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Roy got shutdown


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Well it was fun while it lasted but all the Youtube training camp videos "Roy" had posted havebeen taken down. Apparently some journalists were complaining that he wasn't following the audio and video rules that they themselves have to follow and it resulted in his plug being pulled.

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  Miami Bear 305 said:
Well it was fun while it lasted but all the Youtube training camp videos "Roy" had posted havebeen taken down. Apparently some journalists were complaining that he wasn't following the audio and video riles that they themselves have to follow and it resulted in his plug being pulled.

Truely pathetic that a bunch of "professional" journalists got schooled by a you-toub guy and cried to the Bears about it. They all should feel pretty darn pathetic both personally and professionally!

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  bear trap said:
Truely pathetic that a bunch of "professional" journalists got schooled by a you-toub guy and cried to the Bears about it. They all should feel pretty darn pathetic both personally and professionally!


It sucks for us as fans but I understand the journalists' point of view. They have to play by rules that the NFL sets for them while Roy doesn't. Roy can show us video clips that are longer than 90 seconds. Since we are getting our dose of football from Roy's videos, we would be less inclined to buy the subscriptions to the journalists' training camp insider articles. If enough people aren't paying for their articles, they can lose their source of income.


It's kind of like electrical linemen in a union and those who are non union. The union guys fight for higher salaries and safer working conditions with their local utility. Non union workers undermine everything that has been fought for by working cheaper and under unsafer conditons. The non union guys are a threat to the union guys' jobs but a lot of times are working for a contractor because it's the best paying job they themselves can get. Can you fault the non union guy for doing what he needs to do to feed his family? No. But at the same time, the union workers are understandably pissed.

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  Miami Bear 305 said:
It sucks for us as fans but I understand the journalists' point of view. They have to play by rules that the NFL sets for them while Roy doesn't. Roy can show us video clips that are longer than 90 seconds. Since we are getting our dose of football from Roy's videos, we would be less inclined to buy the subscriptions to the journalists' training camp insider articles. If enough people aren't paying for their articles, they can lose their source of income.


It's kind of like electrical linemen in a union and those who are non union. The union guys fight for higher salaries and safer working conditions with their local utility. Non union workers undermine everything that has been fought for by working cheaper and under unsafer conditons. The non union guys are a threat to the union guys' jobs but a lot of times are working for a contractor because it's the best paying job they themselves can get. Can you fault the non union guy for doing what he needs to do to feed his family? No. But at the same time, the union workers are understandably pissed.

I understand your logic but to me, no matter how you slice it, this is complete and utter BS. The training camps are open to the public. The public is not restricted from bringing video equipment. He is not charging anyone to view his material. BS!!!!


Peace :dabears

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  Miami Bear 305 said:
It sucks for us as fans but I understand the journalists' point of view. They have to play by rules that the NFL sets for them while Roy doesn't. Roy can show us video clips that are longer than 90 seconds. Since we are getting our dose of football from Roy's videos, we would be less inclined to buy the subscriptions to the journalists' training camp insider articles. If enough people aren't paying for their articles, they can lose their source of income.


It's kind of like electrical linemen in a union and those who are non union. The union guys fight for higher salaries and safer working conditions with their local utility. Non union workers undermine everything that has been fought for by working cheaper and under unsafer conditons. The non union guys are a threat to the union guys' jobs but a lot of times are working for a contractor because it's the best paying job they themselves can get. Can you fault the non union guy for doing what he needs to do to feed his family? No. But at the same time, the union workers are understandably pissed.

That union analogy is terrible. That isnt like this at all. Just because a trade guy isnt in a union doesnt mean they work for lower salaries and in unsafe working conditions. Also, in the video case, one side is doing it as a source of income and one guy is doing it as a hobby and to share it with other fans for free. Its not like non union workers go around doing work for free to help people and because of it unions are losing money.

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Even though it sucks for those that visited Roys videos, I'm on the NFL's side of it. I just wish that they can see the attention his videos got and try better to replicate it.


Just because Roy is not making money on his videos doesn't mean there's no money lost or gained. I bet it's helping youtube at least a little. More hits on there site brings a higher demand for advertising space.


It also comes down to what alot of us do on here. We copy and paste whole articles which isn't ethical and if I remember right, the old web site said if we did that we could be threatened to be shut down.


I personally don't have a problem with it either way, I post articles or at least links to them with maybe a sentence or two that I thought was the most important part. It all comes down to the Bears are the property of the NFL, the players, logos, pictures, and videos. If you wish to rebroadcast them, you have to first have written permission from them.

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Even though it sucks for those that visited Roys videos, I'm on the NFL's side of it. I just wish that they can see the attention his videos got and try better to replicate it.


Just because Roy is not making money on his videos doesn't mean there's no money lost or gained. I bet it's helping youtube at least a little. More hits on there site brings a higher demand for advertising space.


It also comes down to what alot of us do on here. We copy and paste whole articles which isn't ethical and if I remember right, the old web site said if we did that we could be threatened to be shut down.


I personally don't have a problem with it either way, I post articles or at least links to them with maybe a sentence or two that I thought was the most important part. It all comes down to the Bears are the property of the NFL, the players, logos, pictures, and videos. If you wish to rebroadcast them, you have to first have written permission from them.


Yes, it can cause problems when entire articles are posted, which is why a lot of times I will just put the link to the article. When I do copy and paste an article I am careful to make sure the author of the article is given credit along with the host site and include a link to the article on the originating site. That helps - doesn't entirely validate - the copy and paste of the article without the originating site taking offense. It is a touchy situation and we did get legal action threats at the other site when articles were posted without giving credit and links to the originating site. The Bears home site was one that took the greatest offense if I remember correct.

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  Pixote said:
Yes, it can cause problems when entire articles are posted, which is why a lot of times I will just put the link to the article. When I do copy and paste an article I am careful to make sure the author of the article is given credit along with the host site and include a link to the article on the originating site. That helps - doesn't entirely validate - the copy and paste of the article without the originating site taking offense. It is a touchy situation and we did get legal action threats at the other site when articles were posted without giving credit and links to the originating site. The Bears home site was one that took the greatest offense if I remember correct.


Pix, has any official site or business ever complained about individuals taking stuff? I was just curious. I only wonder because talkbears is so damn small, I can't imagine anyone would ever notice.

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  bradjock said:
Pix, has any official site or business ever complained about individuals taking stuff? I was just curious. I only wonder because talkbears is so damn small, I can't imagine anyone would ever notice.


I do not know of any instances here at TalkBears but DBDB would be the one that would have the answers to that. He is the site administrator they would be in contact if there were a complaint.


Sportsinfinity owned the server that Bearstalk was on and the owner/operator of same was my go between. He was the one they contacted with threats when copy write infringements were found and then he contacted me.

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  DrunkBomber said:
That union analogy is terrible. That isnt like this at all. Just because a trade guy isnt in a union doesnt mean they work for lower salaries and in unsafe working conditions. Also, in the video case, one side is doing it as a source of income and one guy is doing it as a hobby and to share it with other fans for free. Its not like non union workers go around doing work for free to help people and because of it unions are losing money.



The two things are alike in that both situations, the people who paid their dues (tradesmen pay union dues, journalist went to school) feel that their livlihoods are being threatened by people who don't have to play by the same rules. It's a valid point imo, but I can't blame Roy nor a non union guy who is doing what he needs to do to feed his family.

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