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PFW's biggest top 10 busts


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PFW did a piece looking at the players drafted at each slot in the top 10 in the last 10 years, and throwing in their two cents on who the top bust was. Hey, its a slow time of the year.


Drafted 10th


Basically between Jamal Reynolds and Mike Williams, w/ the edge going to Reynolds. Agree w/ this. As bad as Mike Williams has been, Reynolds was worse. Reynolds was never productive, and is now all but out of football.


Drafted 9th.


They give it to Ted Ginn. Disagree w/ this one. While this was not a bad group of players, I simply have an issue w/ declaring a guy a bust of any sort after only his rookie year, particularly a WR in an inept offense. My vote would be reggie williams, who has been a bust at WR for Jax. Writer says the light seemed to go on for him last year, but his 38 catches puts that into question, IMHO. Ginn had 34 as a rookie, only 4 less than Williams in his 4th season, so I do not see the logic of putting Ginn over Williams.


Drafted 8th


Between Boston and David Terrell. They go w/ Boston, which I do not understand. No question Boston was a disappointment, but he did have two 1,000+ seasons, including a whopping 1,600 yard season. Compare that to David Terrell, who has 1,600 yards for his entire career, and has caught one ball in the last 3 years. Sorry, but I can not see how Boston is a bigger bust than Terrell.


Drafted 7th


Troy Williamson. Some others on the list didn't live up to expectations, but none close to the level of Williamson.


Drafted 6th


Between Ryan Sims, Pac Man and Johathan Sullivan. They give the edge to Sullivan. I would go w/ PacMan. No argument Sullivan was a bust, but at the same time, what PacMan put Tenn through is far worse, IMHO.


Drafted 5th


Enis all the way. Frankly, this is a pretty solid class. They say an argument can be made for Ricky Williams, and while he ultimately failed, four seasons over 1,000 yards, including one 1,850 yard season, removes him from the list IMHO.


Drafted 4th


Here's Cedric Benson. Peter Warrick comes in 2nd, but doesn't touch the bust status of Benson. the only other pick I would say is close is Dwayne Robertson, who we nearly drafted too. While he has been a "tad" more productive, I would say he is close, very close, for the fact that NYJs gave up 2 1st round picks to move up to draft him.


Drafted 3rd


Akili Smith. Several candidates: Harrington, Gerald Warren and Wadsworth, but Smith runs away w/ the top bust choice.


Drafted 2nd


Ryan Leaf, and it is not even close.


Drafted 1st


Can you say Michael Vick. Some might go w/ Charles Rogers, but what Vick did to destory Atlanta can not be ignored.


Looking over the list, the truly sad thing is, we have two players drafted top ten who ranks as the worst busts, and IMHO, David Terrell should be a 3rd. Talk about pathetic.

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The biggest bust on this list to me is Leaf. He was a complete drill rod who's talent level was way overrated.


Peace :dabears

Especially considering that the guy who was neck and neck with him to be picked first overall turned out to be one of the best qbs in NFL history. The story would have been a lot better if Leaf went first.


Ya, Akili Smith was pretty bad too.

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I thought about Alex Smith too, but (a) he is still in the NFL, w/ the same team, and I think even set to start this year. He has not been the success they hoped for, but I guess the reason I put Vick over him is, IMHO, Vick has hurt his team far more than Alex Smith has, and Smith still has the potential to improve, while Vick only has the potential to give us a new Mean Machine movie.

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I thought about Alex Smith too, but (a) he is still in the NFL, w/ the same team, and I think even set to start this year. He has not been the success they hoped for, but I guess the reason I put Vick over him is, IMHO, Vick has hurt his team far more than Alex Smith has, and Smith still has the potential to improve, while Vick only has the potential to give us a new Mean Machine movie.

ya thats true about Smith. He hasnt completely fallen off yet so he still has a chance. Vick is magnified because of how much stock they put in him to become the face of the franchise but once defenses figured out how to stop him he had been terrible.

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Chris Weinke was a 4th round pick. I would not call that bust material.


Kenechi Udeze was picked 18th. Only top 10 were looked at, and if we expanded, I think we would see more bears. Haynes anyone?


Ditto w/ JP Losman who was taken 22nd.


Robert Galler was taken 2nd overall, but while he has not become that LT expected, has become a damn good OG. Maybe that is still worth discussion, but when you are taken at the same slot as Leaf, the argument ends.


Erasmus James is another 18th pick. Only looked at top 10 picks.


Fabian Washington was taken 23rd. The deeper in the draft you want to look, the more bears you can include too.


Cadillac Williams had a great rookie year, poor 2nd year, and injury pleagued 3rd. But he is still w/ the team that drafted him, entering only his 4th year, and no way he gets the nod over Enis, also drafted 5th.

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Also for first overall we cant overlook guys like Kijana Carter, Tim Couch, Courtney Brown and maybe even David Carr.


Carter was outside the scope.


Brown and Carr were busts, but at least they are still in the NFL, and not the penal league.


Couch could be thrown in there against Vick. Overall, I think he was a bigger bust, as Vick at least did something w/ his time in the NFL, but I still say what he did to his team in the end hurt more than if he simply were a failed draft pick.

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