for Ricky Manning).


Where doesn't this guy line up. CB, FS, SS, nickel. At some point, he needs to find a position he can play, or start practicing his burger flipping.


Terrance Metcalf is lining up with the starters at left guard


Yuk. If Metcalf is our starting LG, I smell trouble for our QB.


Finally, Biggs reports some great news about Cedric Benson. Though Benson claimed he wasn't out of shape last year he says he is 10 pound lighter this year and he looks faster. Recall that Benson chose not to participate in strength and conditioning coach, Rusty Jones' program last year. It appears to have helped him this year. So its only May but it all good.


This is great news, as it not only shows he is working on being in shape, but the dropped weight could show some pop in his running. I think people forget that he was considered to have pretty solid speed in college.


Unfortunately, David Haugh reports that Benson still doesn't understand that he did anything wrong. He and Jerry Angelo obviously need to get together for a discussion. Benson doesn't appear to me to be th brightest bulb in the box and messages sent through the media are unlkely to arrive in his brain without some striaght talk.


I personally agree w/ Benson, and do not see how he put himself in a bad situation, and disagreed w/ Lovie's comments.


The Travis County Prosecutors Office has chosen to with hold an audio tape of the Benson arrest from the media. I'm surprised the media hasn't made a bigger deal of this tape. It could go a long way toward showing Benson's guilt or innocence.


The media spent too much time blasting Benson, and if the story does turn out to show Benson was not so in the wrong, the media would have to admit it jumped to conclusions.


Kevin Mawae and Broncos safety John Lynch are speaking out about the super-sized rookie deals. Mawae is president of the player's union.


IMHO, this is huge. Mawae, as the president of the players union, carries a lot of weight. I would love to see a change in the rookie salary struction, and veteran players like him speaking out against the status quo could go a long way toward needed change.


Most people don't remember the last time labor trouble loomed in the NFL but history is repeating itself. While the owners for the most part kept their mouths shut and let the people negotiators speak for them both at the negotiating table and in the press (there is a huge fine for speaking out), the players are much harder to control and much more apt to speak their minds. The fact that in this case its the president of the union makes this situation all the worse.


I disagree. If this were a player blasting the owners for what they are seeking, it would be one thing, but this is a player who is essentially agreeing with the owners, which could actually mean negotations on this issue may not be as ugly as some might otherwise expect.


Some observers claim that Gilligan Benson's absence is no big deal, even in light of his arrest for drunken boating and resisting, because the OTAs are listed as voluntary. Nope. Sorry. Wrong. Nothing in the NFL is voluntary anymore. Listen, these OTAs are as mandatory as Miranda rights.


But he had a schedule court hearing, and was there the day after that hearing had been scheduled. I have read where there has never been an issue w/ Benson showing up at OTAs, so his absence on a day when he had a court hearing simply does not seem like a big deal. I said this when the story first broke out. If he missed the next day, it would be a bigger deal, but he did not. He was at Halas the day following his scheduled court hearing, so I simply do not buy that this is a big deal. Instead of attacking Benson for missing the first day, how about the half dozen other players who are still no-shows.

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Terrance Metcalf is lining up with the starters at left guard


Yuk. If Metcalf is our starting LG, I smell trouble for our QB.


this is really bad, bad news. metcalf has shown nothing in the entire time he has been in chicago. why he even is on this team is mindboggling.


this seriously will not help our rookie left tackle playing next to a semi-pro scrub.

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Unfortunately, David Haugh reports that Benson still doesn't understand that he did anything wrong. He and Jerry Angelo obviously need to get together for a discussion. Benson doesn't appear to me to be th brightest bulb in the box and messages sent through the media are unlkely to arrive in his brain without some striaght talk.


I personally agree w/ Benson, and do not see how he put himself in a bad situation, and disagreed w/ Lovie's comments.


I disagree. He had noted he had been searched 6 times on the lake. He knew he was bound to have his boat checked again (I am not saying this is right - might be a profiling issue). However, if he hired a captain for the boat he would have avoided this problem all together.


Peace :dabears

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this seriously will not help our rookie left tackle playing next to a semi-pro scrub.


This last point is key. I caught a lot of hell for wanting to spend big bucks on Faneca, and OG, but I felt a player like him could greatly benefit a rookie LT, which I felt was our pick all along. Well, we got our rookie LT, but what have we done to increase the odds of his development? Nothing.


As I see it, we have the following options for the LG position.


1) Metcalf - Quite possibly the worst option IMHO. He is, ironically, our most experienced LG on the roster, yet I have to believe also our worst. He has had more than enough opportunities, and has shown little to no improvement in play. After getting yet another shot last year, and losing his job to a swing OT, I am surprised he is even on the roster, much less working w/ the 1st unit.


2) Beekman - This would be great for the team if he stepped up and earned the job. It would be a negative having two OL playing next to each other w/ no starting experience, but if Beekman shows enough development, this could provide the team w/ long term benefits. I have read many times the big issue w/ Beekman last year was strength. Well, he has had PLENTY of time to build up his strength. If he can step up, we could have settled the left side of our OL for years to come, though I think the duo would face early struggles as they get their feet wet.


3) St. Clair - I think this would possibly benefit Williams more than most other options, as he would have a more knowledgable veteran to play next too, yet this is a band-aid. St. Clair can not be considered our long term answer, and starting him this year only means a longer period before we get that solid LG settled in.


4) Adams/Barton/Reed - Basically, see comments on Beekman. Like Beeman, if one of these guys stepped up to take the job, then I see long term benefits, though there would be greater short term struggles, and William's development would not be helped. The key for this option, as well as Beekman, is one steps up to take the job, and is not considered the lesser of evils.


5) Add a FA still on the market, or who is cut due to numbers or something prior to camp. While there may not be great talent available, we are so far from being great at OG, that even a decet OG could be an upgrade, and if we add one w/ starting experienc, again, it could benefit Williams.


6) Move Garza to LG and fill the RG role w/ one of the above. The biggest negative is moving one of the few set positions on the OL. The benefit is Garza could potentially hasten Williams development more than the above options. Further, w/ the RG position sandwiches between Kreutz and Tait, you can likely get away w/ a lesser starter than w/ a rookie LT on one side.


While I would love for Beekman, or one of the other young OGs to step up, I think the best option may be to move Garza over, to benefit Williams, and allow one of the young OGs to start and develop between two solid starters on the right side. Next year, we can move the OGs around, or if things workout this year, keep things as is.

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I disagree. He had noted he had been searched 6 times on the lake. He knew he was bound to have his boat checked again (I am not saying this is right - might be a profiling issue). However, if he hired a captain for the boat he would have avoided this problem all together.


I understand that, but simply disagree that he put himself in a bad situation. If he were, like Tank, out drinking and busted at 4am while driving, fine. If he were out clubbing late, fine. If he were on the boat and trashed and driving the boat, fine. But right now, it is even questionable whether he were drunk. If he simply had a couple beers, and he and the rest state, I simply do not agree he put himself in a bad situation. If his intention were to be responsible and not be part of the drinking aspect of the party, I simply do not see the problem.


It really depends, IMHO, on what story you believe. If you believe the police, and Benson was drunk, then I would tend to agree w/ you. The right thing to do would have been to hire a captain and take himself out of the equation. If you believe Benson though, I simply do not see how he was in the wrong.


A similar situation would be going out w/ friends, not on a boat, but to a club or something. If you are going to be drinking and even potentially getting drunk, then you need to hire a limo (they can afford it) or simply use a taxi. If you are going out to dinner w/ friends and family, and have a drink or two while at dinner, are we really going to argue you have to use a taxi or limo?

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I disagree. He had noted he had been searched 6 times on the lake. He knew he was bound to have his boat checked again (I am not saying this is right - might be a profiling issue). However, if he hired a captain for the boat he would have avoided this problem all together.


I understand that, but simply disagree that he put himself in a bad situation. If he were, like Tank, out drinking and busted at 4am while driving, fine. If he were out clubbing late, fine. If he were on the boat and trashed and driving the boat, fine. But right now, it is even questionable whether he were drunk. If he simply had a couple beers, and he and the rest state, I simply do not agree he put himself in a bad situation. If his intention were to be responsible and not be part of the drinking aspect of the party, I simply do not see the problem.


It really depends, IMHO, on what story you believe. If you believe the police, and Benson was drunk, then I would tend to agree w/ you. The right thing to do would have been to hire a captain and take himself out of the equation. If you believe Benson though, I simply do not see how he was in the wrong.


A similar situation would be going out w/ friends, not on a boat, but to a club or something. If you are going to be drinking and even potentially getting drunk, then you need to hire a limo (they can afford it) or simply use a taxi. If you are going out to dinner w/ friends and family, and have a drink or two while at dinner, are we really going to argue you have to use a taxi or limo?

I am looking at this if I was Ced. If my boat had been pulled over 6 times (each time I had been on the lake), I would know that they will continue until they get me on something. Thus I would not take any chances. If there was to be alcohol on the boat, I would have hired a captain.


Peace :dabears

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I understand your logic, but simply disagree. I do not believe it is right that you have to hire a captain anytime you want to take your boat out. Why own a boat if you have to hire a captain, as you can simply rent a boat w/ a captain provided?


Trust me on this. If facts come up to support the police version, I will blast Benson, as I did Tank and others. Heck, when the story first broke, I was ripping Benson, but as more and more came out, I began to believe Benson more and the police (actually, wanna-be-police) less. If Benson were not drunk, or close to it, then I simply do not believe he was at fault.


Again, to me, this is like going out w/ friends and family for dinner. You should not be epxected to hire a driver simply because you might have a drink or two at dinner.


You disagree, and that is fine. We can agree to disagree. I just feel that if Benson's version is correct, then the police were at fault, and Benson should be be ripped when he did nothing wrong. No matter what precautions you take, something can always happen. Benson, again, if you believe him, was responsible and not drunk. His boat met all requirements in terms of the inspection. He was simply not doing anything wrong, and I do not buy the argument he put himself in a questionable situation.

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More on those who missed OTAs


Per the Sun times,


- Alex Brown was nursing a minor hammy pull.


- Bazuin had a wrap on his left knee, and thus injury was his excuse too. Also mentioned is some still wonder if his knee is 100% from previous injuries.


- Urlacher is a well known issue.


- Harris claims he is still not 100%, or that he has been given clearance to participate fully, though there is some dispute on this. My bet is he is using the prior injury issue as an excuse, while the real reason is the contract squabble.


Still nothing on Tillman or Hester. Hester is one I am particularly curious about. If he is skipping OTAs over contract issues, like Urlacher, I think Hester is really screwing up. He wants to be a WR, and wants to be paid like a top end WR, yet has a long way to go in terms of development at WR. Skipping OTAs does nothing to help his development as a WR, or help his position on the depth chart at WR, and thus does little to enhance his argument for a big contract. Showing up at camp and showing what he can do at WR is the best way, IMHO, for him to be paid like he wants.

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I understand your logic, but simply disagree. I do not believe it is right that you have to hire a captain anytime you want to take your boat out. Why own a boat if you have to hire a captain, as you can simply rent a boat w/ a captain provided?


Trust me on this. If facts come up to support the police version, I will blast Benson, as I did Tank and others. Heck, when the story first broke, I was ripping Benson, but as more and more came out, I began to believe Benson more and the police (actually, wanna-be-police) less. If Benson were not drunk, or close to it, then I simply do not believe he was at fault.


Again, to me, this is like going out w/ friends and family for dinner. You should not be epxected to hire a driver simply because you might have a drink or two at dinner.


You disagree, and that is fine. We can agree to disagree. I just feel that if Benson's version is correct, then the police were at fault, and Benson should be be ripped when he did nothing wrong. No matter what precautions you take, something can always happen. Benson, again, if you believe him, was responsible and not drunk. His boat met all requirements in terms of the inspection. He was simply not doing anything wrong, and I do not buy the argument he put himself in a questionable situation.

I am simply saying if you are a wealthy celebrity you should go out of your way to avoid negative situations. He had been searched every time on the lake. If he was planning on having alcohol on the boat, he should have hired a captain (he has the money). The other option is obviously no alcohol.


Again, this is just my opinion and we can agree to disagree. Don't get me wrong, the only problem I have with Ced at this time is he should have protected himself from this type of an issue. I will wait to judge on the rest after the issue has been resolved in the courts.


Peace :dabears

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I think part of the reason is some have been talked about, while Bazuin seems like new news.


That is, in fact the reason, though I'll confess that I expected Harris to be there. In fact, it wasn't entirely clear to me that he wasn't there and they weren't just holding him out. I'm waiting to see if it gets any more comment from the local writers before I say a lot about it.


Tom S.

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Regarding Harris, whether he is there or not, it appears he is not participating under due to injury issues, or at least that is his position.


Of the supposed no shows, the biggest to me is still Hester. IMHO, he is among the top who need to be there to prove himself (as a WR) and not afford the loss of practice time.

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Unfortunately, David Haugh reports that Benson still doesn't understand that he did anything wrong. He and Jerry Angelo obviously need to get together for a discussion. Benson doesn't appear to me to be th brightest bulb in the box and messages sent through the media are unlkely to arrive in his brain without some striaght talk.


I personally agree w/ Benson, and do not see how he put himself in a bad situation, and disagreed w/ Lovie's comments.


Yeah, you and a lot of other people. The problem in that Benson doesn't understand Angelo's point. If you are targeted, get checked six times, and you still go out without a designated driver or sithout hiring someone, you put yourself in a position to get into trouble. Even if Benson disagrees, he should at least see the point. The fact that he didn' t indicates to me that someone (Angelo) needs to talk to him.


Some observers claim that Gilligan Benson's absence is no big deal, even in light of his arrest for drunken boating and resisting, because the OTAs are listed as voluntary. Nope. Sorry. Wrong. Nothing in the NFL is voluntary anymore. Listen, these OTAs are as mandatory as Miranda rights.


But he had a schedule court hearing, and was there the day after that hearing had been scheduled. Point well taken.


But the hearing was moved and he still didn't come. Oddly he hasn't offered an explanation but my guess is that if he were to be honest it would go something like, "I asked for the day off and they gave it to me. I'm going to take it whether I still need it or not." Could be wrong.


Tom S.

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Regarding Harris, whether he is there or not, it appears he is not participating under due to injury issues, or at least that is his position.


Of the supposed no shows, the biggest to me is still Hester. IMHO, he is among the top who need to be there to prove himself (as a WR) and not afford the loss of practice time.


Good point. I should have mentioned it.


Tom S.

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I understand your logic, but simply disagree. I do not believe it is right that you have to hire a captain anytime you want to take your boat out. Why own a boat if you have to hire a captain, as you can simply rent a boat w/ a captain provided?


There are a lot of things that aren't right with the world. You live in it as it is, not as you'd like it to be. It saddens me but that's the way it is. IMO Benson has to understand that.


Tom S.

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but the hearing was moved and he still didn't come. Oddly he hasn't offered an explanation but my guess is that if he were to be honest it would go something like, "I asked for the day off and they gave it to me. I'm going to take it whether I still need it or not." Could be wrong.


I read he was meeting w/ his attorney. I work in the field of law, and often (very often) hearings are not moved until the day of the hearing, if not after you actually arrive at the hearing itself. Heck, often you sit in a court room half the day and the judge in a break finally informs others w/ planned hearings of the need for a rescheduling. If I had to guess, I would guess they expected the hearing to go forward, and Benson was meeting w/ his attorney in prep for the hearing. Then, whether that morning or at the court itself, the hearing was postponed. At that point, there is not much Benson can do. At best, he could try to get on a flight back to Chicago in time to have dinner w/ players.


He was there the following day, and I have heard nothing from the staff to indicate it is an issue, so I am not sure why anyone should make it an issue, especially when the stories today are of what great shape he is in, and how good he looks.

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