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Hey Chicken Littles!


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I've made the statement here that we could win or lose 10 games this season and it wouldn't surprise me. So I'm probably being a bit of a negative "chicken little" myself. But really, with QB play that sucked donkey balls last year, we had a season in which...


We swept the Packers, a playoff team and almost a Superbowl team.


We played the Superbowl winner to a 5 point loss in December.


We lost twice to the Vikings by an average of 5 points.


We finished the season with 2 wins in our last two games.


We also managed to lose to the damn Lions twice which we know isn't likely to happen again any time soon.


Since then, we've improved the offensive line and cut Cedric Benson while bringing in two guys who look like they can play RB. Sure, we've got the same QB's and we lost our #1 WR but let's be honest, we're no worse off there than we were in 2005 and 2006. And maybe we'll get lucky and one of the other WR's on the team will step up.


I guess what I'm saying is, we don't know. This team could surprise to the upside. I'm not going to bang on them just for the sake of kicking someone while they're down. Let's see what they've got and hope for the best.

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Didn't you know the season is hopeless already?


Yeah, to read some of the stuff here it sure is. Of course, that's a good sign. I'm not sure if you're someone who came over from our other site or not but 2005 and 2006 were some of the worst "OMGZZZZZZZ we're going to be horrible" years ever. And about 5 or 6 wins into the season everyone shut up... Until Rex pulled his Jeckell and Hyde act.


We'll see. I hope they've got another one in them. This D is getting a little older and I'm not sold on either coordinator, O or D. Hopefully last season was a fluke.

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If we are going to be positive, I'll point out that entering our superbowl season we had no idea that Berrian would emerge as the WR he was nor did we know that Grossman would have as many dominant performances that he did.


Hey, I think we're going to be a much better team this year. I don't give a shit whether Hester plays or not. We will be better.

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