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name='bowlingtwig' date='Aug 16 2008, 11:08 AM' post='44026']

I just love it when I come hear and its always the same people who are negative all the time. We could have won the superbowl 56-0 and those people would still find something to complain about. I think I might die if ya'll ever said something positive about the team you love.

I know what you all mean about the negatism. I am guilty to a degree this year though. I wonder if anyone remembers a few years ago, when it was all negative all the time. I was then called a voice of reason and a kool-aid drinker. (and we kicked ass!) I totally love that Angelo has taken care of our own. But, as far as the off-season goes that is it. I have lost faith in our staff, plain and simple, and it begins and ends with Lovie. I am tired of watching and hearing the same old thing with our team and coaching staff. We were supposed to be bulletproof last year and proved not to be. We did NOTHING to stabilize what hurt us last year and had the chance to do so.


Looking forward to this season is like looking forward 3 years ago, but with a horrible OL I am not optimistic. It's not being a chicken little or negative nancy. It is simply a football philosophy. I am a Bear fan and used to the ups and downs. I've never been a Lovie fan and likely will never be. I prefer coaches who have a little fire in their belly. Lovie stands on the sideline with a stupified look on his face when he should be fired up. He says things in the media that just dumbfound me. He seems to me like he wants to be a buddy more than a coach. Most of all, he seems in over his head.


This coaching staff and team really needs to show me something this year. Starting with the defense: They will have to be dominant throughout the season for us to have any shot at all. Special teams: Will be solid, but not spectacular, mostly because teams will not kick to Hester due to no fear of our offense. Our offense will simply have to hold the line.(literally) I expect them to rank 20th at best and likely around 25th. We should be middle of the pack in scoring, due to the D and ST.


What do all the negativity critics have to say about where we will be and how we'll get there? Cause all I hear is a bunch of bitching. Prove me wrong and I'll eat the crow and love every second of it!

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Hey Mongo its nothing against you. Your reasons are very justified. I personally like Lovie but your right he needs to prove to me this year that the coaching staff can change things up during a game. I personally also HATE listening to Lovie as he is a horrible interview. I would love to see a Bill Cowher type coach with that fire in the belly. I am mainly talking about the ones that complain about anything and everything regardless of what happens during a game.

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name='bowlingtwig' date='Aug 16 2008, 01:18 PM' post='44032']

Hey Mongo its nothing against you. Your reasons are very justified. I personally like Lovie but your right he needs to prove to me this year that the coaching staff can change things up during a game. I personally also HATE listening to Lovie as he is a horrible interview. I would love to see a Bill Cowher type coach with that fire in the belly. I am mainly talking about the ones that complain about anything and everything regardless of what happens during a game.

I never felt it was. Same to you. I attached to your post, but wanted to send a general message. My simple rant is that anyone who has a legit beef with this staff has every right. I, like you and others grow weary of the negative posts with no teeth.


To sum my belief in a nutshell: I simply think JA and Lovie played this off-season like they were content instead of hungry.

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Huh? First you say Jerry gets credit and then you say 3 of the single most important players on the team weren't drafted by Jerry? Jerry deserves some credit, but he also deserves a ton of blame for a putrid offense.


I still think you give too much credit to the coaching staff... I still think the players did well despite the coaching.


I think I just expect more from my coaches...




Someone named Jerry gets the credit for bringing in those players. I believe I did a post on the old site noting that 3 players; Brown, Kruetz and Urlacher were the remaining guys from Hatley's era. There may have been one or two others.


I loved Chico too. But the fact is, this team had no offense last season, was banged up all year... And still almost went 500. I didn't like much of what I saw from Babich for a while but the results weren't too bad, given the circumstances.


I think Lovie has done a good job overall and isn't even close to being on the bubble for me. I'm a bit more patient than you, I guess. Unless we're talking about Nfoligno's nonsense, that is.

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nfo, you and I are difinitely on the same page on this...


I think Lovie has done a good job overall and isn't even close to being on the bubble for me. I'm a bit more patient than you, I guess. Unless we're talking about Nfoligno's nonsense, that is.


Well, if you are going to drag me into this:)


I am down on Angelo, and have been, but also give credit where it is due. On defense, he has drafted well. Not only drafted, but brought in players outside the draft. Simply put, Angelo can scout/evaluate defensive talent. Problem is, he has shown little ability on the other side, and that is a big reason I blast him. If he were our head defensive scout, I would give him HUGE props, but his responsibility if for both sides of the ball, and he has simply done very little on that side.


As to our coaches, I have little respect for them. Sorry, but I truly believe we got to the SB in spite of our coaches, rather than due to them. Look at the talent we had on the field on defense, and the lack of injuries we suffered. Does it take genius coaching to get good results out of great players?


Turner - Part of me want to give him a bit of a pass, as he has not had much to work w/. But then I see our playcalling and game planning, and I just can't give him a pass. Wolfe up the gut gets all sort of talk, and is an example, but I think the problems go so far beyond that. I don't think he has been good in the area of Xs and Os. So often, I see us pass against a weak run defense/ good pass defense, and hear Turner talk about how they expected us to run, so we passed. That is a nice thought, but you are still pitting our weakness against an opponents strength, rather than attacking their weakness. (B) How many players on offense really developed? I blast Angelo, but is every pick THAT bad, or is part of the problem our inability to develop talent?


Babich - No question we suffered many injuries, but is that enough to totally give him a pass. Did injuries at some areas cause awful tackles in others? Our tackling is embarassing, and doesn't that have to come back to the coaches? I also hate what I saw from our DL last year. I have harped on this before, but we run a very vanilla pass rush. To me, it is incredible how well our DL can do at times considering how little we scheme to enhance their play. We don't stunt, or use mis-direction. Our DEs take nearly exclusive wide angles to the outside, and rarely, if ever, use inside moves. Then you have our pro bowl LBs who are not good tacklers. We wanted to use them to attack more, but did we ever use mis-direction or hide the blitz, or did we simply send them up the gut? Some say the problem is our LBs don't know how to blitz well, but again, is that not coaching? I am not going to rip the secondary much, as I can't expect much from them when you don't generate much pass rush. And this doesn't even touch the run defense.


Yea, injuries were a factor, and a big one, but not the only factor IMHO. I have said this before, but even w/ the injuries, I argue we still had more talent on the field than many other teams who played better. IMHO, we have loads of talent on defense which masks weak coaching. When that talent level is dropped, the inability of our staff comes to the front.


Lovie - Just not a fan. IMHO, he was over-rated when he came in. St.L was never a great defense under him. They gave up points and yards, but were able to create a ton of turnovers (due in large part to having a great offense that put the D in great situations) and gained a rep off those turnovers. W/o turnovers though, his defenses are very average, if not below. Under him, our defense shows shoddy technique, and very vanilla play. Sometimes talent makes that vanilla play look good, but sometimes you need more from the coaches to create better opportunities, and I don't think Lovie has it in his book.


I also question his personality. W/ Lovie as the coach, how often does our team reflect that mean attitude you want in a football team. More often, our players act laid back. And how about the off-field issues our team suffers. How much of that is due to a coach who doesn't bring much fear to the table, and is more often the understanding parent who lets you get away w/ anything.


Yes, we went to the SB, but I simply question how much of that was coaching, and how much of that was simply having the talent to get there. I grade a coach more whether a team over-produces or under. If a team over-produces, based on talent, I figure they were well coached. How often can we really say our team over-produced?

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Don't get me wrong pix! I love this team and I bleed navy blue and burnt orange! I bash this team because I feel the legacy of Halas and the city of Chicago deserve better!


I eagerly await the season as well!


Crazier things have happened...and overall, I'm excited to see a heathly D makes some tremendous plays, see the wonderful Mr. Hester do his magic, and wach Forte develop into a legit NFL RB! I am just not expecting much else...


My hope is that last year was an abmoination...but my fear is Denny Green was right.




OK, let me get a grip on what is being said.


JA sucks and should be fired; Lovie sucks and does not know how to motivate a team or coach; the coaching staff sucks and has no idea how to develop talent; the Bears are cheap and throw nickles around like man hole covers; we have no OL, QB, & WRs; Urlacher is over-rated; We should trade our talent on D to get players on O; etc... (sorry, I am getting sick trying to remember all the negatives being mentioned on this forum.....)


GOD I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE SEASON TO BEGIN. Then maybe we can take a deep breath, look back at all these concerns, and come down to reality. I think the reality is that the Bears are not the team they showed last year. Last year was a disaster, but not for the reasons some think, it was because of injuries for the most part. I expect us to return to the same team we were in 2006 that went to the Super Bowl. I think we have a chance to have a better offense than the 2006 team (not a great offense, but better than 2006). I think our defense is a top 5 defense. I think our special teams is number 1 in the NFL. I think we will kick ass this year!

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What do all the negativity critics have to say about where we will be and how we'll get there? Cause all I hear is a bunch of bitching. Prove me wrong and I'll eat the crow and love every second of it!


I personally don't have a problem with people being somewhat negative. I take issue with idiotic comments made for no other purpose than to get people here riled up. Those comments are usually negative but I've taken issue with people for unsupported excessively rosey views as well.

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Huh? First you say Jerry gets credit and then you say 3 of the single most important players on the team weren't drafted by Jerry?


Sorry, I guess in your mind, it would've been better for Jerry's record if he'd have cut those guys. I didn't realize his putting in place 90%+ of the team wasn't good enough.


My bad.

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but my fear is Denny Green was right.


Yeah, he's only unemployed right now and the Bears made it to the Superbowl that particular season. I have a feeling the Bears weren't exactly who he thought they were.


When folks around here start giving Denny Green more respect than they give our own team, my opinion of internet fans just skyrockets...

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Cracker, while I love your sarcasm and all, you're seriously missing the point.


Those guys were on roster before Jerry got here. They are obviously foundations of the entire team. They have made a huge impact on the club and are virtually the 3 players reponsible for our run at the SB.


As I've said countless times, which you're not seeming to pick up on...Angelo's done an outstanding job getting the defense in order. But a poor one getting the offense in order. Bringing in Thomas Jones, Tait I think...and a few others were his best moves. Other than those, it's been whiffs or plain oversights. Not to mention not checking off boxes and losing out on picks or something of the sort his first year. I can't recall the details.


Like I said earlier...I can see giving Jerry a pass, even if we struggle this year. But if we struggle this year, the only pass Lovie should get should be a bus pass out of town.


Sorry, I guess in your mind, it would've been better for Jerry's record if he'd have cut those guys. I didn't realize his putting in place 90%+ of the team wasn't good enough.


My bad.

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You're right, they weren't...in a good way. They fought extremely hard on D and on ST to take that game from the jaws of defeat. In those terms, the Bears were certainly not what he thought they were. However, maybe the struggling Grossman and bad play calling were. It's just the resiliancy of the D and Hester showed more heroics than his team could overcome.


But in the same token his unemployed butt and Lovie possess the same number of Super Bowl wins as well...zero.


If I'm making you skyrocket, then I must be doing something right! ;)



Yeah, he's only unemployed right now and the Bears made it to the Superbowl that particular season. I have a feeling the Bears weren't exactly who he thought they were.


When folks around here start giving Denny Green more respect than they give our own team, my opinion of internet fans just skyrockets...

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