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PFT thinks Harris is calling out others


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PFT has a piece, using quotes from Harris, saying Harris could be calling out Urlacher and Briggs. Reading the quotes, I tend to agree, or at least calling out one of them. In another thread, the title is, "Harris showing leadership". Interesting thought. Is Harris really calling out other players, and if he is, is he showing leadership? Before anyone answers, think back a couple years when Farve had some choice comments for Walker, and the way he was handling his negotiations. I seem to recall most every bear fan blasting Farve. Is this really different.


I don't know that I have a problem w/ his comments, as they are pretty much dead on. The issue to me is, I prefer to think about our best 3 players on D being tight, especially as our D will have to carry us this year.


Anyway, here is PFTs piece, which is based off a Sporting News article.




Posted by Mike Florio on June 21, 2008, 8:51 a.m.


Though the AP headline-writers focused on the homage to the late Fred Blassie, the real import of the comments of Bears defensive tackle Tommie Harris regarding the “classy” nature of talks culminating in his new contract with the team is that Harris has taken a shot at linebackers Lance Briggs and Brian Urlacher.


“We didn’t try to go out there and talk about one another or dispute different things,” Harris said of his efforts to get a new deal. ”I feel like we did it all in-house.”


“I would never go out and talk about the Bears in front of the media or disrespect my team,” Harris added.


It could make for an interesting dynamic in the locker room when training camp opens, especially if Urlacher’s less-than-classy (in the obvious opinion of Harris) efforts to land a new deal have yet to pay off.


Though Harris doesn’t expressly call out Briggs or Urlacher, it’s likely that either or both of them will conclude that Harris has stuck his nose in a place where they think it doesn’t belong.

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What a bullshit article. Tommies comments are a tribute to what kind of guy he is and has nothing to do with other players. He handles his business one way, and thats the way the fans like it to be done, but theres no way he is going to intentionally call out his teammates, especially Urlacher and Briggs.

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it’s likely that either or both of them will conclude that Harris has stuck his nose in a place where they think it doesn’t belong.


Sorry but once you make your business public you can't say squat if someone comments on them.

And Harris is not throwing anyone under the bus on this yet..

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I think he is making a veiled reference to Urlacher and Briggs. Why shouldn't we think so? I've heard several people on the NFL Network (Rod Woodson yesterday) calling Urlacher greedy and saying he got a great deal from the Bears a few years ago and it's still a good contract. Urlacher had no complaints when his contract broke the bank a few years ago, now it's an issue.


I agree with those thoughts. Remember it was Urlacher who called out the organization first and they've done nothing but take care of him in the past before his contract was up. He signed the deal he should shutup and play and allow the team to take care of other players like Hester before his contract is up. As for Briggs, he's just cares about himself.

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For the record, if I blasted Farv it's because I hate Farv. Even though...I'm pretty sure I didn't bash him for it. If anything, I would have commended him for it.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, the majority of the players in the league are greedy bastards, and if they wanted to they would be playing on the team they want, and in the happiest situation in the world. They get blinded by the dollars, and it has ruined an aspect of how fans view players.


Whether or not Harris intended it (I don't think he threw them under the bus), I agree with the fact that he handled his negotiations quietly and professionally. Two out of three aspects of salary negotiation (non-greed being the other) that impress me.

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Just not sure it is so simple.


It is one thing to praise the team and all for stepping up to the plate, but when you specifically talk about things like "keeping negotiations in house", not "talking about each other", "not going to the media and disrespecting the team", I just have to think that is at least a veiled swipe at Briggs and/or Urlacher.

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In this thread most of us have been praising Tommy Harris for being such an outstanding "TEAM" player with great leadership ability and character.


I agree.


AND BECAUSE OF THAT - I think the whole idea that he is calling out his team mates, which would only cause problems in the clubhouse, ridiculous. If it were true, then he just blew his image I had of him.

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Why? I mean, sometimes the role of a leader is to lay down the rules. By Harris making these comments, he (a) does a little to put Briggs/Urlacher in the place and (B) sets the tone for future negotiations by younger players.


To me, his comments had as much to do w/ future negotiations. Maybe it was a message to Hester. Maybe not Hester specific, but whoever is next. Maybe it is a message to the rookies. Point is, whether it was 100% intended or not, I think his statements said this,


Look at Briggs. He whined forever, and in the end, got the same deal he was offered at the start. And that was all along a fair deal.


Look at Urlacher. He got a massive contract, and is now whining, which was getting him no where.


Look at me. I wanted a new deal, but never went to the media or complained about my situation or disrespected my team. Now I am the highest paid DT in the league.


If you want a deal, follow my lead and not Urlacher or Briggs.


Whether this was his intention or not, this was the effect IMHO.

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Why? I mean, sometimes the role of a leader is to lay down the rules. By Harris making these comments, he (a) does a little to put Briggs/Urlacher in the place and ( B) sets the tone for future negotiations by younger players.


To me, his comments had as much to do w/ future negotiations. Maybe it was a message to Hester. Maybe not Hester specific, but whoever is next. Maybe it is a message to the rookies. Point is, whether it was 100% intended or not, I think his statements said this,


Look at Briggs. He whined forever, and in the end, got the same deal he was offered at the start. And that was all along a fair deal.


Look at Urlacher. He got a massive contract, and is now whining, which was getting him no where.


Look at me. I wanted a new deal, but never went to the media or complained about my situation or disrespected my team. Now I am the highest paid DT in the league.


If you want a deal, follow my lead and not Urlacher or Briggs.


Whether this was his intention or not, this was the effect IMHO.


Where I differ with you is that IMO a leader does this off the side, not in the media. By calling out others in public it contradicts his comments on how he felt his contract situation was handled correctly, by keeping it out of the media and not distracting the team. Then he would turn around and use the media to "insinuate" negatives about his team mates, including 2 Pro Bowlers he plays next to?

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Understand, I don't think he is some great leader. So is there a bit of hipocrocy in this? Sure. But by keeping it so general, he has "plausable deniability".


Seriously. Harris signing is a great thing, and we are all thrilled about it, but I just do not see how we can read his comments and not attach it in anyway to recent contract problems.


It is one thing to praise Angelo and others for stepping up to the plate. But his comments go much further IMHO. To make numerous comments about how he did not do the things that just so happen to have been the things Briggs and Urlacher did, well, that seems a bit far.


I am not sure the extent Harris meant to go, but to me, there is just no question that he, at minimum, had the other contract disputes in mind when he made his comments. Something a person doesn't intend to call out another player or intend to make some serious point. Sometimes they simply say what they feel, w/o realizing how it does in fact call out others.


A WR boasts about how he was able to have a great game because he wasn't afraid to go over the middle, and caught everything thrown to him may not intend to point the finger at the WR who showed fear over the middle and dropped some balls, but regardless, he did just that.

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PFT has a piece, using quotes from Harris, saying Harris could be calling out Urlacher and Briggs. Reading the quotes, I tend to agree, or at least calling out one of them. In another thread, the title is, "Harris showing leadership". Interesting thought. Is Harris really calling out other players, and if he is, is he showing leadership? Before anyone answers, think back a couple years when Farve had some choice comments for Walker, and the way he was handling his negotiations. I seem to recall most every bear fan blasting Farve. Is this really different.


I don't know that I have a problem w/ his comments, as they are pretty much dead on. The issue to me is, I prefer to think about our best 3 players on D being tight, especially as our D will have to carry us this year.


Anyway, here is PFTs piece, which is based off a Sporting News article.




Posted by Mike Florio on June 21, 2008, 8:51 a.m.


Though the AP headline-writers focused on the homage to the late Fred Blassie, the real import of the comments of Bears defensive tackle Tommie Harris regarding the “classy” nature of talks culminating in his new contract with the team is that Harris has taken a shot at linebackers Lance Briggs and Brian Urlacher.


“We didn’t try to go out there and talk about one another or dispute different things,” Harris said of his efforts to get a new deal. ”I feel like we did it all in-house.”


“I would never go out and talk about the Bears in front of the media or disrespect my team,” Harris added.


It could make for an interesting dynamic in the locker room when training camp opens, especially if Urlacher’s less-than-classy (in the obvious opinion of Harris) efforts to land a new deal have yet to pay off.


Though Harris doesn’t expressly call out Briggs or Urlacher, it’s likely that either or both of them will conclude that Harris has stuck his nose in a place where they think it doesn’t belong.


If doing the right thing and being a stand up guy makes someone else feel uneasy or feel like they are being thrown under the bus the problem lies with them. Rather than own up to the guilt they should feel they complain that someone is slamming them. Well if they did the right thing in the first place they'd have no reason to be offended. I don't believe for a second that Tommie made those comments to intentionally call out teammates but to express how pleased he was with the way things went and that business is taken care of and it's time to play football. Tommie has always stuck me as a guy who tries to be as honest and up front as he can and he seems to get it that playing in the NFL (a kids game) is a privilage not a right.

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I just want to say that I really love Tommie Harris. He's been a tremendous player on the field, but he's also been entertaining off the field (and I say that in a good way). I love his interviews and enthusiasm and the fact that I have never seen a bad thing said about him (ie, him staying out of trouble).

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It may just be the way Tommie feels about that sort of thing and although he didn't bite his tongue for fear of irritating Brigss/Url, that doesn't necessarily mean he said those things to specifically comment on Briggs or Urlacher. Instead maybe it was just a general comment about what he has decided is an important aspect to negotiation...something that he came to a conclusion to by watching Briggs and Url but not necessarily intending to call those two out. Even though the end effect is the same, it's still an important distinction. There was no question Favre was calling out that WR.


Anyway, it's not like Tommie said those two were traitorous ingrates or something. Urlacher and Briggs are grown ups; It'd be really messed up if they made an issue out Tommie putting his money where his mouth is.

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I basically agree. I do not think Harris made those comments w/ an agenda in mind, but I think the end-result was similar. In praising how his negotiations were handled, particularly by himself and his agent, I think he does call out Urlacher and Briggs. Again, I am not saying that was his intend, but simply the effect.


I do not have an issue w/ it. Personally, I think it is a good thing. As a Trib article talked about, Harris is taking over the "face of the org" mantle, and setting the tone. His comments, IMHO, make the point that all should follow his lead. That includes top players like Urlacher and Briggs, as well as younger players who will be seeking new deals in the near future.


Hester has seen how poorly Briggs and Urlacher dealt w/ their situations, and the result. He saw how well Harris dealt w/ his situation, and the result. Harris words only put an exclamation point on the issue.

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"x" takes a square!


I basically agree. I do not think Harris made those comments w/ an agenda in mind, but I think the end-result was similar. In praising how his negotiations were handled, particularly by himself and his agent, I think he does call out Urlacher and Briggs. Again, I am not saying that was his intend, but simply the effect.


I do not have an issue w/ it. Personally, I think it is a good thing. As a Trib article talked about, Harris is taking over the "face of the org" mantle, and setting the tone. His comments, IMHO, make the point that all should follow his lead. That includes top players like Urlacher and Briggs, as well as younger players who will be seeking new deals in the near future.


Hester has seen how poorly Briggs and Urlacher dealt w/ their situations, and the result. He saw how well Harris dealt w/ his situation, and the result. Harris words only put an exclamation point on the issue.

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